MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 187 Rather mess with the Four Emperors! Don't bother Kahn! (Six thousand words! For

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  Chapter 187 Rather provoke the Four Emperors! Don't bother Kahn! (Six thousand words! Add 712 for GT loving his wife)

   Hear Kahn's words.

   Robin behind him was also taken aback.

   “Is it a good place to collect money?”

  Kan turned to look at her.

   "Of course it's a good place to collect money. Isn't the Straw Hats coming? They still owe me 10 billion Baileys."

   "But do they have money now?" Robin was also a little curious.

   In the past two years, it's not that she hasn't paid attention to the Straw Hats.

   But there is no news.

  If it's according to Kahn, it's that they will be here during this time.

   But are they really rich like this?

  If there is no money.

   Robin is well aware of Kahn's character, that will definitely catch them.

   "What? Are you worried that they won't be able to afford the money?"

   "There has been no news of them in the past two years. Presumably they have been completely separated. Even if they are gathered together now, they should have no money."

   "Don't worry, someone will pay for them."

   Robin was very puzzled.

   "Let's go, come with me to meet the person who is willing to pay them."

   After Kahn finished speaking, he walked forward.

   Robin was full of doubts, but quickly followed.

   Chambord Islands is the last island in the first half of the great route.

  There are many forces stationed here.

   It was because of the previous battle between Kahn and Pluto that destroyed an island.

  Plus the Navy headquarters was transferred to the original G1 branch.

  The defense here is much smaller than it was two years ago.

  So the chaotic area on the island is even bigger.

  Kan walked on the island and was quickly recognized.

   "Is that Lieutenant General Kahn?"

   "I have seen the news about Lieutenant General Kahn, and there is no doubt that it is Lieutenant General Kahn."

   "I didn't expect Lieutenant General Kahn to come to the Chambord Islands again. Is there any powerful pirate here?"

   "Have you forgotten? The Straw Hat Pirates who appeared in the top war two years ago also came to this island a few days ago. I heard that they are recruiting troops?"

   "What? Is it the Straw Hat Pirates? I heard about it too."

   "Don't be joking, with Lieutenant General Kahn around, no kind of pirate will be a concern."

   "That's right, after all, Lieutenant General Kahn is an existence that even the Four Emperors can suppress."

  There are constant discussions around.

   There is no doubt that Kahn is full of reverence.

  Although the Straw Hat Pirates are very famous, they are really nothing in front of Lieutenant General Kahn.

   The things Kahn did were really shocking.

   Hear the voice of everyone's discussion.

   Robin was a little surprised.

   "Have the Straw Hat Pirates arrived on this island?"

   "It seems that we came at the right time, let's go and have a look! I haven't seen you for two years, I think they will be very happy to see me!"

   Robin glanced at Kahn upon hearing this.

   "I think they will be very happy too, are they trembling with joy?"

   Kahn laughed out loud.

  Robin has been with him for a long time.

   will also tell these bad jokes.

   That's fine.

  He doesn't like the way his woman is cautious in front of him.

  The two continued to walk forward.

   Can't be taken into a tavern.

   "I didn't expect the Straw Hats to show up again. I haven't heard from them for two years. I thought they were all dead."

   "But the recruiting partner who made a big splash as soon as he appeared, is really arrogant!"

"No way, the pirates who have broken through the first half of the great route are now gathering on the island. The number of pirates is very large. It is also very easy to recruit during this time period! After all, the Straw Hat Pirates also want to be in the new world. Stretch your fists."

   "If that's the case, I want to sign up too."

   "Don't be silly, now on this island, there are so many pirates with hundreds of millions of bounties, and people still look down on you."

   And the conversation between them also caught the attention of a woman at the bar.

  A woman with blonde hair.

  There is only one piece of underwear on the upper body.

  The lower body is slim-fit trousers.

  It looks very beautiful.

  She put down the wine glass in her hand.

   But right now.

  The door of the tavern was roughly pushed open.

  Everyone was taken aback.

   Then looked over.

  Their pupils also shrank.

  Because they recognized who it was.

   For a while, the whole bar fell silent.

  The leading man is wearing a straw hat.

  But the plump body makes people look uncomfortable.

   "Boss, serve wine and food." The arrogant voice echoed throughout the bar.

  The woman's eyes also fell on them.

  The boss was very cautious and immediately began to greet them.

at this time.

  A pirate came up.

   Then fell to his knees on the ground.

   "Boss Straw Hat, accept me! I want to join you."

   "The bounty is 55 million, didn't you read our leaflet carefully? We don't want those below 70 million Baileys. A waste like you is not enough to join us."

   Then, he directly raised the pistol.

   Gunshots sounded.

  The pirate fell to the sound of gunfire.

   Then his eyes turned to the bar.

   At the same time, his eyes lit up.

   "Hey, that woman over there? Don't sit there alone, come here!"

  The woman is a little impatient.

  Then turned to look at him.

   "No need, I'm waiting for another man."

  The boss was taken aback.

   "Don't reject him, he is Straw Hat Luffy. He started a war on the top two years ago and offered a reward of nearly 400 million powerful pirates! You should know."

  The masked pirate suddenly laughed arrogantly.

   "So you were waiting for a man. Presumably that man also clearly knows what kind of pirate Straw Hat Luffy is? He will kneel down and beg for mercy then! So hurry up!"

  The woman finally turned her head.

  The expression on his face was extremely calm.

   "I'll say it again, just because you are not worthy of letting my old lady drink with you? Do you understand? By the way, what did you say you were called a straw hat just now?"

  Such words made the whole bar fall silent again.

   And the man became angry.

   At this moment, there was another knock on the door of the bar.

  Because the whole tavern could hear a needle drop.

  So the sound of the door opening attracted everyone's attention.

   Kahn took the lead and walked in.

   Immediately saw the woman at the bar.

   There was also a smile on his face.

   "That little girl over there, how about coming to drink with the old man?"

  Hearing Kahn's words, Robin behind him looked calm.

  Such a scene once again refreshed everyone's perception.

   When they saw the cloak of justice on Kahn, they were also taken aback.

   "Navy, it turned out to be a navy."

  Nami finally turned her head and looked over.

   But soon, her pupils dilated.

  The calm face just now changed immediately.

   Sweat flowed down almost instantly.

  Such a scene also attracted the attention of others.

   "Why do I feel that this navy looks familiar?"

   Many of them have already been recognized.

   "Then that is Lieutenant General Kahn?"

   It's just that he was speechless at this moment due to shock.

  Nami was also speechless.

  She was very desperate at the moment.

  Because she never thought that the first acquaintance she met when she first came to Chambord Islands was the one she feared the most.

   "It turned out to be the navy, but don't think that I will be afraid of you, my uncle is not"

   But his words stopped abruptly.

  Kan raised his hand.

  A flame ray shoots out from the fingertips.

   In an instant, his head was pierced.

   Then he fell down.

   Until the sound of falling to the ground came.

  All the people reacted.

  The remaining pirates were terrified to the extreme.

   "I leave it to you, Robin." Kahn's indifferent voice sounded.

"I see."

   Robin crossed his arms.

   And a few arms grew out of thin air on those pirates.

   "What is this? What's going on?" The pirate's terrified voice sounded.

  Afterwards, Robin clenched his fists with both hands.

  The arm on the pirate's body suddenly exerted force.

   Continuous clicking sounds echoed throughout the tavern.


   Then, several people fell down limply.

   Such a scene once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

   "What? I haven't seen you for two years, so you can't understand the old man? Nami." Kahn reminded again.

   "Why are you here, Lieutenant General Kahn?" Nami asked cautiously with sweat dripping down her face.

  The dialogue between the two also made everyone present stupefied again.

   "Did that woman just call him Lieutenant General Kahn?"

  The middle-aged man beside him nodded blankly.

   "Yes, he is Lieutenant General Kahn." Another man spoke.

   Then they confirmed it thoroughly.

   "It turned out to be Lieutenant General Kahn!"

  All pirates are silent.

   They have heard of Kahn's reputation countless times.

   Even hearing Kahn's name, they sat there, not daring to move at all.

   This is Kahn's current deterrent power to ordinary pirates.

   "Wait, Lieutenant General Kahn just said Nami, isn't that Nami a navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

   "So, the Straw Hats from before were fake?"

  Everyone suddenly realized.

  Kahn didn't care what they were thinking.

   Instead, he walked to a seat.

   "What? Didn't you hear me?"

   Nami was shocked, and finally gritted her teeth and walked over.

  She clearly knew that it was impossible for her to resist Kahn now.

  Since this is the case, it is better to go straight forward.

   After all, in her impression, as long as he has money, Kahn shouldn't embarrass them too much.

  The boss was also very knowledgeable, and immediately brought out the best wine.

  Looking at the beauty in front of her.

   Kahn also nodded.

   "Not bad, you have grown a lot in two years."

  Nami felt uncomfortable.

  She knew exactly what Lieutenant General Kahn in front of her did two years ago.

  The top war shocked the whole world.

   "What? Is this old man that scary?" Kahn asked.

   "You are terrifying to the extreme." Nami roared in her heart.

   But there was still a forced smile on her face.

   Then her gaze shifted to Robin.

   "Robin, are you there?"

   Robin smiled, then nodded.

   "And the one over there, if you don't come out again, the old man will kill you."

  Kan's words made Nami startled.

   Who else is coming?

  Her gaze followed along.

   Then I saw a familiar figure.

  She who should be happy is a bit bitter at the moment.

   "Usopp, when did you come?"

   And Usopp's eyes fell on Kahn.

  The whole person trembled a little.

   "I've been recognized! I'm dying, what should I do?"

   "Didn't you hear?"

   "Yes, it's me, I am here." Usopp immediately stepped forward, his voice trembling.

   Kahn was a little speechless.

   "Robin, am I that scary?"

   Robin covered his mouth and snickered.

   "It's still scary for them!"

   "Okay, you have made me lose my interest in drinking, let's talk about money!"

  Nami and Usopp were taken aback.

   "Money, what money?"

   "Of course you, the Straw Hat Pirates, owe me money."

   "Haven't we already handed it over?"

   "After you were photographed by the bear two years ago, Luffy used 10 billion Baileys to ask Kahn to block the bear, and Lieutenant General Kahn did block the bear." Robin gave the reason.

   Nami and Usopp stay for a while.

   Then Nami suddenly became angry.

   "That **** Luffy actually agreed to such a request, 10 billion Baileys, how can we have so much money?"

  Speaking of money.

  Nami's momentum soared.

  But soon saw Kahn who was smiling but not smiling.

   Immediately, his momentum was like a deflated ball.

   "It's over, it's over, we're dead, why would Luffy agree to such an outrageous request, it's over." Usopp was extremely frustrated.

   Confront Karn.

  He clearly knew that the skills learned during these two years were of no use at all.

   Both of them were desperate to the extreme.

  Finally, Nami suddenly remembered that Kahn in front of her seemed to be in debt?

  So he tentatively asked: "Lieutenant General Kahn, can we owe it first?"

  In the expectant eyes of the two.

   Kahn said with interest: "It's not impossible, but the interest rate is a little bit high."

   Usopp immediately relaxed.


   It's just that Nami became vigilant.

  Everything related to money, she will be vigilant.

   "High interest! How high is the interest?"

   "Is this, it's very simple, just double it within a year, and my requirements are not high."

   Kahn said leisurely.

   The two who were still happy were suddenly stunned.

  10 billion Pele doubled within a year, isn't that 20 billion Pele?

  How could the Straw Hats have 20 billion Baileys in one year?

   This is simply impossible.

  The interest rate is not a little higher.

   It's ridiculously high, okay!

   "Are you unwilling?" Kahn's faint voice sounded.

   Both of them shuddered.

   But it's not a question of whether they want to or not at all.

   "What if we have no money?" Nami asked again.

   There was a glimmer of hope in her tone.

   "No money, it's very simple, just arrest you." Kahn said without hesitation.

  The two of them froze.

   But at the same time feel compared to 20 billion.

   It's better to be arrested.

   It seems that they have seen their thoughts.

   Kahn smiled dismissively.

   "Do you really think that you still have a chance to escape from the city?"

   Both Nami and Usopp looked at Kahn.

   "Because of the previous incident, the current strength of the advance city has increased several times. As long as they are captured, there is no possibility of escape. In addition, do you know what kind of baptism you have to go through when entering the advance city?" Robin said suddenly.

  The two turned their eyes and looked at Robin.

   "Robin, what do you need to do when you go in?"

   "It seems to be stripped naked and sterilized in 100-degree boiling water."

  Nami, Usopp's face froze instantly.

  Can they all imagine what it would be like if they experienced such a thing?

   Then the two shook their heads frantically.

   "No, absolutely not!"

   Especially Nami.

   A beautiful girl like her was stripped naked and thrown into boiling water.

   Still have to be seen by those jailers.

  She absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen.

   "Robin-chan, help me to say something nice, don't do this." Nami could only ask Robin for help.

   "That's right, Robin, we were on the same boat anyway, you can't watch us suffer like this?" Usopp seemed to have caught a savior.

   "Although I really want to help you, but I'm in the navy now!" Robin said with some embarrassment.

  Kan glanced at Robin.

  Sometimes Robin's black belly is quite serious.

  He had already said that when he first landed on this island, this time someone probably paid for them.

  But now Robin answered them like this.

   Isn’t this a black belly?

   But Kahn was also happy to frighten them.

  The two of them burst into tears when they heard Robin's words.

  My heart is full of despair.

   "It's over, it's over, this time it's really over."

   But the next moment.

   Kahn stared at the door.

   "Your luck seems to be good, the person who will help you pay is here."

   "Helping us pay, how is that possible?" Nami said subconsciously.

   But soon his eyes widened.

   "What did you say? Someone wants to pay for us?"

   And at this moment.

  The door of the tavern was opened again.

  A thin old man appeared in the eyes of everyone.

   "Are you? Mr. Raleigh?" Nami was immediately pleasantly surprised.

  Rayleigh nodded to them first.

   Then he looked solemnly at Kahn in his seat.

  Reilly was full of fear towards Kahn.

  Because the strength shown by Kahn has exceeded his expectations time and time again.

   Even suppressed him personally.

   Such an experience made him unforgettable.

   "I just heard someone outside saying that Lieutenant General Kahn has come to this island, so I wanted to confirm it, but I didn't expect it to be true."

   Kahn looked at him.

  Can't help thinking of the difference between "good teacher" and "bad teacher"?

   "Since you are here, does that mean that kid Luffy is also here?" Kahn said directly.

  Rayleigh nodded directly upon hearing this.

   "That would be much easier. He should pay back the money. This debt has been delayed for two years."

   "I've prepared the money, but it's not here. You and I need to get it." Raleigh said.

   Kahn was taken aback.

   "So simple?"

   But soon he smiled.

   It would be better to be straightforward, he likes such people.

   "Okay, let's go!"

  Rayleigh went straight out.

  Kahn et al followed.

  Nami and Usopp are still a little dazed.

   "I said, Nami, isn't it Mr. Raleigh who Lieutenant General Kahn said will pay back the money for us?"

   "I don't know, but it seems to be the case now." Nami couldn't believe it.

   And Usopp came together.

   "Nami, should we take this opportunity to escape directly? With Mr. Raleigh around, it should be impossible for Lieutenant General Kahn to chase us."

  Heard Usopp's words.

  Nami is also a little tempted.

"I advise you not to do this. Two years ago, Lieutenant General Kahn had already captured Raleigh the Pluto. Today, two years later, don't you think that Lieutenant General Kahn can't catch you?" Robin said. The voice suddenly sounded.

   Startled the two who were talking quietly.

   "Robin, if you say that, we have nowhere to go."

   "It seems so."

   "But if we arrive in the new world, even Lieutenant General Kahn won't be able to catch us so easily?" Thorpe said suddenly.

  Hearing this, Robin looked at him with some sympathy.

   "Don't you know that Lieutenant General Kahn in the entire New World is known to everyone, everyone knows?"

   When talking about this, Robin's eyes are also a little worshipful.

   Within two years, Robin became more than just Kahn's woman.

   She has a deeper understanding of Kahn.

   This enigmatic man is simply too strong.

  If Hancock felt that there was nothing Kahn couldn't do before.

  There is one more person who thinks so now, and that is her.

  Usopp and Nami looked at each other.

   But soon there seemed to be a dark cloud hanging over my head.

  The deterrence brought by Kahn made them a little breathless.

   "Okay, let's go! Seeing that I was on that ship, I will give you a piece of advice."

   "What advice."

   "In the new world, even if you mess with the Four Emperors, there is no problem, but Lieutenant General Kahn must not be ignored."

  Nami and Usopp immediately felt the pressure coming from Robin's words.

   "It's better to mess with the Four Emperors than Kahn?"

   What a horrible thing this is.

   "This time, Pluto Raleigh will help you pay. Next time, you probably won't have so much luck, so."

   "So we have to prepare money at all times, right?" Nami said a little speechlessly.

   "That's it." Robin nodded unceremoniously.

   "That Robin, can I ask a question?" Nami asked suddenly.

"what is the problem?"

   "Lieutenant General Kahn is already so rich, why is he still so persistent?"

   Robin was taken aback.

   Then he took a deep look at Nami.

   Nami felt uncomfortable being watched by her.

"Any questions?"

   "Actually, I have already asked this question."

   "Why is that?" Nami was curious.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, he just likes money."

  Nami was stunned.

"It's that simple?"

   "Then what else do you think is the reason?"

   "It seems to be the same."

   Afterwards, Nami didn't think too much about it.

  The three followed up again.

   It's just that Robin really doesn't think so.

  For two years.

   She already had some guesses in her mind.

   But for her.

   These are not important anymore.

  The most important thing is to be able to continue to stay happily by Kahn's side.

  The three of them soon came to another bar.

   And in this bar, Xia Qi is explaining their situation to Sanji.

   "I didn't expect Chlorella to be the first one to arrive, that idiot swordsman!" Sanji expressed surprise at this incident.

   "By the way, where is Mr. Raleigh?"

   "He's gone out and should be back soon."

   "That's it!"

   As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they looked towards the door.

  Because they already heard footsteps.

   "It seems that they have returned." Xia Qi said with a smile.

   "Indeed." Sanji smiled.

  But when a tall figure wearing a cloak of justice appeared in the tavern, the eyes of the two immediately became dull.

  (end of this chapter)

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