MTL - Pirates: Silver King-Chapter 406 battle is over

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   Chapter 406 The battle is over

   "This will be troublesome."

Kizaru, who was fighting against Wind, also stopped and returned to the warship. Once Bigu Mum died, they were now facing the Silver Pirates, and they were still the top part of the Silver Pirates. .

   With the navy they came from, they couldn't stop Bai Chuan and the others.

   "General, what should we do now?"

   As the supreme commander present, the order of the navy was naturally also given by Kizaru.

   "Order all navies to begin their retreat."

  Kizuna didn't spend too much time thinking, and immediately gave the order to retreat.

   Even if Akainu ordered them to continue to attack and defend, Kiabou would still retreat.

   Continuing to stalemate with Bai Chuan and the others is just an act of death.

   "Then General Kizaru, what about the remnants of the Big Mom Pirates?"

   Now is the best chance to destroy the Big Mom Pirates.

   "Without Bigu Mum, these people can't make much waves at all. There will be time to clean them up in the future, but now life is the most important thing, isn't it?"


   Then all the navies were ready to leave.

   "Kizuna, are you leaving now? I haven't had enough fun with you."

  Wender appeared in mid-air in front of Kizaru and said.

   "But I don't want to continue playing with you. You retreat first, and I'll drag this man."

   "Yes, General Kizaru."

  Kizuna knew that if he didn't hold back Wind, then none of them in the navy would want to leave.


  Wind said a word, and then fought with Kizaru again, and the navy also began to retreat in an orderly manner.

   They didn't expect that the battle between Bai Chuan and Bigu Mum would end so quickly, and the reinforcements they came from Mary Joa hadn't arrived yet.

  The people of the Straw Hat Big Fleet will naturally not be chasing after the navy.

   After the navy had completely withdrawn from their sight, Kizaru asked Wind and returned to the warship.

   At this time, in the waters around Cake Island and this place, all the members of the Silver Pirates and the Straw Hats were.

   Baichuan flew directly into the air and attacked the island again. This time, under this attack, Cake Island was completely immersed in the ocean.

   "I'm going to find the redhead first, you guys can go there slowly."

   Bai Chuan said directly to his crew that the red-haired opponent was Blackbeard, which made Bai Chuan a little worried about the red-haired.

   "Okay, Captain, then be careful."


After saying   , Bai Chuan flew away.

   And the high-level government officials who watched the live broadcast at Mary Joa also interrupted the live broadcast because of the technology of the battle and the retreat of the navy.

   "I didn't expect Bigumm to die like this, it's really unbelievable."

   One of the Vice Admirals said.

   "It's normal, after all, his opponent is Bai Chuan, the ruthless character who first killed Kaido and defeated Blackbeard."

   "The new world in the future, I'm afraid it has to be what the Silver Pirates said."

   As we all know, the Silver Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates are now in an alliance relationship, and the relationship between the Silver Pirates and the Revolutionary Army is unclear.

  The four emperors became the three emperors, and the next situation in the new world will be two to one.

   Red Hair Pirates and Silver Pirates vs Blackbeard Pirates vs Navy.

   It can be said that the most difficult pirate group in the new world is the Blackbeard Pirates. They not only have to fight against the two emperor-level pirates, but also face the organization of the world government, the navy.

   But the situation of the navy is only slightly better than that of the Blackbeard Pirates.

  Although the Navy has entered the New World for two years, it has never had much say.

   Although the current Admiral Akainu has ambitions and wants to rectify the new world, he does not have the strength to match his ambitions.

   "Don't think about it, there will definitely be a big shake in the world next."

  The position of the four emperors is vacant, and there must be many people who are eyeing this position, and Luffy can only be said to be a substitute for the four emperors now. They do not have the strength that the emperor-level pirate group has.

   In the near future, there will definitely be a lot of ambitious people popping up, and maybe some monsters will also be drawn.

   You must know that the prisoners who were released by Blackbeard from the sixth floor of the push city two years ago are still missing. If you say that they just want to live a secluded life, will anyone believe it? Certainly not.

   "Then our navy is also busy."

   A lieutenant general shook his head helplessly.

  When Kaido just died, many people peeped at Kaido's position, but no one was able to board because they were not strong enough, but this also caused a lot of trouble to the navy at the time.

   The competition today will definitely be more intense than when it was two years ago when it was competing for Kaido's position.

   And when Shirakawa felt it, he found that there was no Blackbeard Pirates, only the Red Hair Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates were parked at sea.

   "Where's the Blackbeard Pirates?"

   Shirakawa flew directly in front of Shanks and asked.


   "Run? I didn't expect him to run quite fast. Are you okay in this battle?"

   Shirakawa asked, seeing the redhead's pale face.

   "It's alright, it's just that the internal organs have suffered some shocks. It'll be fine to rest for a while."


   Shirakawa nodded and didn't care too much.

   You know, Akainu's head was smashed by Whitebeard with the ability to shake the fruit, and now he doesn't even have a concussion, what can Shanks do?

   Besides, Blackbeard's control over the formation fruits is definitely not as good as Whitebeard's back then.

   "Shirakawa, is Luffy all right?"

  Ace also asked Shirakawa his own question.

   "It's okay, it's just that my energy is exhausted and I fainted. It's fine to rest for a while."

"Oh, all right."

  Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

   But now Bai Chuan can see that Ace's face is also a little bad, and it seems that his body is also injured.

  The other crew members were also more or less wrapped in some bandages, or their faces were ugly.

  Although they are more numerous in number, the power of the Zhenzhen Fruit has nothing to do with the number of people.

   Should he be so strong or so strong, he will not spread his attack power because of the large number of people.

   "By the way, Bai Chuan, how is Bigu Mum?"

   said the redhead.


   "Dead? Killed by you?"

  Redhead used a surprised tone.

   "Hmm, do you think there is only one other than me who can kill Bikumam?"

   "Then our current enemy is only Blackbeard."

   Looking at the direction in which the Blackbeard Pirates fled, the red hair showed Ling Lie's eyes.

   As for why the Blackbeard Pirates escaped, of course, they were afraid of Bai Chuan's arrival. They still have the shadow that Bai Chuan left them.

   "It's not too long before the day when Blackbeard is resolved."

   Shirakawa also said something.

  Blackbeard's purpose is to become One Piece, so how could Shirakawa and the others let Blackbeard succeed?

   (end of this chapter)

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