MTL - Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching-v2 Chapter 482 naval defeat

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Institute Factory, Shadow Space.

As time went by, more and more injuries accumulated on the two of them.

"Hee hee... hee hee!"

Moria was panting heavily. Maintaining his awakening had exhausted his physical strength, and his brain was trembling.

But everything is leaning towards him!

"Can you feel it? The whole island is trembling!"

"This is the power of Brother Kaito!"

"Even if it is General Warring States, it is impossible to be the opponent of Brother Kaidou!"

"You, Zhan Guo, and your subordinates will all die here!"

The eerie laughter echoed in the space.

Sora's eyes were bloodshot, knowing that what Moria said would become true.

The reason why the four emperors are called the four emperors is because of their incomparable power!

At present, there have been strong men of the level who successfully defeated the Four Emperors in the navy, and only Garp was alone, and it was still in the case of joining forces with Roger.

Even if he can't perceive the specific situation of the outside world, he can guess the situation of the Warring States Period and the subordinates who are being defeated.

The operation was a complete failure!

If he can quickly defeat Moria, the battle might turn around.

But he can't.

His fists are so weak that even the cadres of the Four Emperors can't beat them!

"I was fascinated by power, and I fell into such a situation!"

Knowing that he shouldn't be distracted, but Kong couldn't stop the despair rising in his heart, gradually occupying his body and mind.

His dream of becoming the commander-in-chief of the entire army was shattered, and he would die here too, all because of his slack.

If he was a general, he would never lose to Moriah, and he would even have the power to fight against Kaido.

Nearly twenty years of marshal career has made his body rusty, and even his mind is full of power and status, rather than destroying pirates.

The young sailor who joined the navy with a dream and prepared to defend justice with his whole life was never seen again.

"Hey hee hee!"

an hour, two hours...


After an unknown amount of time, the shadow space exploded like a balloon.

Moriah was covered in blood and was carrying a broken knife. At his feet, there was Kong lying in a pool of blood, and he had lost his breath in his perception.

The battle in the factory was over long ago, and the four seriously injured lieutenant generals were all tied to the frame. Seeing the result of the fight with cloudy eyes, they couldn't help closing their eyes in pain.

"Marshal Kong..."

The last hope is dashed.

The fighters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates were also frightened.

In their prediction, Lord Moria could only hold Marshal Kong at most, and no one could have imagined such a result.

"Lord Moria killed the Admiral!"

The prestige of Cyborg is not as loud as that of Garp and Sengoku Admiral, but being able to become the admiral of the navy is enough to prove his strength.

Even if his strength is not as good as the two of Karp, he has to be comparable to Zeng Jin's General Zefa!


"Molia! Moria! Moria!"

After a brief hesitation, the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted to Moria, the roar was higher and higher!

"it's over."

Although Tong Kong shrank, he was also surprised by the result of the battle between the two, and what made him more concerned was the new power displayed by Moria.


As long as it is a capable person, it is eager to awaken, and he is no exception.

It's just that in these years, the focus of his cultivation is not the devil fruit, but the fire power of the Lunaria family, so he hasn't awakened until now.

As the deputy captain of Beasts, he is indeed a bit behind in fruit development. As far as he knows, Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates has also mastered the awakening.

In addition, in the information, there are many ability awakeners in cp0!

"Is it awakened by the stimulation of death, or has it been mastered already?"

He stared at Moriah.

Death does have a high probability of awakening ability users, but it is not the only means. Continuous practice and ability compatibility are more important.

Just like Taizuolo, that kid seems to be awakening. Every time he goes to the Golden City, he can feel Taizuolo's control over gold, and he can do whatever he wants more and more.

Therefore, he is more inclined to the second guess.

Unlike him, Moria has been focusing on fruit development from the beginning to the end. After a few years, he must have grown compared to the beginning.

Otherwise, where would he have the confidence to fight Kong to the death!

Come to Moriah.

"Can you still move?"

"Who do you think I am?!"

Moria snorted coldly, and looked in the direction of the scrap yard.

There is only left on the battlefield!

He stepped forward with his right foot, and before he landed, everything in his field of vision was shaking, and even multiple phantoms appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the world spun.


Moriah fell straight to the ground, her face on the ground.


After being silent for a long time, he stepped across Moria. Go to the junkyard alone.

"Clean the battlefield."


The medical department immediately rushed forward to treat Moria urgently. The injuries visible to the naked eye were enough for an ordinary soldier to die ten times.

The other fighters also began to clean the battlefield.

In addition to cleaning up the corpses, there are still a large number of wounded on our own side waiting for treatment.

As for the escaped warships, after such a long time, it is very difficult to catch up with the power of the beast warships, and there is no need to chase them.

Just a group of miscellaneous fish.

"Go and see Brother Kaido's battle!"

Urki was covered in bruises and limped towards the scrap yard.

The other cadres followed after finishing the work at hand. Although they were all injured, they didn't want to miss Master Kaido's battle.

At the scrap yard, the battle between the two has clearly reached its final stage.

Sengoku's whole body was covered with blood, and the golden Buddha body was dull and dull, but the boss Kaido became more and more courageous as he fought, completely suppressing Sengoku to fight.

"As expected of Boss Kaido, even the admiral is no match!"

"Of course, Lord Kaido is the strongest creature in the legend!"

"In a one-on-one fight, no one is a match for Boss Kaido, even the legendary Whitebeard... I didn't say anything."

"Hmph, the navy will only bully the few with more!"

The battle situation was exactly as expected.

Except for Whitebeard, they couldn't think of anyone who could defeat Lord Kaido. Even the aunt who is also the Four Emperors and known as the "steel balloon" cannot be the opponent of Lord Kaido!

Time passed quickly, and when the sun illuminated the battlefield, the battle was finally over.

Kaido pinched Sengoku's neck, bathed in the sun, his perfect back muscles without a trace of blemish fascinated all the cadres.

Boys are born like this!

Jin walked up and handed Kaido an anti-tapping phone bug.

"Brother Kaito!"

"Well, lock this guy up, don't let him die."

Kaido took the phone bug and threw Sengoku to the end by the way.

"Blu, blu, blu~~~~"


The phone bug dialed quickly, and there were crackling and fighting sounds.

Kaido took a sip from the jug and laughed comfortably.

"Hey hey, UU reading can run away now."

"Huh~~ I'm still a little troublesome here!"

The holy land of Mariejoa, inside the city of Pang.

With a bruised nose and a swollen face, the dragon distanced himself from Zefa, turned around and ran away.

Facing the former teacher, he really couldn't go all out, and he stayed to create chaos to scare the Tianlong people, which caused him to get punched a lot.

While running, the dragon's eyes were covered with a shadow.

"Kaido, I just noticed that something unknown has left the Holy Land. Although I don't know what it is, you'd better take your subordinates and leave Egherd."



The phone bug hangs up.

Long jumped down from the edge of the cliff, his heart became more and more dignified, he had a strong premonition that that thing was aimed at Kaido!

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