MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 199 Link vs Golden Lion (2)

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The full-strength slashes of the great swordsmen from the two sides collided on the desert island.

The clouds above 10,000 meters were completely blown away in this blow, revealing a clear sky.

The deserted island under the two of them could not bear the strength of Link and the Golden Lion, and finally completely collapsed at this time.

The huge island shattered into countless pieces at a height of 10,000 meters, and the huge chunks of earth and stone fell towards the sea below.

It was as if a rain of gravel was about to fall.

"Jie Hahahaha~ That's how I can be happy!"

The golden lion laughed wildly, and directly used his ability to float into the air, and the deserted island that had been shattered under his control suddenly fused together.

Those boulders and soil seemed to be pinched by a pair of big hands, forming a huge earth-rock lion's head, opening a ferocious giant mouth that was dozens of meters wide, and biting at Link!

Lion Power Earth Scroll!

That huge and spectacular attack, roaring and filial piety, even blocked the light of the sun shining above, and the huge lion's mouth seemed to be a deep black hole.

The three little eyes on the side were full of light.

"It's so strong! Can Piao Piao Fruit be able to achieve such a level?" baby-5 shouted excitedly.

"The old golden lion can really control an entire island to make such an attack." Perona's eyes widened, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief.

"What a big lion. No wonder he is called the golden lion. I don't know when I will be able to be so powerful."

Luo is even more excited, thinking of the powerful ability of his own space fruit, and his heart is full of expectations.

"It's not easy to do this, Luo."

Yamato watched as Link was swallowed by the huge earth lion head, and the surrounding earth and stones began to squeeze towards it as if alive, to tightly imprison him, and reminded:

"This requires strong manipulation ability, and if you read it correctly, the attack we are seeing now has to be awakened to be able to control such a wide range."

"Awaken your abilities!"

Luo's eyes stared blankly at the battle, his hands clenched his fists tightly, and there was a burning flame in his eyes.

"Sooner or later, I will also be so powerful. To be able to control like this, my ability is the powerful spatial ability given by Brother Link. In the future, I will become a great swordsman and become the strongest in the world. Swordsman!"

"I will do it in the future! The weapon I changed will be able to blast an entire island with one shot! It's a super cannon that explodes directly into powder!"

Baby-5 also shouted excitedly, she has Brother Link's teaching, she will be able to transform such a cannon sooner or later!

"Humph! Then I will build a large ghost army in the future and become a high ghost queen!" Perona raised her head proudly, not to be outdone.

"Sooner or later we will reach this level too!" Luo shouted.

Looking at the excited three little ones, Lilith smiled and reminded.

"Well, I believe you can do it! But this is just the beginning, and the battles that follow will surprise you even more."

"Haha! Lilith is right, the real battle will begin next. It's not the most intense yet!"

Yamato also nodded in agreement, and said with a pity face: "It's a pity, if only Link could let me fight the old golden lion."

San Xiaozhi heard the words, but instead of talking, he looked forward to the next battle even more.

And Link did not let them down.

When they imagined the future, they were looking forward to such a powerful strength to the heights they could reach.

Link's sword light broke through the middle of the lion's head like a blazing open world!

The huge lion head on the entire island was slashed by Link in two pieces, and the huge sword light that rushed into the sky was far more powerful than before!

It is the super-giant sword beam like 'Elbaf's Spear, Mighty Kingdom'!

Link did not choose to use his own surgical fruit field, nor did he use his decomposition ability to decompose, but used the most violent and direct way to break the imprisonment of the golden lion.

Link's figure flew out of it and turned into golden lightning. The autumn water in his hand had already flashed the energy of thunder and fire, and he slashed towards the golden lion floating in the air!

This means that Link has the ability to control the ability to decompose and reconstruct the ability to fly, otherwise ordinary people want to face the golden lion that can fly simply because they are passively beaten.

Think about the four emperors in the plot, Kaido and Auntie can fly, and Whitebeard doesn't need to fly at all. How will the strong shock ability affect you even if you fly in the sky.

Only the red-haired Shanks who finally ascended the throne is different. As a pure swordsman, he is not fruitful, but his super tyrannical domineering has far surpassed others.

Even an existence that can be stronger than the other three emperors, otherwise it will not be able to become an existence that can fight against the other three emperors by virtue of the identity of the great swordsman.

Facing Link's flying ability, the golden lion was not surprised.

He is heroic, but not really a fool. In the past few days, he has clearly understood Link's ability.

Even more clearly, Link's big incident at sea made it clear that he was the only dual-skilled person in the world.

One of them is the fruit of surgery!

have to say!

With such an identity, even a carefree person like Golden Lion was slightly surprised when he learned about it. As an older generation of pirates, he is not someone who doesn't understand anything.

I appreciate that Link wants to challenge himself and arrogantly wants to subdue himself.

Because in his eyes, only such an existence is qualified to gallop the sea and compete for the throne of One Piece!

And he used his abilities in order to force Link to use his abilities too.


Do you want to challenge me and defeat me only with kendo?

Golden Lion said that he would use practical actions to educate and educate new pirates, otherwise he would really ignore his old senior.

Hence the present scene.

I haven't waited for Link to get close.

His body suddenly felt the control from the surrounding, and his body began to appear unstable. Although it was not fixed in place, the whole person lost his balance.

The knife that shone with the violent energy of thunder and fire did not even touch the hair of the golden lion in midair, and the whole person flew towards the sky in the direction of flight.

This is the golden lion using its ability directly on Link's body.

The fluttering fruit is not only capable of acting on objects. Link has to frown and use his decomposition ability to stabilize his figure in mid-air, not out of control.

But welcome him!

It was the attack of a more violent golden lion than before!

Lion Chikiri Valley!

The Golden Lion wouldn't really release water to Link. After knowing about the other party's major incident at sea, he didn't have any contempt in his heart.

There is only the importance of appreciating and educating the younger generation.

As for how to educate the younger generation?

Do you even need to ask?

Of course, it is traditional to be violently beaten!

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for the other party to heal his body and help him reach the peak again!

The violent sword light continued to cut out from the golden lion's hand.

It was far more terrifying than a single chopping wave. Normally, the golden lion would be able to flatten a hill with a single chopping wave, but now the chopping wave was like forming a huge, airtight net that enveloped Link.

It shows the strong dominance of the Golden Lion in this regard.

Especially now, his state is not comparable to when he was injured. His strong physical strength and domineering make him display a sword that far exceeds that shown in the plot.

It can be said!

The knife light at this moment was almost overwhelming like a torrential rain.

However, Link is not the one who will be easily defeated!

From before, his kendo experience began to improve rapidly as the battle progressed.

Now the attack of the golden lion is a test for him, and what he has to do is to keep passing these tests and finally defeat the opponent!

In the face of the oncoming knife light, Link finally did not care, and the power of disintegration unfolded to relieve the influence of the golden lion's ability.

Raise the sword!

Thunder flames shone on the blade, and his own electric light flashing power converged on the blade at this moment, and the long blade and the blade burst into a huge blade light.

One shot!

A super-gigantic sword light traversing the sky and the earth appeared in the air!

The sky is like a blue and white canvas, which was torn apart by Link's knife at this moment!

A real huge crack appeared in the sky, and the shock wave of the sword light turned into a terrifying storm and rolled away towards those choppers.

That's right!

It's just crushing!

In the face of such a huge and terrifying blow, the number of chops before the Golden Lion also lost its effect.

What Link cut out with this knife was a real knife that opened the sky, and the space crack that was torn apart was definitely not caused by the use of decomposition ability.

It was the crack that was really opened with the sword light, and the tear was more thorough than the space crack that Link had torn apart with his previous decomposition ability.

The terrifying rift erupted with powerful power!

Let the golden lions look sideways at Link's knife.

It's just that he won't wait for this knife to come, facing Link's sharp eyes like a knife, the fighting intent in the eyes of the golden lion and tiger is no less than that of the other party.


In the hands of the golden lion, Sakura Ten and Dead Wood also slashed out a powerful sword light and collided with the crack!

The powerful collision caused a brief black hole to appear in mid-air, and then quickly collapsed and disappeared.

The Golden Lion and Link collided again before the shock wave of the explosion ceased.

The long knives clashed, and the two fought in mid-air.

Clang! Clang!

Intense domineering lightning erupted from it.

"Boy, do you think you can beat me at this level? The sky is my domain!

! "



The golden lion slashed with two swords, knocking Link back.


There is thunder in the sky!

At this moment, the blond hair behind him fluttered, and the golden lion and tiger stared, and the momentum on his body reached a peak at this moment.

The domineering arrogance of the king was released from his body wave after wave, stirring the entire sky.

The man just stood above him, looking at Link who was floating not far below, and said domineeringly:

"Even Charlotte Lingling and Kaido can't compete with me in this sky, I'm the overlord in this sky! If you want to challenge me, then come up with a spirit that can match the overlord. !"

Golden Lion could see that the boy in front of him seemed to be full of ambition and strong enough, but he had lost enough courage because of too many calculations.

Without that tyranny that looks at everything, I look down on it!

So far, even the domineering arrogance has not awakened!

How can this be done? If you want to stand on the top of the world and become a member of the peak, then you must have the courage to match!

The true unparalleled domineering!

Now, he is going to teach this kid in front of him this.

Sure enough, with the release of the golden lion's tyrannical aura, terrifying pressure came to Link.

The little friends who were on the sidelines looked even more ugly, and the three little ones just couldn't bear the pressure and fainted.

Only Lilith and Yamato were able to resist the huge momentum of the golden lion, and Lilith tried her best to wake up the three fainted so that they could feel the domineering arrogance from the peak-level powerhouse.

After all, it is not always possible to have such an opportunity to face a peak-level powerhouse and witness such a battle.

If you miss it, the three will definitely regret it.

Fortunately, the domineering arrogance of the golden lion was released immediately, so that the three little ones did not faint again after being awakened by Lilith in Mi Mi Lake.

However, the domineering of the golden lion has subsided, it is not really withdrawing, but focusing on the domineering of the king and releasing it to Link.

This is one of the advanced applications of domineering and domineering, in the face of such repression.

As soon as he touched it, Link felt his body sinking, and he couldn't help frowning. The huge pressure far exceeded the previous level of confrontation.

This is what really suppressed his strength and made him have to pay attention.

If you want to say that the pressure of the domineering arrogance to face the release of the golden lion is ten, then the target now is more than one hundred!

At least ten times the pressure.

Moreover, Link knew that these powerhouses at the peak level would not only use such a tyrannical appearance.


In Link's eyes, the double knives in the golden lion's hand turned up far beyond the black light before, the overlord color wrapping + the top-level internal destruction use.

The intensity of the next battle will be even higher than before!

This is the level of strength mastered by the powerhouses who are truly standing at the top of the have not reached such a level, do you want to challenge them?

That can't be beat!

Especially in the rematch just now, Link felt the change in the golden lion slash.

That is a kind of application that applies the ability of fluttering fruit to kendo. The collision of the blade is so light that it can even affect his control at the moment of contact.


Looking at the domineering golden lion above.

Link took a deep breath, worthy of being the most powerful existence in his opponents.

But what he wants to defeat is such a powerful enemy standing at the pinnacle level!

No one can stop him from becoming the strongest in this world!


Read The Duke's Passion