MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-~ One hundred and ninety-five. Planning and the country chapter to find the golden lion

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Does the old man believe Lilith's words?

Of course it is, no one will suspect that a person who just saved your life is deliberately deceiving you.

This is not necessary.

What really surprised Kosaburo and Koshirō was that Link was able to cure a terminal illness!

This is no joke.

The old man and Koushiro looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes.

In their view, Link, as the leader of this group, is obviously an extremely powerful person.

Otherwise, they would not have such a large and powerful ironclad battleship, and even in the New World, they have never seen such a powerful pirate ship.

And such a strong powerhouse, you told me that he is a doctor who can heal terminally ill patients!

To outsiders, this may sound like a fantasy and think you are crazy.

"Big sister, are you telling the truth?"

Zoro's eyes widened as he glanced back and forth between Lilith and Link. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't think Link would be the man who could cure Kozaburō's terminal illness.

Faced with their doubts, Lilith just smiled, without explaining, but moved aside and let Link come to her.

"Mr. Kozaburō Shimoyuki, it's a pleasure to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Link and everyone calls me Death Omen."

Link smiled and took the initiative to reach out to greet each other.

"Death Omen! You are the Death Omen who became Qiwuhai two years ago!"

Koushiro couldn't help exclaiming when he heard Link's words, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

Link nodded, looked at the Wano country badge on Ko Saburo and said: "I wonder if the old man is still interested in returning to Wano country to take a look, maybe I can help you."


The old man Kosaburo listened to Link's words in silence, and when he heard the words, Tong Kong shrank even more: "You, what is your purpose?"


The next thing becomes easier.

Under the circumstance that Link showed familiarity with Kosaburo and their identities and no hostility, they were soon welcomed into Frost Moon Village.

In the dojo.

Link took his own hands to eradicate the disease on the old man's body and completely cured his terminal illness, and their group became the guests here naturally.

At this moment, in the tea room of Yixin Dojo, Link sat opposite Mr. Kosaburo and Koushiro, and he also officially stated the purpose of his trip.

It's just that after hearing Link's words, the old man and Koushiro looked at each other, Koushiro said apologetically to him: "I'm afraid that Mr. Link will be disappointed, we are indeed from Wano country, but my father and I are both in kendo. Not strong. Some are just some shallow understanding and perception of kendo."

"I know that."

Link took a sip of the barley tea in his hand, put it down and said to the old man Kosaburo: "The purpose of my coming to the East China Sea is to learn kendo, and the old man can forge such peerless and famous swords as Hedaoyi and Yan Mo. I want to have a deep understanding of kendo. I hope you can give me some advice!”

Koushiro's strength is not strong, at most it is only the level of a steel swordsman, which was sensed by Link when he landed.

However, this did not disappoint him, because he met an unexpected joy. Kosaburo, the legendary swordsmith, was still alive, so this trip to Shuangyue Village was not in vain.

You must know that in the plot, the old man Kosaburo died early, and this time it was coincidence that Link came here, otherwise the old man would have to die from a terminal illness before long.

Link is looking for strong swordsmen in order to become stronger.

Now, although Koushiro is not as powerful as he imagined, but with a legend who has experienced many years in front of him, Link feels that he has made more money.

"Mr. Link is an old-fashioned savior. Since he doesn't dislike the meager skills of the old, he can't talk about teaching and sharing his experience."

Kosaburo's face turned straight when he heard the words, he solemnly agreed to the teaching, looked at Link and asked about another matter, "About the country of Wano... Mr. Link said that he can help the country of Wano. But really?"

Speaking of the old man's hands, he couldn't help clenching his hands. Obviously, although he has been away for many years, he is still very concerned about this hometown in dire straits.

"Of course it's true."

Link nodded bluntly and said the reason: "In fact, since the two of you know me, then you should be clear about my grievance with Kaido, one of the emperors of the new world, and there is another person in this matter who is very Important. I think the two of you should have noticed?"

"Is that the girl named Yamato? She, is she really from the country of Wano?!" Kosaburo's tone was excited.

"That's right."

Link took the initiative to explain Yamato's identity to the two, "and she is also Kaido's only daughter, and one of the witnesses who witnessed the destruction of the Guangyue family. One of her dreams is to help overthrow General Orochi and Kaido. rule and liberate the country of Wano."

Link's words contained too much information, and the two people who were shocked for a while were a little bit lost, but after listening to Link's explanation, they also understood why the other party wanted to mention Wano Kingdom.

Their goals may be the same, so that Wano will no longer suffer from tyranny.

"Alas! I didn't expect that I could hear about my hometown after so many years. I thought I would never be able to....I couldn't..."

When the old man Kosaburo thought of his hometown, and thought of his wandering for many years, tears came to his eyes, and he choked for a while.

"Father, Mr. Link said so, maybe we can go back to our hometown, don't be so sad."

Koushiro couldn't understand his father's grief. He left his hometown at a young age, and his impression of Wano Country was already abysmal, but if he could help his father go back and take a look, he would still be willing to fulfill his father's wish.

"Of course!"

Kosaburo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes when he heard the words, and said excitedly: "Since there is still a chance to return to my hometown alive, why can't I just die like this old man!"

Having said that, Kosaburo stepped back on his knees, bowed respectfully to Link, and said solemnly: "Mr. Link, please help Wano! As long as we can do it, we will do it! We will never refuse! "

"You don't have to be like this, old man."

Seeing Kosaburo's seriousness, Link hurriedly stepped forward and pulled him up and said, "Help Wano Country is our common goal, please don't worry."

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Even though Link said so, the old man was very grateful to him.

At this point, they also had real trust in Link, and Link told them about the intersection between him and the revolutionary army, and the news that someone in the Guangyue family was still alive.

The old man Kozaburō who heard the news was sighed for a while, and he couldn't help but sigh.

In the following days, Link and his party stayed in Shuangyue Village. Because of his identity as a citizen of Yamato and the country, Kosaburo loved her the most.

Yamato also heard a lot of past and deeds about his idol Kozuki Oden from the old man's mouth.

At the same time, Lvzaotou and Luo also became good friends, and the two small teenagers sparred with each other in kendo.

On the other hand, Link also got what he wanted, and got a lot of insights about kendo from Mr. Kosaburo, and gained a deeper understanding on the way of kendo.

However, just this kind of gain is still unsatisfactory for Link. What he wants is to be able to truly achieve the top level of a great swordsman with swordsmanship.

It's a pity that he has been unable to find the trace of Hawkeye. The idea of ​​​​wanting to discuss with the other party can only be temporarily put down, and his eyes are placed on another person.

Golden Lion!

Yes, this is the legendary pirate.

For this strong man who can be as famous as Whitebeard, he wants to fight the opponent!

Because the golden lion in the plot is to float the island 'Vilmeiyou' into the sky, directly forming a huge base suspended in the air, the location is above the East China Sea, which gives Link enough goals.

Although this requires him to search in the sky alone, but with the scope in the plot, and the huge floating island Link feels that compared to Hawkeye's aimless and small target alone, at least the golden lion still has a way to find it !

It was with this idea in mind that Link began his search for the golden lion after living in Frost Moon Village.

Somewhere over the East China Sea!

"Finally found!"

Maybe luck was on Link's side. After half a month of hard flying, he found this floating island of golden lions!

When Link first saw this three-dimensional floating island, he was still very surprised.

Because not only an island appeared in front of him, even if he had seen it in the plot, but when he really saw with his own eyes that more than ten islands formed a community, suspended in a random pattern in the sky.

Not only are there many powerful beasts, but there are also waterfalls that look very magnificent. When it was called a wonder, Link was still sighed by the power of the golden lion.

After seeing the floating island, Link finally gave up the idea of ​​​​going directly to the island.

He had promised Yamato and them before that he would show them the legendary pirates, and he didn't want his partners to miss such a beautiful sight.

Once he starts a war with the golden lion, the peace here will be completely broken. No matter whether he kills the other party or not in the end, this floating island will be destroyed.

As for the safety of Lilith and the others, there is no need for Link to worry about it. The current Lilith and the others are definitely not a drag on him.

Thinking of this, Link chose to leave after taking a look at the floating island from a distance.

Now that he has found the exact location, there is no need to rush to the island, he still has some preparations to do before meeting the golden lion.

For the strong Golden Lion, Link has enough respect for his strength.

After all, even if the opponent is old and his feet are replaced by long swords, the current time has not yet reached the point where the opponent's combat power has fallen to the level in the plot.

This strong man who can challenge Roger and fight with Whitebeard, at least has the level of fighting against the peak level, definitely not the level of being beaten by Luffy in the plot.

And this is also regarded by Link as his first battle with the peak level powerhouse, and at the same time to test his own kendo strength.

In this battle, Link decided not to use his decomposition ability, otherwise, with the strength of his ability, the weak body of the golden lion can't compare to Kaido and Aunt's steel balloon.

After making a decision, Link returned to Frost Moon Village and told Lilith and the others about the discovery of the golden lion.

After hearing that Link found the golden lion, everyone showed different expressions of anticipation, wanting to see the legend.

However, Link did not have time to respond to their expectations, but plunged into the laboratory of the Venus.

He wants to conduct a very important experiment, that is, the ability extraction experiment.

It has been a long time since the bodies of the three Hughes fell into Link's hands. During this time, he was not just accompanying Lilith and they were really traveling.

During the voyage, Link was also conducting research on the three of them, not only in terms of memory, but also in a way to extract their abilities like Blackbeard.

Hughes' space ability, but the extremely rare and powerful ability Link is naturally impossible for him to miss, and even Seka's stone ability is a rare and powerful fruit.

For these two abilities, Link's spatial ability is ready to be used by Luo. This ability is strong enough to cooperate with Luo's swordsmanship, and he will definitely grow to the level of becoming a top powerhouse in the future.

After all, he stole the fruit of the operation that the other party should have had. Although he didn't know it, as his subordinate, he had the responsibility to compensate him for not being.

At the same time, the reason why Link is anxious to try to extract the experiment now is to prepare for the battle with the golden lion later.

Link did not intend to let go of the floating island of the golden lion. If the golden lion could communicate and negotiate and make him his ally, then Link would not mind helping the other party to heal his wounds, and the battle would become a learning experience.

After all, if he could get a strong swordsman who had regained his peak strength to spar with him, Link would still not be stingy with his kindness.

But if they couldn't communicate, UU Reading turned the battle into a life-and-death showdown with the hegemony of the golden lion, then Link could only ruthlessly kill the opponent.

And in this way, how to extract the ability of fluttering fruits from the opponent, inherit his floating island and prevent them from falling has become the most critical thing.

Link doesn't want to see this magnificent floating island destroyed by a war. This is a place that can become an important secret base for him in the future. In the realm of the sky, even if the world government wants to interfere, it will do so. not.

At that time, many things can start smoothly.


When I think of the floating island Link, I also think of the sky island that also floats above the clouds of 10,000 meters, and the self-proclaimed **** Anilu who has the fruit of thunder. At this time, this guy has come to the sky island and has become the new ruler of the sky island. God it.

The fruit of thunder, and the secrets of the moon, the empty island is also worth visiting.

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