MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 365 Akatsuki vs Apostle II

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The scraps of paper gathered on the ground, and the robe of red clouds on a black background penetrated the blockade of Kunai without being hurt.

A terrifying face appeared in the black haze covering the front. The wrinkled and dry face looked hideous as if dehydrated. The gray-white hair stood up straight, and the whole body exuded a cold and iron-blooded expression. breath.


A pitch-black fog rope slammed towards Xiaonan like lightning, without even a single word of nonsense in the opening remarks, it was a killing move that directly took people's lives.

Before the black cord could touch his body, the hairpin on his head was eroded by a layer of mist, and the rust-like stripes quickly corroded the petals, as if there were small insects eating the flowers leaving black holes.

Xiao Nan's expression changed, and he flicked the hairpin off, two pairs of paper wings grew out of his back, and countless feathers flew out quickly, forming a continuous circle of knives, killing the black mist that covered it, black chains. A spark of sparks exploded on it, and then a piece of detonating talisman quietly covered the black cord.


The sound of the explosion, the aftermath of the impact smashed the scattered paper scraps, the black mist was blown away, and then two groups of human figures, one black and one white, solidified again.

"I'm sorry, it's my instinct to not be killed. For the time being, there is no ability to kill me in this world."

Smog moved his neck and made a crisp "quack" sound, and a trace of lacquer black armed color domineering gradually extended to the black fog rope that he manipulated. Suddenly, the whole fog rope was attached with a layer of strange and domineering. The strength attribute of "hiss" is like a hungry python.


The slinging chain split the air, and the black mist falling from all sides condensed into a black cage, blocking the gap and locking Xiao Nan in the cage.


There was a metal-like thrashing sound, and the blurred paper scraps trembled violently, and a tinge of red appeared. Xiaonan flew out like Lei Ju's whole body was dyed red, and slammed into the ice-cold fog prison, a pair of beautiful eyes. Staring at Smoker in disbelief.

sizzle sizzle...

A thread of chakra condensed around the black-clothed ninja, the scorpion of the red sand scorpion, whose hands were shaking quickly, formed a blurred phantom, one by one, like the ninja being controlled by the freeze frame, turning his body rigidly toward the surrounding Ninja kill.

The blood splashed and the broken arm fell, but there was no screaming from the beginning to the end, only the dull and unhuman breathing, like a cold puppet, not knowing the fear of life and death, loyally executing the will of the puppet master.

"These are the best materials for making puppets!"

While muttering to himself, the red sand scorpion revealed a ferocious and fierce face, and the poisonous scorpion tail hook on the back slammed to the side, and a cold light swept through the air.

The trembling air cracked open a thin slit visible to the naked eye, as if the entire space was cut off by a sword, the poisonous scorpion's tail hook stopped abruptly in mid-air, and shattered into countless pieces in response.

The terrifying sword energy ripped apart the metal tail hook, the aftermath tore the body of the red sand scorpion, and the back of the curved body under the black robe of the red cloud split open, and it turned out to be a fragment of a puppet.

Fei Liuhu's back was cut with a slit, and a small figure rolled out, but it looked like a red-haired boy, and the whole body's skin was made into a puppet.

The scorpion of red sand, pursuing the ultimate eternity of puppet art, finally transformed his body into a puppet. With a flick of his palm, the Fei Liuhu on the ground suddenly shattered, and countless poisonous needles poured out like rain.

The black robe danced, Koushiro's expression was indifferent, and the words Hedaoichi in his hand slashed forward, and the splattered poison needles were frozen in mid-air, and in the next moment, they all shattered into powder.

There was no expression on the scorpion's face, only a pair of eyes shrank suddenly, and then slapped with both hands, a black coffin appeared on the ground, the coffin was knocked apart by the black magnetic sand, rolled and whistled frantically, and the overwhelming stabbing shot at the bottom. Scary Swordsman.

Koushiro raised his eyelids, and He Daoyi drew his knife out of its sheath and slashed in the air. The sound of cloth being torn was heard in the air, but the entire invisible space was cut off, and the collapsed vacuum crack was strangely twisted. It turned into a black hole, and instantly swallowed the wildly leaking magnetic sand whale.

The space, light, and smell were all distorted, and the sword in Koushiro's hand seemed to be twisted into a weird twist, winding like a poisonous snake around a weird arc, and the fangs piercing the three generations of wind from behind. The human puppet made by the film has a hole in the back.

The twisted terrifying sword intent spread, and the whole body suddenly cracked like a spider web, as if the steel-like body disintegrated and shattered like tofu residue.

"Chopping iron is the basis for getting started with swordsmen!"

Koushiro Ping raised his sword and looked at the hundreds of puppets summoned by the scorpion, his stern face evoked a disdainful smile: "Whether it is living or dead, the number is meaningless!"

While speaking, he slashed forward with a sword, the black and white sword cut through the space, and in the distortion of light and shadow, the sword shadows bizarrely divided into hundreds, slashing from all directions to the red sand scorpion.

Deidara laughed madly. Pieces of clay were rubbed out of his palms by him, and they were thrown to the ground like fireworks.

"What are you happy about?"

The cold voice pierced through the eardrums, a dark cloud in the sky descended, the terrifying pressure fell like a mountain, and a bunch of pitch-black thunder pythons fell down suddenly.

The forehead The golden hair stood upright, the smile on Deidara's face suddenly stiffened, and the whole body quickly ducked backwards, where he was standing just now, the dark thunder The beam was pierced, and the air was trembling with a scorched smell.

A huge crater exploded on the ground, and the cracked electric arc raged and filled the crater with lightning. It looked like a pool of blue water. It was beautiful, but it revealed a deadly murderous intention.

In the black thunder python, a man with thunder drums came out. The dark scepter touched the air, and bursts of petals intertwined with thunder and lightning exploded. Anilu had a gloomy face, ruthless. The cold eyes met Deidara's shrunk pupils and sneered: "Do you like watching fireworks?"

He held his palm up to the sky, the black clouds above his head rumbled suddenly, and terrifying thunder pythons protruded their hideous heads from the middle, the raging thunder light was roaring, and Anilu's five fingers suddenly pointed at Deidara, sneering: " I'll show you the real fireworks, Wanlei!"


The whole sky was shaking, and the thunder pythons with the thickness of countless buckets pierced the air frantically. The violent friction dyed the air red like blood. Fireworks, covering Deidara's entire field of vision...