MTL - Pirate in Naruto World-v4 Chapter 299 : Captive Shi Cuixi

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Chiba's wielding knives draw a fierce wind in the air, pulling a shadow behind it.

Listening to the sound, the woman changed her face and knew that she couldn’t stop the blow. She simply gave up the defense and extended a hand directly to the forehead of Chiba.

"Finger gun!!!"

A small air mass squatted on the forehead of Chiba, wrapped in the armed color domineering Chiba just gently tilted his head, it resolved this impact, but the power contained in it caused a pain in his skull.

This woman, the strength is high! Is it just a little worse than the white tiger?

Chiba was slightly surprised and thought of it.

But you shouldn’t stop it, you should stop and wait for the white tiger!

A heavy knife squatted on her shoulder, Chiba did not have the slightest pity to cherish the meaning of jade, the powerful force broke out directly, and the woman's shoulder was instantly shattered by Chiba.

She screamed, her mouth was a blood spurting out, but the blood of the mouth was dark green, and the face of her head covered with 14 faces rushed toward Chiba, and Chiba could clearly smell the sweet smell from the blood.


With a cold sigh, Chiba directly controlled a thunderbolt to make the **** fly into a gray fly, and at the same time slammed into her stomach.


This is not a joke, and Chiba’s fist directly cast her into a bow, and the blood did not spurt out of her mouth like money, and the breath suddenly succumbed.

The following navy saw this scene, and their faces became like white paper.


"Here, let's be honest," snorted, and Chiba threw her at the following Joeb: "Qiaoba! Don't let her die! I will ask her from her mouth to discuss what is going on here. It!"

Choba quickly caught her and then shouted: "Good!!"

Nodded, Chiba turned into a thunder and rushed to the distance: "I will hand it over to you first! I am going to chase the aunt's man!"

But when it was just rushed out, Chiba found the men who had escaped before the aunt.

"Chiba is the master, you are coming, thinking that you should come."

Luo stood in the room, yelling at the 'ghost crying' smile, and in front of him is a black-haired three-blade shape, the professional boxer's big man, he did not wear clothes in the upper body, wearing a black cloak, wearing in his hand A pair of large black gloves.

"Charlotte Owen, the fourth son of 'Aunt'." Chiba smiled and fell to the side of Luo, while squeaking his fingers, and slowly walked toward the big man: "Talk, What are you doing here? Well? I don’t know if I took your heart away, who is the aunt who should be angered this time? Tianlong people? Or the navy?”

Charlotte Owen subconsciously stepped back and pointed at their guilty voice: "Chiba!!! Luo!! Do you really want to fight with your mother!! Just a few of you?!"

"Yes, just a few of us," Chiba stalled, stepping closer to Owen, and said with a smile: "It’s hard, you still want to rely on those people, or the relationship with the Tianlong people, we are not Does the law work for 'you'?"


Owen stepped back, but in the next moment, he suddenly slammed his feet and bounced back to the rear.

Seeing this scene, Chiba shook his head and Luo snorted behind him.


Luo appeared directly behind Owen's retreat, holding the right hand of the ‘ghost crying’: "I really thought you could escape?"

It seems that I know that Luo will block him in the back, and Owen also looks awkward, directly to a group, with a hint of red light on the glove, facing Luo.

However, Luo did not seem to see a direct knife, and straightened his fist and the whole arm into two!

"Oh?" Chiba brows one pick: "Luo this kid, even developed to this extent, hey, you have to hurry."

Owen screamed on the ground, madly rolling on the ground, and at the same time said incredulously: "How is it possible! As long as anything is touched by me! It will be heated in an instant!! Just rely on your knife I can't hurt my fault!!"

"That wouldn't let the knife touch you, just use my room."

Luo face appeared in front of him with no expression, and he fainted him with a heavy handle.

When Chiba took Owen back, the Bonnies had already dealt with the battlefield there, and there seemed to be many navies and pirates in the distance.

But how could they possibly catch up with them?

When the Navy and the pirates arrived, they had not been traced in Chiba.

Looking at the screaming crickets everywhere, the navy lieutenant who rushed to the face became as ugly as the bottom of the pot.

When he saw the white tiger that had been cut into a breathable breath, his face was no longer the bottom of the pot. It was exactly like a five-hundred man, and the cold sweat drowned from his forehead.

"It should, damn, this, this is, what is going on!!!" The lieutenant general could no longer care about his subordinates. He grabbed a navy next to a 287 wounded and shouted: " What is going on here! What is going on here! How can Baihu become like this!! You are alert to be like this!!"

"Cough and cough...." The navy soldier coughed a few times with pain. His face became red because of pain: "中中,中虎,白虎 is killed by thousands, Chiba, we have tried to stop him." No one knows where he came from, and the brethren have tried their best..."

The Lieutenant General Navy released his hand and said with no eyes: "Thousands, Chiba? How could he be here, and he was not seriously injured in the Dresden Rosa by the generals?"

Because the lieutenant fell to the ground and hit the wound, the navy grinned and touched the wound: "Hey... Lieutenant, Chiba, I didn’t know it a week ago, but he is absolutely not hurt, can Two strokes of the second off the white tiger, a man who subdued Stricksey, how to look is not like an injured look."

"Lian Shi Cui Xidu....two cp0 are all....... all..."

The lieutenant general slowly glanced around for a while, and he did not see the shadow of Streisie. He sat down on the floor with tears.

"The two grandfathers are gone. All the pots on this one are on me? Labor and capital have nothing to do!"

Read The Last Adventurer
Read Paladin of the Dead God