MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 347 East China Sea falls into my hands

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Staring at the two wax corpses on the ground, Orochimaru rummaged through the corpses. He was very curious about the world. Usually, his initial understanding of a world is from corpses and autopsy. start.

Both corpses were poured and melted into wax figures, and the internal structure of the bodies had been damaged and deformed. Orochimaru licked his tongue with a little regret.

"Don't worry, the most important thing in this world is living materials, and there is a place with many treasured materials, which is our next destination!" Yaerlin knew what Orochimaru was thinking, he faintly said.

Cloto glanced at Orochimaru calmly while floating the frame of the mirror. The other party exuded a viper-like aura, especially the pair of scarlet eyes, which were especially mysterious and evil.

With a glance, he retracted his gaze, and Chloe followed behind Yaerlin, picking out the key points to report on what happened during this time.

"...All in all, under the force of Alex led by Fick, and the secret support and assistance of our navy, more than half of the countries in the East China Sea have been directly or indirectly controlled, and they are declared as the East China Sea Federation, the headquarters. Right here in Alex's capital!"

This is not beyond Yaerlin's accident. With Yaerlin's accumulated strength and the secret planning and arrangement in the East China Sea for so many years, he can easily push the East China Sea.

"Let William destroy the 153 branch, and then put the blame on the dead golden lion. Once the news is passed back to the world government, the five old stars are already suspicious of Sakaski, and they will question the naval headquarters. The Warring States period is to help Qing Pheasant, I'm afraid I won't speak for Sakaski."

"The intensification of the contradictions and the intensification of the battle between the marshals are also the last key. Both sides must guard against the counterattack and lore of the other side!" Yaerlin was very satisfied with Crow's arrangement, he grinned: "At least Before the next marshal succeeds, even if the naval headquarters wants to intervene and control the situation in the East China Sea, there is not much power, not to mention..."

"The lever to move the sea has been sent to the Navy Headquarters. This is a big gamble about the next era. It determines who will be the protagonist of the next era in this sea, and who dares to be distracted. Bearded Edward Newgate, as far as the Four Emperors in the New World are about to move, the East China Sea is nothing but a disease of scabies." Yaerlin sneered in disapproval: "Which is more important, these big men can always think clearly!"

Crow glanced mysteriously at Garp, who was shrouded in black robes. The latter's expression was awe-inspiring like a sculpture made of steel, and he followed behind Yaerlin.

"It seems that I have high regard for the friendship between Karp and the Warring States period. The only one sent to search and rescue in the East China Sea is a vice admiral, and the news has been confirmed from Faulkner!" Cloe said: "The commander of the G5 branch of the Navy, Lieutenant General Vergo said that he took the initiative to ask Ying to come to the East China Sea to search and rescue Lieutenant General Garp."

"East China Sea swallowed up three vice admirals one after another, and there are still people who dare to take the initiative to ask for it. This vice admiral Vergo is very courageous!" Yaerlin noticed something strange, and he glanced at Chloe.

Cloe suddenly realized, "If you didn't enter from Livas Mountain, it was brought from no wind. I will pay close attention to it."

The sunken ground cracked open the channel buried by the ruins, and the deep, dark tunnel extended downward, and countless black silk threads were woven and twisted in it.

All the space areas that were originally divided were gathered into black nests, only an empty beehive stood there, and the silky black threads shuttled from the beehive into the soil and rock formations, and then extended like a deep sea.

A patch of black tentacles in the deep sea covered the sea, and several islands adjacent to Shields Town were also silently wrapped in black shadows.

A monstrous sea beast cruising back and forth in this sea area seems to be patrolling its territory.

A black coffin is placed in the beehive, and all kinds of strange-shaped transformations are crawling out of the coffin, neatly arranged in rows, standing silently in the dark.

It seemed that Adams was busy during the time that Arlin was away.

Orochimaru licked his lips and stared greedily at a strange transformation body. The study of life is his most important subject. It seems that there are like-minded partners in this world.

"The people who were transferred from Alabasta are all placed in Alex. After all, Alabasta and the 153 branch are probably in the sight of those who care, and it may not be so safe!" Klo habitually rubbed the frames of his glasses, "The boatman who claimed to be able to recreate the ancient battleship was transported to Alex and under Fick's control, stepped up to start preparing to build Hades."

The jet-black thread opened a black crack, and when he spoke, countless black threads opened the crack, and the figures of Yaerlin and the others stepped in and disappeared into the underground hive of branch 153.


The dark crack was pulled open, and the figures of Yaerlin and others came out and appeared in a closed military A tall and burly figure, wearing a heavy steel armor, his face was covered by a mask, Soldiers with only a pair of cold and cold eyes were patrolling the camp back and forth.

The moment Yaerlin appeared, all the soldiers turned around and looked at them with fiery eyes.

Walking through the camp and came to a newly built underground building, Fick came out of it, a slightly hideous cheek grinned, and the scars running through half of the face muscles twitched more and more terrifyingly, he slapped it fiercely. Arlin's shoulder was touched.

"Don't say sensational words, General Fick!" Yaerlin said jokingly with a smile on his brows.

Fick scratched his head naively, the excitement on his face calmed down, he grinned and said, "Donghai, now it belongs to us!"

"Don't get excited, this is just the beginning!"

Yaerlin narrowed his eyes, had a few words with Fick, and then walked towards a huge arsenal in front of him, where countless firearms and shells were being produced at the speed of an assembly line.

In the distance, countless iron ore was excavated and piled up, a prototype of a keel forged from steel was being built, and the scalding heat wave was rolling in the air.

On the other side of the arsenal, in a newly built laboratory, the dissected experimental subjects were lying on the cold experimental benches. Adams and Dr. Indigo were holding a stack of experimental records in their hands to make calculations. Dr. . Kuleiha and a reindeer are numbly suturing the transformed body of a subject, and injecting various reagents into its body.

Read The Duke's Passion