MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-Chapter 4 Another uninvited guest

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Lian Ze raised his chin and snorted: "My sister's words have been said very clearly, you still can't leave? You look forward to how long you hope this day, hurry!"

Lian Fangqing also rushed up, pulling her sister's hand and pointing to Yang Huaishan: "Bad man, bad guy! Don't bully my sister!"

Lian Fangzhou touched her head, and the heart of this deity was afraid that she would not be less angry with Yang’s future in-laws!

"As you wish!" Yang Huaishan sneered: "From now on, you and I will have no connection!"

Said to bite his teeth, the head did not go back.

"Okay, let's go back to the house, it's time to eat!" Lian Fangzhou sighed.

"I am going to take the bowl!" Lian Fangqing cheered.

"I am going to put a stool!" Lian Che also followed.

Really two sensible little guys!

Even Fang Zhou’s heart is warm and I don’t know how to smile.

She believes that with her modern agricultural expertise and the unity of her brothers and sisters, the future will surely get better and better!

Difficulties, only temporary.

"Sister, are you really okay?" Lian Ze looked at her, and there was a worry about age in the eyebrows.

"Do you see me like something?" Lian Fangzhou smiled and said softly: "Don't think too much!"

Lian Ze finally laughed and said: "Sister is fine, my sister will find someone who is better than the Yang family."

Lian Fangzhou smiled and laughed and said: "I will say later, go, eat!"

"Well," Lian Ze raised his eyebrows, and his mood finally became really relaxed. Suddenly he frowned slightly: "The retreat will be retired, why should my sister have their money!"

There is a disapproval between verbal attitudes.

Lian Fangzhou asked him: "How much is our family?"

Lian Zeyi, suddenly look a little embarrassed, whispered: "more than seven hundred words ..."

"This is not!" Lian Fangzhou patted his shoulder and took it for granted: "My sister knows that you have a bone, but you should not be too pedantic. This is what they are, so they are sorry for their family, let them have some blood and righteousness! This is right It’s going to be winter, just let’s use this money to spend the winter smashing? Qinger and Cheer have to sew two winter coats? And this room should be packed up, especially the roof and windows, otherwise how to winter?”

Lian Ze was speechless, although it defaulted to the practice of Fangzhou, but the heart clearly still disapproved.

Even Fangzhou looked out and did not say it, only thinking in his heart: this kid! In the future, I have to turn his thoughts over...

Sisters and sisters had eaten a few meals, packed up and quickly went to bed.

The home is narrow, originally a room for a mother, Lian Ze hits the floor in the attic, and the other room is made of thin wooden boards to cut off the three brothers and sisters.

Now that her mother is gone, the Lian Ze brothers will live in that room.

Lian Fangqing has been sleeping with her sister for a long time. When she entered the room, she took off the shoes and climbed up. She opened the dilapidated quilt with pudding and went in, called Lian Fangzhou: "Sister is going to sleep!"

Lian Fangzhou is actually not used to sleeping with others. He was so screamed by Li Fang, who was so soft and soft. He suddenly hesitated and smiled and promised to pass.

Suddenly she whispered a "ah" in her footsteps and searched everywhere.

Lian Fangqing licked the beautiful big eyes for a moment and was very confused. He got up and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Looking for a marriage book, I don't know where to go!" Lian Fangzhou replied, not helpless.

If the Ming family came to Yang, but she couldn’t get a wedding book, then it would look good!

"Wedding book?" Lian Fangqing smashed, and couldn't help but pat the pillow next to him: "Isn't your sister sewing in the pillow? I told me not to tell anyone, I didn't even say the second brother." !"

She looked at even Fangzhou, and her face looked like "Knock me! How much I am!"

"Right! 瞧 Sister's memory, or Qinger's most embarrassing!" Lian Fangzhou as she wished, simply stunned.

Lian Fangqing proudly raised his eyebrows and laughed, his eyebrows bent.

Nothing to sleep.

The next day, Fangzhou got up early, cleaned up and cleaned the house and the house, and took out the four people’s covers.

Lian Che and Lian Fang Qing also helped one piece, and Lian Ze was sent to make breakfast.

After packing it up, a few people looked at the new house and didn't feel a smile.

After breakfast, Lian Ze said: "Sister, you and Qing Er, Che Er at home, I went to Liushuipo to take back the **** of the family!"

Lian Fangzhou thought about it and said: "Today we will clean up the vegetable garden, and tomorrow I will go with you to collect the hoe!" Just take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the land.

Lian Ze naturally would not object, and he agreed.

Staying at home with two small ones, the younger brothers and sisters will squat to the vegetable garden.

Lian Fangzhou led Lian Ze to pull out the beans and cucumbers that were about to die, and piled them up in a corner.

Also called Lian Ze to bear the burden of dilute some of the manure water, use the small scorpion to pour the soil into the loose soil of the pepper, said: "Tomorrow, we will first dig up the vegetable land, this season can grow some radish, Sprinkle some rapeseed!"

Listening to her arrangement, Lian Ze felt a bit of peace without a reason, nodded and smiled: "I listen to my sister! What do you say when you say how to do it!"

The two brothers and sisters smiled at each other.

Busy until noon, both of them were a little tired and panting.

Lianfang Zhou has not worked for a long time, and Lian Ze is still a child at all!

Even Fang Fangzhou suddenly felt a little distressed, and he said: "It's not too early. Let's go back to lunch and have a rest! This work is not going to be done for a while."

Lian Ze originally didn't want to go back. She could see her sister's insistence on her face. She knew that if she didn't go back, she wouldn't leave, and she nodded, "Well," and the two brothers and sisters went back together.

The sweet potato porridge that I ate last night was such a porridge at noon this morning. Even Fangzhou felt that the stomach could not stand it.

She was brows and was trying to ask how much food she had at home - it wasn't that long before the autumn harvest, and the door that was heard was pushed away.

Sisters and sisters were shocked!

Lian Fangzhou mouth Zhang Zhang wants to ask a person who wants to do something, but before he can make a sound, the dark reddish-brown figure rushed into her room like a gust of wind!

Even Fangzhou is stunned!

"What do you want to do with your aunt!" The first thing that was reflected was Lian Fangqing.

Big aunt? This is a great loved one!

I saw Lian Ze quickly follow in, even Fang Zhou heard him ask: "What is this for the aunt!"

"Sister," I saw Lian Fangqing whispering to Lian Fangzhou: "The big aunt must come to find a marriage book!"


Even Fangzhou sneered a little and softly said to the twins: "You two have a good time to eat." He said that he also went to the room.

Lian Fangqing wants to follow, and is even pulled by Li: "Listen to my sister, don't go."

Lian Fangqing had no choice but tootble his mouth unhappy, but still sat down obediently.

Over there, Fang Zhou heard that the big aunt had opened the door and asked: "Where is the marriage book? Where is it!" (Mike