MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 274 Warring States shot, Garp smashed into the air

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"Sword Emperor—Dongze!"

At this moment, the entire Marin Fando fell silent.

One person silenced the entire battlefield and caused commotion in the entire world.

Most people have never seen the real Dongze, and the Dongze they saw was only on the reward order.

At this moment, they knew what the name Sword Emperor Dongze represented.

Just one person stopped all the top fighters present.

Seeing Dongze again, Edward Newgate with a white beard was shocked, and some pictures resurfaced in his mind.

Under the cherry blossom tree, when Luo Jie was drinking with him, the man mentioned was Dong Ze.

At this moment, some dusty memories appeared one after another in his mind 1.

It seemed that I had already played against him back then.

When he stretched out his hand again, a mysterious aura rose from him.

Roger stared in horror.


"Gu la la la! So we have already met?? Sword Emperor—Dong Ze!"

"Splitting Sky Sword Intent!"

Gion and Robin were taken aback for a moment, they also mastered these two sword intents, and they couldn't help exclaiming when they saw that White Beard had mastered this sword intent.

"Long time no see! Newgate!"

On the execution platform, Dong Ze didn't get up, but just looked at the white beard lightly, and replied softly.

"Gu la la la! It's been a long time no see! Dongze!"

Dongze looked at the two figures on the Moby Dick, and after a while he said, "I won't make a move in this battle! It's up to you whether you can save Ace!"

White Beard laughed.

"Haha! Little ones, kill the navy and save Ace!"

White Beard laughed when he heard Dongze's words, and jumped up from the Moby Dick with all his strength.

An iron fist slammed into the space in front of him.


A series of terrifying cracks opened up in the sky again, this time, it was worse than the previous two times.

It was not only the Yueya Bay battlefield that was shaken, but the entire Marin Fanduo trembled violently as if he had suffered from epilepsy.

Fighting broke out again.

This time, the methods of the few people fighting became more and more fierce.

Enilo started his own big move - 200 million volts: Thor.

Yellow Ape's body turned into golden light, and a lightsaber descended from the sky. When it was approaching Enil Road, it turned into countless lightsabers, like ten thousand swords returning to their ancestors, and instantly sieved the ground.

Lei Li and Hawkeye also started their own big moves, but they still have some sense of proportion. Hawkeye doesn't want to die with Lei Li either. Fighting Rayleigh for life and death for current reasons.

Moreover, on this complicated battlefield, even if he wins in the end, he may not be able to survive. As a lone ranger, he will not entrust his life to other people's hands.

You said that if he won this battle, if other members of the Whitebeard Pirates came to make up for him again, or if the admiral of the navy who insisted on absolute justice gave him a knife, or wanted to fight for The world's number one swordsman doesn't want to be shy, just give him a knife, it's all possible.

So the battle between the two of them was a duel at the limit within their own abilities, rather than a life-and-death fight regardless of everything, and Raleigh actually thought so.

On this battlefield, everyone has left behind, just in case.

So these seemingly fierce battles are not the kind of desperate fights.

Without the original book, the son who gave White Beard a sword of love, his combat power has not declined to that level now, and because of the splitting sword intent, his body has not fallen to that kind of oil all these years Fields of dry lights.

As soon as Akainu returned to his battlefield, he found that the three generals of the World Government had already been killed by Roger and Whitebeard and seriously injured two.

Things are no longer good.

At this moment, Warring States jumped up slightly, turning into a golden giant Buddha in mid-air, comparable in size to half of the Moby Dick.

As soon as the opponent stretched out his hand, a white wave of light ruthlessly hit the shock caused by the white beard.


Needless to say, the power of the shock wave that almost made Blackbeard and his gang take the box lunch with one blow, even engulfed Roger in it, and directly smashed the front of the Moby Dick that Whitebeard was on.

"Yo! Warring States, I didn't expect you to make a move!"

Warring States squeezed a Buddha seal with both hands, and said coldly: "Since Dongze won't make a move, let me give you a ride today!"

"Gu la la la! Want a one-on-two??"

Whitebeard activated the shaking fruit ability, and punched again in the air, the fist print was printed in the air, and cracks like spider webs extended towards the huge golden Buddha in the air.

At the same time, the vibration generated by the tearing of the space, and the terrifying tearing force, wanted to tear the giant Buddha in front of him.

The complexion of the Warring States Period remained unchanged, and the Buddha's light was shining on his body.

The huge golden Buddha stretched out a pair of giant hands in front of him, and the sky full of cracks was smoothed by a mysterious force.

Seeing this situation, White Beard and Roger couldn't help being taken aback.

"What's happening here!"

Warring States replied calmly: "Buddha is good and teaches all living beings. Not only does the vajra look angry, but it can also make the mind peaceful!"

Roger's expression became a little dignified.

"Going a step further! The post-awakening move of the human fruit Phantom Beast Buddha form!"

"Gu la la la! Warring States, I didn't expect you to go one step further!"

"Then try my trick again!"

In the next moment, Baibeard wrapped Cong Yunqie in his hand with armed domineering aura, a white light cluster lit up on the knife body, and there was a "wave" sound in the air.

Then the blade lit up again, and the Sword Intent to Split the Sky surrounded him forever.



This time it wasn't a space crack, but a black hole was directly punched out of the space in front of him.

The shaking ability and the splitting sword intent interweave a brilliant light wave, which sweeps away directly.

The goal is right ahead.

This blow was like hitting an ox across a mountain. Before the Warring States period could regain consciousness, the attack directly bypassed him and hit the execution platform behind him.

Judging by this momentum, if this attack cannot be guarded against, it may directly destroy the entire execution platform.

The light wave spread, and UU Reading swept away all the items on the road, whether it was navy or pirates, those who could not avoid them were all swept into the sky.

Seeing that the platform was about to be destroyed, Garp stood up at this moment.

"Fist bone, Broken Star!"

The fist gang raged, the space was directly exploded, and a mysterious aura descended on this place. This punch directly beat the light wave in front of him into a need.

Ace was on the sidelines, involuntarily shivering.

Dongze didn't raise his head, and said softly: "This is the power of the gods! If Kapu really wants to make a move! These people won't be able to leave!"


Read The Duke's Passion