MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 193 Pirates are here! ! !

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Pirates: From the decomposition of all things 193. Pirates are here! !

Sanji finally chose to stay.

On the other side, after a delicious meal, Link approached Zapp for news.

As a famous sea restaurant in the East China Sea, the guests here are diverse, and Zepu can naturally know a lot of news.

"Hawkeye's news?"

Zhep looked at Link and looked at him curiously, guessing in his heart why he was looking for Hawkeye, and at the same time telling him what he knew.

"There was indeed news that half a month ago, some pirates saw Hawkeye appear in the East China Sea. It's just that the whereabouts of the world's largest swordsman has always been erratic, and no one knows his true location."

"I don't know if I can help you. All I know is that he finally appeared in Rogge Town, and his traces are not clear after that."

Link listened to Zhepp's remarks, nodded and understood, knowing that the other party didn't know much.

But it was enough to be able to find out that Hawkeye had appeared in Rogue Town, and he turned to another thing.

"Does Captain Zapp still want to go to the great route? If I know correctly, your dream, like that kid Sanji, is to find the legendary blue ocean ALLBLUE, right?"

Zep was taken aback by Link's question, but then he showed a look of longing and regret, shook his head and laughed at himself before trying to refuse.

He didn't know what Link wanted to do, but he knew that he could no longer fulfill this wish, and the wooden limb under his foot was his eternal injury.

However, before he could speak, Link interrupted him first.

"Don't rush to answer me, Mr. Zapp."

Link smiled at Zapp, put his hand on him, and said while activating his ability, "You treat us to a big meal. If that's the case, then I'll give you a gift too."

During Link's movements, driven by his ability, Zapp felt that his broken right leg actually began to tingle.

Immediately afterwards, in his shocked gaze, the wooden limb that originally replaced the right foot fell to the ground, bundles of new flesh and blood, and sections of white bones grew, gradually forming a body that he dreamed of wanting to rebuild. Possessed feet.

"Reborn Financial Giants"

"This, is this my foot?"

Zapp looked at the newborn right foot under his feet with an unbelievable look on his face, trembling all over his body, indicating that his heart was not calm.


Link responded with a smile.

He widened his eyes, looked at Link and then looked at his right foot, and in the affirmative nod of the other party, he reached out and stroked his calf with a trembling hand. The clear touch and reaction made him withdraw his hand like lightning. startled.

But soon he lifted his right foot and moved, and the feeling of nothingness told him that all this was true.

The right foot he lost at the beginning was regrown under Link's ability!

At this moment, his face showed a look of excitement that he hadn't had in many years. Not only him, but also Paddy, Carne, and Sanji on the side were also excited.

"Boss Zapp, my God! Is this a miracle, your right leg is in good shape again. That 'red foot' Zapp is back!

! "

"Boss Zapp!

! Woohoo, I didn't expect that I could still see your good day boss, it's really touching! "

Paddy and Carne were both crying, hugging each other excitedly, and showing more joy in Zapp's recovery than he was himself.

"Ah ah ah ah ~ old man, your feet, your feet are good!

! "

Sanji's eyes widened even more, and he ran to Zapp like a madman, holding his calf and looking at it again, his face was full of shock and curiosity.

"Yeah, my feet are fine."

Zhepp responded, and at this moment, his heart was also very emotional.

He also finally knew why Link had asked him if he still wanted to return to the Great Route.

Because the other party is aware of his regrets and has done a miracle to make up for his regrets, this is an invitation to him.

"Thank you for your shot, Link."

Zhep's gaze at Link changed, and he responded solemnly.

Stepping on his intact right foot, he stood up with a hearty smile on his face. At this moment, the momentum on his body suddenly changed.

Obviously still wearing a white chef's uniform, but the whole person is not as old as he used to be, and has become high-spirited.

The whole body exudes a strong confidence and relief.

Reaching out and touching Sanji's head, his eyes met Link's, shining brightly, "Didn't you ask me if I still want to pursue my dreams? My answer is yes! I still want to step into the great route. The sea, gallop on it! Go and find that legendary blue sea!"

Link smiled.

For Zapp, a man with chivalry, he has a good impression, not only because of his cooking skills, but also because he was able to repent after becoming a pirate.

And teach disciples like De Sanji.

"Then let me get to know formally, the death star Link of the Venus family, the true owner of the Venus Chamber of Commerce."

Link extended his hand to Zapp.

"Former pirate, Red-footed Zapp."

Zapp shook hands with Link, looked at Link seriously and asked: "So Link, you helped me heal my disability, what do you want me to do? I don't think it's to let me go to greatness again. Is it so easy to find a way to a dream?"

"You can if you think so."

Link shrugged and said, "After we leave, the Venus Chamber of Commerce will take the initiative to contact you to help your restaurant become more famous, not only in the East China Sea, but also a famous restaurant on the great route. Go and pursue your dreams."


Link and his party left.

They didn't stay long in the sea restaurant Balati, and Reiji also parted with Sanji reluctantly. Instead of continuing to follow Link, he turned back to the Kingdom of Germa.

After having a bigger goal, Raiku hopes to grow up as soon as possible and replace Gaji to become the queen of Germa.

But they all believed that they could meet again soon.

Because old Zhep didn't know Link's purpose, but they had decided to drive Barati to the Great Route, and truly strive to become a restaurant that is famous on the Great Route as Link said.

Their parting will eventually meet on this sea.

After leaving Barati, Link continued to take Yamato and his party to Rogge Town.

But to his disappointment, there was still no trace of Hawkeye to be found here.

"I've seen Rogue Town too, where are we going to Link next?" On the streets of Rogue Town, Yamato asked him while eating the unique food here.

"I didn't expect One Piece's execution rack to be anything special, and it's not fun at all." Baby-5 complained.

"I already said that there is nothing interesting here, you still don't believe it." Luo said dissatisfiedly.

Others are twittering too, and for them it's a trip.

Everything seems relaxed and happy, but it is rare to feel very warm.

Faced with their complaints and inquiries, Link smiled, and out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the cp agent who was watching their group in the dark and replied, "Next, let's go to Shuangyue Village."

"Shuangyue Village? A small village I've never heard of, is there anyone we want to see Link?"

Yamato questioned.

Link thought of Koushiro and Zoro from the Dojo, and nodded, "There is a powerful swordsman there, and if nothing else happens, we will stay there for a while."

In Link's impression, Koushiro is a very mysterious and powerful swordsman, not only related to Dragon's revolutionary army.

In the plot, he also showed the highest swordsmanship described by the flower leopard Goro:

If you don't want to cut it, you can't even cut the paper.

The sword that does not cut!

Even though the current Link's strength is already strong enough to be confident that he can fight against the most peak powerhouses in the new world, he knows that his strength lies in his ability.

Compared with those big swordsmen, his swordsmanship is far worse.

This is also one of the reasons why he came to the East China Sea. In this sea of ​​​​weakest in the eyes of outsiders, there are strong swordsmen such as Hawkeye, Golden Lion, and Koushiro, who may help him become stronger in swordsmanship.

This is also Link's realization after the battle of Xiunuo Kingdom, his strength is not strong enough.

The use of abilities will always be resisted, and kendo is the most suitable martial art for him. Only when the shortcoming of kendo is made up can he truly be qualified to stand on the stage of the new world and go with Kaido and Aunt like this. A battle against the peak powerhouse with inhuman physique.

At the same time, I have to say that the battle of Xiunuo Kingdom still brought a lot of gains to Link.

As a great swordsman, Shiliu of Rain died in that battle, but his body was left behind. Link was not idle during this time.

With the manipulation of his abilities, he learned a lot about kendo from the opponent.

These experiences allowed him to grow further in kendo.

Now that Hawkeye can't be found, let's meet the mysterious Yixin Dojo owner, Koushiro.

As for the clues of Lilith's life government, five old stars, I hope you won't let me down.

Feeling the gaze from the agent, Link thought so.

Frost Moon Village.

An inconspicuous small village among the many villages and towns in the East China Sea.

However, on this day, their peace was broken, and people once again recalled the fear of being dominated by pirates!

Because of the distant coast of Frost Moon Village, a terrifying steel giant ship appeared!

This steel giant ship is so terrifying, far exceeding the naval warships they have ever seen.

They watched in panic as the big ship with the skull flag approached. People who had never seen such a huge and powerful ship were shocked by this giant steel beast.

The people on the seashore ran to tell each other, panic and fear of the sudden appearance of the uninvited guest. They were worried that the powerful pirates on this huge ship would bring them disaster.

In the dojo!

"It's not good, it's not good! Master Koushiro, there is a huge pirate ship outside, and the terrible pirates are coming to attack Shuangyue Village!"

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying! I've never seen such a powerful ship!"

"That's a monster, a huge steel monster! It's definitely not an ordinary pirate ship! Master Koushiro, and Mr. Kosaburo, go take a look!

! "

Because of the arrival of the Venus, Frost Moon Village was plunged into chaos.

They don't know the flag of Qiwuhai. After seeing the terrifying battleship, they only felt that the terrifying pirates were about to come and slaughter them in Frost Moon Village.

Under such fear, let them come to Yixin Dojo, the strongest in the village, to ask for help.

The exclamations of the people outside immediately attracted the attention of the kendo kid in the gym.

"What! Pirates are coming! Let's go and see Zoro!


"Damn! Pirates dare to attack our Frost Moon Village, I'm going to defeat them!"

"The pirates are here! The pirates have come to Shuangyue Village. What can I do? Master Koushiro, let's go take a look!"

A group of little devils were driven by the exclamations of the outsiders, and the whole Yixin Dojo was noisy for a while, and they were about to run outside for a while.

"Stop for me!"

Suddenly, a stern sound came, and Koushiro, who was wearing glasses and a gentle appearance, frowned with a headache as he looked at the group of goblins who wanted to run away to watch, "You all stay here obediently for me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"Master Koushiro, don't talk about it, let's go and see! Pirates are really coming, this time the pirates are different, everyone is very panic!"

The anxious voices of the villagers outside came again.


"What are you panicking about! What are you panicking about! If you know the pirates are coming, you should prepare yourself. What is it like to be panicking here!"

Koushiro listened to the shouts of the villagers, and when UU reading was about to open his mouth to comfort him, an old voice came from behind him.

A very old old man walked out. He was obviously very old, but his strong body struck the bamboo sword in his hand to make a sound of 'Dongdong', but the old voice was like a reassurance to calm the panicked villagers.

"Master Kosaburo."



As soon as the old man named Kosaburo Shuangyue appeared, he stunned everyone, and when his eyes swept over everyone, he didn't dare to look at him as if he had made a mistake.

"Okay, everyone bring their weapons, let's go to the port to see what the steel monster you are talking about looks like!"

Under the greeting of the old man, the villagers who had the backbone scattered in a hurry, and immediately went home and picked up their weapons.

"Father, just stay in the dojo to rest before your illness is healed. Everything here is mine!"

When the crowd dispersed, Koushiro frowned and looked at his father beside him worriedly.

"Huh! I'm still dead, cough, cough... I can't die! When the pirates come, it's up to you to do anything! I think I was in the country of Wano..."

The old man looked at the ignorant children in the dojo, and finally waved his hand and stopped talking about the past, "Forget it, let's walk around and see that the pirate group is so bold and dare to come to our Shuangyue Village!"

When Koushiro heard the words, he could only shake his head helplessly. The old man who supported him gathered the villagers of Shuangyue Village and a group of little ghosts who seemed to join in the fun, forming a mighty tide of people and walking towards the port. +Bookmark+

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