MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 165 Link's savage

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Sacco's ability seems to be ordinary, but he can separate the clone. If the strength is not strong, it is a second for the enemy.

But the key is that his strength is indeed strong enough!

Compared with Hughes's ability to rely on a powerful Devil Fruit, his power lies more in physical skills and domineering.

The powerful physical ability has made his ability jump from a very weak ability to one that can instantly burst out an extremely powerful attack, and even kills the powerful in an instant.

Let me ask, who can resist the siege of more than a dozen strong men of the same level as you at the same time?

And it is still the kind that disregards life and death, and it is the level of an all-out blow!

Now Link is facing this lore attack from Sacco!

More than a dozen Shako wearing masks of sly smiles, armed with double daggers turned into life-threatening assassins, rushed forward. Under the domineering entanglement of the double daggers, even if it was just fine iron, it became an extremely tough weapon.

One by one, a powerful momentum erupted, and the surging and fiery killing intent rose up from their bodies, stimulating Link like a needle.

Completely obscured the space for his actions, and he had to fight to the death.

In fact, this is also the reason why Hughes was able to kill Link here for his party.

As a consul, he naturally knew Sacco's ability, and he secretly reached a tacit understanding from the beginning. He mainly attacked and injured Link's opponent. At the last moment, Sacco took action to obtain a finalized victory.

But it was clear that Link's strength was far beyond everyone's expectations.

After obtaining the ability of the fruit of surgery, Link's strength is not multiplied, but geometrically enhanced.

And over time, he will continue to grow!

This is absolutely terrifying.

During the battle with Link, Hughes was the first to hit Link's strengthened iron plate head-on.

No, this is no longer an iron plate, this is a titanium alloy steel plate!

Hughes hit his head with a bag full of blood and blood. As a result, he spent so much effort, but he didn't even cause any damage to Link.

In the end, Sacco had to be forced to break out to save the game.

Sacco's outbreak was very strong, and Link had to be cautious in the face of such a siege.

Because he was not facing one or two powerful enemies, but dozens of assassins who had the same mind and broke out at the same time, or the one who was not afraid of death and wanted to kill him!

This kind of terrifying ultimate move, if he is not lightly injured after the hard battle with Hughes, it is really hard to say whether he can survive.

Even at this moment, Link's heart was filled with shock and anger when he watched the scene of Sacco's actions.

More importantly, while he was being attacked, these guys from cp0 were still trying to kill his partner!


I have to admit that Link really underestimated these people.

He never imagined that such a critical time would occur when he was surrounded by several people.

But it was this situation that ignited the anger in his chest.

The originally frightened emotion was suppressed by him. Facing the attack surrounded by Sacco, there was no discoloration on his face, and there was only indifference on his calm face.

After seeing Link's expression, Sacco felt a shudder in his heart. He thought that the ultimate move that he thought would be successful suddenly flooded with a bad premonition.

He felt that he was only afraid of failure!

This man was even scarier than he imagined!


Rumble boom!


Under the cover of the terrifying loud sound of the giant fist hammering the ground.

Sacco's dozens of figures rushed towards Link from all directions, slashed to kill with a knife, bursting a terrifying air wave on the spot, and the rain curtain was shaken by the powerful attack.

Dozens of figures formed a siege and buried Link there.

"Success?" Hughes murmured, his eyes twinkling at Link's position.


"Rescue Hancock's Yamato, who also exclaimed when he saw this scene.


Hancock was blown upside down by King Kong's terrifying punch, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, but he was not strangled by the thorns like a giant python.

Even if she was injured, her concerned eyes were also directed to Link's position.

At this moment, the eyes of the two women are full of worried expressions, followed by infinite anger!

It was raining heavily.

Link, who was all besieged by Shaco, attracted his attention.

Only Sacco's face was extremely ugly. He knew that his lore shot was missed, and Link disappeared out of thin air!


In the next moment, he felt something, and Sakho turned his head to look in the direction of the thorn woman!


The pitch-black blade was pulled out from the chest of the thorn woman, and she vibrated the blade in the rain to shake off the blood on the blade. This beautiful woman with big waves softened her knees without showing her face, and fell to the ground with a thud, completely dead. !

As she fell, Link's figure emerged from behind her in front of everyone.

"No!" Hughes' lips trembled as he watched this scene.

Dover's eyes trembled, and he was the one who was the most injured, the closest to the Thorns. At this moment, it can be said that his heart was already in his throat!

Sacco was silent, unable to say a word.

Even he felt powerless.

What everyone felt before, there is a sense of danger of being spiked at any time, is true!

At the moment when Sacco launched the lore against Link, Link instantly appeared behind the Thorns with the help of the transfer ability of the domain, killing the opponent with one knife!

When everyone was worried about Link, he used the most powerful way to kill the enemy to declare his power!


With a teleport, Link not only avoided the enemy's lore, but also killed one of the enemies with a backhand, saving everyone who was going to be strangled by the thorn vines.

It can be said that Link's knife completely shattered the mentality of Hughes and others.

Any idea, in the face of absolute strength, seems extremely ridiculous!

Link used this knife to explain everything!

These people present are sure to die!


in the rain.

Link stepped on the corpse of the thorn woman, lifted up the wet hair on his forehead, and looked at Hughes Sacco and others with a grin, and said.

"All of you, you can't leave!"

When the words fell, Link's eyes first fell on Dover, who was not far from his side.

As his gaze swept over, Dover clearly felt his fear in the face of Link at that moment, and without hesitation, regardless of the serious injury, he used the thread fruit to get away from the place.

Hughes on the side stretched his hand into his arms, pressed a remote control button, and waved his hand to use his abilities. The overlapping space enveloped Dover, trying to stop Link.

As a space capable person, he should be the one who is present at this time and can feel Link's development domain most clearly.

It was also his hand that changed Dover's spatial position for the first time, and coupled with Dover's self-rescue, Link failed to appear beside Dover for the first time.


When Link reappeared, he appeared not far from Dover's side and slashed with a knife.

The sword light slashed out, but was blocked by the heavy space mirror in front of Dover.

Link couldn't help frowning, Hughes' ability still affected him.

It was also with this moment of delay that Sacco turned around. This time he did not kill Link again, but rushed towards Dover and Hughes.

Knowing that Link can teleport, his instant kill is useless.

They must retreat now!

It's not that he is unwilling to try again, but that Shako's clone's explosive ability to kill Link comes at a price.

Such means cannot be used casually.

His clone has the strength of the main body, and it can burst with extremely strong strength. It can be said to be the strongest assassin killer, but in the same way, such an outbreak must also be paid for!

After the clones exploded with all their strength, it was not that they could not erupt again, but that the physical strength consumed by these clones had to be borne by him. If they exploded again, when he lost these clones, the sudden loss of strength would make him fall into a state of extreme exhaustion!

Such a result, at this time, is undoubtedly announcing his death sentence!

This is an extremely stamina-consuming fruit ability.


! "

At the same time, King Kong, who noticed Sacco's movements, with that huge figure, made the port shake with every movement.

In line with the actions of Shaco and others, he roared and filial piety with his violent rationality lowered. After attracting Link's attention, Iron Fist slammed Hancock and Yamato to kill the enemy in front of him.



Yamato waved his mace and collided with his huge fists, making a thunderous explosion. Even a strange force like Yamato was sent flying.

Link's brows furrowed, watching the King Kong orangutan continue to attack Hancock, and immediately disappeared!

Chi Chi Chi!

Before King Kong's fist could be pounded, the sound of the blade penetrating into the flesh sounded, and several knife marks appeared on King Kong's right arm, and blood shot along the knife marks.

Immediately afterwards, the huge right arm slammed down.

A splash was built on the ground, which was directly cut off by Link.

This kind of heavy trauma and severe pain made King Kong, who was somewhat conscious, wake up instantly and screamed with his head up.

"You're really noisy like this, you know?"

Link looked at the behemoth in front of him with dissatisfaction, stood in front of Hancock and said.

Then he flashed again, and an extremely huge pitch-black sword light flew out!

The huge sword light cut off the rain curtain, causing the heavy rain to stagnate for a moment, and then directly cut off the retreating King Kong legs, causing this behemoth to fall to the ground like a golden mountain and a jade pillar.

Finally, a cut in the middle!

Blood lines emerged from the top of King Kong's head, causing him to completely lose his voice.

The blood flowed along the rain, making Link look a bit fierce, like a demon from hell.

But if you dare to hurt Hancock, then such an end is the fate of the opponent!

After a few knives to kill King Kong, Link's eyes turned to the three of Sacco again.

When he started, the three Hughes had already run a distance in the direction of the Kuzan Navy, beyond his domain.

Obviously, in the case of certain death, they are going to pull the navy into the water.

It would be a hassle for both Link and Kuzan if they really delayed until they asked Kuzan to do it.

Kuzan was not at the scene, so he could pretend that he didn't see the conflict between Link and cp0, but if Hughes really forced Kuzan to protect him, Kuzan and other navies would not be able to defy it openly.

Link, who knew this, naturally couldn't let them go to see Kuzan.

"Yamato, Hancock, you stay to protect the others."

After instructing the two women, without waiting for a reply, Link appeared on the edge of the field with a flicker, not far behind the three Hughes.

Swish swish!


Without giving any nonsense, Link's shot was a vicious continuous slash, and the dark sword light rushed out and slashed at the three.

Under the light of the sword that smashed through the rain curtain, Sacco let the clone stand behind him, and the three did not dare to stop at all.

But in the face of Link's slash, how could Shaco's clone be able to resist after the explosion.

Even if he wrapped the dagger with a domineering look of armament, he was still cut open in the face of the light of the knife. In the blink of an eye, he was beheaded by Link, who rushed past, and vanished.

"Link, do you know the consequences of killing a World Government Consul? If you really kill us, the World Government and the Navy will be outraged and won't let you go!"

At this moment, even Hughes was nervously trying to convince Link. He really felt that the other party would kill him!

As a young man, he still has a bright future to be a consul. In the face of life and death, he can't avoid being afraid, and shouted at Link in horror and anger:

"It's not just you, the women around you, and even the Nine Snake Pirates of Crasson and Hancock will bear the wrath of the World Government! Have you considered the consequences?!"

"Let us go, Link. As long as you are willing to let us go, I can win the position of Qiwuhai for you, and you can achieve everything you wanted before."

"Link, your strength is enough to be valued by the World Government, as long as you are willing to let us go. It is not impossible for the World Government to reach friendly cooperation with you! Don't you and the Navy Headquarters have a tacit understanding with each other? We can too!"

"It's not just you, that alien named Lilith, don't you want to know her true identity? This world is far more mysterious than you think, we can talk about it!"

In the face of Hughes' words, Link remained silent and did not respond.

Link did not believe the conditions put forward by this man at all. As an agent of the World Government, if he would believe the other party's words, then he would be truly stupid.

That is, when the other party mentioned Lilith's identity, there was a hint of hesitation in Link's eyes

However, this hesitation was quickly suppressed by him and turned into a stronger killing intent!

The other party mentioned Lilith. Obviously, Lilith's life experience definitely made the world government take care of it. Coupled with the matter of the 'Pluto' blueprint, Link didn't know how much the world government knew about his situation.

But obviously, in such a situation, Hughes said he could coexist peacefully with the world government, which is simply a fart!

Especially the very important point.

As a space capable person, after seeing his domain ability to reveal the fruit of surgery, he may not be able to think of the fruit of surgery now, but not necessarily later.

To let the other party leave alive is a disaster.

So in order to hide the secret, the three...

must die!


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