MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 390 A new road (complete testimonials and new book preview)

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The black tree trunks were tangled in knots, as if some imprisoned monster smelled the **** fragrance, and couldn't wait to stretch out its terrifying tentacles, hanging down through the sky and falling to the ground and ocean.

The stumps were broken, the sea water was stained red, the ground was covered with foam, and countless tentacles woven with black threads were also protruding from the ruins of Marin Fando. It was the newly planted mother nest sprouting.

The sky drooped down to the black and the black on the ground, and then there was a gloomy sound, as if it echoed directly in everyone's soul, like some kind of sucking and swallowing sound, which emerged directly from the deepest part of the world.

The sea surface was boiling and rolling, the ground was shaking and cracking, and countless blood colors were pulled out. It was the freshly dead bodies that were cruelly decomposed into the purest energy, which was continuously sucked into the sky... black door.

The ten-tailed body that was sealed on the door seemed to have suddenly awakened, and countless fresh blood and energy of various attributes were mixed and violently poured in.

Different from the power of the tailed beast, it is more mottled and complex, strange and unpredictable like the power of countless demons. It is extracted from the flesh and blood of those who have died soon, and is quickly transformed and purified by the mother nest into nutrients. "Tentacles" poured into the body of Ten Tails.

In the depths of Marin Vando's underground, in the mother's nest that spreads and entangles, there is a strange black tree. The tree constantly bears dark and cold fruits. Those are the feasts of countless corpses that devoured Marin Vando. Then, they were all decomposed without hesitation, turned into the purest nutrients and transmitted to the empty body of the ten tails, and were also poured into the black gate.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire pirate world, the most powerful forces have almost gathered here, and more than half of the devil fruit capable people in the entire world have been concentrated here and turned into fertilizers.

Half of the origin of the world lies in the remains of Marin Vando, which is being extracted and transformed by the mother's nest. The black gate of the sky gradually changes into the shape of the sky, as if the sky is reflected in the sky, and countless densely packed and ferocious tree branches are imprinted into the sky. , like countless strange blood vessels seeping into the pollution.

The whole world seems to be submerged and shrouded by an invisible giant tree, and the terrifying tree shadow completely replaces the existence of the sky. A dead white fruit.

The fruit, which is 4 meters high, exudes a deep and secluded chill. The whole body is a piece of dead white. This is the fruit that devoured half of the origin of the pirate world and condensed.

All the living people stared blankly at the sky, the scene unfolding in front of them exceeded the limit of their imagination, and a horror from the soul and instinct made them freeze in place.

Horror, the catastrophe of despair shrouded, every cell in the body trembled, looked up, and saw not a single fruit, but the weight of the whole world condensed in it, the indescribable pressure made them These "natives" who were born in this world feel suffocated despair.


Aokiji opened his mouth with difficulty. It was such a simple action, but he felt that all the strength in his body was consumed, and then he saw it.

There was a cracking sound in the air in front of him, a pale slender arm pierced through his chest like lightning, and Haina's figure slowly emerged from the long hair flying.

Under the shroud of the invalid force field, the general-level combat power has also degenerated into ordinary soldiers, unable to resist and withstand the heavy pressure of the collapse of the world, just like a statue that has been immobilized, its heart is easily taken out.

Puff puff……

One after another corpses fell softly, the navy, the pirates, the Qiwuhai, the generals, the four emperors, all the breathing beings were the same as weak babies, and those who had no resistance were killed, the corpses engulfed and decomposed by the ground.

"The sacrifice set by fate!"

Doflamingo hugged Aokiji's body, his body suddenly vacated and appeared beside Yaerlin, kneeling on one knee and half on the ground.

Yaerlin inserted his five fingers into the corpse of the green pheasant, and the cold chill was absorbed. The breath of his body suddenly soared, and a strange and deep shadow floated on his body. When the "neighing" was swallowing, the whole sky suddenly became darker, like There is a layer of black film covering it.

The body blurred into countless silk threads, the silk threads were refined again into invisible shadows, the surrounding space was eroded, and a figure that seemed to change slowly emerged, and there were countless black lights in Yaerlin's eyes. , a group of terrifying shadows emerged from behind him, which was the shadow projected by the mother nest into reality.

The black-robed apostle stood behind Yaerlin, staring at the figure in the sky with pilgrimage awe. The white fruit suddenly burst, and the whole sky shattered together, revealing a deep, invisible darkness. That is, the black abyss of nothingness, where the mother nest was born.

In the dead silence, in the darkness, countless infiltrating blood vessels merged with the darkness, and countless tree branches danced wildly, spreading along the wall membrane on the edge of the darkness. Behind those wall membranes were the closed doors of the world.

Only the wall membranes of the two worlds were torn apart, firmly adhered and sucked by the black tentacles, and the filled ten-tailed body was tightly wrapped by the mother nest, quietly suspended in the center of the black abyss.

A forest-white fruit was pulled from the world of pirates, and the other black fruit was pulled from the world of Hokage, absorbing half of the original fruits of the two worlds, blending strangely together, and then being captured by the mother's nest together. devour.

Black and white are blending strangely, dazzling light shines in the barren black abyss, the mother nest is undergoing strange changes, it is the improvement of life form and essence, and it is a breakthrough that has never been seen in the inheritance sequence of the mother nest. an unknown road.

The blooming light dissipated, the black lines were surging, the vines were entangled, and the strange veins eroded the entire Heiyuan, as if the entire black abyss that existed in ancient times was swallowed up by the mother's nest and became a part of the body, and the endless dark tentacles quietly penetrated into the world. In the wall membrane, the world behind each wall membrane is silently torn open.

"This is a brand new evolutionary path!!!"

Yaerlin stared at the looming darkness in the black abyss. With his breathing, the entire black abyss was ups and downs and trembling. Standing behind him was the apostle kneeling on one knee. His arms suddenly opened, as if To take all these countless worlds into my arms.

In the darkness, huge black threads and vines were entwined, and a grand and rolling palace was constructed according to Yaerlin's will. In the deepest part of the palace stood a black iron throne.

The icy stairs that spread down stretched all the way to his feet. He stepped on the stone steps and walked up step by step. The icy footsteps seemed to be echoing and conveying to the unknown worlds.

"Since it's a brand new road, let's change the name. It's no longer called the mother's nest, but it's called the main **** space!"

Yaerlin sat on the black iron throne, like a terrifying god, looking down at his kingdom of God, and said to the apostle who was kneeling on the ground: "Life and death, order and destruction, here is all the world. The end of the world is also the beginning of all worlds, go and take my will to the world of the heavens!"

(End of the book)

Ps: I don’t need to go into details about the Pirate World in the future. On the one hand, it’s because there is no need to talk about it, and the ending is already doomed. On the other hand, because the Pirate Anime is not over yet, I’m not very good at making up those stories. The characters who can still appear, as for the world of the heavens behind, can indeed continue to be written if they are to be written, but it is best to end here if you think about it.

If more worlds are written, it will deviate from the original intention at the beginning. There is no need to forcibly write millions of words, and the results of this book are not good. I have not recommended it a few times, and the book friends who have supported all the way know it. Many book friends advised Aman to open a new book as soon as the eunuch, but Aman still gritted his teeth and stumbled and finished writing it. It was not perfect but it was "complete". Aman tried his best.

To the friends who have been supporting all the time, Aman is very grateful. It is your support that makes this book not recommended, but at least it can be found on the list. .

Friends who like it can add to the QQ group 798230019. The news about the new book will be notified in the group as soon as possible, and some of them will be tested first, and everyone can come and discuss.

The old book friends in the group also know that This book is A Man's writing practice. The new book was conceived two years ago, and the outline and outline were set, which is what A Man really wanted to write. , but limited by the power of the pen, I have never dared to write the story hastily, and the next book will be leaked. Oh, I am so excited.

Although "Order of the Pirate's Nest" can be regarded as a pen practice, Ah Man is really writing it very carefully. Looking back now, there are indeed many problems and shortcomings, but I am generally satisfied, and it is better than the previous "Hokage". It can also be regarded as the first book that Aman has completed in the true sense, and it is worth celebrating.

In short, I will continue to summarize, continue to work hard to improve myself, and write better and more exciting stories.

This book has gained a lot. Although I didn’t make any money, I also gained some rewards from everyone. I am very satisfied, mainly spiritual satisfaction. Hahaha, this book has realized the first alliance leader in Aman’s life. There are also friends who support and often vote for support, Aman will remember them in my heart, and I will remember your names hehe.

Finally, let's talk about the new book. The new book is scheduled to be released next month. I hope everyone will come to support it when the time comes. The exact time depends on the editor's review. There will be the latest news in the group, and we will notify you when the time comes.

New book preview: (The title and introduction of the book are all to be determined, and will be notified separately.)

New Title: Killing - Author

Introduction: If one day, you find that the world is just a book, what would you do?

If one day, you know that life is just a set of words, how can you resist?

Listen, those rustling, not wind-blown footsteps, but falling pens are killing you!

"This damn..."

Chen Chao cut off the blood-stained pen and stared at the figure in the mirror with bloodshot eyes: "I see you, I will come out!!!"

Ps: Open this book, maybe you will find that the author is staring at you!

Read The Duke's Passion