MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 203 Arrive in the new world

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Pirates: From the Disintegration of Everything 203. Arrival in the New World

Of course, Sengoku would not believe Link's words.

It's just that Link hung up the phone after saying this, and had no idea of ​​continuing the conversation with him.

in the Office of the Navy Headquarters.

Looking at the phone bug that hung up, Sengoku closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"It seems that your conversation is not going well, our plans need to change?"

Looking at Sengoku's exhausted appearance, Tsuru Mulu, who was sitting on the sofa, said thoughtfully.

Sengoku nodded, and when he opened his eyes, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Putting his hands on the desk, he said in a low and serious voice, "Things may be worse than I imagined. I'm afraid that kid will really become a huge trouble as I expected."

Crane folded his arms and looked at the worried look on Sengoku's face, he couldn't help frowning.

"Is it really as serious as you worry?"

"I'm just worried it's going to be more serious than I thought."

Warring States shook his head heavily, and continued: "But since that kid wants to intervene, let him come. At least we don't have time to take care of him yet, and his character won't be our biggest obstacle."

Hearing that, He nodded.

"This operation is very important. If it can be successful, it will be a big rise in the reputation of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, and those arrogant pirates will also get a strong shock."

The Warring States looked at the crane and said: "So we must not make any mistakes. Even if Link is noticed, it will be fine. As for the other Qiwuhai, we still have to call them! They will be an excellent fighting force. ..."

Speaking of which, the Warring States paused and continued, "Regarding the matter of the murloc kingdom, I will trouble you to advance the crane, the attitude of the Tianlong people is that even if they cannot destroy the Sun Pirates, they must take down the murloc Tiger. He must not be allowed to live, otherwise Fishman Island will be our first target."

"Those celestial dragons..."


"I see."

Although He was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the Warring States for her, he also knew the helplessness of his old friend. Seeing the resolute attitude of the Warring States, he could only nod and agree.

small book booth

no way.

Who asked the Warring States to sit in the position of the Admiral of the Navy?

This position is not so easy to do. Since you are sitting in this high position, you must bear the corresponding responsibility and pressure.

And in this operation, is the attack on Wan Guo not an attempt by the Warring States to expand the real rights in their hands?

Unfortunately, everything has a price.

Fishman Tiger is one of them, and the Warring States period has no right to refuse.

Right at the naval headquarters, under the arrangement of Sengoku, the next big plan was started.

the other side!

On the Venus, Link was also thinking about his next move after hanging up the phone.

The call from the Warring States period told Link a lot of information, not just information from Lilith.

The changes in the situation in the new world also gave Link some ideas.

Originally, after he received Charlotte Lingling's invitation, he only thought it was a banquet to win over him.

Now that he heard his plan from Sengoku, Link had a clearer understanding of this aunt's banquet.

This is indeed a win, and I'm afraid it will be a best win. Charlotte Lingling definitely knows that the navy will fight her next, so she chooses to send a banquet invitation.

After all, the actions of the navy cannot be concealed at all.

Such a big move is definitely not something that can be easily covered up. With a character like Charlotte Lingling, it is normal to receive news in advance.

They will definitely not simply sit still and wait for the navy to gather battleships to come to the door.

This will be a more brutal war than the Emperor's War two years ago!

When the three hegemons competed for the throne of the emperor, they were only propagating their mighty force in order to rule the new world, so as to continuously expand their sphere of influence.

And now!

This will be a real big war, and it can be said to be a chaotic battle comparable to the battle in which Whitebeard broke into the naval headquarters to save Ace in the plot.

Therefore, using their own means to strengthen their combat power has become the primary purpose.

As the world's number one capable person with powerful combat power, Link, who kidnapped his two daughters, was naturally attracted to Charlotte Lingling for the first time.

For this banquet, Link is definitely going to attend.

But since he rejected the arrangement of the old man of the Warring States period, he naturally would not go to the banquet so easily.

At this moment in the new world, Kaido has been eyeing him and wanting to attack him.

If Link was in Paradise and acting in the windless belt, Kaido would not dare to leave for a long time because of Moria's threat.

Then if Link dares to come to the new world, Kaido will definitely come to him in a rage to settle accounts.

This is no joke!

And the situation on Fishman Island is also a bit bad.

The Dragons would never let Tiger go, and Link knew this very well.

The current Fishman Island and the Sun Pirates obviously just happened to hit the muzzle.

I caught up and was targeted by the incidental blow.

As for Fish-Man Island, Link naturally couldn't ignore it. After all, Fish-Man Island and the Morning Star Chamber of Commerce had had in-depth cooperation in the past two years.

The Murloc Kingdom really regarded Link as the man who was said to change the fate of their relationship with humans.

It can be said that the prosperity of the Morning Star Chamber of Commerce also requires the support and help of the Murloc Kingdom. It would be too heartless for Link to just let it go.

But it's not that easy to solve this.

In the end, it still involves the world government, which is a threat to a national level.

Think about it.

Link finally picked up the phone bug and made a call.


blu blu~


Soon the call was connected, and there was a calm, thick male voice from the other end.

"Hey! I'm a dragon."

"Mr. Long, I have a big action about the World Government. I wonder if you are interested in hearing about it."

Link smiled and said into the phone.



Hanging up the phone, Long stood aside and pondered for a long time.

After thinking about Link's purpose, he finally walked out of the cabin to the deck, and arranged to the cadre who was driving the ship: "Let's turn. Give up going to the Kingdom of Boynes and go directly to the Chambord Islands."

Hearing Long's words, all the cadres looked at him in surprise.

Yin Wankov was even more surprised, his eyes widened and he shouted in a shrill voice: "Long, what happened? Why did you suddenly give up the original plan?"

"Yeah, Dragon. The Kingdom of Boynes is an important goal we have long set, and his location is extremely important in our follow-up arrangements. Why did we suddenly change our minds."

"We now have a more important goal than the Boyce Kingdom. We need to go to Fishman Island."

Long naturally knew the importance of Boyce's kingdom to their future plans, but Link's words were not wrong.

There is no doubt that the existence of the murloc kingdom is more important than the kingdom of Boyce.

You must know that even he did not expect that the legendary "Sea King" Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, would turn out to be a little girl less than ten years old.

He was also surprised when he heard the news from Link's mouth.

Especially after knowing the close cooperation between Link and the murloc kingdom that is truly allied, he was even more surprised.

You must know that murlocs are very xenophobic to humans, and even he knows about Bai Xing, let alone other people.

And Link can actually become the most trusted human being in the murloc kingdom.

One can imagine how many hidden relationships this man has in private.

Thinking of this, Long had to admit that he really underestimated Link.

At first, he only thought that he was a member of the D family, and he had a mission, that is, he had Qiwuhai and a powerful strength comparable to himself.

As a result, with the contact, I realized how terrifying this young man is!

Not only is his strength far beyond his imagination, but his power and connections have surpassed his expectations to a huge extent. I'm afraid those navy and world governments have not thought that this guy Link will have such connections. .

But he could understand it.

After all, not everyone can be a monster like that kid, who has grown to this level in just a few years.

Change it to anyone, without really knowing him.

I can't believe it, the other party has such ability!

After thinking about it, he pushed the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

Although the cadres of the revolutionary army on the ship were still confused about this decision, they chose to obey his command, and the ship began to turn around and head towards the Chambord Islands.


half a month later.

New world!

Link is finally here again!

The appearance of the Venusian ironclad battleship also made all the pirates who encountered it frightened, and they all knew it.

In that legend, the 'Death Omen Star' that provoked the Three Emperors to fight the navy is here!

"Link, do we really not need to care about these pirates? Our news will soon reach Father Kaido's ears, and he will definitely come to trouble us."

Standing on the deck, Yamato looked at the distant sea and noticed the pirate ship that Link's powerful battleship avoided far away, and reminded with some worry and some nervousness.

She knew the purpose of their trip to the new world.

A simple return that is definitely not anticlimactic.

Link had said before that they would not only go to Wanuo, but also to Wano.

This is the first battle in which their Qixing family officially entered the world stage and announced their great strength!

And the target is directly the emperor who chose the new world!

After learning the news, Yamato didn't know how excited she was. Is the wish she was looking forward to finally coming true?

Liberate Wano and beat up Kaido's father!

Looking at Yamato's flushed face, Link naturally knew what the girl beside him was thinking.

In fact!

Yamato was not the only one who was excited after coming to the new world.

Sister Charlotte and Perona were all excited.

The first two are because they will soon return to their hometown of Wan Guo with a strong attitude, and can proudly show their success in front of their former sisters and brothers.

Perona is because soon, she will meet Moria-sama, whom she has not seen for a long time.

"Don't pay attention to them, it's just news. I can't be busy, if Kaido really dares to come alone, maybe we will join forces with Moria to leave him behind and beat him up."

Link said with a sunny smile.

That's right!

After they came to the New World, they did not plan to go directly to Moria's station, the Mormon Islands.

As a powerful pirate who can fight against Kaido.

Today's Moriah is definitely a well-deserved dominance in the new world. If it is not for the strength, it is still a little behind Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and the others, and there are not enough strong men.

Then he really is the candidate to become the Four Emperors faster than the red hair!

Of course, such a result is inseparable from the cooperation with Link.

If it weren't for Link's help and support, even if Moria's strength was strong enough to stop Kaido, his forces would have been defeated in the Beast Pirates' war.

I really thought that Link could safely spend two years of research in the windless zone of the paradise.

It's all up to Moriah to find a way to contain it.


Such cooperation is absolutely mutually beneficial.

In two years, Moriah really gained a firm foothold in the war with the Beast Pirates and became the overlord recognized by the New World Pirates.

Compared to the red-haired who was only wandering in the new world, he was more widely recognized as a candidate to become the fourth emperor!

And since Link has come to the new world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Naturally, it is impossible not to go to Moriah, after all, according to his thoughts.

The battle that is about to break out in the new world will spread widely, and Moriah and the Sun Pirates of Fishman Tiger will be an important part of his next plan.

Even the redhead, Link was trying to connect.

This is a war that can pull the Pirate Emperor off his horse. If the redhead wants to have power and prestige in the new world, then he cannot avoid this battle.

After all, I want to become a face fruit person.

It can't be achieved by just talking about it, but you need to prove yourself with real records!

Can imagine.

The next new world will be completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

Not only the three emperors and the powerful pirates such as Moria, Red Hair, and Shichibukai will appear.

The three newly appointed generals in the navy, Karp, Sengoku and even a number of well-known lieutenant generals will also appear in a new world.

At that time, the new world will truly become a huge battlefield of conquest.

This sea area will become a huge stage for the world's attention.

The eyes of the whole world will gather here, and the splendor of an era may be condensed at this moment!

Link thought about it before he came!

Since you want to play, you have to play a big one. How can you do things without bringing everyone together?

He just wants to completely escalate this war into a great war, and everyone can't avoid it.

This huge stage will be hosted by him!

At that time, many things can proceed smoothly.

No one can stop him! +Bookmark+

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