MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1832 Training 41

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Fang Qing let him go to find the niece, he came to her and said that this is a little bit reluctant, then only to explain that she did not have him!

If in the past, Su Jinghe would not care about this!

But now he cares, and when he thinks about this, his chest is sore and painful. d.

They have experienced life and death together, she is so eager to do so hard, even if there is a glimmer of hope to save him, he does not believe that she has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of what she said in the inn at that day, Su Jinghe was even more upset.

Fang Qing was unaware of his repressed anger, and his lips were slightly dignified and smiled softly. "I don't want to think about it. I just proposed it. I am the head of the family. I can control the husband's preferences!" ”

Su Jing and Qi Jie, bite his teeth and footsteps: "Fang Qing, you will regret it!" Meng turned and strode out.

Shuangling was anxiously busy: "Mr. Shao, how can you push the young master to those foxes! It is not cheaper! You must know those people, but you can't help you with the young master!"

Fang Qing ridiculed a smile, faintly said: "You just mentioned one, he was annoyed! He put people in the government, is it difficult to achieve that he has not been to other people? He went, I said nothing, I am not pushing The question, if he wants to go, can't I still stop? If he doesn't want to go, don't go, why is it that my nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes? Isn't that too strange? Besides, even cheap How about a star and a half of them? I am always the wife of the main room where Su Jiaba lifts the big sedan into the door. They even have a big impact on me and have any influence on me!"

"But--" Shuangling opened her mouth and always felt that something was wrong, but the words of the young lady sounded clear and reasonable and could not pick a little mistake.

She finally had to sigh and said: "The slaves are only looking forward to the young lady and the younger master. It is best that those foxes and sorcerers will not leave the whole house to go there."

Fang Qing’s “嗤” smiled and smiled and said: “Oh, this day is black, you are starting to dream? Is it possible?”

Your grandfather will not add foxes to the house, but he will go out!

Fang Qing got up and told Shuangling to stick the soles of the shoes. Compared with the size of the young master, he said: "I am seeing the old shoes. Do you see them? Just do it out like that, and do it while you are doing it. Do not let the young master see you! Don't take it too seriously, it will become a slap in the face!"

Shuangling knows that the young lady is going to use her own shoes to go to the young master.

She couldn't help but said: "Mr. Shao, the slave said something that should not be said, the young master is your husband! Why... the slave is not a lazy, that is, you feel that if you personally made shoes, the young master Maybe you are happy!"

Fang Qing smiled and said: "But a pair of shoes, who is still not the same? He is very emotional! Say, stupid girl, such a shoe, where he is going to wear it? But just do it!"

Doesn't he feel that he has lost his face? She is not willing to be like him.

Fang Qing’s heart is uncomfortable.

When I thought of Su Jing and my anger and rushed away, I didn’t know which fox was in the yard, and I didn’t feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Shuangling sees her saying this, think about it too. If the young lady does her best to do it, she will not wear it when she returns to the young master. Isn’t it a waste of a little lady’s painstaking efforts? Not as good as doing it for yourself!

Shuangling will take care of her.

Su Jing and his anger rushed away from Fang Qing, walking and walking, the night wind blowing, the anger gradually dissipated, his heart gradually calmed down, and his footsteps could not help but slow down.

Turned a corner and walked aimlessly toward the garden.

Su Jinghe sighed, she didn’t say anything, didn’t she? In that case, it would be normal to say it from a virtuous wife's mouth. What is he angry about?

Thinking about becoming a relative, he and his grandfather boasted with his friends. He wanted to marry his wife and children, asking for nothing, that is obedient, absolutely obedient!

He wants her to go east, she never goes west, he wants to be jealous, she has to happily help to clean up the layout of the house!

With the wealth of the Su family, no one thinks that his words are exaggerated, and he is convinced that he will certainly do it.

But now -

Su Jing and shaking his head smiled and sighed, how did he marry such a wife? It’s not a bit of what he had imagined before!

Even more frightening is that without him, she is trying hard to get on the side, but he is not willing to do it like this!

Is it that his brain is getting into the water or is she not normal?

Su Jing and a small stone kicking his feet.

Looking up, but seeing the left front flowering branches, Su Jing and an eyebrow, staring coldly and said: "Who is there!"

With the shreds of footsteps, a woman's figure was smashed out, and the moon was swaying gently, reflecting the moonlight shining slightly.

"The young master, is it!" The wisteria demon squats forward, the beautiful eyes circulate, the scenes of love and veins.

The moon is more interesting than the lights, not to mention the surrounding flowers, the evening breeze, and the beauty deliberately dressed up.

However, Su Jing and Fujio's pretentious attitude, frowned at no reason.

He is even a bit strange. How did he ever eat this set of women who liked this tone?

Vulgar, vulgar!

Compared with his wife---How can you compare it with your wife?

"How are you here?" Su Jing and frowning, the tone is a bit deserted. Suddenly, I was shocked and I wanted to go forward and then follow the trend of the wisteria in his arms.

Wisteria doesn't know where it is wrong, how can the young master be like this to her?

The eyes were a little hurt, and the soft and soft words: "Hey, I can't sleep, I just walked out and walked away. I don't want to be so clever. You are here with the young master. Are you worried about the young master?" ——"

"Stop!" Su Jing and frowning, yelling: "Is it something you can ask at random? Pay attention to your identity! Also, at night, you are a woman who is single and runs alone to this black. What do you do in the local area? Is this taboo you don't understand?"

But when you have a big family, can you walk around casually after entering the night? A mother-in-law, also opened the sorrowful ran to the garden to "flowers", do not know, but also to come to date with someone!

Wisteria heard Su Jinghe’s implication, and he was so cold and sweaty behind his face. He said: "Yes, yes, I don’t dare to dare any more!"

Su Jing and the eyes turned from a feminine look to a witty condensate timid, more boring!

These women, one by one is the feelings of love, the fate is terrible!