MTL - Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching-Chapter 6 filial daughter Yamato

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"Finish the work!"

Kaido put down his mace, picked up the jug at his waist, took a hard sip to quench his thirst, and then glanced at the dumbfounded Zhenda.

"Hey, you guys, go take care of Quinn's injury, don't let him die."

"Yes, Boss Kaido!"

Babanuki and the others shivered, and immediately jumped into the wild boar cart and rushed to Skull Mountain, fearing that Quinn would lose his braid after a short delay.

That's Kaido's big move, thunder and gossip!

I haven't heard of it yet, who can survive this trick!

Soon, Kaido was the only one left in the messy back mountain.

"It's time to see the harvest."

Kaido concentrated his mind, and a message box appeared naturally at the edge of his field of vision, with a list of system prompts.

[Under your careful guidance, Quinn's will and domineering have been improved a little, you feel the same way, and the armed color domineering +1! 】

[After being spurred by thunder and gossip, Quinn's brain was shaken, and he had a clear understanding of Fruit Awakening. You are greatly relieved, and the progress of Fruit Awakening has increased by 5%! 】

[After your trials and tribulations, Quinn's physique...]

The types of rewards are extremely rich, including attributes, domineering, and fruits. Although the bonuses are not high, for Kaido at this stage, every entry is very precious.

What he lacks is these foundations!


After a silent recitation, a azure blue attribute panel immediately appeared in front of him.


Name: Kaido

Age: 35

Title: The Strongest Creature

Devil Fruit: Fish and Fish Fruit·Eudemons·Blue Dragon Form (Awakening Progress 5%)

【Basic subjects】

Attack Lv1 (3%): Contains attack attributes such as muscle strength, speed, and flexibility.

Defense Lv1 (6%): Contains defensive attributes such as anti-attack ability, stamina, and resilience.

Constitution Lv1 (7%): including blood circulation, cardiopulmonary function, vision, hearing, smell and other bodily functions.

Skill Lv1 (0%): Contains combat skills such as fruit development, physical art, and swordsmanship.

Armament Domineering Lv1 (3%): Increases the user's attack and defense.

Seeing and Domineering Lv1 (1%): Improves the user's perception.

Domineering Domineering Lv1 (0%): Improves the user's aura and majesty, which can be used to intimidate the target.

System prompt: Basic subjects cannot directly improve the host's ability, but when the subject level is improved, the host has a probability to comprehend the relevant skills.

【Hold Skills】

Thunder Gossip: Condensing the power of thunder and lightning to stimulate body functions, resulting in an attack far beyond normal, and there is a certain probability to transform the target.


"It's a little different from what I thought."

Kaido raised his eyebrows slightly, and instantly understood the key.

The system panel has no attribute value, so he cannot directly increase his strength. He must gain experience through teaching to improve the subject level, and then acquire skills to become stronger.

It's like a test certificate!

A veritable good teacher system!

"According to today's progress, if you beat Quinn every three days, you'll be able to level up in about a month!"

After making an estimate, Kaido couldn't help but smile.

It's not realistic to beat Quinn every day, but there are other members of the Beast Pirates. After beating one's own people, they can go outside and beat them. The speed of leveling up should not be too slow.

There is not much time left for him!

The war with Oden is unavoidable, he cannot give up his own interests to meet Oden's needs!

Therefore, Oden must die!

"Let's go back."

Kaido picked up his mace and walked towards Skull Mountain. When he came to the entrance of the palace, he suddenly realized a big problem.

Where is his room?

What the hell, this palace is so complicated, which way should I go!

"Boss Kaido is back!"

Seeing Kaido's return, everyone in the palace immediately straightened their backs, not daring to take a breath.

Just now, the big Kanban Quinn almost died after being beaten up. He would have to lie down for at least ten days and a half months before he could return to normal.

At this special moment, no one dares to act out of the ordinary. If Kaido's boss pays attention, he may become the next Quinn.

People will die!

Kaido frowned, trying to find a subordinate to ask for directions.

However, as far as the eyes could reach, the subordinates either tried desperately to avoid his sight, or shivered in fear, so desperate that they almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Ah, this old man is not a devil, it's so scary."

Kaido shook his head speechlessly, raised his legs and walked towards the interior of the palace. According to common sense, his room should be on the top floor, just look for it.

When he came to the third floor, a little white-haired loli with pink sharp horns on his head and carved like jade ran towards him!


The little girl shouted, rushed up and hugged Kaido's calf with a silly happy smile on her face.

"Father, you are back!"


Kaido nodded in confusion, but quickly reacted.

At the age of four or five, with long white hair and sharp horns like him, isn't this his daughter Yamato!



Kaido pulled an ugly smile, reached out and rubbed Yamato's head, the little girl immediately closed her eyes as if enjoying it, and let it rub.

"It's so cute!"

There were black lines in Kaido's eyes, the cuter the little girl was at the moment, the more uncomfortable it made him!

In another four years, this girl will worship Otian and turn against him. Not only will she become a demon, but she will openly rebel against the water in the decisive battle with the Straw Hats, causing great trouble.

Even when he was beaten into the magma, and his life and death were uncertain, this girl didn't feel sad, as if a stranger died.

If Quinn is the No.1 cheater, then this girl is definitely No.2!

I really want to slap to death!

"Calm down, calm down! She's still a child who doesn't understand anything!"

Kaido took a deep breath and suppressed the boiling emotions in his heart. He was disgusted because he wanted to be Yamato of Oden, not this innocent little girl who didn't even know who Oden was.

As if feeling his emotions, Yamato raised his head with concern in his eyes: "Father, are you unhappy?"


Kaido squatted down, UU reading looked directly into the little girl's eyes: "Just had a fight with Quinn, and my body is still fighting, okay, don't mention those spoilers, you did it today what?"

"I've delivered meals to Mr. Foreman!"

It seemed that he had done something meaningful, and Yamato smiled very happily: "Everyone is working hard and working hard, so I gave them a lot of delicious food!"

"Well, well done!"

Kaido praised that the main body of the palace on the island has been completed, but there is still a lot of construction and decoration to be busy, and it will take at least three to four years to complete.


Yamato was very happy to be praised, but thinking of what he saw today, he couldn't help but say angrily: "Holdem and the others are too much, they have been bullying those poor craftsmen!"


Kaido squinted his eyes. Most of the construction workers came from Wano, and a small number of them were serious craftsmen with wages. Not only would these craftsmen not suffer any harm, but they would be served with delicious food.

The other workers are either the samurai group who resisted Orochi, or the pirates who challenged the Beast Pirates and became slaves after being defeated.

These enemies do not need sympathy!

"Yamato, do you want to help them?"


The little girl nodded vigorously, seeing those ragged and tortured craftsmen, she really had a hard time accepting it.

"Okay, then I'll teach you a method!"

"what way?"

The little girl's eyes sparkled.

Kaido looked at the teaching light spots on the little girl's body, and his smile grew brighter!

"It's very simple. Everything in the regiment depends on strength, so you just need to defeat Holdem and take away his rights!"

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction