MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 225 Are you brave?

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  Chapter 225 Are you brave?

  After listening to Kahn's words, Zefa lying on the ground wanted to roll his eyes.

   But this movement affected the muscles in the corners of his eyes.

  He suddenly felt a pain.

   And the pain also stimulated his nerves.

   Let him have a clear understanding of the current situation.

  He fell completely silent.

   After a long time.

   Zefa said directly: "Kan, I lost, you can end me now."

  Kan heard Zefa's words.

   Suddenly a little speechless.

   "If the old man wants to kill you, do you think you can last for such a long time?" Kahn said directly.

  Kan didn't believe that after fighting for such a long time, Zefa in front of him would not be able to understand the gap between the two.

  Zefa had a wry smile on his face.

   Just as Kahn thought, after such a long time of fighting, he clearly knew that there was a big gap between himself and Kahn.

   Although he didn't want to admit it.

   But that's a fact.

  I am completely old.

   It's just that he still has a lot of puzzles about Kahn in his heart.

   Kahn in front of him is about the same age as them.

  But why can he still maintain such a terrifying combat power at such an old age, and after such a long battle, the aura of Kahn himself in front of him has not weakened much at all.

This unscientific.

at this point.

   Even the old guy Garp may not be able to do it.

   But these are not important now.

  The current self has been regarded as a complete failure.

  To be honest, Zefa didn't know what to do next.

  For Kahn to stop his behavior.

   Zefa was furious.

   But he also clearly knew that anger is useless now.

   "Okay, don't think about what you have and what you don't have. The reason why you became like this is because this world is so **** up. However, what I want to say is that this world may usher in a complete change in the near future."

  Hearing Kahn's words, a mocking smile appeared on Zefa's face.

   I really didn't expect to hear these words from Kahn.

   "As long as there are pirates in this world, it is difficult to make fundamental changes.

  "Pirates are just a part of this world. Your experience is indeed very bad, but have you ever thought that the culprit for all this is really just pirates?"

   "Isn't it a pirate?"

   "Pirates are just one of the reasons, more, it should be the world government!"

   Zefa was silent again.

"The world government has not given the slightest explanation for what happened to you, and even designated Whitebeard II as Qiwuhai, which means that this matter makes you very uncomfortable, but what I want to tell you is that the system of Qiwuhai will soon be destroyed. was lifted."

   Hearing that Shichibukai was relieved Zefa was a little dazed.

   "Do the pacifists know?" Kahn asked.

"of course I know."

   "The pacifist is the means used by the world government to replace Qibuhai." Kahn said again.

   "I know what you said, but what if the Qiwuhai is lifted? It's just a few more vicious pirates. Only when these pirates disappear completely, will the world truly calm down."

"As long as there is still fighting in this world, it is impossible to completely calm down. Have you ever thought that even if you completely wiped out the new world through this action, will there be no pirates? As long as those pirates' so-called pursuit If the dream of freedom does not disappear, then there will always be pirates in this world, and after you kill one batch, there will be another batch, then do you think that the whole world will be wiped out?"

  Kahn's words are very straightforward.

  Zefa couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

   Seeing that Zefa didn't speak, Kahn smiled again.

   "So what's the point of your solution?"

   Zefa's expression also dimmed.

   It's not that he hasn't thought about these issues.

   But the hatred in his heart made him brood.

  He subconsciously rejected these thoughts. ,

   Now Kahn brought it up again.

   "Okay, it seems that you also want to understand something. In this case, this matter will stop here."

   "Kan, the matter has developed to this point, and you can't stop it if you want to. The world government will not let me have dangerous ideas."

   "Are you scared?"

"How could I be afraid? After making this plan, I already had the determination to die. I was just a little worried about Ain and Binz. No matter how correct what you said, I still reserved my thoughts , but they are innocent, I don't want to implicate them, the world government and the navy, I will give them an explanation."

   Zefa still refused to let go.

  But I also want to find a way for my disciples.

   "Teacher Zefa." Ain's voice sounded.

   The two turned their heads and looked over.

   At some point, Ain, who was knocked into the air by Kahn, returned, and she was still supporting Binz.

   Seeing the teacher's appearance, Ain was very sad.

   And she looked at Kahn with fear.

   Only when you really face Kahn, can you know Kahn's strength.

   After a short rest, Zefa recovered some of his physical strength.

   Then struggled to get up.

   "Are you okay?"

   "Teacher, we are fine."

  Zefa no longer looked at them when he heard the words, but looked at Kahn.

   "Kan, these two children are very good. Someone must stand up in this incident. I have already made up my mind to die. Now I have a request. I hope you can take care of them."

  Obviously, Zefa has arranged for the funeral.

   "Teacher, we will follow you." Ain shouted.

  "You are still very young and have a more colorful future, but I am different. I am old and tired. Kahn is a good person. It is a good choice for you to follow him."


   "Stop talking, it's decided."

   The two were taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

  Kan was also taken aback.

   This guy Zefa is asking for help?

  Kan glanced at the two of them.

  Ain, yes! good!

  Binz, uh! reluctantly!

   "Stop, stop, stop!"

  Kahn directly interrupted the brewing emotions of the three.

   And the eyes of the three also fell on Kahn.

   "Kan, don't you want to help?"

   "Help for what? They are your subordinates, so naturally you bring them yourself. What does it have to do with the old man?"

   "This incident requires an explanation."

"As far as the explanation, according to the normal situation, it should be the world government who gave you an explanation. A pirate who wounded you and killed so many naval students turned into Qi Wuhai. This is a genius in itself. Big joke." Kahn said nonchalantly.

   Speaking of this matter.

   Anger flashed across Zefa's face.

   It was precisely because of this incident that he decided to overturn the world.

   Exterminate all pirates.

   "You take care of your students yourself. As for the world government, what do you care about them? And the navy, as long as you don't continue, those boys won't go too far." Kahn said directly.

  Ain and Binz were taken aback.

  How did this matter become so simple in Kahn's mouth?


   Zefa didn't know what to say for a while.

  He wanted to say that things were not that simple.

   But seeing Kahn's determined look, he couldn't speak again.

   "Is the old man wrong? If you don't believe me, you can ask that boy Aokiji."

  Kan's words made the three of them stunned.


   "Okay, Aokiji boy, come out! You have been watching for a long time." Kahn said.

   After Kahn finished speaking, a tall figure appeared on the other side of the dune.

   Who is it if it’s not Aokiji?

   Seeing Aokiji, Zefa's face flashed with complex colors.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, Teacher Zefa."

   Aokiji approached and greeted immediately.

   After saying hello, Aokiji's eyes fell on Zefa.

   "Teacher Zefa, as I said before, someone here can stop you."

   "It's just that my skills are inferior to others."

  Hearing this, Aokiji knew that this was the teacher's last stubbornness.

   But anyway, the teacher no longer has that crazy idea.

   This is still very good.

   Thinking of this, Aokiji said directly: "I already know the conversation between Mr. Zefa and Lieutenant General Kahn, and I don't think it's a big problem."

   "Old guy, do you hear that?"

   "It seems that I am timid."

   Kahn smiled when he heard this.

  He knew that this wasn't timidity at all, and if he had been timid, he wouldn't have made such a crazy decision.

   Zefa just doesn't want to sacrifice his students.

  The incident of Whitebeard II has become a knot in his heart.

   Just then, Kahn saw the hat next to one of Zefa's men.

   That is a straw hat.

  Seeing Kahn's eyes fall on the straw hat.

  Aokiji is the same.

   "This is Straw Hat Kid's straw hat!"

   "Well! It's a strange kid, you should all know him." Zefa replied.

  Kan nodded upon hearing this.

   "Of course I know, he is a stunned young man."

   "Stupid youth?" Zefa suddenly thought of Luffy's behavior.

   then nodded.

   "It's really a stunned young man."

   At this moment, Kahn was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

   "Ah! That Lengtouqing seems to have arrived."

   Several people were taken aback.

   But soon, a figure appeared in the distance.

   "Give me back my hat!"

   Straw Hat Boy's unique voice sounded.

   And behind him, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates followed.

  Crossing the sand dunes, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates saw the fallen people for the first time.

   But when they saw Kahn in the center, they were taken aback.

   "That's Lieutenant General Kahn, why is Lieutenant General Kahn here?" Usopp looked horrified.

   Nami who has shrunk has the same expression.

   "It's over, it's over, it's over this time."

   And everyone in the Straw Hats knew exactly what Nami meant when she said it was over.

   "This is really troublesome, it's not just Kahn here!" Sauron pulled out the autumn water and said.

   "That's true, why is the former admiral Aokiji here?" Sanji also said.

   and hear their conversation.

  All eyes shifted to Aokiji.

   But in this case, they are even more desperate.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn and Admiral Aokiji, what should we do?" Brook jumped up.

   "Then why hesitate? Let's go!" Usopp said immediately.

   "Yeah!" Nami nodded hurriedly.

   "I'm afraid it's too late now, we've already been targeted." Sanji said.

   "One more thing, our captain has no intention of leaving."

  When Sauron said this, everyone was taken aback.

   They turned their heads and looked forward.

  The timid trio almost popped their eyes out.

   Just as they were talking, Luffy had already run in front of Kahn and the others.

   "That idiot, what's going on? Lieutenant General Kahn is there, why do you want to go there, you're going to die." Usopp looked hopeless.

  But this time Nami didn't agree.

  Because she suddenly remembered that Luffy's hat has a special meaning to him.

  Seeing Luffy rushing over.

   Zefa and the others frowned.

  Aokiji had a calm face.

   Robin smiled, as if he had already guessed this would happen.

   As for Kahn, he also had a smile on his face.

   I have to say, this kid is very brave!

   "Could it be rich?" Kahn couldn't help thinking.

   It’s no wonder he thought so, after several beatings, this kid Luffy already knew the password to communicate with him.

  Since he dared to rush up like this, he must have confidence.

   And Luffy rushed to Kahn and the others in one breath.

   Finally saw clearly the people in front of him.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, why are you here?" Luffy looked shocked.

   Kahn has black lines all over his head.

Ok! He overestimated the kid's brain.

   And Luffy also noticed the green pheasant beside Kahn.

   "I remember you, you don't."

   Speaking of this, Luffy suddenly got stuck.

  For a while, I couldn't remember the identity of Aokiji.

  Okay, here is the black line that even Aokiji has.

   "I remembered, you are Admiral Aokiji!" Luffy finally said.

  Aokiji almost fell down.

  Ain and Binz were speechless.

  Zefa is the same.

  He suddenly realized that he seemed to have overestimated Garp's grandson.

  But the next moment, he found that Luffy's eyes fell on himself.

   "Z Yeah! I'm here to get my hat back."

   "You mean this?" Kahn's voice suddenly sounded.

  Luffy's attention is on his hands.

  There is a hat there.

   "Well! This is it, Grandpa Lieutenant General Kahn, give me back my hat."

   "I can return it to you, but you need to redeem it with money."

   "How much?" Luffy didn't hesitate at all.

   Facing Kahn, Luffy has developed a habit of just giving money.

  The straw hats who rushed over suddenly felt bad.

   Especially Nami.

   "No!" Nami shouted.

  Luffy turned his head and looked at Nami with some doubts.

   "Why? That's the hat Shanks gave me. It's very important. Shanks and I have made an agreement to return it to him when the time comes, otherwise I won't be able to become One Piece."

   The timid trio burst into tears.

   "Your focus is wrong, hello!"

  Zoro Sanji was also speechless.

   But Kahn was relieved.

   "We're out of money!" Nami said.

   "Can't we owe it first?"

   This time, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates fell down.

   "What's wrong with you?" Luffy was still confused.

   On the other side, Aokiji was better, but the three of Zefa were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

  (end of this chapter)

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