MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 235 2-sleeved green snake shakes half a new world

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In the new world, huge waves are raging, two huge waves collide, the sound is deafening, like the end of the world, the sky collapses.

A cyan figure was like a solitary boat in the monstrous waves, and was shot directly into the bottom of the water without even being able to overturn a wave.

Amidst the huge waves, a light blue slash was particularly obvious.

Because the huge wave directly in front of it was cut off from the root directly, which also led to the rootless water, which has no follow-up power. In this collision, the huge wave caused by the slash will Whitebeard was shattered by the huge waves caused by the air shock.

On the Moby Dick in the distance, Whitebeard's face became serious again, and a slash flying a few thousand meters would be amazing, even a great swordsman would only be about twenty miles away at most.

But this slash was really outrageous.

It spanned more than two hundred kilometers, cut Kaido, and after cutting off the monstrous waves caused by the air shock, it rushed towards them like a broken bamboo.

"Get out of the way!"

White Beard stood up and took a step forward. Cong Yunqie in his hand was held by both of his hands, and then he attached a domineering armed color that had vaguely crossed the threshold of the divine realm, and a ball of light burst on Cong Yunqie's knife.

Swing forward violently.

The power of this blow was even higher than the previous air shock. The space seven or eight meters in front of him suddenly swayed, and the entire sky was covered in white with blue cracks in an instant.

"Go back! Dad is angry!"

Looking at the creaking sky, Marco and the other team captains looked horrified. It was obvious that Whitebeard had gone all out for such an effect.

This time, not only was a small piece of space in front of Whitebeard shattered, but the entire sky in front of him was shattered.

Abnormal fluctuations in space, as if the entire world was shattered.

The sea also seemed to feel this terrifying fluctuation. In the bottomless bottomless sea, it seemed that a **** was angry, and it moved the entire sea in an instant. The surging waves contained immeasurable energy, and they rushed forward wantonly and crazily. ,

And the fluctuations in the sky did not completely disappear, the terrifying force of splitting the air, the pulse of the space instantly extended to the distance.

A series of explosive sounds rapidly extended along that pulse.

The space with a radius of nearly two hundred miles was torn apart by the force of this vibration.

The slash that slashed Kaido and cut the huge waves was shattered by the force of this shock, and then a big hole was opened in the sea, and a big hole was also opened in the sky.

The domineering arrogance carried by this blow completely exploded when they collided.

It couldn't help tearing apart the sky, and it also tore open a bottomless hole in the sea, like a huge mouth of **** that devours everything.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, Whitebeard couldn't help laughing out loud, so recklessly, so heroically.

"Googling! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

"This sea should have been like this a long time ago! I have a white beard!"

As if cheering for this opponent who appeared suddenly, Whitebeard leaped up high, stepped on two steps in the air, and exerted force on his feet, the space under his feet was like a cracked pothole.

Then twisted in mid-air, the strength of the feet extended to the right arm along the hips, waist, abdomen, and back, and the muscles bulged high like a horned dragon.

The armed arrogance instantly covered his entire right arm, this time the armed arrogance vaguely carried a special charm, but when the light on the white beard's fist lit up again, it slowly subsided.

Gu Sui

A hemispherical shock wave swept out, just like the blow that Whitebeard launched when he wanted to shatter the execution platform of Ace from a long distance during the war on the top.

And that blow required the joint efforts of the three generals to resist, one can imagine how powerful this blow is!

And the white beard at this time is not the white beard who was plagued by illness and degraded in strength at that time.

This blow really has the power to shake the sea.

Seeing the sky not far away that had been shattered by the attack, and the sea area that was almost a forbidden area for life, Dongze narrowed his eyes.

Not to mention, the white beard at this time is stronger than the white beard he encountered a few times before, and he also vaguely felt the fluctuation of the previous armed color domineering.

He vaguely guessed that if Whitebeard could give up the ability to vibrate the fruit, his armed domineering could reach that level.

But the vibrating fruit ability is too domineering, it can be said that it can hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred. If it weren't for Whitebeard's physique and armed domineering cultivation to the current level, perhaps his strength has already begun to decline by this time.

But even so, his shaking fruit ability has reached the edge of the realm of gods.

Looking at the man docked in mid-air in the distance, Dongze seemed to understand what the other person was thinking, and he grinned instead.

Youdao is that the beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of an adult, and the transgression of a villain.

Although he doesn't think he is a gentleman, but this time he intends to do a small favor to this other kind of sea, a legend who suppressed the sea for an era.

"Sword Seven—Cracking the Sky!"

"Two-sleeved green snake!"

Dongze stood motionless in mid-air, with a flash between his brows, a ray of sword intent to split the sky bloomed in mid-air, with a flick of Dong Ze's wrist, he dragged the two sky-reaching water dragons up from the sea, just like in Dre Throsa is average.

Then he pointed with two fingers, and the splitting sword intent merged into the two terrifying water dragons.


With a burst of shouting, the two water dragons intertwined and circled, and merged into one water dragon in mid-air, doubling the momentum again.

So there was such a scene on the sea, a divine beast that seemed to come from ancient times, opened its fangs and waved its sharp claws, announcing its arrival to the world.


It seems that the spirit of the whole water dragon was activated by the sword intent of The giant dragon roared and rushed out.

However, because of the Sword Intent to Split the Sky contained in it, fine cracks appeared in the space with a radius of 200 miles, and the power of heaven and earth attracted by it included more than half of the new world.

In the kingdom of Totland, the aunt who was still in the delivery room felt that the ground on her body began to tilt, and there seemed to be a voice whispering in the depths of her soul, "The realm of the gods!"

Roger, who was still performing, listened to the voice of all things through his special ability, looked into the distance, and sighed deeply.

"God's Domain! Sure enough, that guy is no ordinary person!"

The Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, of course, has not been affected here, but in the office, the phone calls of the Warring States Period were answered one after another.

Garp, who was eating the senbei, stood up suddenly, his face changed in horror, "The power of the gods, this kind of fluctuation, could it be the white beard! Damn it! How could it be like this???"
