MTL - Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching-Chapter 1 good teacher system

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"Damn it, Nika awakens!"

"We all misunderstood Mr. Kai!"

"What famous teacher Rayleigh? Ah bah! That's called a misunderstood child!"

"One stick of sakura, two sticks of entanglement, three sticks of awakening!"

"Really good teacher, we have to see Mr. Kaido!"

Following Luffy's resurrection from the dead, the rubber fruit turned into a phantom beast named Nika, and the pirate forums became lively in an instant, and Mr. Sanbang Kai's ridiculing remarks emerged one after another.


In October of 1500, the Pirate King Goldo Roger was executed in Rogge Town. His declaration before his death shook the world.

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

"Hahaha, let's get started, Your Highness fools sell stupidity once a week!"

"It's disgusting!"

"The face of the Guangyue family has been disgraced!"

"If that guy still has a little man's dignity, he should apologize!"

In the center of the street under Orochimaru City, Kozuki Oden, who is known as the invincible in the world, wears only a loincloth all over his body and dances to the laughter of the onlookers, like a clown.

The inexplicable behavior has been going on for a year, not only disappointing the people, but even the retainers and followers of the Kozuki clan around him are extremely angry with Oden's behavior.

More expectation, more disappointment.

However, Kozuki Oden completely ignored the doubts and concerns of the people around him, and still played the clown regardless of rain or shine, immersing himself in his own world.

In the city of Orochi above the street, Kaido, the governor of the Beast Pirates, stood by the window, overlooking Oden's antics.

"Koyuki Oden? Wano Country? I transmigrated to become Teacher Kai?"

He asked three times in a row, revealing Kaido's chaotic mood at the moment.

He is from Blue Star. Originally, he was an elderly social animal who was busy with work and lived in a first-tier city.

No girlfriend, no social interaction.

My favorite thing every day is to go home from get off work, play games, watch anime, brush up on Xiaopo Station, etc., and feel at ease alone.

He also thought about escaping from the city, and even took the teacher's qualification certificate and wanted to be a rural teacher, but faced with the family's urge to marry and dislike...

Unexpectedly, inexplicably crossed into the world of One Piece!

Could it be that when he read the latest comics last night, he published "Mr. Kai's teaching and educating people are the best in the world" and "Mr. Kai's cram school is grandly opened!" ], [Big brother with a mace, come on! ] and the like?

Confused for a while, Kaido gave up the treatment.

Mainly, it is useless to tangle.

After all, they have come...

Thinking on the positive side, he became one of the four emperors in the future, with the ceiling of force value, the most powerful creature in the legend, wouldn't this start be a happy one?

Well, think about the bad...


Kaido's face gradually darkened, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Not to mention anything else, Otian, the fool dancing downstairs, will come to chop him in the neck in a few years, like two knives!

If it was Kaido of the beasts in the past, it shouldn't be a big problem, but Kaido, who wears souls, has no combat experience at all, except for his body that is resistant to beatings.

How to fight this?

Also, after more than 20 years, he is destined to be killed by "Joey Boy Nika Luffy". This is a written script, and it is also his destiny. The person who even the original body thinks will defeat him is The legendary Joey Boy!

The originally happy mood fell to the bottom in an instant!

"Fuck fate!"

Maybe it was the original character who was more irritable, or it could be the wild influence brought by the animal-type Devil Fruit. When he thought about his future encounter, Kaido became furious and fell into a state of rage.

The original body with the full force value can't hold Oden and the sun **** Luffy, not to mention he lacks combat experience, if there is no accident, his ending is destined to be a stepping stone.

But do you want him to accept his fate and wait to die?


Founding of the country in twenty years? Joey Boy?

He doesn't believe this. Anyone who dares to stand in his way will have their ashes thrown away. Don't think he can't make up for it!

At this moment, a series of information appeared in my mind!

[Detected abnormal host mood, system loading...]

[After the system is loaded, according to the compatibility between the host's identity and the soul, the system's form begins to transform, and it enters the exclusive matching mode...]

[The match is successful, the real good teacher system will serve you! 】

"Has the plug-in been credited?"

Kaida was overjoyed, that's right, as a stepping stone for a villain, how can he compete with the Son of Destiny if he doesn't have a cheater by his side.

However, isn't this system name too confusing?


Kaido called out in a low voice, and a booklet immediately appeared in front of him, the style of which was very similar to the teacher's qualification certificate he took before.

It can't be said that they are exactly the same, they can only be said to be completely consistent.

He soon understood the role of the good teacher system. In simple terms, it means that the best apprentices come from the stick and guide the opponent through actual combat. As long as the opponent improves their strength in the battle, he can get the corresponding reward.

"Professional tutor, online teaching!"

Kaido took out his mace, and felt a little eager to try it. Although he didn't get the fighting skills of the original body, but based on his physical fitness, there should be few people who could be his opponents.

Find someone to try it later!


The door was pushed open, and a tall and strong man like a balloon squeezed in, with narrow facial features piled up on his round face, which was funny no matter how he looked at it.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates, Big Kanban, Epidemic Quinn!

"Brother Kai, the banquet has begun, everyone is waiting for you."


Kaido turned around and looked at Quinn who was giggling, his face darkened a bit.

It is this super second-hand who likes to sing and dance rap. In the decisive battle with the Straw Hat Pirates, he successfully turned against thousands of his subordinates. He can be called the first pig teammate of the Beast Pirates.

What can't you do, let him be number one!

"Huh? What is this?"

Kaido was stunned for a moment, his eyes tightened and he stared at Quinn. In his field of vision, a lot of red dots appeared all over Quinn's body.

The red dots were large and small, and their distribution was irregular. When he focused on the largest red dot on Quinn's forehead, a line of information emerged.

[In human-beast form, use thunder and gossip to hit here with all your strength, and there is a 30% chance to awaken the fruit! 】

Kaido's eyes are bright, and he is indeed a good teacher system. Before, he was still thinking about how to point his opponents in battle. Now, as long as he attacks these specific weaknesses, he has a probability of success.

As for failure...

Haha, at first glance, these two people know that they have rough skin and thick flesh, and they shouldn't die if they take a few sticks.

Quinn was shivering all over. Why did he feel that the look in Big Brother Kai looked at him was a little bit wrong?

"Big Brother Kai?"


Kaido patted Quinn on the shoulder and grinned: "When you return to Onishima next time, remember to come to me and let the brothers have another drink. UU Reading"

"Oh, good, good."

Quinn nodded again and again, the hairs all over his body stood up, instinctively told him something was wrong, very wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong!

"Otherwise, find an excuse to run away!"

Thoughts flashed in my mind.

In the banquet hall, singing and dancing.

The death of One Piece is something to celebrate for most pirates.

In order to show his favor to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Orochi specially held a banquet. All the high-level figures of Wano Kingdom were present, and all the officials of the Hundred Beasts were also present.

"Boss Kaido is here!"

When Kaido walked into the hall, everyone's eyes immediately focused on him, with awe and admiration for the strong in their eyes!

The big snake looked happy, and hurriedly scolded the oiran lady who had been waiting for a long time: "Why are you standing still, why don't you go and serve Boss Kaido for a drink!"


Miss Oiran responded, sat down obediently beside Kaido, leaned over to fill the wine, and gently dragged the glass up.

"Master Kaido."


Kaido nodded slightly, but he was not polite. He took the glass and took a gulp of it, swept away his exhaustion.


Feeling irritable, drinking is done.

After three rounds of drinking, Kaido glanced at his subordinates. The members of the Beast Pirates were sitting on the right side of the banquet hall. Compared with the luxurious configuration in twenty years, it was quite shabby at this stage.

Except for the two big kanbans, Jin and Quinn, the others are all trash. There are dozens of cadres at the real level, but their strength is average, and there is not one at the Fei Liubao level.

If Kozuki Oden integrates all the forces of Wano Kingdom, he might be able to drive them away.

We must improve our team strength as soon as possible!

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