MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 78 Dense phobia don't look at this

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Not to mention the outside, Mu Yanzhi closed the door and entered the room, and looked around the room briefly. In his heart, he had to lament the exquisiteness and luxury of this room.

It ’s just a temporary camping place in the wild, and all the indoor appliances are available, especially the opposite side has a thing that looks like a refrigerator. Mu Yanzhi ca n’t restrain his inner curiosity, and pulls the door open in the past. Suddenly a cold air rushed towards the face, which contained many things like cold drinks, colorful and placed in it.

Mu Yanzhi's face suddenly became dark at this moment, because those things that looked like drinks were actually nutrients, but some pigments were added inside, just to make the liquid look more beautiful.

The nutritional agent is a very unpalatable existence in Mu Yan's impression. After all, this kind of nutritional agent was originally eaten from small to large, and it is also a low-grade inferior nutritional agent, and its role can only be used to fill the tube.

The most terrible thing is that in addition to the advantage of inferior nutrition, the other inferior nutrients are side effects. There are too many impurities in the nutrition. Basically no one will give this kind of food to children, especially if they have A gifted child, because once he eats this kind of thing, it is equivalent to a death sentence for this child. In this life, he can no longer advance to a higher level of power.

It can be said that each psionicist's body has a lot of impurities. Each time you upgrade the power, you must remove a part of the impurities in the body before you can successfully upgrade. This is why the psionicist needs to drink. Elixir, because only when it reaches the stage where the upgrade ability breaks through, you can get rid of impurities by drinking the medicine. This is the most correct way summed up by countless abilities.

Therefore, even if the original person is not a power person, he still knows this knowledge, and at the moment Mu Yan already has the memory of Yuanshen, and he naturally knows all of this, so he can see the nutrients stored in the refrigerator at a glance, absolutely It is a high-level nutrient, and it is not comparable to that of inferior drugs.

Advanced nutrients have all the purest nutritional supply for the needs of the power of the body, absolutely will not cause additional burden on the body, and can also restore full strength, but also the most convenient, only a few mouthfuls can support A whole day of energy.

Mu Yanzhi can learn from the original body memory that inferior and inferior nutrients are very difficult to drink, and every sip is like being punished. Then, what is the taste of this advanced nutrient, and whether it will taste very difficult to taste ?

In a curious mood, Mu Yanzhi opened a bottle of nutritional agent and smelled it tentatively. The smell inside was very complicated, and it was difficult to describe for a while. Try to take a sip, the taste is light, if you do n’t feel it carefully I'm afraid they will mistake this nutrient for taste.

I didn't expect this high-level nutrient to be like this. Although it has no taste, it is much better than inferior and low-quality nutrients. What's more important is that after I took the sip, my original feeling of hunger disappeared. As much as possible, the whole person is exceptionally strong.

Mu Yanzhi's eyes lighted up immediately, and his appetite for the so-called high-level nutritional supplements rose. If you are refining pharmaceuticals and have no time to cook, you can drink this nutritional supplement to deal with it. Already.

It seems that after going back, you can buy some nutrients on Star Network and store them in the space. After drinking the remaining half bottles of nutrients, Mu Yanzhi started to prepare for business. This room is the most central There is a large table in the place. More importantly, you can see some medicines on the table when you enter the door.

Mu Yanzhi inspected these herbs in the past, and it was finally determined that these were dead grass and half-grass, but unfortunately there was no fruit on it, and it was not known whether it was taken away by the head.

Fortunately, there are several fruits in my own space, so I have no feeling of loss at all, but I am slightly surprised and leave this thing behind, after all, after I have cured the patient, I can still get several fruits as remuneration.

The refining of the dead herbal medicine is very simple. The medicinal materials only need the dead grass and the semi-living grass, but the impurities of the two grasses are not removed and then put into the flint tripod for refining.

Death grass is too toxic. A single leaf can turn a psionicist into waste. Finally, it gradually corrodes the psionic nucleus and then moves to death. It can be said that the process of death is very slow and tortured.

Especially the deputy head, when he saw him ten days ago, although he was in a coma, he looked like a weak and pale boy. But when he saw each other today, his face was yellow. Filled with death, people feel uncomfortable at first glance.

Therefore, Mu Yanzhi must deal with this grass with the most focused and careful state. If he is accidentally scratched by this sharp leaf, I'm afraid he will also step into the footsteps of the deputy head. What is even more frightening is that He would immediately fall into a coma, and no one in this world would ever make an antidote to save himself.

For a moment, Mu Yanzhi was frightened. He almost breathed and washed the grass at an extremely slow speed. The simplest step alone wasted more than 20 minutes. When thoroughly cleaned Mu Yanzhi was as if she had taken off her burden, and she took a deep breath, her forehead was already covered with fine sweat, and her back was a little damp.

"This grass is really troublesome." Mu Yan shook his head with a bitter smile. This is probably the most difficult medicine he has encountered since he came to this world. Almost every action must be extra careful.

I moved a bit of a stiff body, and I dare not wipe the leaves clean with cloth, for fear of scratching my hands. I could only choose to use the oldest stupid method, hang the plant with a rope, and then take a thing to start the fan, use Physically blow off the water droplets from the plant.

The swinging arm kept repeating an action, and I didn't know how long it took. When the arm started to become sour, Mu Yanzhi stopped to inspect the plant by hand, and finally relieved that the water on the plant had completely disappeared.

Next, there is no need to worry about half-grass. Half-grass is almost non-toxic, but two grasses are associated with it. Half-grass has an exceptionally unique scent that can attract living creatures to get closer, while death grass has It can kill the instinct of a living creature. When the living creature dies, it rots into nourishment and will supply two grass nutrients.

Until a long time, when they have accumulated enough nutrients, they will produce fruit, and this fruit is a detoxifying medicine.

I have to say that nature's ability is really awesome. Mu Yanzhi knows that so many things about the dead grass must be attributed to the system formula. The above details all the information about this grass.

Soon, Mu Yanzhi treated the half-grass grass, and finally wiped off the moisture. Then, the most critical step was to clean up the impurities in the medicinal materials.

Although the dead grass has left the soil, it has not died, and its instinct is still, that is, if the leaf is accidentally broken, the veins in it will break out instantly and drill into the *, continuously corroding the living creature And finally until * loses vitality.

Mu Yan has always wondered whether this grass is an animal or a plant. Now, it is lying on the table, and anyone will treat it as a plant, but if you just tear the leaves apart, the veins inside will be like living. Like a creature, it came out quickly, and it was extremely scary like a monster.

Recalling that the death grass that was dug out from the deputy head was not like a living creature, constantly twisting, the scene was like the alien movies of the ancient earth, full of absurdity and horror.

Mu Yanzhi shook his body with some nausea. Goosebumps were up. There was no way. The characteristics of this dead grass were so disgusting that it was hard to accept.

Carefully picked up this death grass, Mu Yanzhi held his breath, slowly explored his mental strength, and finally entered the interior space of death grass a little ...

A blood-red world emerged from my mind in an instant, consisting of countless red lines, constantly twisting, as if living ...

One of Mu Yan's spirits was drawn back and his face was pale. The deathweed's internal world was so horrible, like millions of blood worms organized together, constantly twisted and struggling, like ... trying to struggle Out of this leaf barrier.

Thinking of this thought, Mu Yanzhi almost shuddered, and some were unwilling to touch the death grass, this thing is really evil.

However, such a strange and precious medicinal material, Mu Yan could not bear to miss the opportunity of research, and continued to do some psychological measures for himself, and finally plucked up the courage to explore the death grass again.

The blood red veins are constantly twisting, Mu Yanzhi carefully manipulates the mental power to avoid those veins, and carefully looks for conspicuous impurities in it. Most of the impurities are almost black, which is different from the internal space. In most cases, some impurities are too ordinary on the form, making it impossible to find.

Not to mention that this grass's internal space is composed of countless lines, and it is even more difficult to find impurities. This must be supported by Mu Yan's huge spiritual power and constantly explored inside.

I do n’t know how long it has been, Mu Yan seems to feel that time has passed a long time ago. The world in front of her is always red, and the constantly twisting lines constitute this world. From the beginning, I was afraid that I would be numb. Mu Yanzhi was almost tossing directly to ignore these lines, constantly looking for impurities.

The spiritual power is searched from the beginning to the end, until the final end, Mu Yanzhi controlled the mental power to withdraw from the internal space. His face was almost pale and his body was crumbling. This is the consequence of using a lot of mental power. It hurts like acupuncture.

Quickly sit down and rest to recover the spirit, at the same time, Mu Yanzhi constantly analyzes everything he saw in the internal space before his heart.

Because this death grass is completely free of impurities, the world inside is made up of blood-red lines, there is no extra existence, even a small black spot.

Mu Yanzhi is very sure that he has checked all the lines, but no matter how good the medicine is, there will definitely be impurities, otherwise there will be no profession of pharmacist in this world.

Somewhere must have been overlooked.

Mu Yanzhi frowned, constantly remembering in his heart, gradually, an indescribable sense of disobedience made Mu Yanzhi's eyes brightened, and he patted his legs, excitedly, "Yes! This is the place of disharmony ! "

The internal space of this death grass vaguely gave Mu Yan a sense of incompatibility, and as long as he found out what the inconsistency was, he could find what the impurity was!

Mu Yanzhi was sitting on the sofa, thinking continuously, after he recovered some mental strength, he went into the inner space of Death Grass again and continued to search, until he was exhausted, and then exited to continue thinking and analysis.

Such a dull and repetitive experiment made Mu Yanzhi ignore the passage of time. In a blink of an eye, the night was gradually getting dark, and at this time, the feeling of exhaustion also followed. Mu Yanzhi realized that the sky was actually dark.

But at the same time, the sense of urgency made Mu Yan's heart tighter, because at noon after dawn, it was the last time to die with the deputy head.

In other words, he has only one night to refine the potion ...

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