MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 489 Think too beautiful

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"Grandpa!" Ace, who evaded to a distant place, saw this scene, her pupils suddenly shrank, her face exasperated, and she even rushed out in anxiety.

Although he did not follow Karp's account and became a navy, in the heart of Ace, Karp undoubtedly occupied the most important position with Luffy Sabo.

Seeing that Karp was chopped by Qin Ge, it was impossible for Ace to remain indifferent. When he rushed out like a cheetah, he roared up and leaped with hot flames in his hands.

‘God of Fire · I do n’t know fire ~! ’

His arms waved out fiercely, and the flame in his hand instantly turned into two flaming lances and fired out, straightly facing Qin Ge facing away.


Qin Ge's eyes flickered, and he instantly saw the attack behind him with a sense of arrogance, turned decisively, and slashed the sword with a knife, like a huge golden crescent moon.

Huh! ! !

The chopping wave accurately hit the two flame lances. Under the amazing power, the flame lance exploded directly like a cannonball, and turned into a messy flame. At the same time, the choppy wave was more powerful, and it instantly passed the body of Ace. .

However, because of the ability of the nature department, Ace, who was turned into two halves, quickly turned into a flame, reunited, and returned to its original state.

"Boy, where are you looking, your opponent is the old man!"

As Qin Ge turned to deal with Ace, Carp's voice suddenly came from behind, deep and terrifying.

boom! ! !

The iron fist covered with the armed color domineering hit the back waist of Qin Ge fiercely. The punchy punches directly evolved into the shock wave visible to the naked eye. Taking Qin Ge as the starting point, it showed a fan-shaped diffusion mode, bursting wildly and shattering the front The earth, even the distant towns, were severely impacted.

The body shook, and Qin Ge's feet fell off the ground under the striking bombardment, and the whole person leaned forward like a cannonball and shot directly into the distance.

‘Mirror Fire! ’

At this moment, Ace also waved with one arm, sending out a large number of flames towards Qin Ge in flight, like a tsunami formed by a sea of ​​fire, blinking was engulfing Qin Ge in it.

A large range of flames hit the ground fiercely, causing the flames to flow wildly. All flammable materials in the area were violently burned. The hot high temperature caused the air to distort and boil.

The burly Karp strode before the burning sea of ​​fire, his face was heavy but serious, although his clothes were stained with blood, but the wound was closed, not only stopping the blood, but also temporarily suppressing the injury.

Being able to do this is obviously the return of the life of the six types of essence. Karp is forcibly closing the knife marks through the control of muscles and even blood vessels.

With his legs spraying flames, Ace quickly flew into the air, and finally landed next to Karp. Seeing the blood in front of Karp, he said nervously, "Grandpa, are you okay!"

"Stupid, who asked you to come here, don't leave yet!" Although Carp was pleased with his grandson's concern for himself, he did not show it, but instead slammed it.

"I want to leave after attacking ?! Are you thinking too good!"

Ace hadn't spoke yet, and suddenly there was an extremely cold voice from the opposite sea of ​​fire. At the same time, the fierce chopped suddenly burst out, causing the sea of ​​fire to be torn out of a wide channel at once, and Qin Ge walked like a walk When they came out, they looked at them indifferently.

"How is it possible!" Ace saw Qin Ge coming out of the sea of ​​fire, her face changed, revealing an unbelievable look.

It can be seen that there were no scars on Qin Ge's body, and he even stepped out of the sea of ​​fire, but he could not see any signs of being burned by the flames.

And just now, Qin Ge has sturdyly withstood a heavy blow from Carp, and in exchange for someone else, even the Four Emperors will be beaten up, but Qin Ge seems to be fine, as if Carp had just The attack was just tickling him.

For Qin Gefeng's light and light gesture, Karp naturally showed a strong dignity, and even shocked in his eyes rarely.

He has always been full of confidence in the power of his fists, and he didn't take any effort just now, and now he hasn't hurt Qin Ge with a full blow, which is undoubtedly a great shock for Karp.

"Sure enough, he is a terrible opponent. No wonder the five-star star is so daunting!" Karp took a deep breath, his face showing a deep sense of vigilance, moving his steps, and blocking Ace behind him.

The more powerful Qin Ge is, the more alert Cap will become. If Qin Ge launches an attack on Ace, then Ace will definitely die, and Cap will definitely not allow such a thing.

"Ace, hurry up, take your people away from here, the farther the better!" Without turning back, Karp stared at Qin Ge as he groaned.

"What ?! No, how can I leave the old man and run away by yourself, I will stay and fight together!" Ace was already in her heart, and then she was firm.

He naturally couldn't leave. After all, this incident was caused by him. With his character, he would never do anything like this.

Karp was naturally anxious, this time the enemy was not even sure that he would deal with it. If Ace continued to stay here, he would definitely be in danger, and now he was ready to persuade.

But Qin Ge obviously couldn't watch the two men perform the grandfather and grandchildren's drama all the time, and before Carp continued, he was just stepping on his feet.

Suddenly, the ground under Karp and Ace was cracking, and the tough roots were born out of sudden soil, and entangled quickly to the two.

"Not good!" Karp responded very quickly. He noticed anomalies the first time, his face changed slightly. Immediately, he grabbed Ace and jumped into the air, making the swaying roots tangled.

‘Shave ~! ’

Qin Ge's eyes flashed, his figure disappeared immediately, and when he reappeared, he had reached the sky above Karp, who was still holding on to him.

Oh ~!

The 'Black Dragon' in the right hand was cut out with lightning, bursting out a fierce kendo chopping wave, tearing the terrible power of the void, and slashing at Karp, grabbing Ace's arm.

"Damn, this guy not only masters the‘ shave ’, but he is so accomplished!”

Although Karp also instantly understood Qin Ge's actions with his spirit and domineering ~ ~, he was also very furious. He knew that Qin Ge was beheading him terribly, and he had no choice but to retract his arms and avoid being cut. Hit the split.

The fierce slash struck straight down from the two, and not only did the rolled up swell of air bounce off the two in two directions, but they also fell into the ground, tearing a huge fissure, as deep as a cricket. Unpredictable.

‘Lanjiao ~! ’

After being lifted off, Karp quickly displayed a steady footstep, and at the same time kicked sharply, kicking waves violently towards Qin Ge.

Daoguang slashed sharply, the blade covering the armed color domineeringly collided with the Lan foot chopping wave, and the chopping force formed by the terrorist force split the Lan foot chopping wave strongly.


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