MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 71 Face dragon

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I slept well all night, with several insects humming on the side of the tree, and the fresh air peculiar to the morning permeated all around.

Mu Yanzhi slowly opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky and white cloud forest. For a long time, he didn't respond to where he was. It was only after a while, when the drowsiness gradually disappeared, his mind gradually woke up, and he looked around subconsciously , Looking for that white figure.

Because Mu Yanzhi found that Lord Dragon God was not nearby and didn't know what to do in the early morning, but he didn't feel panic in his heart, but chose to wait in place and wash by the way.

Within a few minutes, Mu Yanzhi heard the sound of thin lines behind him, like the movement of a large creature after landing. Turning his head, it turned out to be the movement made by the Lord Dragon God.

But Mu Yanzhi's gaze involuntarily gathered on the giant claws, his voice hesitated slightly: "This ... shouldn't we eat Huazi chicken again today?"

Unsurprisingly, the Lord Shenlong nodded steadfastly and, as always, loved Jiaoziji deeply and fell in love.

Mu Yanzhi couldn't help twitching his mouth. It's been several days. It was three meals a day and he ate chickens. He was a little afraid that this dragon would eat up all the chickens in the forest one day. Led to the complete extinction of this species.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, you know that this idea is indeed a bit ridiculous, because no matter how big the dragon's appetite is, it will not completely eat up this extremely fast-growing creature.

After receiving the chicken that has been processed, as usual, Lord Dragon God beats him, and he only needs to mix the seasoning and watch the ignition by the way.

After one person and one dragon had eaten, Mu Yanzhi continued to make potions as usual, while Lord Dragon God went to practice, still holding the mysterious black stone in his giant claws.

It may be that the mood is not as undulating as yesterday, and the state of mind has always remained peaceful. Mu Yanzhi's quality of the refining medicine this time is in the highest grade.

After several times of continuous refining, Mu Yan's state is getting better and better. The whole person seems to have entered an extraordinarily mysterious stage, and his mental strength is more sensitive than before.

The medicinal materials in front of him seemed to have life, and he could extremely sensitively know what to do to make these medicinal materials exert the maximum effect, and he could also sense how the liquids in Flint Ding should be controlled to the most accurate temperature.

I don't know how long, Mu Yanzhi suddenly felt a stinging sensation in his mental power. The original abundant mental power had been exhausted at this moment, and the brain desperately transmitted an uncomfortable signal.

Mu Yanzhi's face was pale, the whole person couldn't help shaking, the world in front of him seemed to turn around, and even felt nausea, closed his eyes subconsciously, adjusted his breathing, and didn't know if it was an illusion. It seemed to ease a lot after doing .

About ten minutes later, Mu Yanzhi gradually slowed down. When he opened his eyes, he was startled by the scales of Baihuahua. He subconsciously retracted his body, and it was clear that the white scales in front of him were Dragon scales on Lord Dragon God.

One of the words was dumbfounded. I didn't know what the Lord Dragon God was for when he came here specially. When he was about to open his mouth to ask, his eyes happened to be in the eyes of the Lord Dragon God. The full question suddenly disappeared.

Because he saw anxiety in the eyes of Lord Dragon God.

I do n’t know what it ’s like. I just feel that my heart is extremely warm. Mu Yanzhi gently stroked the cold dragon scales, using a gentle tone that even I could n’t detect: “I ’m fine, I just consumed too much It's just mental strength, don't worry. "

Lord Dragon God's eyes remained unchanged, as if he had guessed, nodded, and patted Mu Yanzhi's shoulder with the tip of his tail, which seemed to be comforting.

Mu Yanzhi smiled and didn't talk anymore, but looked down at the several potions he had just made. Before he entered the mysterious state, he didn't pay attention to check the refined potion level.

At the moment, half of the potion is obviously different from the previous one. Mu Yanzhi picked up one of the bottles and opened the cork and smelled it. An extraordinarily refreshing taste came out. The most important thing was that he could feel This bottle is much richer than all the previous potions.

Just then he vaguely remembered that when he was in the pharmaceutical preparation, he seemed to have heard the system's sound, Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but ask in his mind: "System, did any sound appear just now?"

【Ding! Yes. 】

When the system said this, Mu Yan vaguely realized what the tone said, "then repeat it for me."

【Ding! Good host, congratulations on the successful refining of a bottle of super high-quality "medium recovery potion" and a reward for a bottle of "nightmare potion". Would you like to receive it now? 】

Mu Yan was a little surprised, "The nightmare potion ... what does this potion do?"

[Ding, the potion can make all creatures, including the existence of ancient beasts, trapped in the most terrible demon in the heart, and from night to night in the nightmare can not rest, and will affect the power upgrade for life, it is used to punish and revenge the most Best medicine. 】

Mu Yanzhi did not expect this potion to be so powerful that even ancient beasts can affect it. You must know that ancient beasts today are basically invincible, and no one can kill them.

"Get it now, but remember to put it in my space ring." Mu Yanzhi was worried that some light effects would appear when he received it, so he put the system into the space ring tentatively to ensure insurance. In fact, he didn't do this. Know if it will work.

【Ding! The "nightmare potion" has been distributed to your space ring, please remember to check it out. 】

The next second, the system's prompt sounded, and Mu Yanzhi quickly drew his consciousness into the space ring. Sure enough, he saw a very unique medicine bottle in the corner.

Take the potion bottle out of the space and watch it carefully. You can see that although the potion bottle is transparent, it has a faint and extraordinary light. Fortunately, the light is not conspicuous.

Otherwise, Mu Yanzhi would not dare to take it out in front of the Lord Dragon God. The transparent crystal bottle cap is not a cork but a spray, which contains a liquid with a red blood color. It looks as if you can see it carefully. These blood-red liquids seemed to be alive, forming a very scary skull shape, but then disappeared in the next second, like an illusion.

But Mu Yanzhi understood that this was not an illusion. The potion bottle felt very dangerous and unknown to him, and he hung it back to the far corner of the space and dared not look at it again.

However, with this potion, his life safety is finally guaranteed. If he encounters someone who wants to harm himself in the future, he can spray the other person with a nightmare potion to ensure that the other person will have nightmares from night to night. Upgrade advanced.

Mu Yanzhi waved his hand toward Lord Dragon God, "It's time to take medicine."

"Boom ..." The sound of a large creature landing sounded, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Mu Yanzhi picked up a bottle of ultra-high-quality potion and shook it slightly, saying, "Try this potion."

Having said that, he poured the potion into Lord Dragon God's mouth, and looked a little expectantly and asked, "How do you feel?"

Originally, Lord Dragon God, who had a deep and calm face, drank the medicament, and unexpectedly revealed his astonished eyes. The energy contained in this bottle of medicament was so amazing that the repair speed was much faster than before.

Mu Yanzhi's vanity was satisfied, and Beier proudly said, "How about, can one bottle match the effect of three bottles?"

Suddenly, Lord Dragon God's eyes suddenly diminished. Actually, there was no such thing as Master Grand Master said that it was worth three bottles, because this bottle of medicine is actually comparable to the effect of five bottles, and the effect is particularly amazing. At this moment, he became more aware of the What a great master.

Although Lord Dragon God can't speak and his expression is as cold and deep as ever, his eyes can show the other person's inner shock and shock.

Suddenly, I was even more proud of it. You must know that the Lord Dragon God has always been a deep dragon with an inactive personality. Every day, he knows that cultivating can make this dragon show a look of shock or even shock, which proves that he should have What a cow fork.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yan waved her hand, pretending to be extravagant: "Did you see these potions? It's yours."

The expression of Lord Dragon God remains the same, but there is a doubt in his eyes. Mu Yanzhi explained: "Maybe we will be separated in a few days. I know that the humans outside are not very friendly to beasts. Maybe wait out. When we are apart. "

Speaking, Mu Yanzhi's tone couldn't help lowering, and he looked at the extraordinarily handsome and deep white dragon in front of him, and couldn't help touching the cold dragon scale with his hands, as if he was touching something precious.

The general who was fearless and fearless even, even the ancient beasts that could talk to the human beings, who were able to fight calmly, once again felt this creepy feeling. With such a look, he really pushed the master with the tip of his tail. Eyes grew deeper and helpless.

Look at this master, who is clearly noble and reserved, always obsessed with staring at his beast form.

You must know that this is a master-level existence admired by all human beings, but it is so fond of a beast that all humans have spurned. This great difference always makes the general feel particularly absurd.

Mu Yanzhi was pushed far away by the tip of the tail, but he continued to pull the dragon scales without giving up. "Don't push me, Lord Dragon God, we may soon be separated. I always feel more to touch this book." . "

The expressionless Lord Dragon God always wanted to roll his eyes for the first time. Mu Yanzhi sighed, "I don't know if I will never see you this time, but I will feel desperate when I think about it. . "

The Lord Dragon God naturally noticed Mu Yan's emotional error. He frowned slightly and did not speak. To be honest, he really didn't believe that a human would have a reluctant emotion because of a beast.

Maybe the humans in this world are too unfriendly to beasts. This kind of dissatisfaction caused by long-term relationships may be normal on humans, but if it is placed on beasts, it will look extraordinarily absurd and absurd. .

Where can I say what Lord Dragon God is thinking, I still think about myself: "Maybe you don't know what your presence means to me. I really hope you live well where I can't see it. You are probably The only dragon in this world exists. "

Probably I feel that Lord Dragon God can't speak, and he can keep secrets for him, so Mu Yan made no mention of his inner activities.

"Dragon ..." Lord Dragon God frowned slightly. This was not only the first time he heard it from Master Gong's mouth. The creature Dragon was a word that was too unfamiliar, which made him somewhat confused about what it was.

But there is a sentence that the other party is right about. There is really only one creature left in this world.

Lord Dragon God's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Mu Yan sighed, sat down, no longer tried to take advantage of Lord Dragon God, pointed to these potions, calmly said: "I will make more different life-saving potions these days, when the time is good Keep in the space, I know you are great, but there are always accidents when you are so powerful, these potions can help you by then. "

Lord Dragon God narrowed his eyes, looking at this fragile human being who should have been protected by himself, it was difficult to imagine that the other party was trying to protect himself in his own way.

After speaking, Mu Yanzhi still let go of his heart, and said in a whisper: "Yes, there is one more thing. If you are separated from me, you must not believe in other human beings, I will not hurt you and do not mean anything else. The same is true of human beings. The human world is more complicated than you think. Do n’t feel that you are strong enough not to jealous of human beings. Human beings are the most worthy creatures in your world. ”

Listening to these words, Lord Dragon God couldn't hide the complex emotions in Xiang Yanyan's eyes.

"Remember?" Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but see the other side had no response.

Does the Lord Dragon God know how correct Mu Yanzhi said just now, even to say that he knows this even more than Mu Yanzhi, nodded and gestured.

Mu Yanzhi was satisfied with this: "Well, we can go slowly these days, and I can see if there is any medicine or something on the road."

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly, making clear, Mu Yanzhi glanced at the sky, and said, "Let's leave in half an hour."

Upon hearing the words, Lord Dragon God flew up and continued to hover over huge trees with his eyes closed to practice. The dragon's head was soaring, facing the sun, the sun shone with the scales of the dragon, which was particularly dazzling.

Mu Yanzhi's blinked eyes all had a little pain. He lowered his head subconsciously to avoid this light, and began to get busy with his hands. The first thing to do is to prepare the dish of pepper and fried meat.

Although every time I eat chili fried meat, it is a bit greasy, but only this dish is the fastest and most convenient, and it saves time.

Soon, in less than a few minutes, the dish was freshly baked, and it was still hot, with a spicy flavor. The red pepper fruit was garnished with snake meat, which looked extraordinarily purple and red. Looks extra appetite.

Mu Yanzhi was afraid that too many peppers like the last time would lead to drinking too much water, so this time I didn't dare to put too many peppers, just a little spicy.

After eating snake meat, Mu Yanzhi held his breath and took out a bottle of ultra-high-quality "medium recovery potion" from the space. He didn't give all this high-quality potion to Lord Dragon God, but also specially Save a bottle for yourself.

He drank the medicine carefully, for fear of spilling it, and felt a very different texture from ordinary medicine in his mouth. The comfort was almost doubled, and he could not help but want to make a noise.

The feeling of mental strength and physical damage being repaired is really too comfortable. It was a bit itchy when repairing the body before, but this time it was completely unnoticeable. This is probably the biggest difference between advanced medicine and super advanced medicine.

Mu Yanzhi secretly guessed in his heart, but still felt that the snake meat he had eaten had been transformed into energy that was supplying the body, filling the energy lost from source to prevent his body from becoming weak.

When I move my body, I can only feel that my body is getting better and better, and my strength is getting a little bigger. The most important thing is that the fine scars on the arms have completely disappeared, and no traces have been left. More important The chest was as if it had been removed from a large rock, and it was extremely easy and smooth.

After taking a deep breath, Mu Yanzhi became more and more relaxed. He couldn't help but look back at the Dragon God on the tree. The other party seemed to feel Mu Yanzhi's gaze and opened his eyes suddenly ...

One person and one dragon looked at each other remotely and silently, but they saw each other's reflection from each other's eyes. Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment, until the two dragon eyes moved away before returning to God.

Seems to understand that Mu Yanzhi has finished what should be done. Lord Dragon God came down from the tree and roared in midair, the voice was low and full of magnetism, with endless majesty, provoked Mu Yan. He couldn't help trembling, and even goosebumps rose.

This is different from the false Long Yin heard on TV. You must know that what he heard is the real Long Yin, which really has a terrible effect.

Mu Yanzhi shook his body, trying to remove all the goosebumps on his body. At this moment, Lord Dragon God had flew forward, Mu Yan had no other thought, and quickly followed him.

On the way, Mu Yanzhi noticed that the speed of Lord Dragon God had slowed down a lot, and he couldn't help feeling that a dragon was so careful and so careful that he remembered what he had said before, even if he himself was about to forget the time He told Master Dragon God to slow down.

【Ding! "Ultra high quality" plants were found within one meter ahead. 】

【Ding! "Ultra high quality" plants were found within one meter ahead. 】

The system's voice rang in my head twice in succession. Mu Yanzhi always felt that this scene was extremely familiar, as if it had happened. After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't remember it, but he had no choice but to forget it. Later, and raised his voice towards the still-flying White Dragon Road: "Master Dragon God, wait a minute before leaving."

After all, Mu Yanzhi quickly buried himself in one meter to find plants. Most of the nearby plants were extraordinarily ordinary flowers and plants, and there was nothing special. If he did not have a system prompt, I'm afraid he would be too lazy to even glance at it. Look at these plants.

At this moment, he was more and more glad that he had systematically existed this golden finger, otherwise, he really couldn't make the career of pharmacist smoother in this future world.

Carefully barraged all the seemingly ordinary weeds within a meter range, Mu Yan became more and more familiar with this scene. When he could not help frowning and turning his head, he was attracted by a very ordinary weed. .

Mu Yanzhi stiffened his head and stared at the weed for a while, then finally realized where the previous familiarity came from.

It turned out that this scene really happened before. When he and Dahei went to the forest for the first time, they also encountered a system prompt. At that time, he was looking for a long distance within a meter, and finally determined the root. Weed was the medicinal material he was looking for.

When I think about it carefully, I feel that I was really stupid at that time. I could n’t help but smile and said to myself, "The medicine I was looking for was actually this weed. I was stupid enough to find it then. Long."

The Lord Dragon God who came over just happened to hear this sentence. Obviously, I also thought about the previous thing, and my eyes couldn't help but feel a bit of joy.

Mu Yanzhi did not hesitate to touch the weed, and surely a systematic prompt sound came from his mind.

【Ding! This plant is of super premium quality and functions to upgrade hemostasis. 】

After hearing this prompt, Mu Yanzhi was 100% sure that the weed he had dug at the time and the plant in front of him were of the same type. Carefully dig the weed into the space.

Mu Yanzhi decided to continue to search for such weeds nearby, because he had a vague guess, but now he needs to verify whether this guess is correct.

Sure enough, another weed was discovered by Mu Yan, and then dug out and stuffed into the space. At this moment, he was 100% sure that his guess had a great chance to be correct, and there were definitely many other weeds nearby. presence.

Even if there are not many, there are definitely not only a few of them. It is estimated that the temperature and humidity around this place are very suitable for this kind of wild grass to survive, so he only needs to spend a lot of time in the vicinity and be patient and search. Not to mention there is a golden finger in his hand to help determine the specific location of the weed.

Taking a few steps forward, Mu Yanzhi heard the system prompt again.

【Ding! "Ultra high quality" plants were found within one meter ahead. 】

【Ding! "Ultra high quality" plants were found within one meter ahead. 】

【Ding! "Ultra high quality" plants were found within one meter ahead. 】

I was prompted three times in a row, Mu Yan was thoughtful, and consciously realized something. After taking a quick step, he squatted down and began to search for nearby grass. After searching for several weeds in succession, Mu Yanzhi also had a rough judgment. It can be determined at a glance whether this plant is that weed.

After wasting a few minutes, Mu Yanzhi finally found three weeds. Sure enough, his judgment was correct. When the system prompts several times, it means that there are several weeds in this meter.

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