MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-~ First kill

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At this moment, Tianma's eyes are full of hate and regret, and the fear of life passing.

"Ha ha, caught a rare Pegasus pup, and made a fortune now." The bearded man rubbed his hands in excitement, and the back was vicious and said to everyone: "Everyone pay attention, don't ruin its fur You know, the women in the rich area loved horse skin, and the fur coat made of it was very beautiful. "

Tianma tried to stand up in fear, but every time it fell to the ground because of excessive bleeding, it made a whining sound.

"Hate ... human ... bad ... I hurt so much, save me ... don't want to die."

Hearing this voice, Mu Yanzhi pumped his heart, that day the horse's voice seemed to be heard only by himself. Most importantly, the horse's voice that day was clearly a childish voice like a five-year-old child.

The group of powers seemed to be pleased by the immature and naive eyes of Tianma, and he began to blast it with wind and fire abilities, making it fleshy.

The wind blade ability can instantly cut open the flesh and splash the bleeding meat, which can easily create a stimulating and **** scene.

The fire ability can burn the flesh, watch the young fur's beautiful fur be burned, and then painfully mourn and struggle. It can even appear to be extremely weak and full of abusive meaning.

In short, these two abilities can make this cub suffer the most painful but not dead torture, which is what these people want most.

The unhideous laughter of mankind was mixed with the mournful sound of the cub, and it seemed like a horrible scene on earth.

"These people are crazy!" Mu Yan clenched his fists tightly, but fortunately, he was still rational and forced to suppress the hope that he wanted to rush out.

At this moment, the bearded man saw that Tianma seemed to have no choice, and quickly changed his face. He took the potion from his arms and forcedly poured it into his mouth. Soon, Tianma's wound slowly recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye. With.

Tian Ma, who was about to die, was forcibly rescued by the potion. It was scared to almost tremble, and his dark eyes were full of perplexity and despair.

The young man didn't understand why these humans did this, and destroyed their beautiful fur. It curled up its limbs in horror and fear, eyes blank and frightened, and instinctively exuded crystal tears.

Tianma's appearance is really too beautiful, and instantly let a group of psionics look for a long time.

"Save me, I'm scared, I want to go home ... I want my mother ..."

Tianma's tears dripped more and more. He suddenly looked up and looked at the white clouds. The dark eyes were as pure as black pearls.

However, the group of peculiar people was even more excited, and someone suggested: "I heard that some places like to have **** with this immature cub, we might as well rent it out to earn some interstellar coins, and then kill it. Selling fur, before that, did we just sell young girls to make money? "

The others nodded and agreed, so they began to discuss how to remove the Pegasus cub.

The Tianma pup seems to be aware of it, and is struggling violently. However, one of the powers saw this, and immediately stretched out his feet and stepped on Tianma ’s broken corner wound. He rubbed his foot fiercely and sneered, Run? In our hands you don't want to escape alive. "

"Well, it's disgusting. Why do such creatures have IQs and abilities that are comparable to humans? According to me, sooner or later they will try to rule humans." One of them couldn't help swearing, eyes full of jealousy.

This horse has a very beautiful appearance from birth. It is perfect for people who ca n’t help but want to have it. More importantly, Tianma is born with powers, and does n’t need to work hard to upgrade them. The longer they need to live, the higher their power.

In the face of this creature that seems to be the eccentricity of the Creator, why can humans suppress the jealousy inside? This is why the Tianma race is becoming scarce, because most Tianma have not yet had time to grow, they have been jealous and Greed and kill.

In the face of such naive and innocent voices, Mu Yanzhi couldn't ignore it, especially the horse's horrified and bewildered eyes that day, which made him unable to be condemned.

Mu Yanzhi carefully looked back, but did not find the trace of Lord Dragon God coming. He breathed a little sigh of relief, and the heart that was originally raised was immediately put back into the distance.

Honestly, although Lord Dragon God ’s impression on him these days is very powerful, but he can't figure out what level these human powers are in front of him. What should these people do if they hurt Lord Dragon God? Danger, it is absolutely impossible for him to let the Lord Dragon God explore.

But intuitively, Mu Yanzhi always felt that Lord Dragon God would come sooner or later. Thinking about this, he hurried back and planned to go back and find a reason to stop Dragon God from coming, and then he tried to save the power beast.

Mu Yanzhi's plan is quite good, but the change is not planned quickly.

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared, and Mu Yan's heart turned back sharply, and saw that the white and majestic creature struck quickly from a distance, and the whole body exudes a sacred light, directly directing those people. Zhen's stunned on the spot, the huge body and the terrible coercion rushed to his face, showing the identity of the creature.

"It's a snake-horned beast!" One of them reacted first, shouting in horror.

This remark was like a stone plunging into a calm lake, and it instantly burst into water. Everyone was incredulous and just felt ridiculous. One of them could not believe: "Impossible, isn't the snake-horned beast dead!"

Everyone heard the words, and suddenly hesitated, and then came back, the snake horned beast is considered to be the most powerful of the known types of ancient beasts, and for hundreds of years, the marshal had already told all humans that the snake horned beast Extinct.

After thinking about this, the bearded man calmed down and ordered everyone to "Hurry up! That thing just looks similar to the ancient snake horned beast. It just caught me alive, maybe he can sell it!"

Money is a good thing, full of attractiveness. It instantly caused everyone's adrenal hormones to rise, waved his arms one after another, and shouted his throat and shouted, "Live! Live!"

After mobilizing everyone's emotions, the bearded man nodded with satisfaction and mobilized the whole body powers in order to make the powers in the most active state.

The remaining few people started to learn the Bearded Man, mobilized the powers, stared at the giant creature that was about to fly over, and was very wary!

Mu Yanzhi was relatively close to those people. After hearing what those people said, he no longer hid himself, rushed out and ran in the direction of Lord Dragon God, and shouted, "Run! Don't come over!" ! "

As if at this moment, Mu Yanzhi's reason and timidity caused by living in a peaceful era suddenly disappeared. Even if he knew that jumping out might lead to siege and even loss of life, at that moment, Mu Yanzhi still The choice jumped out.

From the beginning, Lord Dragon God has found Mu Yanzhi hidden in the grass, but he did not expect that Master Gong took the initiative to jump out for himself, revealing his physique, and disregarding his life. His attitude instantly made Master Dragon God's eyes more and more faint, with a raging storm.

Even if human beings have good people, no one will be willing to give their lives for a power beast, but this master who should have been supported by humans has done so.

The Lord Dragon God's figure was a meal, and then he continued to fly forward. The words of Mu Yan were suddenly anxious, for fear that the Lord Dragon God would underestimate the strength of those humans, and finally paid a terrible price because of this. "Run!"

However, at this moment, the bearded man quickly flung out a blade of wind, approaching the back of Mu Yan, the Lord Dragon God's eyes were clear, with a big claw, a white aperture was thrown out to cover Mu Yanzhi instantly .

Suddenly, the wind blade hit the aperture, emitting a ripple like ripples. The original proud expression of the bearded man suddenly stiffened, because the aperture was intact, and the people inside were nothing at all. , The bearded man only felt that he had no face, and angrily ordered to everyone: "Give me!"

The crowd responded, quickly mobilizing the ability to start a long-range attack, and a large group of colorful abilities quickly rushed towards Lord Dragon God. The colorful light was particularly bright, and the stinging eyes were a little painful.

Mu Yanzhi didn't dare to move the place, quickly squatted down, for fear that the power aperture covering himself would disappear because of his movement.

Since there is no way to discourage Lord Dragon God from leaving, the only thing he can do is not to become a burden on the other side.

At this moment, a large area of ​​light attacked the Lord Dragon God, exploded the gorgeous fireworks, and the Mu Yan who watched was extremely frightened, fearing that the other party would have an accident.

Those peculiar powers were secretly proud of themselves. They were 100% sure that the peculiar beast would be injured. However, the next second, the gorgeous fireworks disappeared suddenly. The peculiar powers suddenly opened their mouths, and their faces were incredible: "This is impossible!"

Yes, this is impossible!

Mu Yanzhi's mouth widened, almost unbelievable. Since he came to this future world, he already has a general understanding of the power of the psionicist. Except for the expensive and dying future, advanced weapons can hurt the psionic beast. In addition, the rest can only leave scars on the hard fur of the strange beast. Only ordinary knives cannot hurt the strange beast at all.

Therefore, it is the consensus of everyone that the power can hurt the power beast, even Mu Yan thinks so, but the white dragon floating in the air has no scars at all, and the white dragon scales are all Extraordinarily smooth.

The bearded man's heart was a little uneasy. According to the reason, so many people's abilities hit together, even if it is a fierce beast, it should have been half-dead. He is not as good as the mercenary group, but Everyone in the small team is a good hand who struggled in life and death. Although the power levels are uneven, the battle experience and consciousness are not comparable to anyone.

Lord Dragon God squinted slightly, just a glance can determine the overall level of this small team, the power level is not bad, more importantly, the momentum emanating from their whole body is already strong, apparently has a wealth of combat experience, I am afraid Consciousness is considered to be of the highest standard.

But for him, these people did not even qualify as his opponents, understatedly raised their claws, and threw a few power attacks at those people.

Everyone's face changed, and those abilities were flying too fast. The beard man instantly alarmed, and felt intuitively that the abilities could threaten them. He quickly shouted, "Get the shield of abilities!"

Under the test of life and death, these people have already exercised an extremely sensitive and quick response. When the bearded male voice just fell, these people had already set up their shields in front of their eyes and turned pale.

"Well ..."

There was a loud noise, deafening, and covering his ears subconsciously, but his eyes stared at it.

Lord Dragon God's power attack is like a fierce beast. He rammed the shield and shattered it. When the faces of the people were frightened, their bodies were hit by the huge impact, and then they fell heavily on the ground and taxied. A few meters before it finally stopped.

Several of them vomited blood and turned pale, and apparently had been seriously injured. They couldn't even try to stand up. They were frightened and desperate, and there was even an unbelievable trace.

They have been in various dangerous wild places for so many years. Although there have been life and death crises, they have never been like they are now. They have not been able to fight back. They have been directly wounded, and it is as absurd as dreaming.

"How is this possible ..." The beard man's eyes were filled with unbelievableness. Under the rush of anger, he suddenly spit blood, his eyes gradually blurred, and he couldn't accept the blow.

The heart of Mu Yan was shocked and could not return to God for a long time. It did not seem to react until Lord Dragon God slowly drifted over. He even grasped the dragon claws, and his voice was a little angry. He said, "I want you not to come, why are you? Do not listen?"

Lord Dragon God's face is unchanged, majestic and domineering, but in the words of Mu Yan, this is the other party. This is the silent expression of Lao Tzu's most diao. I am not afraid of those stupid human beings.

"If those people are better than you, and you come here in such a hurry, what if something happens?" Mu Yanzhi exhorted.

However, Mu Yanzhi doesn't know that some people's mental strength has reached an extremely terrifying level. They can use their mental strength to explore the strength of their opponents. This is exactly what Lord Dragon God is, but unfortunately, Lord Dragon God is talking at this moment. They couldn't say anything, but nodded helplessly, indicating that they would not do it again in the future.

Mu Yanzhi's face slowly eased, "That's right."

At this moment, if there is no pain, shen / yin's voice suddenly sounded, and it was particularly abrupt in the quiet forest.

At this time, Mu Yanzhi suddenly remembered the existence of these people, and quickly checked the injuries of these people. Finally, he said, "Everyone suffered a serious injury, but fortunately, he will not die."

In fact, to be honest, Mu Yan comes from the peaceful earth age. It is difficult to accept a person dying in front of him, let alone several people, but the tragic situation of the Tianma pup that has already passed out has silenced him.

A cub is also a life. If it is killed, it will be killed, but you should not torture a power beast with pleasure, especially a cub that does not have the ability to protect itself. This is even more excessive. Damn it.

Human life is life, isn't it the life of animals.

Somehow, Mu Yanzhi suddenly thought of something that happened on the ancient earth, and he still remembers it until now.

It is said that in a national zoo, the parents did not take good care of the child, which caused the child to crawl into the animal activity area. The animal was a rare animal with a certain IQ. When the child fell down, he did not try to hurt him, but instead Curious to play with him, in order to protect the children, the zoo had to kill only the few animals left in the world.

This incident sparked a lively discussion on the earth. The animal was very precious and it had been alive for several years. It was just because humans lost their lives for a moment.

Mu Yan is very disgusted with those keyboard guys, saying that human beings are the source of all things, and all other lives die when they die. What about abuse?

In front of these people, they are even too much, and they want to give the cubs to humans for slander and beasts / jiao. It is too cheap to let them go, and more importantly, he vaguely remembers those people who seemed to say before I have also resold young girls--for indecent assaults--thinking that these people are truly dead, the more I think about it, the more I can't swallow this breath.

and many more……

Mu Yanzhi remembered the nightmare potion he had obtained in the morning, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. He quickly took things out of the space ring, and then carefully fed those people. Only one drop of each was enough.

During this period, the Lord Dragon God did not stop at all, and his eyes were as calm as ever, but at the same time, he was also curious about who these people were and what medicine the Lord Guru gave them.

Although these people are still alive, due to injuries and pain, they are almost unconscious and can only continue to feel / yin because of instinct, as if it is the only way to prove that they are alive.

Mu Yanzhi is more at ease now. These people will inevitably live in nightmares day and night. They can no longer perform power upgrades. It can be said that their lives have been completely ruined.

Sure enough, just after the medicine was given, it seemed that these people saw something terrible.

"Don't come, I didn't kill you, I didn't kill you, don't seek revenge on me!" One of them shouted in horror, as if he really saw someone coming to seek revenge.

"No ... I didn't kill you on purpose." The bearded man's face was distorted. Although his eyes were closed, he seemed to see the person standing in front of him. "It's you who don't want to promise, obviously you just need to be obedient to be played. You survived by yourself. Do n’t come to me, go to that person, he paid me to tie you! No! Go to that person, do n’t come to me! ”

The bearded man was short of breath and yelled wildly.

The other few people also encountered the most feared and most minded things in their hearts, all of them were frightened and afraid, apparently having been seriously injured and unable to act, but still struggling and mourning because of the fear of deepening the bone marrow.

It can be seen that these people are so scared to the point that they can't even care about the pain and keep trying to escape, but their bodies can no longer move, only their fingers can keep grabbing around, and soon after a while, As a result, the nail was broken, and the blood of the poem was shed.

The scene looked extraordinarily terrifying, and I couldn't bear it, but when I thought of what these people were doing, my heart suddenly relented, and I kept busy with Lord Dragon God: "Let ’s go, these people have learned their lessons. . "

Lord Dragon God has realized that the medicine given to them by Master Gongzhen is what caused these people to become such. With his mental power, he can feel that the power nuclei of these people have been abolished, and I am afraid that it will no longer be possible in the future. Ascending Order.

With this in mind, the General has rarely given birth to a bit of prudence. The after-effects brought by this potion are too terrible. If used by interested people, it may bring disastrous consequences.

Mu Yanzhi touched Tianma carefully, even the other side was twitching even though he was in a coma. The other side's injury was too serious. Mu Yanzhi didn't dare to touch it any more, but he could only treat the dragon god: "think of a way to take it away, Go where we stopped before. It's too dirty here. "

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly, wrapped the Tianma cub with an energy cover, and then slowly floated in the air. This method can minimize its injury and prevent secondary damage.

Mu Yan gave a glance at Lord Dragon God with applause. Don't look at Lord Dragon God who is extraordinarily huge, but his heart is still delicate and gentle.

Before leaving, Mu Yan's footsteps paused, and he slowly looked back at those people, pouting, his eyes struggling with struggle.

Lord Dragon God did not know what Mu Yanzhi was thinking, but he could feel how struggling the other side was.

Mu Yanzhi gathered his eyes on Lord Dragon God, and there was only peace in the dark and deep eyes of the other person. Suddenly, Mu Yanzhi had a decision in his heart and said, "You take the cubs back first, just grab a few by the way A chicken, I walk slowly in the back. I remember there is a plant nearby. I want to go and see. Let's work together. "

Lord Dragon God glanced at Mu Yan in surprise, and realized that there was nothing wrong, but he still nodded, and slowly took away the injured Pegasus.

Mu Yanzhi took a deep breath, gazing at the background of Lord Dragon God's departure, and murmured, "You must not let people know about your existence."

The dragon in front turned back suddenly, his eyes were complicated, and his heart was shocked. There was an illusion that the other party seemed to hear himself, and then he denied the idea. He just had a low voice and he didn't even hear it, let alone How could the dragon, who had gone so far, hear it.

The figure of Lord Dragon God soon disappeared, Mu Yanzhi turned around and walked back to these people, his eyes were full of complex emotions, guilt and struggle.

But thinking of Lord Dragon God, Mu Yanzhi gritted his teeth, pulled out the vines from the space ring, and prepared to strangle these people. There is currently no knife in his hand to kill, and the only dagger he had promised to be Dahei, never Will be used to kill.

Carefully wrapped the vines on one of them. The words of Mu Yan could not bear it. Although these people took the nightmare potion and suffered torment day and night, this does not mean that their memory will disappear. If they do not kill them, then The trail of Lord Dragon God will inevitably be found. Moreover, what these people do is not a pity.

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