MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1838 Tune 47

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Fang Qing looks like a big head. How much money does it cost?

However, she did not ask this. He did not ask for the price when he bought something. In contrast, she was more concerned about what he wanted to do?

I finally resisted the temper and waited for the young master of the Soviet Union to explain all of this things one by one. Fang Qing did not know how many times he looked at him: his eyes were clear, his looks were normal, his tone of voice was normal, and his mind was really No problem, but -

"Fei Jun," Fang Qing finally waited for the opportunity to speak, smiling: "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Su Jing and Yi Yi: How does she know?

When Fang Qing saw his reaction, he knew that he had guessed well. He was slightly disappointed in his heart. He sighed: I have sent such a large number of gifts to make a bedding. What he wants to say is definitely not a simple matter?

What could it be?

Is it necessary to get a brothel woman into the door to do it?

Although Fang Qing did not take a long time, this point is very clear. Su and Mrs. Su are deeply hated by the kind of women. They are absolutely not allowed to wait for the women to enter the government. He is, let me first, let myself go to the father-in-law to say?

Fang Qingxin sneered: If this is the case, he really missed the idea! Even if he gives more gifts, she will never be soft!

Su Jinghe was trying to say that he suddenly felt that the timing was not so mature. At least, he did not feel how happy the daughter-in-law received the gift. That is to say, he had not yet received her favor!

The best time to cut the heart is not yet!

"There is nothing to say," Su Jing and her, softly said: "I just think that I have never sent you anything since you married. Afterwards, you saw what you like, even though I said, I will get it for you! Okay?"

Fang Qing saw that he did not say, but he was too lazy to ask, smiled and said: "We are husband and wife, where needs to be so polite! You treat me well, I naturally treat you as well! It is because you are not good to me, I will also Waiting for you! Marry a husband!"

Su Jinghe smiled bitterly and smiled. "From now on, if you marry a husband, don't say it!"

Fang Qing’s “嗤” smile, half-truth and half-smirk: “Okay! Can you be willing? If I don’t listen to you, are you willing?”

"Ken! Of course!" Su Jing and Qian Ken Wanken, unfortunately, busy laughing: "Women, you are better than me, I will listen to you later, okay?"

He thought that Fang Qinghui was very happy to say good. He didn't want Fang Qing but shook his head and said: "No! You are a man, a man and a man, what is it like to listen to a woman? I just hope..."

I only hope that you can be a real man and prop up this home!

This is not easy to say, Fang Qing smiled and said: "The night is deep, let's rest early!"

Su Jinghe did not wait for her words, smiled and said: "Okay, then rest!"

The red gilt account fell, and it was picked up in a small space.

Su Jing and his arms crossed Fang Qing into his arms, leaned over and buried himself in her neck, kissed her cheek, and said softly: "Qinger, can you?"

In the ear is his warm breath, itching, hemp, Fang Qing did not come from a little bit of heart and heart.

Today, the whole person is very strange!

However, she seems to be strange too, and it seems that she is still quite a bit like him.

If you can always do this -

Fang Qing was slightly stiff and decisively cut off this idea quickly and did not continue to think about it.

"Qing Er," Su Jinghe's hand stroked in front of her chest, softly said: "I want to..."

Fang Qing gently snorted, gradually relaxed and snuggled in his arms, gently said: "You want ... to be..."

After saying this, the cheeks suddenly heat up!

Su Jing and Hehe’s low smile, and they kissed her face twice, laughing: “Good Qing, this is what you said, not to be ignored for a while!”

When she said that she would lay her down and lean down, the dense kiss fell again and again, but the warm but gentle and gentle, as if to treat a rare treasure.

This is not a road with the fierce battle of the former two people, fried water!

As a result, Fang Qing was a little bit stunned by his kiss and kiss. The brain was full of paste, and the white ones turned, and the body turned, and the body was hot and hot. The inexplicable emotions screamed and the breathing was heavy...

She didn't feel it at all, and Su Jinghe's kiss gradually went down until he kissed her leg. She was "ah!" The screams trembled and struggled while screaming: "Don't! No! Jing and! Jinghe!"

The woman is soft and numb, where is the opponent of the man who is caught in the fire enthusiasm? Su Jing and the easy ones stopped her struggle, and she kissed her and kissed her body with a screaming scream. Su Jing and he gasped: "Women, don't be afraid..."

Yun Xiaoyu scattered, Fang Qing felt that he had died with a small one, and his hands and feet did not have a little strength to lie there and did not move.

Su Jing and the heart of the soft pity of the pity of the heart, sneer, holding a gentle and lingering kiss, Fang Xin satisfied with a smile: "Good wife, you like?"

Fang Qing was so shy that his face was red, and he didn't even dare to say anything. He slammed his quilt and covered himself.

Su Jing and haha ​​laughed, actually got up and called hot water, twisted the warm towel gently and meticulously wiped her body.

I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. The time spent wiping the next time is extraordinarily long, and it is clear and soft, and I will not dare to move Fang Qing.

I originally wanted to get up and come by myself, and I will not get up at this moment.

Su Jinghe cleaned up, and when she lay down again, she gradually took her into her arms, and took a little time on her hands and mouth. This is a sneer: "Baby wife, I have never done this before. Things are only for you! In the future, I will only want you one..."

Fang Qing was already sleepy and vague, and heard a long sigh of eyes "Well?" and asked: "What?"

Su Jinghe laughed, but she shook her head and pressed her head to her arms. She smiled: "Nothing, sleep first! You will always understand later!"

Looking down, my daughter-in-law is already asleep...

The next day, Fang Qing ran again early.

Shuangling is trembled, fearing that the young master will lose his temper.

Who knows that this time the young master not only did not lose his temper, but also a smirk for a while, the smile, how eccentric and how weird, straight look at the Shuangling scalp numb.

Su Jinghe will of course not lose his temper. This time, the wife and daughter will not sue and not the same as the last time. This time, she is ashamed and fled!

Instead of losing his temper, he is very happy!
