MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 283 1 Sword Breaks Wanfa VS Skynet

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"How is this going?"

In the sky, there were ripples, and a fluctuation visible to the naked eye continued to spread to the distance round after round.

The sky is occupied by the sword light like the Milky Way, the big river is rolling and rushing endlessly, the sword light is rustling, destroying the dead, and the waves on the sea turn into a sea curtain that hits the sky in all directions.


Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo couldn't help but change his face, which reminded him of the battle three years ago.

The terrifying scene that shook the entire world with one blow, even the four seas were affected to varying degrees.

Crane looked at the monstrous waves rushing towards Marin Fando, and sighed softly! "Hey! It seems that this battle can only end here!"

The eyes of Akainu on the side were full of unwillingness and anger. It was the first time he fought so frankly, especially Garp, who always had a playful smile on weekdays. hope.

"Damn it! It's obviously a good situation!"

At this moment, a sword energy cut off the huge wave lazily, and then directly turned into a glacier.

After that, a voice came over, causing the faces of everyone present to change involuntarily.

"Let's stop fighting here! I hope everyone can give me some face!"

It was the voice of the Four Emperors Redhead, and most of them were familiar with it.

Garp, who is full of knowledge and knowledge, has already caught the figure of the opponent. At this time, his face is full of anger, the right fist is covered with armed domineering, and the domineering domineering is entwined, and the volley is a punch.

"Fist Bone · Destroy~"

This blow can be said to be Garp's full blow at this moment, and the momentum is extremely terrifying. A series of air explosions sounded when he punched out. It became extremely cold in an instant, and a word suddenly appeared in my heart.


It seems that apart from this word, they can't even hope to take a breath.

Marco patted his chest, with a bit of luck on his face. Fortunately, this punch was not aimed at him. If it was true, I am afraid that even if he is a phoenix fruit ability user, he might be cold.

"Yo! Mr. Garp, you are still so angry!"

On the sailboat sailing from a distance, Shanks drew out the long knife stuck in his waist, which was the famous knife Griffin.

This is a knife shaped like a Western sword.

The first is the domineering armed color, the strength has reached the level of the top armed domineering color, a colorful color on the knife body is like a mass of flowing fluid.

Then, even in this battlefield, a domineering domineering aura that looked a little terrifying exploded like a wave of heavenly power, and then turned into a red and black electric light that wrapped around Griffin.

"It's the overlord's color entanglement!"

Seeing this scene in the navy, someone has already revealed the details of this move, and they have seen it before when fighting with these top combat forces.


A sword light in Shanks' eyes almost pierced through his eyes and burst out of his body.

A burst of breath was like wolf smoke, blasting from his body, the boat under his feet suddenly sank, the terrifying breath not only pushed the boat down, but the waves also began to beat around.

"Sword intent?" M.bΙQμGètν.còM

"That's not right! This intensity~"

Roger looked at the kid in the distance, and said in awe: "Has that kid actually reached this level? I really can't accept it!"


The next moment, a cold light lit up on the tip of Griffin's sword. Although it was not dazzling, it made people feel chills. Even if they just glanced at it from a distance, the coldness made goose bumps all over their bodies. Woke up.

A slash flew out of the air and galloped towards Karp's attack.

There was an ear-piercing roar from the space, and this attack was not much inferior to Garp's punch.


Above Nine Heavens, the war between Dongze and the world consciousness is still going on.

That magical blow just now split the giant face transformed by the other party into two.

The power of various rules is like popcorn, smashed to the ground, which is many times more intense than the battle on the ground.

The power of rules here is the power of the divine realm that only Garp can touch below.

The damage caused is not comparable.

The space was directly shattered by the two of them, and the spear of rules that the other party had condensed just now was smashed to pieces by Dong Ze's big move.

"Let's fight a few times now! Let's end this time here!"

Dongze held the sword in one hand, and the power of various rules was flowing in his eyes. The power of various rules intertwined into lines in the depths of his eyes, dividing the space in front of him into different areas.

It seems that what he sees at this moment is not a black hole that devours everything, but a chessboard with heaven and earth as a medium.

The battle between the two is not a real battle, but more like a game of chess.

"Outsider! Even if my spiritual consciousness is gone today, I must destroy you, the intruder!"

An intermittent wave came over, causing Dongze to frown.

For some reason, he understood the meaning of the other party all at once. He had seen his true background and knew that he did not belong to this world.

"How did you find out?"

While talking, both sides began to mobilize their respective strengths, and the Changchun Kung Fu in Dongze's body began to circulate quickly, and the sword intent acted as a matchmaker, and the sword fetus in his body also moved.

Inside the Purple Mansion, the villain held a small sword purely condensed by sword intent, and made strange movements.

"The power you use does not belong to this world! I should have shot it long ago!"

The next moment, the giant face split in half by Dong Ze slowly disappeared, and an aura that made him feel dangerous began to gather here.

After a while, a man in black appeared above the nine heavens. His face was stern and his aura was ups and downs. Just standing there made the second-dimensional space whine.

There was no fluctuation on Dongze's face, but the face of the villain in Zifu became serious. He slowly put down the sword in his hand, and the small sword transformed by the sword intent slowly turned around him, and At this moment, his hands began to pinch one after another wonderful handprints that he had never seen before.

Almost in an instant, a small sword with sword intent will appear in the Purple Mansion.

Changhe, Jinglei, Shuihan, Zongheng, Feixian and other sword intents all appeared here after a few breaths.

In the next moment, Dongze seemed to have a tacit understanding, and said: "One sword breaks the law!"

In an instant, the long river of sword energy that had just washed away the entire new world rolled back one after another, and the violent sword energy swept across most of the pirate world, making the whole world tremble.

That's right, this time, it wasn't shaking, but trembling. It seemed that the whole world couldn't bear the force of this blow.

"You will not succeed!"

Suddenly, the man in black, transformed by world consciousness, suddenly raised his head, revealing a face that Dong Ze was very familiar with.

This long face is none other than the protagonist of One Piece world, Luffy.


In this second dimensional space, following the opponent's shout, countless powers of rules swarmed towards him frantically, and finally formed a net of order in his hands.

"Skynet is restored! It's not leaking!"

"Although I can't beat you now, even if I die, I will definitely suppress you!"



Jingjing walked up to Tang San, sat cross-legged beside him, and nodded slightly to him.

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, his body floated up slowly, and stood up on the flower heart of Tiantanghua. He took a deep breath, and the breath in his whole body swelled up. The nine major blood vessels in the body have been completely in a state of balance after blending just now. The self began to sublimate rapidly.

On the forehead, the golden trident's light pattern resurfaced, at this moment, Tang San's aura began to change. His consciousness and the brand of the golden trident merged with each other, sensing the breath of the golden trident, his eyes began to become brighter and brighter.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Tianhu Demon Emperor felt a shocking will erupt, and the entire Hell Garden trembled violently. A golden beam of light condensed away.

While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and the sun. A large amount of luck is emitted into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had been restrained suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring inward.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed to fill the entire plane with anger.

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