MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 229 Difficult yellow ape!

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  Chapter 229 The embarrassing yellow ape!

  Nami's eyes became anxious.

   After all, their current identities are pirates.

  If you meet the Navy.

   Needless to say, he will definitely be arrested.

   In normal times, they would not be afraid of these navies at all.

   But it's not the same now, because of Kahn's shot.

   Now the Straw Hat Pirates basically have no combat effectiveness.

   If you continue to stay here, it will be even more troublesome.

   "Usopp, Chopper, let's get out of here immediately." Nami shouted directly.

"I see."

   "Chopper, it's okay for you to take Sanji with you!"

   "Well, it's okay!"

  Nami nodded.

   "Usopp, you take Sauron with you."


   "Brooke, are you okay?"

   "Miss Nami, I still have the power to act."

"That's good."

   After finishing speaking, Nami stepped forward and carried Luffy on her back.

   Several people left immediately.

   "Wait." Kahn's voice sounded.

   Several people froze.

   "Is there anything else?"

   Don't let them go?

   But what they imagined did not happen.

   "Did you guys forget something?"

   Several people were taken aback.

  Kahn threw his hat directly.

   Then it fell firmly into Nami's hands.

   "The old man is a very trustworthy person, I hope you don't let the old man down, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

  Kahn's words were very plain, but they put a lot of pressure on a few people.

   "We know." Nami replied.

  After experiencing what happened today, they also realized Kahn's horror again.

  Until they really face Kahn's power, they will never provoke.

   Today's event is a good example.

  Kan nodded in satisfaction.

   It is good to have such a cognition.

  Leeks should look like leeks.

  But for the better growth of leeks, Kahn said again: "Nami, for the sake of your knowledge, I will say one more thing."

  The three of Nami were taken aback.

"say what?"

   "The old man's move just now made Lu Fei think about it, what's going on. In addition, Sauron should have the power of overlord hidden in that kid."

   "But why are you telling us this?"

  The three of Nami were puzzled.

   "Of course it is for you to make money faster, so as to pay off the old man!" Kahn said as a matter of course.

  The strength of the straw hat boy is far from enough.

   This way of making money is too slow.

   In other words, these leeks grow too slowly.

  He's a bit of a cutie!

  Nami didn't expect Kahn to say that.

   I couldn't believe it for a while.

   "What are you still doing? Are you staying here for dinner?"

   Several people reacted.

   Then leave directly.

   Kahn smiled.

  The reason for this is also because of interest.

   Of course, not all of them.

  Kahn also has his own ideas.

   Then Kahn turned his head and returned to Aokiji and the others.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, is it okay to let them go like this?" Aokiji asked.

   And his question is obviously what other people want to know.

   Such as Zefa.

   If Aokiji didn’t ask, he probably would.

   "Qingzhi boy, it's not up to you to control what the old man wants to do. Besides, didn't you let them go as well?"

  Aokiji was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

   In fact, it is true.

  Besides, his current status is not suitable for these things.

  He was just curious, but Kahn didn't seem to want to satisfy his curiosity.

   "I want to know too." Zefa asked suddenly.

   Kahn glanced at him.

   Didn't the old guy see the navy fleet coming?

   Still following these things here?

   But looking at him like you don't give up until you answer, Kahn is a little speechless.

   "It's very simple, they gave the money." Kahn said suddenly.

   Several people almost fell down.

   "Kan, what kind of answer is this?" Zefer was angry.

  He thinks Kahn is playing him.

   At Kahn's level, do you really care about the money?

Do not make jokes.

   You must know that this guy Kahn took over Tezoro's wealth not long ago.

  Will be short of money?

  Kahn is unhappy.

   "The old man is telling the truth, if you don't believe me, you will be defeated." Kahn said directly.

   Conscience of heaven and earth, this is indeed the main reason.

  If you have no money, do you still want to leave?

  Are you sure it's not a dream?

   But Kahn's words could not convince Zefa at all.

   "You guys have Tezoro's wealth, you are already the richest person in the world, and you still care about this? Don't take us for fools!" Zefa roared.

  Kan picked out his ears.

   Don't say it, the old guy Zefa has a very loud voice.

   "Then why do you think the old man did this?"

   "Is it because he's the grandson of that Cap guy?"

  Kan was taken aback.

   "Whatever you think, you say yes!" Kahn said indifferently.

   Zefa's face darkened.

  This guy, his current strength is terrifying, but why is he so in need of a beating!

   Robin on the side covered his mouth and laughed.

  She did know that what Kahn said was indeed an important reason.

"You bastard."

   After scolding, Zefa asked again: "There is another question, why did you keep hitting my eyes just now?"

   Speaking of which, Zefa is still upset.

   "Ah! Is there any?"

   Zefa almost wanted to get up and fight again.

   This guy is so annoying.

  What is this called?

   But he also understood.

   Now Kahn has indeed changed a lot from before.

  Compared to before, Kahn in front of him has a sense of doing whatever he wants.

   Thinking of this, Zefa is a little envious.

  Of course, he also knows that this must be supported by strong strength.

   While they were talking.

  A yellow light swept across the sea at an extremely fast speed.

   Go straight to the sand dunes.

  They all knew who that figure was.

  The expressions of Ain and Binz became solemn again.

   "Teacher Zefa!" Ain shouted.

   "It's okay, I've figured out some things now, maybe it's not that serious as Kahn said."

   Ain was still worried.

   "It seems that I should leave. I am still not used to appearing in front of the navy!" Aokiji said suddenly.

   Several people looked at him.

  Aokiji glanced at several people.

  First it was Robin, then Kahn, and finally Zefa.

   "Teacher Zefa, it seems that there is still a chance to drink with you. It's not bad that the matter can be resolved in this way."

   "Aokiji boy." Zefa's eyes were a bit complicated.

   Afterwards, Aokiji did not stop, and turned and left directly.

   At the same time, he shook his hand.

   It looks extremely free and easy.

   "Wait, Kid Aokiji." Kahn's voice suddenly sounded.

  Aokiji paused when he heard the words.

   "Is Lieutenant General Kahn anything else?"

  Kan smiled.

   "Don't forget to send the old man the money, pay it back to the old man quickly, you are a former admiral anyway, be quick! By the way, send it to the base or the Chilong! Understand?"

  Everyone froze instantly.

  Aokiji, who was the party involved, almost fell down.

  No longer the free and easy way just now.

   "I know Lieutenant General Kahn."

  Aokiji fled the scene directly after speaking.

  Looking at Aokiji's somewhat embarrassed back, Kahn smiled.

   "Tell you to be handsome!"

   Zefa was dumbfounded.

   "Kan you!"

  Kan turned to look at him.

   "What are you? Just smile, you old guy!"

   "Kan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? The old man has traveled so far to wake you up, and he hasn't even discussed the reward with you! Do you think what the old man said was a joke? The old man is indeed a person with a small goal every day." Kahn said dissatisfied .

   Zefa was taken aback.

   For a while, I couldn't turn the corner.

   A small goal a day?

   But he quickly reacted.

   Isn’t Kahn talking about money?

  He was angry at first.

   But get serious soon.

   "Kan, thank you!" Zefa said seriously.

   Now, Zefa has understood this matter.

   It is true that I am a little bit cornered.

  If it wasn't for Kahn to stop him, let's not talk about whether he can succeed.

   But the results will definitely not be so good.

  Maybe it doesn't matter to me, but Ain and those who follow him will definitely not end well.

   It is not as easy to end as it is now.

   "It's good to know that it's good to thank the old man, but can you cash it out? The old man is a little short of money, so let's do something practical." Kahn said directly.

   "Get out." Zefa almost died of anger.

  Is this what people say?

  He finally expressed his sincere thanks.


   Just as Kahn sighed, a figure appeared on the sand.

  Yellow striped suit and tan glasses.

   Isn’t it the Admiral Huang Yuan?

   Huang Yuan looked at the surrounding scene.

   Obviously, this is a battle.

  Of course, he also knew something on the distant warship.

  His gaze turned to the distance, where the Straw Hat Pirates were located.

   But he quickly turned his gaze back.

  Because his target this time is not the Straw Hat Pirates at all.

   Naturally don't care about their direction.

   Besides, Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him let go.

   Naturally, he won't bother to pursue it.

   "Master Kahn, I didn't expect you to stop Teacher Zefa. You really helped us a lot." Huang Yuan said directly.

   As for Kahn, Huang Yuan didn't want to provoke him no matter what.

  Even now the relationship between Kahn and Akainu is not very good.

   But he's just a punch card.

  Can’t manage that much.

   "Boy Huang Yuan, don't get me wrong, the old man didn't want to help you catch Zefa, the old man just wanted to stop this guy from making ends meet as a friend."

   Kahn's words made Huang Yuan startled.

  There is something wrong with the meaning revealed in Kahn's words.

   "Porusalino, I didn't expect you to catch up here. According to the information, you should go to the last island."

   Huang Yuan stopped thinking about it and turned to look at Zefa.

   I saw Zefa's black eye sockets for the first time.

  For some reason, Huang Yuan wanted to laugh.

   "Teacher Zefa, we came here directly because we knew that Lieutenant General Kahn was here." Huang Yuan gave the answer.

   "Oh! Really? I just don't know what you are going to do with me?"

   Huang Yuan frowned.

"Mr. Zefa, your actions have seriously threatened the safety of the new world. Not only pirates, but also a large number of civilians. How to deal with you is no longer up to me. It depends on the world government." However, the task I received this time is to stop Teacher Zefa at all costs, but now it seems that there is no need for that, after all, Teacher Zefa, you have stopped." Huang Yuan said.

  Kahn did not speak, the attitude of the world government is very clear, absolutely cannot tolerate Zefa's behavior.

   Therefore, it will do whatever it takes.

   But the current Zefa did not cause too much loss.

   Therefore, it is not without room for negotiation.

  Of course, this is all based on the attitude of the other party.

   Huang Yuan's attitude is ambiguous.

   But that's enough.

   "So you're going to hand me over to the World Government?" Zefa asked.

   Huang Yuan nodded silently upon hearing this.

   "It's really strict! Polusalino." Zefa said.

   "Teacher Zefa, you should have thought of this result when you did this."


   "The old man doesn't think it's a big deal. I'll leave Zefa to the old man, and the old man will talk about him well. He's jumping up and down when he's old." Kahn said suddenly.

   Kahn's words attracted everyone's attention.

   Huang Yuan frowned even tighter.

  The yellow monkey heard something wrong from Kahn's words before.

  Because Kahn doesn't seem to be on the Navy's side.

   Considering Kahn's influence and strength, Huang Yuan feels very tricky.

   Then he was a little helpless.

   "Mr. Kahn, this is not an order from the Navy alone, but an order from the Five Old Stars. Please don't make it difficult for me." Huang Yuan said directly.

  Because he clearly knew that if Lieutenant General Kahn in front of him was determined to keep Zefa.

   Then he has nothing to do.

   Not to mention anything else, Lieutenant General Kahn's strength does not allow him to do so.

  He had personally seen Kahn crush Blackbeard on the Tezoro.

  Don't doubt it, he can't do that at all.

"Why is this embarrassing for you? The old man didn't say that you should take responsibility. If those guys, including that boy Akainu, ask, you will push the old man. Do they really blame you? You are also a general after all, Another point is that Zefa is your teacher no matter how you say it, and you also said that he stopped, but in fact he didn’t cause too much loss.”

   Huang Yuan looked a little helpless.

  Kan's words sounded nice.

   But as the main person in charge of this operation.

  How does he shirk responsibility?

   You must know that Wu Laoxing was very angry when the black dragon captured the Tianlongren before.

   But Kahn said so, what can he do?

  Now the yellow monkey regrets it very much.

  He shouldn't have rushed up so early.

  If he had known Lieutenant General Kahn had such thoughts, he would never have come to join in the fun.

   How good it is to go to the last island honestly.

   "Miscalculation!" Huang Yuan thought in his heart.

  Kan didn't know that Huang Yuan suddenly had so many thoughts.

  He only knows that he has broken with the world government to some extent, so he still thinks about this kind of thing with a hammer, and it's over.

  The reason why he is still looking for a reason is because he is still in the navy.

   Huang Yuan is not bad, and there are many good guys in the navy.

  Kahn wanted to give them a step down.

  If you change to be an agent of the world government or something.

   Kahn birds don't bird them.

  (end of this chapter)