MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 200 Are those five old men blind?

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  Chapter 200 Are those five old men blind?

  Hearing Kahn's words, the three present were taken aback.

   But very open to react.

   This is a good decision.

   The shaking fruit and 600 billion Baileys that are not necessarily available.

   It is clear at a glance which is more important.

   Six hundred billion Baileys.

  What a huge number that is.

   It is almost possible to buy a small country directly.

   It is the kind that is bought in full.

  The bet just now seemed incredible.

   But in fact, after Kahn won fifteen consecutive hands, that is, the one before Tezoro appeared, it was impossible to retreat according to Tezoro's character.

  In addition, his subordinate Bacala is a person with the ability to carry fruit.

  The combination of such things made Tezoro have no way out.

  As for the next hundred billion bets.

   Tezoro has no way out.

  In fact, this has a lot to do with him being very rich.

  The richest person in the world, this title gave Tezoro great confidence.

   This also gave him the capital to gamble with Kahn.

   But without a doubt.

  He met Kahn.

  So I lost completely.

   But Doflamingo is very clear, even if Tezoro did not lose to Kahn.

   But the results are not expected to be any different.

the reason is simple.

  Kan stared at him.

   Over a two-year period.

  Doflamingo is very clear.

  As long as Kahn targets him, there is basically no chance of surviving.

  Just as the three of them were about to leave the box, there was a knock on the door of the box.

   All three of them were taken aback.

  In this special time, who will come here?

  Robin and others looked at Kahn.

   "Is it coming so soon?"

   "Who's here?" The three were a little confused.

   "Come in!" Kahn said lightly.

   As soon as Kahn finished speaking, the door of the box was opened directly.

  The former staff first.

  But the people behind him made Hancock and the others shrink their pupils.

  The person who came was wearing a white cloak and a red mask on his face.

   "This outfit? CP0?" Doflamingo was shocked.

   "Tell me! What do you want me to do?" Kahn's voice was flat.

  But it put a lot of pressure on the other party.

  But because of the blocking of the mask.

   This pressure did not show.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, I don't intend to offend, I just came here to convey the meaning of our boss."

   "Your boss? As far as I know, it should be Rob Lucci! I didn't expect him to be really lucky."

  cp0 didn't care about Kahn's words.

Instead, he continued: "What the boss means is that Tezoro has already cooperated with the world government and is an important partner of the world government. If he wants to ask Lieutenant General Kahn to let Tezoro go, as long as If you can spare Tezoro, you can."

   "Stop!" Kahn interrupted the other party's words.

  cp0 immediately stopped talking.

   "The old man and Tezoro are just creditors. As long as he pays back the money, the old man will certainly not care about his mess."

   "Lieutenant General Kahn!"

   "Why, since when did you cp0 care about such crap?"

   Kahn's words were very light, but cp0 could hear the chill in it.

  Seeing that cp0 stopped talking, Kahn continued: "Since you are here, it is just right, take us to see Tezoro! It is only natural to pay the debt, and he should be ready."

  cp0 still wants to talk.

   But Kahn's figure had already arrived in front of him.

  That kind of terrifying power was the only one he had ever seen in his life.

   Kahn is not very tall though.

  But the aura exuding from his body was like a mountain, making it difficult for him to breathe.

  "The old man generally doesn't like being rejected, so think carefully before answering."

  cp0 is an agent who has experienced brutal fighting.

  The mind is very firm.

  But he clearly knew that he was really nothing in front of Kahn.

   And the purpose of his coming is not to fight Kahn.

   But persuasion.

   But now it seems that this trick will not work at all.

  Since this is the case, then take Kahn to Lu Qi.

   It can be regarded as having more confidence.

   After thinking about this point, cp0 no longer hesitated, and said directly: "Lieutenant General Kahn! Please come with me."

   "Is that right!"

  cp0 stopped talking, turned around and left.

   Kahn and the others followed.

  The corridor was very empty, but Kahn and the others could clearly feel the vibration.

  That was the aftermath of the fight between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates.

  Because of Kahn's intervention, Blackbeard did not have the ability to obtain the Shaking Fruit.

  This also led to the fact that Blackbeard did not overwhelm the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates.

   Though Blackbeard himself has changed.

   But if you really want to talk about strength.

   It can be said that he has raised a level, but he is not as powerful as the double fruit.

  Whitebeard Pirates.

  Ace's own strength is not weak.

  In this case, add the thrill of Whitebeard's death.

  Ace's own strength has been strengthened once.

   This also gave the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates the strength to challenge the Blackbeard Pirates.

  Because in the final analysis, the Blackbeard Pirates had only two or three people in the beginning.

   But even that.

  The Blackbeard Pirates still developed under the siege of the Whitebeard Pirates.

have to say.

  Blackbeard is a big boss in this world.

   Still very clever.

  But the Whitebeard Pirates, who have a full understanding of Blackbeard's abilities, will not be defeated so easily.

  So the battle between the two sides will not end in a short while.

  Even now it looks very intense.

  The CP0 people led Kahn through the corridors.

   came to a room.

  When Kahn appeared here, everyone in the room frowned.

   Kahn looked at them.

   Here are several members of CP0.

  The other is Tezoro and his men.

   And at this time.

  Tezorro's men have put on golden armor.

  Presumably, they don't think that relying solely on CP0 can quell this incident, but they have made some preparations themselves.

   After entering this room, Kahn's eyes fell on Tezoro for the first time.

   "We meet again, can the money you owe the old man be handed over to the old man?" Kahn cut to the chase.

   Hear Kahn's words.

   The faces of the individuals in the room vary.

   Lu Qi's face was a little ugly.

  Because Kahn hasn't looked at him since entering this room.

   It seemed that he didn't catch his eyes at all.

   This is a great humiliation for him.

   And the CP0 just now also came to his side.

   Tell him what happened just now.

   Lu Qi's face became more and more ugly.

   Facing this situation, Tezoro had a smile on his face.

"Lieutenant General Kahn, didn't I say it? Six hundred billion Baileys is a huge number. It is impossible for me to raise it well within this period of time. What's more, you have also seen it now. What happened on my ship For something like this, two pirate groups are destroying this place, and I really don’t have time to prepare for you.” Tezoro said directly.

  Although he is extremely confident in himself.

   But in this case.

  It is also impossible for him to be the first bird directly.

   What he needs now is time.

  The other thing is the world government, how could it be possible to take advantage of him and not work hard?

   Having said that, Tezoro glanced at Lu Qi.

  Lu Qi naturally knew what Tezoro was thinking.

  He didn't hesitate either.

   directly stepped forward and said: "Lieutenant General Kahn, do you still remember who I am?"

  Kan turned his head and glanced at him.

   just rolled his eyes quickly.

   "What does it matter who you are to me? And I'm talking to Tezoro now."

  Kan's words once again dealt a heavy blow to Lu Qi.

  Lu Qi directly took off the mask.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, you should remember who I am now!"

  He seems obsessed with whether Kahn remembers him.

   But you can understand it if you think about it.

  The opponent I want to beat doesn't know me at all.

  This kind of taste can only be known by those who have tasted it.

   "Who you are has nothing to do with the old man. The old man is just here to ask for the bill. Just give the money. Other old men don't bother to care."


   Lu Qi was furious for a while.

  Kan ignored Lu Qi and looked at Tezoro instead.

   "Tezorro, this old man is not a fool, just hurry up and prepare, otherwise, this old man will directly dismantle your Tezoro, don't you think that this old man is just joking with you?"

   When he said this, Kahn's tone became obviously cold.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, you are here"

   But before he finished speaking, a long leg came in front of him.

   His pupils shrank.

  want to resist.

   But the opponent's speed is too fast.

   He was too late.

   Just like that, he was kicked out directly.

   Horror burst out.

   Lu Qi's angry face was distorted by this kick.

  The whole person flew out like a cannonball, and the wind blew out.

   directly hit the wall of the room.

  The huge force penetrated the wall in an instant.

   Clearly, the wall is not the end at all.

   After several loud bangs, Lu Qi came to a complete stop.

  cp0, as the lackey of the world government, naturally possesses great power.

   also reacted immediately.

   But before they even made a move, more than a dozen arms appeared on their bodies.

   Almost instantly restricted their actions.

   "Is this the power of the Devil's Son?" Kaku was the most familiar, and then shouted directly.

   Then they broke free from Robin's shackles with terrifying power.

  But lost the chance to chase Hancock.

   Then the face on the side was extremely ugly.

  But he didn't dare to make a move for a while.

  Because they clearly felt that they and others were locked by a terrifying force.

  As long as you do it, you will be threatened with death.

   In addition, the Pirate Empress in front of them is not a character they can easily deal with.

  Robin's face was a little ugly.

  Because she failed to restrain the other party.

   But thinking that the other party is cp0, and she couldn't restrain so many people at once, Robin felt a little more comfortable.

   "Pirate Empress, do you know what you are doing?" Kaku said immediately.

  Hancock looked at him haughtily.

   "Of course I know what I'm doing. It's your actions that made me too angry. How dare you threaten Kahn? It's unforgivable. How can I tolerate such a thing?"

   Speaking of this, Hancock's expression became colder and colder.

  The momentum on his body also continued to rise.

   That is the unique momentum that belongs to the strong.

  In the whole room, the atmosphere is more dignified.

   They suddenly remembered.

   Besides Kahn, the empress in front of her is not a simple character.

  That is the existence that can confront BIGMOM head-on.

  Thinking about it this way, what they have to face is basically two figures of the Four Emperors level.

at this time.

   Lu Qi's angry roar came from the broken wall: "Pirate Empress, do you want to be expelled from Qiwuhai?"

  At the same time, a huge black shadow was rapidly approaching.

   Soon, the originally small hole was completely torn open.

  An angry Lu Qi returned to the room.

  Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth at this moment.

  Hancock's kick was not so easy to bear.

   "Do you think I really care about Shichibukai?"

   Lu Qi was taken aback for a moment.

  He didn't expect the empress to say that.

   I didn't know how to reply for a while.

   But he quickly reacted.

   Now is not the time to talk nonsense with the empress.

   What caused all this was Lieutenant General Kahn standing behind the empress.

  So he turned his head and looked at Kahn.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, what do you mean?"

   "Are you an idiot? Didn't the old man say that? The old man is here to ask for a bill, and has nothing to do with you at all. If you insist on showing your face, who can you blame?"

   Lu Qi became even more angry.

   "Kan, you are provoking the world government!"

   "Provoke the world government? When did the old man provoke the world government? The old man is just asking for an account!"

   "Lieutenant General Kahn! Mr. Tezoro has formed a cooperation with the World Government. As long as Lieutenant General Kahn stops, the World Government will give corresponding compensation!" Kaku said.

   "Compensation? When did the world government get so rich, but that doesn't matter. If you can help this guy pay back the 600 billion Baileys, you can get it. It doesn't matter to give the world government a face."

  Kaku's face was ugly.

  He didn't believe that Kahn in front of him didn't know what he meant.

  Tezorro and the others on the side also looked unhappy.

  Now that he looks like this, he really knows the horror of Kahn.

   As the spy agency of the world government, cp0 is tough even in front of the Admiral of the Navy.

  But now facing Kahn, it has become like this.

   Obviously, Kahn's deterrence was beyond his expectation.

  At this moment, he already has some regrets.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, you know very well that it is impossible for the world government to come up with 600 billion Baileys."

   "Since this is the case, then what a fart!" Kahn said unceremoniously.

  My goal is the Tezoro, how could I stop because of the World Government?

  As long as you get the money here.

  My waist will be harder.

  Don't talk about cp0, even those five old men are useless here now.

   "You are provoking the world government, and the consequences will be very serious. If you continue like this, we have the right to deal with you."

  When Lu Qi said this, Kahn was stunned for a moment.

   then burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

   "What are you laughing at? By the way, with your brain, how did those five old men make you the boss of cp0? Are you blind?"

   Kahn said this.

  cp0's expression completely changed.

   "How dare you disrespect the five old stars!" Lu Qi was furious.

  Although he already knew that Kahn was arrogant.

   But I didn't expect to be so arrogant!

   "Disrespect? I just feel sorry for them, I can't even choose a dog!" Kahn disdainfully.

  (end of this chapter)

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