MTL - Pirates: Silver King-Chapter 410 Abolish Shichibukai

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  Chapter 410 Abolition of Qibukai

  Although such a big thing has just happened in the world, the meeting of the world government is still being held normally. That is, today, a decision that has been conspiring for a long time by several people has finally been proposed.

   That is the abolition of Shichibukai.

  This proposal was first proposed by the king of the kingdom of Alabasta, and then the king of Dressrosa also agreed to this proposal, and then Admiral Fujitora also agreed to this proposal.

   Some people maintain a neutral attitude, no matter what, some people feel that they are opposed to it, thinking that it is absolutely impossible to abolish Qiwuhai.

  Although this proposal has been proposed, it is definitely not something that can be discussed in a day or two.

  Although there are only four Shichibukai now, the system of abolishing the Shichibukai is not to get rid of these pirates, but to stop the increase of the Shichibukai.

  The current Shichibukai Yu, the world's No. 1 swordsman, Hawkeye, Joracol Mihawk.

   Amazon Lily's King, Empress, Boya Hancock.

   Former crew member of Roger Pirates, Bucky the Clown.

   and the trust of Shichibukai for the past two years, claiming to be the son of Whitebeard, Edward Weibull, who has no less youthful power than Whitebeard.

   Each of these four people is not a soft persimmon. The first is Mihawk and Weibull. Both of them are extremely powerful in personal combat, while Hancock and Bucky both have backers.

  Bucky goes without saying, his backers are Shirakawa and Shanks.

   And Hancock's backer is naturally Luffy. If Luffy knew that Cook was in danger, he would definitely help him without hesitation.

   Even some navies will not use their full strength when supplying Luffy, because they know that Luffy is the grandson of Lieutenant General Garp, and even if they use their full strength, it is not necessarily whether they can defeat Luffy.

I don't know where Bucky got the news. On the second day after the issue was raised, Bucky dragged his family and led the whole pirate group and his courier company to the Golden City. Come.

   Bai Chuan was stunned by the scene at that time. If there were so many people and such a big ship, if they didn't know about it, they would have thought that the other party was here to find fault.

   Bai Chuan also knew that the decision to abolish Qibukai would definitely be proposed in this council, but he didn't know the exact time, and he didn't expect that Bucky's news was better than him.

   This made Bai Chuan a little suspicious of what Sabo and the others were doing, who had sneaked into Mary Joa. Did they really work hard, or they were all arrested.

   "Bai Chuan, I've decided. From now on, I will set up my 'Bucky Express' headquarters in the Golden City to improve the economic capacity of your Golden City. How about it, Bai Chuan, I am enough for you."

   Bucky patted Bai Chuan on the shoulder, blinked and said, there is no meaning in any words, that is, Bucky came over because he was afraid.

   "I don't need you to help me improve my economy, go back where you came from."

   Shirakawa said jokingly, he can't just watch Bucky in danger.

"Bai Chuan, when you say this, you don't treat me as a friend anymore. Helping friends to improve their economic development is not what Bucky should do. You don't need to find a place for me. I have already found where to set up the headquarters. ."

   Hearing Bucky's words, Bai Chuan was a little stunned. Bucky had already bought a house in his city without him knowing.

   Shirakawa was going to turn around and ask, and found that Taeyeon was smiling at herself and nodded, and it seemed that what Bucky said was indeed true.

   "Bucky, you're moving fast enough."

"That is."

   Bucky raised his head proudly.

   "Okay then, just stay here. The navy will definitely not dare to come to you here."

   This confidence, Bai Chuan still has.

   "Hey, I didn't say I was afraid of the navy."

   "I know, with the strength of our Lord Bucky, how can we be afraid of the navy? I volunteered to let you stay and protect you, okay?"

   "Well, that's about the same."

   Seeing that Bai Chuan was not obsessed with dissecting his own heart, Bucky was relieved, because behind him there were a group of crew members who admired him so much.

   His exchange with Bai Chuan just now must have erected a tall and mighty image in the hearts of the crew.

   As Bucky thought, the crew members who were brought out of the city by him were all very happy in their hearts.

"Captain Bucky is amazing. Not only is he not afraid of the navy, but he can also communicate in such a friendly way with the most powerful man in the world. Maybe their captain is the most powerful man in the world, he just keeps hiding That's it, otherwise why would Bai Chuan respect the captain so much?"

   "Are these guys thinking of anything weird?"

  Mr.3 felt the strange emotions emanating from these people, and thought helplessly, he felt that these people were too reminiscent.

   is obviously a waste of nothing to do, and they are actually intended to reach a height that Bucky can't reach in his entire life. There is really no one.

   In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirates or the Blackbeard Pirates have not been inquired.

   And the decision of the World Government to abolish Shichibukai was passed a few days ago.

  The navy has begun to attack the current Shichibukai, and Boa Hancock's Amazon Lily has been surrounded by the navy.

  The island of Kraigana, where Hawkeye lived, was also surrounded by the navy.

   Another Shichibukai, Edward Weibull, had a fierce battle with the navy on an island in the New World. The specific result was not announced by the navy, but Weibull should have escaped.

  Otherwise, if Weibull was caught, the Navy could not have released such a big news.

   Among them, the most immortal of the four Qiwuhai is Bucky.

   When the navy arrived at Kalai Bali where Bucky lived, they found that Bucky had long since disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

  Finally, only through the eyeliner in the Golden City did I know that Bucky had already settled in the Golden City.

  There is no way, the Navy can only give up the operation against Bucky.

   Because now is not the time to fight the Silver Pirates, to be precise, they are not ready to fight the Silver Pirates.

  Once a war begins, it means the beginning of an endless war.

   Bucky heard that his good brother Hawkeye was besieged, and hurried over to help, as did Jorah.

  Although Hawkeye's strength is very strong, under the trend of naval siege, it is still unknown how long he can last.

  If the navy really wanted to capture Hawkeye, then Hawkeye would definitely not be able to escape.

   (end of this chapter)