MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 278 The sword comes to reappear, Im shot

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In the Kingdom of Totland, the Charlotte family was numb when they heard the sound of the sword.

As long as everyone who participated in the previous battle was scalped on the spot, infinite fear arose in their hearts.


"This lunatic~~"

"Is he trying to sink Marlin Fandor?"

"Who is his opponent? He actually wants to use such a terrifying big move?"

"The scene three years ago was really like a nightmare!"

"It's hard to imagine that there will be someone in the world with such a terrifying move!"


In a corner of the Chambord Islands, in a room of underground forces, Eusta Kidd, who is a magnetic fruit capable user, watched the countless weapons in the live broadcast soaring into the sky, like thousands of arrows flying all over the sky, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart Hot, maybe he can do this kind of thing.

When he thinks that when he activates his ability on weekdays, he will make a pile of scrap metal and make a unicorn arm, and he is secretly happy. Seeing Dongze's move today, he can't help feeling excited and excited, imagining that one day, he can also can like this.

"A great hero should be like this~~"

When Kira on the side heard Kidd's words, his scalp went numb. Now they know who Dongze is.

They also saw the current situation through the live broadcast of the phone bug. First, there are a bunch of top combat forces in the Navy headquarters, and there are tens of thousands of elite sailors. The pirates are even more heroes.

The first generation of Pirate King Gol D Roger, the strongest man in the world Whitebeard - Edward Newgate, Pluto - Silbazz Raleigh, Shichibukai and so on.

On this stage, the rallies are the strongest forces in the world. It's not so easy to shout "Sword!"

"Do you want to dance on the grave??"

When Kidd heard Kira's words, the corners of his mouth reached his ears in anger, "Get out~~"

Navy Headquarters, Crescent Bay.

With the sound of "Sword coming!"

On glaciers, on high platforms, in sea water, in crowds.

The sound of the sword's cry was only for a moment, and then it broke out with a bang.

The faces of the swordsmen present suddenly changed, and the weapons in their hands seemed to have been endowed with souls.

Seeing those long knives and sharp swords flying out of their hands forcibly, they couldn't help tightening the weapons in their hands again.

It is said that swords are falling like rain, they will not be surprised, but today, the world is turned upside down, and swords are falling like rain.

The person standing in mid-air seemed to be transformed into a **** of swords at this moment.

"咈咈咈~ What a miraculous move~"

"Mr. Smoker, hurry up, do me a favor, I can't suppress Xiaoyu anymore!"

"Really~ Isn't it your beloved sword? Do you want to rebel too?"

"Karp~ won't you make a move?"

"What a fart! That old guy's mind is obviously not pure. He chose to fight here because he obviously has his own little calculations. If Dongze loses this battle, maybe we have to fight him again!"


The sound of piercing in the air became more and more intense, and everyone present watched their weapons come out with suspicion in their eyes.

The weapon pierced through the air at an extremely fast speed, not the kind of slow and light, but directly reached the speed of light, and only a black line could be vaguely seen in mid-air.

The sharp swords all over the sky are like clouds hanging from the sky, a dense piece of darkness, covering the entire sky.

"Hehe! Fantie and others! Even my arrogance can't be broken!"

Seeing the darkness, Im didn't look flustered at all. In a top-level battle, he wouldn't use such flashy moves.

Weapons do not have domineering attached, no amount of them is useless.


As soon as Dong Ze spoke, a mysterious aura rose from his body, filling the entire sky in half a breath.


A sword sound that pierced people's hearts exploded, and the scalps of everyone under the stab were numb.


"this is??"

"Armed and domineering?"

"How is it possible! Isn't the armed color domineering all black and colorful??"

"Karp, what's going on??"

"That stinky boy, armed with domineering looks, is also in a godlike state~"

Garp's voice was not low, and he and his counterpart in the Warring States Period were also heard by some people around him. Hearing the news, everyone couldn't help but fell silent.


A little bit of blue light bloomed, and the sky over Crescent Bay became a piece of green in an instant.

During the sword-crying masterpiece, a palpitation rushed into Im's heart. Up to now, Dongze's move has made him feel chills all over.

"It's impossible! How can a person's domineering amount have such a level!"

Facing Im's startled shout, Dongze didn't answer, turned his wrist, and the **** of his right hand made sword fingers together, a little far away in the void.


The voice of the word Dongze is not high, but this Chuitian Jianyun seems to have found the target.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the world lost its color.


The speed directly broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and a sound burst was like a muffled thunder, which made the hearts of everyone in the audience shudder. Even though they were not the target, they still trembled in their hearts in the face of this blow.

"Is this the true strength of the Sword Emperor??"

"Gu la la la! This is worthy of being called the king of swords!"


"This kind of speed, even if it is elementalized, it may not be able to avoid it. Damn it, what did this **** eat? I can't even take revenge this time~~"

With one breath, the space is like a blank sheet of paper, instantly punctured into a hornet's nest by countless needles.

After two breaths, the space began to whine. Garp's fists can produce an effect similar to the ability of the shaking fruit, and Dongze's flying swords can naturally do the same.

Three breaths, the space is like a mirror being shattered by thousands of flying swords, and the hearts of these people standing on the ground trembled.

"Hey~ Newgate, is the space shattered?"

"No! It was penetrated!"


At the place where Feijian gathered the fire, the sky suddenly darkened, and a black hole appeared there, and an ominous aura appeared, which made everyone present feel a chill in their hearts.

It seems that some horror is about to come out.

"This is impossible!"

"how can that be??"

"It actually broke through the second-level metaspace!"

Im's face darkened, and the scepter in UU Reading's hand creaked unconsciously. The power of this blow was somewhat beyond his estimation.

He may not care about the single-handled flying sword, but with such a large number and overwhelming attacks, he is a little stressed.


Im picked up his scepter and threw it at the one in front of him. An invisible wave hit the invisible void, and it actually made a ripple visible to the naked eye.

The overwhelming flying swords were like ice and snow meeting sunlight, turning them into dust. Only a little blue light fell from the tip of Yu's sword, and the whole sea was lit up by the blue halo that filled the sky.


Read The Duke's Passion