MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 177 Garp's Iron Fist!

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  Chapter 177 Karp's Iron Fist!

  Kan had already thought of it at the very beginning, maybe red hair would appear on this battlefield.

   But I didn't expect it to come so early.

   That is to say.

  Did the Red Hair Pirates come to this battlefield because they blocked Kaido’s Beast Pirates?

   But looking at them, it doesn't look like they have experienced a war.

   Presumably there was only a confrontation between the two parties.

   There may be fights, but they are just testing each other.

  But the red-haired pirates came to the entire battlefield.

  The purpose is very simple.

  Kahn clearly remembered what Warring States once said.

  The world government sent someone to communicate with the redhead.

   It's just that the redhead seems to have rejected the proposal from the World Government.

  After learning that Ace is Roger's child.

   Red hair also wants to save Ace.

  Because anyway, in the former Roger Pirates.

   Redhead still has deep feelings for Roger.

  How should I put it, they are like father and son!

  Under such circumstances, since it is known that Ace is Roger's child, it is naturally impossible for the redhead to stand idly by.

  And he was ready to intervene in this horrible war, but they came late because of the Beast Pirates.

   Above the sky.

  The battle between Hancock and the Four Emperors continues.

  From just now until now, Hancock is still at a disadvantage, because although Hancock is very talented, the battles he has experienced are very different from Big Mom.

  Hancock's overlord color winding is still lacking compared to the Four Emperors.

   Another point is that Hancock's fruit ability doesn't work for Big Mom at all.

   These are Hancock's shortcomings.

  Whether it is strength or defense, Hancock is weaker than Big Mom in front of him.

   means that the speed can be barely equal.

  But because of Kahn's expectations and anger, Hancock performed exceptionally.

   Although at a disadvantage.

  But Overlord Color Coil, as a skill that can only be possessed by the world's top powerhouses, is not so easy to defeat.

  So the battle between the two sides is just an appetizer.

   But over time.

   Hancock will definitely gradually fall into the disadvantaged.

   But no matter what, this battle is a very good opportunity for her to sharpen.

  As for the red-haired pirates who are coming now.

   Kahn didn't mean to tangle with the other party.

  The reason why he confronted Whitebeard before was because Whitebeard was too arrogant.

  But the Whitebeard Whitebeard Pirates also paid their due price.

   One more point.

   Kahn also had some itchy hands.

  There is enough curiosity about White Beard, the strongest man in the world.

  Although he has seen Whitebeard's peak period.

   But from the beginning to the end, they never played against each other.

  Under such circumstances, Kahn naturally wanted to make a move.

   But now Kahn has basically determined the strength of Whitebeard.

  Since this is the case.

   Kahn naturally lost interest.

   One more point.

  Sihuang BIGMOM appeared.

   Kahn's original mission was to stop the Four Emperors.

  He just needs to do his own thing well.

  Besides, the battle between the four emperors is not so easy, and one's own woman is more important.

  Although the red-haired pirates are tough.

  But at this moment, the navy is not unable to deal with it.

  As long as the red-haired pirates don't come to trouble him.

  Kahn is too lazy to take care of himself.

   Besides, Kahn thought.

  Since all three of the Four Emperors have appeared.

  The remaining Kaido may not appear.

  Although the Red Hair Pirates drove away the Beasts Pirates.

  But it doesn’t mean that Kaido will go back obediently.

  Especially when he knew Big Mom and Redhead might be in the war too.

  Being warlike, he would never let this opportunity pass by.

  Even if his pirates don't come, what about him?

  With the ability to fly, he is very free.

  Although Kahn is strong, he should pay attention.

  Of course, Kahn also wants to see how powerful this world's number one creature is compared to his own fire dragon body, and what is the difference?

   Is your roar stronger, or the opponent's breath stronger?

  On the battlefield.

  Hancock looked solemn.

  The strength of the opponent is indeed very strong.

   But she can't give up.

  Because Kahn, whom I like, is watching from the side.

   And above the square.

  Because of the accident just now.

  The battle between the navy and the pirates has a slight delay.

  Because **** cloth is sniping at a very long distance.

   In addition, the surrounding wall above the port is very tall.

   Also blocked the eyes of all the soldiers and pirates above the square.

   So most people have no idea what the **** is going on?

   There was still shouts of excitement over there.

   Not for anything else.

  Because the Navy's execution of Ace was unsuccessful.

   "Who saved Ace? Thank you so much." A pirate said directly.

   "Whoever it is, he has done us a great favor."

  Such words resonated among the pirates.

   On the scaffold.

  Fire Fist Ace watched this scene in disbelief.

  Because on the execution platform, he could clearly see who saved him.

  He never expected that it would be the red-haired pirates.

   Ace figured out the reason almost instantly.

  The other party probably made the move because of the father he had never met, the father he hated for a long time.

   Regarding this point, Ace wanted to say no, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to his mouth.

   "Red hair, that nasty guy, shouldn't he be blocking the Beast Pirates at this moment? Why did he appear here at this point in time?" Sengoku's face was very ugly.

  The situation is almost at its worst now.

   "Is it possible that the guy with the white beard revealed Ace's identity? Anyway, that guy is also an apprentice pirate of the Roger Pirates." Garp said in a low voice.

  Because he suddenly thought of what Kahn said.

  That is, his grandson Luffy embarked on the road of real pirates because of the red hair.

   Of course, there are also their own negligence.

   But redheads are definitely not immune to responsibility.

  When thinking of this, Garp glanced at Luffy on the square.

  At this moment, Luffy has used the exciting hormone again.

   Break away from the extremely weak situation just now.

   But his own situation is not much better.

  Because a large number of navies surrounded them.

   Among them are some powerful lieutenant generals.

  If it weren't for a group of powerful pirates who protected him in the middle.

  I'm afraid he's already dead.

   Karp is very clear.

  My grandson is still too young for such a battlefield.

   "Karp, if this continues, you can't stand by. Mr. Kong should have received the news, and I believe he will come to this battlefield soon." Warring States said directly.

   Hear the words of the Warring States Period.

   Garp was silent for a while.

   Finally nodded slowly.

   "Old man." Ace shouted again on the execution platform.

   Garp glanced at him.

  Finally, he closed his eyes in pain.

   "Everyone has their own chosen path, Ace, I tried to stop you, but I couldn't."

   Ace was speechless.

  He's thinking about everything he's had with Garp.

   We have reached this stage.

   He was finally able to know how painful it was that Cap was in.

  But now he seems not qualified to criticize anymore.

   He couldn't shout out loudly that he wanted to be a pirate like he did when he was a child.

   It's not that he regrets being a pirate.

   Instead, he dared not face Karp.

   And at this moment of lag.

  A cyan figure came straight to the execution platform.

  All sailors and pirates noticed this scene.

   "It's Marco." A pirate exclaimed.

  The reason is very simple. The opponent saw a slight delay in the action of the navy, so he seized this opportunity and escaped from the battle with the yellow ape.

   want to go straight to the execution platform.

  The faces of the pirates showed hope.

  White Beard looked heavy.

  Because he clearly knew the strength of the two old men on the execution platform.

  Looking at the galloping phoenix Marco.

  Shan Guo's eyes flashed a cold light.

  The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates are really arrogant.

   Really don't take him as a marshal seriously?

   Warring States clenched their fists.

   But the next moment.

   Garp's figure has disappeared in place.

  Warring States was also taken aback.

  Marco's speed is relatively fast.

   But there is no doubt that Karp is faster.

   Almost just instantly.

  Marco felt a sharp pain.

   It's not over yet.

  The terrifying power from Garp's fist directly knocked him down from the air.

  Finally, Marco fell to the ground and made a big hole.

  The blue flame on his body slowly disappeared, revealing the main body.

   There are marks of being hit on his neck.

  He looked up at the burly old man on the high platform, as if seeing a high mountain.

  Although the momentum is not as good as Lieutenant General Kahn.

   But the same horror in strength.

   Pirates also discovered something wrong at the first time.

   "That's the hero Garp, the powerful sailor who drove the Roger Pirates into desperation several times 20 years ago." A pirate said directly.

   And his words spread among all the pirates.

   Clearly, the addition of Karp has dealt them another big punch.

  Leave them breathless!

  Because the Garp in front of him is at least a strong man at the level of Lieutenant General Kahn.

  Just one Lieutenant General Kahn almost wiped out the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

   Now a Garp has been added.

  In this case.

  How can they not despair?

   Speak up.

  They can all feel the terrifying coercion above the sky now.

  The Pirate Empress directly blocked the aunt, one of the Four Emperors, by herself.

   This is something no one thought of.

  And it seems that it is impossible for them to decide the outcome in a short time.

The most important thing.

   Lieutenant General Kahn, who has already turned into a human form, stands quietly in the sky.

   Haven't done it yet!

   That is an extremely powerful force.

  If it weren't for Papa Whitebeard and Rayleigh the Hades.

  At this moment, they are already defeated.

   Garp, who repelled Marco, went directly to the general's position and continued to do so lightly.

  Then spread out your hands and put them on the two armrests.

   Just moments.

  Everyone felt the strong pressure.

  Seeing that the momentum of his side plummeted.

  White Beard shouted immediately: "Boys, don't be intimidated by the other party. Don't forget that our allies have already arrived."

   This time, Whitebeard didn't say that the other party was a veteran.

  Because the strength of this veteran is very clear in his heart.

  Because of the strength that Kahn showed just now, the effect of saying that again is not so obvious.

   And heard the words of the white beard.

  Everyone present was taken aback.

   "Allies? The Whitebeard Pirates still have allies?

   Isn’t one of the four emperors above the sky their ally?

  Why is an ally popping out from which corner now?

   Hear what Whitebeard said about allies.

   Garp ticked the corner of his mouth.

   Then he hugged his hands directly.

   Show the demeanor of a strong man.

   Kahn, who was in the sky, rolled his eyes.

   Garp this guy.

  Facing the former opponent Whitebeard.

  The pride in his bones still hasn't diminished a bit.

   In a way, it's the same as him just now.

   "If you want to pass here, then step on my dead body!" Garp said directly,

  Ace on the execution platform was extremely complicated.

  Everyone has different thoughts.

   But the time is only a few minutes passed.

  The navies finally discovered the ally that Whitebeard said.

   A loud roar resounded throughout the square.

   "Report to the Marshal, the red-haired pirates have appeared outside the port and are now approaching the square."

  All the sailors were stunned immediately.

   "What? It turned out to be the Red Hair Pirates, the pirate group known as the Iron Wall, a pirate group that is proud of its extremely high average bounty."

  A sailor immediately told the general situation of the red-haired pirates.

   Undoubtedly, the arrival of the red-haired pirates once again brought unpredictable variables to this war.

   "So, what we need to fight now are the three Four Emperors?"

   As soon as the words came out.

   Immediately caused an uproar.

   The Whitebeard Pirates alone have caused such damage to the Navy Headquarters.

  The Four Emperors are still fighting fiercely with the Pirate Empress in the sky.

   Now there is another group of red-haired pirates.

  The trend of this war has become extremely severe.

   "It seems that we have a good chance of winning this war."

  Leili, who was still fighting with Aokiji, pushed Aokiji back with a knife, and then said panting.

   It took so long to fight against two strong generals.

  Rayleigh has consumed too much energy.

  But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

  At this moment, he is still not an existence that ordinary people can provoke.

  Aokiji's gaze has shifted to the top of the surrounding wall.

  He could already clearly feel the aura of the red-haired pirates, but he hadn't seen anyone yet.

  The appearance of the red-haired pirates also set off a storm all over the world.

   "How did this happen? Why did there appear three Four Emperors? This seems to have never happened."

   "Will the Navy lose?"

  All civilians are extremely worried.


  The navy is an institution of justice above the sea.

   Has a great deterrent effect on pirates, if the navy really loses in this battle.

  That would definitely cause a huge panic.

   At that time, the pirates will be even more rampant.

   And they are the direct victims of this influence.

"What are you doing in a daze? Naturally someone from the red-haired pirates will deal with it. Your task now is to eliminate the white-bearded pirates in front of you as soon as possible. Justice is absolutely impossible to lose in this sea." Warring States directly roared.

  The sea soldiers also reacted.

   "That's right! For the sake of justice, how can we stand still? And we also have Lieutenant General Kahn, Lieutenant General Garp and Marshal Sengoku, how could we lose to the pirates?"

  In short, whether it is a pirate or a soldier.

  The momentum between the two sides has risen again.

   "Yes! It is absolutely impossible for us to lose! Kill!"

   Everyone! I have a cold! Dizzy!

   But finally wrote it.

thanks for your support!



  (end of this chapter)

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