MTL - Pirates: Opening Nine Tails Bombs Mary Joa-Chapter 8 Zefa goes to war

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"You can't let this beast use such a move!"

The three people rushed forward in an instant, and they all rushed to the mouth of the nine-tailed demon fox. They had to block this huge energy in front of the nine-tailed body, otherwise, as long as one of the surging energy was not stopped, it would be right. Mary Joa inflicted significant damage.

Originally, Mary Joa had already been bombarded by a tailed beast jade before. If she was bombarded again, the prestige of the World Government would really be gone!

To be honest, the three people present are not very cold to Tianlong people, but at least in the current world, Tianlong people rule this world is order, once this is shaken, then the whole world will undoubtedly be in chaos. The careerists who are countless times more crazy than these pirates are bound to incite people to provoke wars.

A war that spreads all over the world!

At that time, I don't know how many people will die, they can't allow this to happen!

Therefore, even if they take this life, they have to stop the nine tails here!


Seeing the three of them rushing over, Jiuwei directly spit out several tailed beast jades. The black sphere has no fixed orbit. The three of them cannot avoid it. They can only take this terrifying energy. I am afraid that as long as a little touches it, it will die without a whole body.

But now he was attacked by several tailed beast jades, and there was a big explosion that made the world tremble, as if a flash of light countless times brighter than the sun was spreading over the Chambord Islands, as if raising the world for this world. The second sun has risen!


In the new type of sun, Sengoku and Zefa roared, and suddenly a person rushed out of the smoke cloud of the explosion, it was...

Vice Admiral, Iron Fist Karp!

Those tailed beast jades were blocked by Sengoku and Zefa with their bodies, so that Garp did not suffer the most direct impact, and Garp was also very clear about the purpose of their actions, just to...

"Go back to me!"

Garp's body was completely covered by pitch black, and he used his armament color to the extreme. With a loud roar, he punched the same black tailed beast jade!


With one punch, two forces exploded one after the other, and Garp used all the strength of his body to roar, "Eat your own explosion, idiot!"

This punch seemed to shatter the air, and Garp used up all his strength, and all of a sudden the power exploded. The black spherical-tailed beast jade was supposed to be aimed at Mary Joa and released, but Garp's punch It was…

Directly hit the tailed beast jade that was about to erupt into Jiuwei's throat!


Then, a huge explosion occurred inside Kuo's body!

The huge energy was flowing around in the body of the nine tails, and Garp couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. The strong light penetrated from the mouth of the nine tails. Even if the main force was endured by the nine tails, Garp could still Feel the terrifying destructive power in it.

If it really hits Mary Joa, maybe that "land of gods" is really over...

However, the power is so great, so it should also end...

"No way…"

Garp fell, and was about to relax, but the next moment he was cold.

Because, from the light of the explosion, it was the Nine Tails that appeared...

Almost intact body!

This monster!

Karp cursed in his heart, won't this guy get hurt? !

He was about to counterattack, but it was too late. The resentment in Jiuwei's eyes was almost dripping out of water. He opened his huge mouth directly, and when Garp didn't respond, he took a bite!

Garp only had time to cover himself with domineering again, and the next moment, his eyes darkened, he entered the mouth of the nine-tailed, and was swallowed by the nine-tailed demon fox in one gulp!

! !

At this moment, Sengoku and Zefa finally broke free from the terrifying explosion. They were all wounded and suffered such a terrifying explosion head on. Even the naval admiral was a little reluctant.

Moreover, when they broke free, what they saw was the scene where Garp was swallowed by the nine tails!


Sengoku shouted loudly, and then he rushed over again without hesitation, even though his whole body was injured, but the anger in his heart was like a volcano eruption, so he couldn't stop there!

Zefa was also with him. The speed of the two surpassed the afterimage, and they came to both sides of the nine tails in an instant, and one of them threw a punch to the head of the nine tails.

Jiuwei was in pain, and suddenly suffered the fists of these two people. He also felt the pain, and then he waved as if going mad. The violent power made this fragile island even more terrifying.


Zefa scolded angrily. He deftly avoided every attack of the Nine-Tails. He clearly felt that although the Nine-Tails would not feel tired, it did become weaker!

Then there's still a chance before he fully digests Garp!

The same is true in the Warring States Period. Although the injuries on the body are getting more and more serious, the physical consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and they are getting more and more tired, but their attacks are getting more and more violent!

The battle between the nine-tailed demon fox and the Warring States Zefa continued for an unknown amount of time. UUkanshu suddenly rained heavily, and seemed to be crying for this ruined world. The majestic rain fell on the island and fell. There was a loud noise on the sea.

In the end, the sound of a tailed beast jade exploding overwhelmed all the majestic rain, and the Warring States Period and Zefa were pushed back continuously by this energy, and were shaken back in another violent explosion.

The huge body of the nine tails slowly advanced from the fire, the nine swaying tails seemed to be calling for the arrival of natural disasters, and the pair of scarlet eyes made people shudder.

Sengoku and Zefa stood up again, ready to attack again.

Suddenly, however, Kuo stopped.


Warring States and Zefa frowned, and the nine tails seemed to be in great pain. The next moment it screamed in the sky, and the huge power spread out. The two of them blocked their hands in front of them to resist that power.

"It's that guy Garp!"

They only saw that the inside of Nine-Tails' body rose and fell, although it was extremely small, it became so obvious with Nine-Tails' pain, as if something was constantly hitting it.

It must be Garp that guy is right, I didn't expect him to go into the belly of the nine tails and not stop for a while.

"Take this opportunity! Eliminate the nine-tailed demon fox in one fell swoop!"

Warring States roared, and immediately rushed up with Zefa.

At the same time, the warships that had approached the island also fired at this moment, and the booming cannons sounded in the rain.

As if to announce that this event is finally coming to an end.

The nine-tailed demon fox, let the naval headquarters dispatch such a force, and caused huge casualties to the Holy Land Mary Joa, as a messenger declaring war...

It does a great job!