MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 178 Link and Zepha

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miss. Ba Jin's hysterical roar stunned many people for a while.

Weibull turned out to be the son of Edward Newgate the Whitebeard?

But listening to what miss. Ba Jin said, and looking at Weibull's appearance, it made people believe this possibility more and more.

The appearances of the two do have some similarities, and the beard like a machete is the key.

In such a situation, Yamato's offensive actions were all a meal for a while.

You must know that as one of the three emperors, the terrifying power that Whitebeard showed in the battle in the Horn Kingdom was absolutely earth-shattering. Even if Yamato didn't see it with his own eyes, it was clear from the follow-up news reports that the other party was terrifying. .

No matter how stupid Yamato is, he also knows that Link is very powerful, but offending Whitebeard is definitely not a good thing.

You must know that the three emperors in the new world now have a bad relationship with Link.

At the beginning, in order to take her away with Link, neither Dad Kaido nor the Big Mom Pirates had a friendly relationship with Link. The only neutral emperor was Whitebeard.

If he offends the other party again, doesn't it mean that Link and the three emperors of the new world are all enemies?

At the same time, the huge pressure of offending the three emperors has to be weighed in exchange for the world government. I haven't seen the wars that the New World Navy has fought for so long, how about the three great pirate groups still failed?

Not to mention Link!

For a time, everyone's face changed because of miss. Ba Jin's words, and looked at Link worriedly.

Lilith, Luo and the others didn't look good, and Yamato also stopped, waiting for Link's decision.

Seeing this scene, miss. Ba Jin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She glanced at Link and the others, and saw the hesitation and hesitation on their faces.

"Boy, I advise you to be familiar with each other."

miss. Ba Jin continued to threaten Link coldly: "Give us a ship and let us leave, otherwise the consequences of offending Newgate are definitely not something you can bear! Gate is calling!"

"Hee hee hee... Think clearly, Newgate is one of the pirate emperors recognized in the new world, there are countless pirates, and I remember Kaido is still ordering you to arrest you, you want to offend two people at the same time. Emperor?"

As soon as Ba Jin's threat came out, even Zefa couldn't help frowning, looking at Link and taking the initiative to say:

"Kid Link, capture the two of them and hand them over to our navy. Such pirates must not just let go."

Zefa's suggestion is undoubtedly the best choice, avoiding the fate of Link killing Weibull and offending Whitebeard, and also locking miss. Bajin and Weibull into the advance city, reducing such vicious pirates.

Lilith and others heard the words and felt that although this was not the best result, it was a solution.

However, what surprised Zefa and miss Ba Jin was that after Link heard the words of miss Ba Jin, he just sneered: "Son of Whitebeard? So what?"

Link's eyes were extremely cold. At this moment, he showed his domineering and strong side. He stared at miss so indifferently. Ba Jin said, "Do you think you can live like this? It's ridiculous!"

Saying this, Link stepped forward, and the autumn water of the coat around his waist was pulled out from it, and everyone was shocked by the bright cold light.

His eyes were firmly attracted to this tall man.

"You, what are you going to do! I tell you, if you dare to do anything, Whitebeard will avenge us!"

miss. Ba Jin watched Link's step-by-step step forward, only to feel the cold air rushing towards his forehead, his body was icy cold, and the injured body couldn't help but start to tremble.

She felt that this man wanted to kill her!

"I warn you, it's better to think about the consequences of doing so!"

"You killed us, all of you have to be buried with us!"

miss. The more Ba Jin spoke, the more flustered his heart became. The more he looked at Link's calm eyes, the less confident he became, as if he was watching a demon approaching!

miss. Ba Jin hid behind Weibull and said shiveringly: "Weibull, my child protect me. Let's go out, go out!"

"Don't worry mom, I will protect you!"

Weibull clenched the Naginata in his hand and shouted at Link with a fierce expression, "Damn guy, I'm going to kill you!"

Saying that, this simple-minded guy is about to rush out and kill Link.

"No, not Weibull!"

But before Weibull could rush to Link, the long knife in Link's hand slashed with such a light-hearted slash, and the invisible chop flashed away in the field he opened!

"Don't worry Mom! I can kill him!


Weibull was still shouting when he heard a scream from behind, and a group of naval cadets, Tong Kong, shrank in exclamation.

He turned around in surprise, and saw his mother standing there, blood spraying out, and her thin head flying high.

miss. Ba Jin was directly headed by Link mercilessly!

"Do not!

! Mother!

! "

Seeing this scene, Weibull cried out in pain, his eyes bloodshot!

The next moment, he rushed towards Link with an extremely angry roar and filial piety!

However, Link made his move, and Yamato, who knew Link's attitude, had no scruples, and smashed the mace hard at Weibull.



The thunder burst, and the deck was lifted by the violent collision of the two.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Yamato."

Watching Yamato come forward, the mace collided with the huge Naginata sword, Link said calmly.

"Leave it to me! Thunder gossip!

! "

Boom boom boom!

With a quick shot like lightning, the heavy mace in Yamato's hand is like an arm and a finger, turning into a light and beating baton, and every blow is heavy like a mountain, coercing everything!

Domineering lightning flashed between the two, but Link ignored it. He believed in Yamato's strength.

If he kills Weibull himself and makes Yamato lose his enemy, he may be blamed by the other party afterwards.

Link turned and walked back as if he had done something trivial.

But his attitude, in the eyes of the students who witnessed everything, how domineering and mighty it was!

At this moment, they looked at Link with awe in their eyes, and they were silent for a moment, and even their breathing became lighter!

The next thing is simple.

The battle between Yamato and Weibull was fierce. The loss of his mother, Weibull, who was full of grief and anger, could not make his strength skyrocket, but the terrifying strange power and strong physical quality were still very strong.

However, no matter how strong the physical quality is, after facing the Yamato half-beast transformation and turning into a real body, he can only be beaten!

The turbulent impact of the 'No-Servant Bing Fang' cold current that froze everything, and the 'Ice Zhuan Slash' that carried the freezing air down from high, made Weibull hard to resist!

It can only be said that this second-generation Whitebeard has always suppressed many enemies with his powerful body and strange power, but when he encounters a strong man like Yamato who is worthy of his strange power, he also has the ability of phantom beasts.

Just two words!

Hang and beat!

So the ending is actually doomed from the beginning, just let Yamato, the martial arts maniac, move on!

Ignoring Weibull's battle, Link and Lilith personally helped Zefa and a group of naval cadets for treatment.

Fortunately, with Link's intervention, this time Zefa avoided being cut off by Weibull's arm and slaughtered a boat of naval cadets.

Although the entire navy warship is still in the grief of losing its companions, with the help of Link and the others, they are slowly picking up their mood and improving towards stability.

Thanks to Lilith's previous group treatment with the Fire of Life, these navy cadets who were not seriously injured could get better in a few days. Even if they were seriously injured, they were hanged by the Fire of Life and did not die on the spot. Link's shot , it is difficult for them to die even if they want to!

"The Age of Rebirth"

It can be said that Link changed this tragedy!

When all the dust settled, Zefa, an old man who had been tenacious all his life, stood with Link on the deck that had been repaired by Link's wave, his face was always straight, but his eyes revealed extremely complicated emotions.

But in the end, after being silent for a long time, the old man took the initiative to thank him.

"I didn't expect that in a critical time, a pirate would bring his subordinates to save my life and save... the lives of the students in this boat. In short, thank you, Boy Link."

"There is no impossible old man Zefa."

Link waved his hand and smiled and looked at the sea surface and said, "Pirates are different from pirates. I never feel like I am a pirate. As for the wanted list made by the World Government for me? Sigh! I never cared about it. This shit."

"Humph! Arrogant boy, being an enemy of the World Government will not end well!"

Zefa folded his arms with both hands, and his sturdy body was full of scars. He was different from Garp's heroism and Sengoku's wisdom. This old man looked very stubborn, but he had kindness deep in his heart.

As Link said, he admired the old man in his heart, even if he didn't agree with the other party's concept.

Link shrugged and didn't answer. He didn't care about the old man's tone, but asked bluntly:

"Has Mr. Zefa considered retirement?"

Zefa was stunned when he heard the words, his face suddenly sank, and he looked at Link beside him badly, "What do you want to do, kid?"

"With all due respect, Mr. Zefa, you are getting old."

With a bright smile on Link's face, he said unabashedly, "This battle has already explained everything. If you stay in the Navy for a lifetime, maybe you should make some changes."

"Boy, don't think you can be arrogant if you save us. Are you teaching the old man to do things for me?"

Link's words undoubtedly angered the stubborn old man and made him feel very angry.

But at the same time of being angry, he was unwilling but had to admit that what the other party said was the truth.

He is really old.

For an old man in his sixties, even though he is still strong now, he has become powerless in the face of battle.

In the face of pirates, he could not even defeat the enemy and protect the students behind him.

This is absolutely a humiliating blow to him!

"Why hold on, Mr. Zefa."

Link's tone was calm, but every word seemed to poke Zefa's heart again, "You know very well that aging is inevitable, and what I want to tell you is a new path."

"There is a navy named Klazon, stationed in the Chambord Islands. He is working hard to save civilians, and he is also fighting against pirates. He has volunteers who want to protect his family; A slave who no longer suffers; a murloc warrior with a dream to improve the relationship between humans and murlocs."

"Each of them is very ordinary, but they all have good intentions and use their own efforts to change this bad world and protect the weak. Compared with the justice of the navy against pirates, I recognize their true guardianship. , maybe it's more suitable for you."

Link's words were full of sincerity. He saw what happened to Zefa in the past. In this life, he changed the experience of the other party, and he didn't want this old man to have such a tragic ending.

That's why he recommended Crasson to the other party.

Maybe he can help Krasson to get a powerful instructor?

This is a tyrannical, former admiral!

"Don't rush to refuse, think about it carefully, Mr. Zefa."

With a smile on his face, Link said these words to Zefa, then left without waiting for the other party's reply.

He noticed the blue-haired Ain, and walked towards the other party's position. He was very interested in this beautiful woman with the ability to reverse fruit.

You must know the ability of the Regression Fruit, but it involves the field of time. This big-eyed beauty with dark blue long hair has the ability not only to use it on people, but also on objects!

Even touching people multiple times can make people disappear to a terrifying level!

Link is very interested in such a powerful ability. How does the Devil Fruit affect time?

As for Zefa's final choice?

Link has great confidence that Zefa will finally make a choice after investigating Krasson's experience.

Just like in the plot, he finally couldn't stand the things that the navy did under the manipulation of the world government.

Maybe when the time comes, those with abilities like Ain and Binz will follow him and leave.

Looking at the back of Link's departure, Zefa still had an expressionless face and was silent, but his heart was not really that calm, but was touched by what Link said.

Compared with the justice of the navy to capture pirates, is it a more real and true guardian?

Thinking of the compromises and darkness of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, his past experiences, the pain of his wife and daughter being killed, Zefa, a pure warrior, really begins to think, what is right?

What.... wrong again.

But there is no doubt that this brief conversation between Link and Zefa left a deep mark on the old man's heart.

Next, after several days of sailing with the warship, Link and his party met the warship that came to support, and chose to separate from Zefa and others.

It is a pity that Link finally failed to explore the root of the blue-haired beauty Ain's ability to regress the fruit.

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