MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 190 A pair of one hundred thousand, the advantage is mine! (for GT loving his wife

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  Chapter 190 A pair of one hundred thousand, the advantage is mine! (Greatly add 1012 for GT loving his wife)

  Obviously, what Kahn said is still a bit out of line for her.

   But no matter what, Lord Kahn will never harm her.

   She was extremely sure of this.

   "I see, Lord Kahn."

  Kan nodded, then turned his head again to look at the members of the new murloc pirates.

   Seeing Kahn looking at him and the others, the murlocs were immediately taken aback.

  The aura that Kahn is displaying now is really terrifying.

   They dare not look directly.

   "Go away! Go and gather your people now, I will give you a chance. During this period, I will wait on the square. There is only one chance!"

  Everyone was stunned when they heard Kahn's words.

   "Master Kahn." Neptune's expression changed instantly.

   Kahn raised his right hand.

   "It's okay, it's just a group of guys who can't be on the stage, it just happens to be exercise before meals."

  The eyes of the murlocs were full of doubts.

   Is this really letting yourself and others go?

   And you want to challenge the entire new Murloc Pirates?

  Are you sure you're not joking?

   You know, their new murloc pirates are all powerful murlocs.

  The number is even more terrifying.

  No matter how powerful the people in front of them are, they can't be their opponents!

   "What? Why don't you get out? Do you want to stay and eat?" Kahn's cold words sounded again.

  The murlocs didn't dare to stay at all this time, so they turned around and left immediately.

   "Lord Kahn, are you really going to the square?"

   "Of course it's true. I've already said it. Are you still breaking your promise? It's better to solve it as soon as possible."

   "But the new murloc pirates have a huge number, is it really good to let them gather?"

   "Sometimes, numbers don't matter at all, let's go! Go straight to the square now! Three waves of people have already gone to inform that guy. With his idiot-like brain, he absolutely can't bear it."

   Several people were taken aback again.

   "Master Kahn, what does this mean?"

   "Before we entered Murloc Island, we were attacked twice by Hody Jones." Robin said.

   "What? That guy is so bold!" Neptune was very angry.

   "Master Kahn, are you all right?"

   "Of course it's fine, otherwise would I still be here?"

   "Ah! I'm too stupid, I'm sorry!" Shirahoshi immediately apologized.

  Kan shook his head.

   "Judging from your situation, you have absolutely no idea about the movements of the entire new Murloc Pirates." Kahn said directly.

  Nipton was taken aback for a moment.

   Then a little ashamed.

   "Master Kahn, this is my negligence, Master Kahn had already reminded me before."

  Kahn did remind him two years ago, but he agreed at the time.

  But he didn't pay much attention to it.

   It's just that he didn't expect that in the past two years, the New Murloc Pirates have grown stronger and stronger.

   It is even more recently that Lieutenant General Kahn is cooperating with the king just because of the huge benefits.

   Moreover, it is impossible for murlocs to form a friendly relationship with humans.

  That's just the murloc's ridiculous idea.

   They even think that the murlocs are the most noble race.

  Under such circumstances, you must never submit to the hands of humans.

   Recently, the Royal Guards pretending to be Murloc Island have collected tolls.

  Nepton originally wanted to solve this matter by himself.

  But I didn't expect Kahn to come to Murloc Island so soon.

   "It's not entirely your fault, but it's not a big deal, it'll be over soon."

   Just when several people were heading to the square.

  Somewhere in Murloc Island.

   "What did you say?" Hody Jones looked at the murloc in front of him with a fierce look on his face.

   And this murloc is the guy who commanded the shark attack on Kahn's warship before.

   "Boss, that's how it happened. The shark group fainted for some reason."

   "It's the same on my side." Another murloc immediately agreed.

  Hoddy Jones looked at him.

"As usual, we were waiting for the passing pirates, but we met Lieutenant General Kahn's warship and were about to show them off. As a result, the sea beast and our people fainted directly, and he asked me to bring a message return."

   "What words?"

   "Just let us get together and go directly to the square, saying that we want to solve this matter directly."

   It's just that he felt a cold murderous aura just after he finished speaking.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn is so arrogant? It seems that we must teach the other party a profound lesson and let him know our strength."

at this time.


   Everyone looked up.

   Isn’t it the few people who were released by Kahn and others just now?

   "What's the matter with you?" Hody Jones was in a bad mood at the moment.

   Several people felt the heavy atmosphere.

  But he still immediately told what he had just experienced.

  After listening to the embellished words of several people, Hody Jones' eyes were bloodshot.

   Obviously already extremely angry.

"A mere human being is so arrogant, then we will do what he wishes, and you will gather the entire new murloc pirates together, and it is time to let them know how powerful we are, murlocs will be in my stronger under the leadership."

   "But he is Lieutenant General Kahn. I have heard his legend. Can we really win?" a murloc said suddenly.

   And his words silenced the murlocs present.

  The legend of Lieutenant General Kahn is not only on the sea, even Murloc Island has a general understanding through the pirates who come and go.

   Should not be an easy character to deal with.

   "You shouldn't be scared! If this is the case, then you are too useless. No matter how powerful he is, we will only be stronger. Another point is that we have so many troops."

   Hody Jones' words reminded everyone.

   "Yes! We have so many people, it is absolutely impossible to lose."

  Hody Jones grew up when he saw this scene.

   "Yes, that's it. Let that hateful human know how powerful we are, and let him get out of Murloc Island."

  Everyone nodded.

   "Okay, let's call everyone in the New Murloc Pirates! Go to the square, and I will declare our victory with the blood of the navy."

   Kahn's side.

   "I have sent all the sailors to the square, but there is a big gap between the two sides."

   "It's okay, the number is not a problem, besides, I don't know which party will have the most people at that time!"

   Robin stopped talking after hearing the words.

  Because she clearly knows Kahn's strength.

   "Master Kahn, do you really have to do this?"

   "Bai Xing, I know you are very kind, but this time the situation is different, but the old man will not go too far then."

   "Thank you, Lord Kahn."

   After a while, the team of people came to the edge of the square.

   And in the square.

  The sailors have been waiting for a long time.

   Seeing Kahn, a sailor ran up.

   "Report to Lieutenant General Kahn, we have assembled, please instruct!"

   "Just wait there, the opponent will appear soon."

   "Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn!"

   And Lieutenant General Kahn came to Murloc Island and had a conflict with members of the new Murloc Pirates, and the news spread at an extremely fast speed.

   Murloc Island became a complete sensation.

   Such things are not expected by them.

  Because of this incident, all murlocs began to gather towards the square.

  Dragon Palace.

   "What are you talking about? Lieutenant General Kahn has clashed with the new Murloc Pirates and wants to solve them?" Jinbe asked loudly.

   "That's right, Boss Jinbe, what should we do?"

  Jinbe's face changed drastically after getting an affirmative answer.

   "Hody Jones, that bastard, he is bringing disaster to the entire Murloc Island. If Admiral Kahn is completely enraged, the entire Murloc Island will be destroyed."

  The murloc who reported was stunned immediately.

   "Is Lieutenant General Kahn really that powerful?"

Jinbe said while walking: "Lieutenant General Kahn will be stronger than you imagined. If he wants to, he can definitely destroy the entire Murloc Island in an instant. Now is not the time to talk about these things. I must hurry to Hodi Jones stopped Lieutenant General Kahn before he thoroughly **** him off."

   After finishing speaking, Jinbe speeded up.

no way.

   It was about Kahn, so he had to be careful.

   This is really about the future of Murloc Island.

   Kahn's strength is not something they can provoke.

   On this point, Jinbei has a deep understanding of the top war.

  The people on the square, such as Neptune and others, immediately felt the extremely oppressive atmosphere.


   "What's coming?"

  Everyone didn't react for a while.

   "Look, what is that?" Bai Xing said suddenly.

   Then everyone looked over.

   Soon the pupils shrank.

  Because in front of them, no, not only in front, but all around, murlocs with weapons began to appear.

   There are all kinds of them.

   Obviously, these are members of the New Murloc Pirates.

   But the number is really scary.

   "Master Kahn!" Bai Xing shouted immediately.

   "It's okay, but the quantity is more."

   "Lieutenant General Kahn." Neptune suddenly shouted.

  Kan looked at him.

   "Most of them were just bewitched by Hody Jones."

   "The old man knows what you are going to say, and you want to let the old man show mercy, right?"

  Nepton nodded.

   "It's so naive, do you think these people still regard you as a king?"

  Nepton's complexion changed.

   "Master Kahn." Shirahoshi suddenly shouted.

  Kan turned to look at her.

   "Forget it, for Bai Xing's sake, I won't kill them all."

  Bai Xing was immediately moved.

   "Master Kahn is really kind."

  During the time they were talking, more and more people gathered in the square.

   Soon the number exceeded 50,000.

   But this is not over yet, there are still members appearing in a steady stream.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn." A shout came from a distance.

  Everyone looked over.

   "It's Master Shiping!"

   "It's Shiping!"

  As the original Shichibukai's Jinbei, he has a very strong popularity in the entire Fishman Island.

  Because he is strong and reliable.

   Kahn also looked over.

   I saw that Jinbe was approaching quickly.

   Soon came to Kahn and others.

   First met Neptune and the others face to face, and then looked at Kahn solemnly.

  Although two years have passed, Kahn's appearance has basically remained unchanged.

  The body is still unfathomable.

   "Tell me! What do you want me to do? If I remember correctly, you are the captain of the seventh division of the Whitebeard Pirates right now! You know that I don't like that idiot Ace."


  At this moment Jinbei actually joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

   regards the Blackbeard Pirates as a sworn enemy.

   Actually before Kahn and Robin arrived at Fishman Island.

  Jinbe thought about joining a big force to protect Murloc Island.

   But he was also worried about which faction he should join.

   Just at this time, Kahn appeared, willing to shelter Murloc Island.

   I have to say that Jinbei doesn't have much ill feeling towards Kahn.

   And Kahn is very powerful.

   This also made Jinpei feel relieved.

   It made him firm up his determination to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

  In short, he just wanted to avenge Whitebeard instead of worrying about the future.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, the purpose of my coming is to stop this war!"

   Kahn looked calm.

   "So, you want to stop the old man?"

  Kan's words were calm, but they put Jinbei under great pressure.

   His brow was already sweating.

   At the same time, I was also very shocked.

  Because Lieutenant General Kahn seems to be more terrifying than two years ago.

   "Don't dare, I just want to ask Lieutenant General Kahn to give me some time. I want to talk to that guy Hody Jones."

   Kahn sneered.

   "At this point, do you think this is something that can be ended by talking about it?"

   "Vice Admiral Kahn, although you are a navy, you are also a human being. If you act, it will probably make the relationship between the murlocs and humans worse, and the residents of the murloc island who are already afraid of humans will suffer even greater harm."

   Kahn smiled.

   "Then the old man still wants to make a move?"

   "If so, I will give my life to stop you."

   "Boss Jinbe!" Shirahoshi shouted immediately.

  Jinbe stared at Kahn.

   "Are you threatening the old man?"

   "Dare not!"

   "If you don't dare, then get out of the way. For the sake of Neptune and others, the old man will not attack you this time."

   Jinbei's face was ugly.

   The scene froze there for a while.

   While the two were talking, the members of the New Murloc Pirates also completely gathered.

   More than 100,000 murlocs surrounded the square.

   It was a shocking sight.

  Although the sailors at the scene were shocked, they were excited after the shock.

  Because they clearly know that there is Lieutenant General Kahn behind them.

   And on the high platform, almost everyone from Murloc Island came.

   But they were also shocked.

  Because there are too many people in the new Murloc Pirates.

   "Can Lieutenant General Kahn and the others really be able to fight against the new Murloc Pirates?" Some people are worried.

   "Hey! What do you mean? Do you want our kind to lose?"

  The murloc who spoke before was taken aback for a moment.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn has sheltered Murloc Island!"

   "What kind of shelter, it's not using us."

   "Compared to humans, I believe in the same kind."

   Discourses like this emerge in endlessly.

"I don't know why the new murloc pirates said that Lieutenant General Kahn used us, but I know that after Lieutenant General Kahn agreed to protect us, we were rarely infested by pirates, and even the number of trafficked mermaids Sharp reduction, these are real changes, if this is the price of being used, then I think there is no problem." Suddenly someone said.

   Everyone looked over.

   "Isn't that Xiaoba?"

   But soon everyone fell silent.

  Because what Xiaoba said is a fact.

  After Lieutenant General Kahn announced that the Murloc Island was protected, the entire Murloc Island was indeed much more stable.

   Even beyond the period of Whitebeard's shelter.

  Then everyone stopped talking and turned to look at the square.

   "You are that Lieutenant General Kahn! How dare you, a mere human being."

   "Shut up! Hody Jones, don't provoke Lieutenant General Kahn!" Jinbe's loud shout sounded and spread a long distance away.

  Hody Jones' eyes became fierce when he heard this.

   "Jinbe, do you want to help the hateful humans?"

   "I am not helping humans, but saving you!"

  Hody Jones froze for a moment.

   Then he showed a contemptuous smile.

   "Jinbei, have you been on land for a long time, and you have some problems in your mind. It is embarrassing to say such words, and you said something to save us, stop joking."

   Jinbei looked serious.

   "I'm not joking, you'd better stop these actions now, don't make fearless struggles, and I'll help you beg again, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

  Everyone was shocked by what Jinbe said.

  Because Jinbei's words gave them an illusion.

   That is, it is not Kahn's naval side that is surrounded now, but them.

   "Jinbei, it seems that you have been frightened by this navy. Since this is the case, you are not worthy of being our kind."

  Jinbei's face finally turned ugly.

   "You don't even know how terrible Lieutenant General Kahn is!"

   But such words caused a burst of laughter.

   "Jinbe, get out of the way!" Kahn's plain words sounded.

   Even the flat color changes drastically.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn!"

   "Shut up, you can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep."


   Kahn was completely impatient.

   "If you talk nonsense again, after the old man leaves from Fishman Island, he will go and wipe out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, so that the entire Whitebeard Pirates will completely disappear in the dust of history."

   Speaking of this, Kahn paused for a moment.

   "You don't think the old man doesn't have that ability, do you?"

  Jinbe's body shook immediately.

  If Kahn really did that.

  Jinbe can even think of the result.

   Even in the past two years, Ace's strength has improved to a higher level.

   But it is still a bit reluctant to face a strong player of Kahn's level.

  In addition, Kahn's men have a large number of elite sailors.

  The Whitebeard Pirates are hard to resist.

  Seeing that Jinbe stopped talking, Kahn finally nodded in satisfaction.

   "It would have been better if it had been like this earlier."

   Then Kahn looked at Hody Jones in the distance.

   At the same time, the other party also looked over.

  Kan smiled.

  Hodie Jones immediately felt great unease.

   But he was quickly suppressed.

   "How can I be afraid of a mere human being? As long as I kill you, I will declare war on the entire human race. We murlocs will eventually dominate the world."

  Jinbe, who was still silent, closed his eyes.

   "Die! This guy is dead." This is what he thought.

  He tried desperately to save, but the other party desperately sent him away.

  Seeing a huge number of murlocs, they rushed up directly.

  Shirahoshi also became worried.

   "Master Kahn! Be careful!"

  Kan turned his head and glanced at her.

   "Don't be afraid, a pair of 100,000! The advantage is mine!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

  What is a pair of 100,000, the advantage is mine?

  Jinbe showed a wry smile.

   "Boss Jinbe, Mr. Kahn, did he say the wrong thing?" Shirahoshi asked cautiously.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn didn't say anything against it, but the fact is that, although the new Murloc Pirates have a large number of people, it is not a problem at all for the powerhouse of Lieutenant General Kahn's level, because"

   Before he finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from Kahn's body.

  Then scattered around Kahn as the center, and enveloped the entire square.

  It was an aura of extreme terror, extremely domineering.

  Just for a moment, the murlocs who hadn't approached Karn immediately rolled their eyes.

  Then fell down in pieces.

  Scenes like this spread throughout the square.

   When everyone reacted, there were only a few thousand people left on the entire square.

  The originally crowded square became sparse.

  Of course, this refers to the standing pirate.

   As for the ground, there are densely packed murlocs.

  Kan's overbearing arrogance is not like that of Luffy.

   Behind Kahn, Jinbe was also sweating profusely on his forehead.

   Just now, even he felt a huge pressure.

  He has never felt that level of pressure even from his father.

   "Boss Jinbe, are you okay! Are you feeling unwell?"

  Jinbe looked up at Shirahoshi.

   But it was discovered that Bai Xing and others did not seem to be affected.

  Not to mention Shirahoshi, even the sailors were not affected in the slightest.

   Jinbe suddenly understood.

   Probably because I wanted to block Lieutenant General Kahn before.

  So I was warned just now!

  The already wry smile on his face became even more helpless.

   "Princess Baixing, I'm fine, don't worry."

   After Jinbe finished speaking, he looked at the entire battlefield again.

  The people watching the battle were stunned.

   "Did that Lieutenant General Kahn do this?"

   "You ask me, who should I ask?"

  The center of the battlefield.

  Holdie Jones had a look of disbelief.

   "How is it possible, how on earth did you do it?"

   You must know that those were his 100,000 subordinates, but in such an instant, only a few thousand were left.

  This situation completely overturned his cognition.

   "Boss, that's it. It was like this before. The sea beast we were riding fainted like this." The remaining cadres who didn't faint said.

  His eyes were full of horror at the moment.

   didn't even dare to look at Kahn.

  I thought that the huge advantage in numbers would bring him enough sense of security, but the reality gave him a slap in the face.

   And this slap is really a bit heavy.

   "Boss, he is not human at all, why don't we surrender! It is impossible for us to win." Another younger brother said.

  And his words resonated with the other murlocs who gathered here.

   In fact, Kahn is a monster.

   "Bastard, what are you talking about? Just human, a piece of crap"


  Slightly dull voice replaces Hody Jones' voice.

  Everyone's eyes widened.

  Because in front of Huodi Jones, it was Kahn who they called a monster.

   What frightened them most was that Kahn's hand went through Hoddy Jones' chest.

   That cruel scene irritated their nerves.

   "It's really sad to have the strength like an ant, but not the consciousness of an ant!"

  The next moment, Kahn's death-like voice continued to sound: "Do it! If you resist, you will be killed!"

  (end of this chapter)

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