MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 147 Mighty Link!

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As mentioned before, Dover's potential is definitely in the Pirate World, and it can be called the top!

When he was young, he showed his tyrannical appearance, and the fruit developed to awakening. If it wasn't for the ability of the line fruit to limit the upper limit, and in the plot, in order to develop the family, he planned to develop Dressrosa's forces, Dover's strength could be even stronger!

It is a strong man who can grow to the peak level of strength!

And at this time!

When Dover had not yet tasted the taste of power and strengthened his own power, he had the potential to gradually become ordinary, but because of Link's strong stimulation, it once again showed its horror!

A far more powerful coercion than the previous tyrannical arrogance erupted from Dover's body!


The impact of the coercion, even a shock explosion, enveloped the entire port, and the ships docked at the port were swept away like a storm, and even overturned.

Krasson, who was watching the battle from a distance, was directly stunned by this unstoppable momentum, and even Yamato frowned.

The closest Link feels the strongest!

That powerful overlord color impact, in his perception, Dover's overlord color was originally much weaker than Katakuri, but now it has completely surpassed his level of facing Ka Er at that time!

The terrifying coercion, although it is not comparable to the current Three Sovereigns at all, can be regarded as the strength of the powerhouse in the first echelon just by the degree of display at this time.

I had to admit that Link also felt the pressure. It was the domineering coercion of the overlord that limited his strength.

However, if Dover wants to defeat himself with such strength, it is still a dream!

Link has full confidence in defeating the opponent!

What Link was thinking, Dover naturally couldn't feel it, he only knew how powerful he was at this moment!

The sense of strength gushing out from his body made him feel that he could completely destroy the boy in front of him!

He will use absolute strength to tell the other party!

He Dover is the man who wants to become the king of this world!

It is absolutely impossible to be defeated here, at the hands of a family boy from the beginning!

As for the fruit of the operation, although he didn't know where Link hid the fruit of the operation, Dover was not worried.

Link said before that he ate the fruit, but he didn't believe it at all!

He knew that Link was capable, and everyone knew that no one could eat two Devil Fruits!

Since it is impossible to be eaten, no matter how well Link hides, as long as he is defeated, there is still a chance to find the fruit!

What Dover didn't know, however.

He ruled out the only correct answer from the start!

Link is very aware of the role of the fruit of the operation, and he has already made a decision in his heart, so naturally there will be no hesitation. If you hold the fruit in your hand, you have to worry about being robbed. Isn't it the best choice to eat it directly?

So Link didn't lie, he told the truth in the first place.

When he was trapped in Dover's silk cocoon, he decisively ate the fruit of the operation.

And it was swallowed whole, without experiencing the indescribable taste of the fruit.

In other words, at this time, Link actually already has the ability to operate the fruit!

It's just that in this battle, Link didn't intend to show the ability of the fruit of surgery.

On the other hand, the fact that one person has two abilities will definitely attract unnecessary attention. He has already attracted the attention of countless people because of what happened in the new world. Link decided to take the fruit of the operation right away. The ability to hide as a hole card.

However, the ability to use the fruit of surgery as a trump card also shows the confidence in Link's heart!

After fully feeling the change in his own power, Dover had no intention of talking nonsense with Link, and the skyrocketing white silk threads all over his body shot out instantly!

Unlike before, Link clearly felt the enhancement of Dover's ability during the fight!

Those whips twisted together by him became more tenacious, and there was obvious resistance to the disintegration power of the blade.

For Link's knife to slash, it takes more power to sever it.

What was even worse was the overlord's repression. For a while, under Dover's violent attack, the two of them fought to a stalemate.


Swinging the knife to cut off the spear-like whip, Link stared at Dover and charged towards the opponent!

The battle between Dover and Link is like the battle between a warrior and a mage.

Dover, who manipulates the ability of silk threads, under the awakening of his ability, all silk threads are extensions of his power, and the attacks in the wave of his hands are extremely dense and vast.

Link is different. He holds a long sword and has the sharpest blade. He is undoubtedly a melee fighter. The battle between the two will end if Link is deceived by Dover's side.

Dover is also very clear about this, especially the misery of Crocodile after being approached by Link, which is the best lesson.

Under his control, the silk thread that assimilated the port turned into 'Uihara White Wave' and every blow seemed extraordinarily vast.

With the help of the overlord's coercion, he will use his power to overwhelm and kill Link!

Holy Murder Bullet·God's Execution!

Ten huge waves of white lines wrapped in high-density armed colors rushed out from behind Dover, and the domineering line bullets wrapped in high-density armed colors raised their hardness to a higher level, even if Dover burst out with all his strength, Only ten can be done.

The terrifying line bullets pierced the air like a divine spear, blocked the space around Link, and attacked him.

Almost instantly, he appeared in front of Link!

Feeling the mighty power of these ten holy bullets, Link's child hole shrank, and his face was serious and did not dare to underestimate the slightest look.

The lightning flashes all over the body suddenly skyrocketed at this moment!

The powerful arc started to stimulate his body, making his physical quality instantly stronger!

The damage to the body originally caused by the activation of the powerful arc stimulation was eliminated with the help of the newly acquired surgical fruit ability.

There were real lightning flashes in Link's eyes, and the whole person was surrounded by thunder and lightning!

After being stimulated by the strong electric shock, Link seemed to have unlocked the genetic lock, and disappeared from Dover's field of vision in a flashing gesture like a meteor!

If it was said that Link's physical fitness was ten before, and his physical fitness could reach fifteen after the arc burst, then now his state is thirty!

The physical fitness that was three times stronger than before made Link's speed soar to a terrifying level at this moment!

this moment!

Link even broke through the powerful coercion that shrouded Dover's overlord color!

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Read The Duke's Passion