MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 149 sneak attack

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The humming sound of the sword light and the explosion of the giant force collided everywhere, and the giant that Dover transformed into, under Link's seemingly endless sharp slash, finally couldn't hold it!


! I am going to kill you!

! "

The giant controlled by Dover made a roar of filial piety, but his body staggered and could not support it, and the number of wire bullets shot from the giant's body was no longer as tough as it was at the beginning.

Dover was exhausted.

"Still struggling? Recognize the reality, Dover, you are not my opponent at all."

Swinging the blade, he cut off the oncoming line bullets. Link stood in mid-air and looked at Dover, who could not even maintain a complete giant's body, and vaguely revealed the body in the center of his chest, and spoke indifferently.

However, what responded to Link's words was Dover's more ferocious attack!

"Go to hell!



Boom boom boom boom!

Dover also seemed to know that if he continued like this, he would die here. Before Link spoke, the broken giant's body changed a lot again.

The original broken body, no longer maintaining the body shape, burst out the white waves of silk threads wrapped around him, and shot countless twisted threads to Link!

Overwhelmingly attacked!

But even so, he still couldn't stop Link!

The silk thread that covered the sky and the sun, facing Link's incomparably sharp blade, could only be slightly delayed in the end, and he rushed towards Dover's speed.

Right now!

Swish swish!

All of a sudden!

Several line bullets far exceeding the strength before, hidden in the waves of thousands of white lines, shot from Link's back at a tricky angle!

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"


Link suddenly raised an alarm!

clang clang!

The wire bullet and Link's long knife collided with metal, briefly blocking Link's blade, and he was almost injured by its sneak attack!

Link recognized at a glance that this was Dover's last resort before transforming the giant, and it was the domineering and domineering bullet with a high-density entanglement.

Seeing this scene, Link was not only not surprised, but relaxed.

Because he knew that this was Dover's last resort.

Judging this, the electric mans on Link's body shone again, and the speed suddenly increased!

The figure rushing forward, cut a through channel in the entanglement of silk threads.

The whistling sword light ripped apart everything in front of him and rushed to Dover!

Link's eyes flashed with electric light, and he held a knife in both hands. The domineering and capable blade was attached to the entwined blade, which cut through the air and brought out dark knife marks.

The pitch-black domineering electric light, and the pitch-black that oscillates and drags endlessly, interweave a terrifying streamer.

In the silence, the cassock fell!

Dover in front of Link was still in a terrifying state that had been strengthened with silk protection. His scarlet eyes reflected the blade in front of him, finally showing a look of fear!

The protection on his body has been broken, and under the fully covered visor, there is a silent roar!

At the moment of life and death, Dover mobilized the protection of his whole body, stacked the armor stomach made of silk threads in front of him, and crossed his arms to block Link's knife!


The blade smashed through the solid defense and made a harsh sound. Even if Dover tried his best, he still couldn't stop Link's incomparable blade!

The crossed arms were cut off, and the pitch-black space blade cut open on Dover's chest, and the terrifying wound of the beating heart could be faintly seen!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

! "

Dover screamed in a shrill cry, the blood on his body sprayed out without money, and instantly dyed the air red!

That heart-wrenching pain hit Dover's mind, leaving him on the verge of unconsciousness, and was blasted out!

A little bit of blood splashed on Link's body, adding a bit of cruelty to his expression, and with a heavy step, he was about to rush out to finish Dover completely.




! stop! "



But at the same moment, a scream came along with Yamato's angry shouts, and a violent explosion occurred in the distance.

Link's forward movement was attracted by the sound, he turned his head to look, and his movements stopped!

Immediately afterwards, anger surged into my heart!

He couldn't imagine that someone would dare to attack Crasson and the others when he was fighting against Dover!

In particular, the other party was Kroc Dahl, who was hit hard by himself and escaped with his life!


Looking at the yellow sandstorm rising in the distance, Link was really angry!

And that was the moment when Link was distracted because of the attack on the two of Krasson.


! "

Dover, who was seriously injured by Link and on the verge of death, spat out every word as his eyes were almost reddened!

The body of a giant that had previously disintegrated in mid-air, countless tangled threads exploded all over Link's body in an instant!

Winter is booming!


Like a thunderous explosion, it oscillated far away.

The entire sky was covered by these countless threads, which contracted inward and exploded!

The silk thread that exploded in mid-air is like a gorgeous firework in the night sky, but this firework is deadly!

Countless threads as tough as steel shot in all directions, fell to the ground and pierced through the ruins and the sea, and the buildings were riddled with holes and completely shattered.

Even some people who hid in the dark to peep at this battle, UU reading screamed and were pierced!

Link, who is at the center of the explosion, is facing the strongest power!

Under the action of the huge impact force, even if Link pulled off the power of decomposition to protect himself, he was also blocked in place for a moment.

When he rushed out, Dover, who was severely injured, had turned into a black shadow and supported his body, rushing towards the city of Luo Yinda.

There was only a pool of blood left on the spot, and even the broken arm was taken away by him.


Looking at Dover who was fleeing, Link cursed angrily. He didn't expect that Dover would seize the opportunity to escape.

In the direction of Dover's escape, Link briefly charged up, and a domineering slashing beam roared out!

He finally gave up the strong pursuit, and after all, he still took care of the civilians in Luoyinda City, and did not use the huge and powerful slashing of Weiguo.

Dover has been seriously injured by him and is dying, and he is not in a hurry now.

The purpose of Link's trip was to capture Dover, but now that the other party was severely injured by him and fled into the city, he was trapping a beast in a cage.

In the next two days, he had enough time to hunt down each other.

Not to mention, Hancock's Nine Snake Pirates and the warships led by Kuzan will arrive one after another over time, which are his backup.

Time will only be on Link's side!

As for the fact that Torrepol, Diamanti and other cadres came to rescue Dover?

Link can't wait for them to come!

The seriously injured Dover is a bait that attracts these people to gather.

Their arrival also gave Link a chance to uproot the Don Quixote family.

After cutting out that sword light, Link stopped looking at Dover, but turned his attention to where Yamato was.


What he wants to kill more than Dover is Crocodile!

It's time to do a good calculation, the other party will kill his own account!

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