MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 205

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Do you need to care about the feelings of a weak person like an ant? He only deserves to be trampled under his feet.

Crocodile's body trembled uncontrollably, and he roared angrily:

"It doesn't matter how much those ants are trampled to death by me!"

"Oh, you are also an ant in my eyes. Therefore, you will be trampled to death by me."

call out!

Like the light and shadow of electromagnetic waves flashing by.

"Thunder Knife—"

Luo Xing flashed behind Crocodile from the top of Crocodile's head in an instant.



A deep knife mark with electric arcs appeared on Crocodile's chest.

Then a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky, engulfing him.

It's like God's punishment.

Crocodile screamed in the blazing thunder.

When the thunder light dissipated.

He was scorched all over, breathing black smoke from his mouth, and collapsed on the ground, with only one breath left.

Luo Xing put the knife back into its sheath.

Walking up to Crocodile, he stomped on the latter's face.

If you say you want to be trampled to death, you must trample to death.

Crocodile felt infinitely aggrieved. Even if he was defeated or died, he couldn't do it in such a humiliating way.

He wants to rebel.

But the foot has already stepped on his face, pressing him to the ground and rubbing it.


next second.

His head exploded like a watermelon, and he died exactly like Doflamingo.

These two scumbags who didn't cooperate in life, but have strangely similar evil styles, can be companions together underground.

Chapter 235 Recruiting Katakuri, there is no shortage of food anymore

The weak are not considered human beings, and it doesn't matter how many ants die.

In the chaotic era of great pirates, not only Crocodile, but many strong men who called for wind and rain had this idea.

Such as Luo Xing's old father-in-law Kaido, such as Doflamingo, such as Barrett, such as Blackbeard and so on.

Not to mention the Tianlong people who treat everyone else as garbage and slaves except themselves.

As for the navy, which claims to be just, it is also helping the evil to some extent.

Compared with the previous life, the Pirate World is indeed a hellish world where ordinary people cannot see hope.

Luo Xing didn't intend to be the so-called savior at first, but only wanted to become stronger and protect himself.

But as Yamato wanted to become Joey Boy and liberate the world, and his strength has reached the level where he can rival the Four Emperors, his beliefs have naturally changed a lot.

With as much ability as you have, you have as much responsibility as you have, and as much ambition as you have.

Rather than handing over the world to those cruel or dirty or incompetent insects, it is better for him to dominate.

Why can't he be the one sitting on the throne above the sky?

Luo Xing's eyes flickered, and he glanced at the system panel.

[Host: Luo Xing]

【Age: 22】

[Defense Power: 23645]

The defensive power combined inside and outside is getting closer and closer to Mr. Kai.

Before sitting on that sky throne, he must first become the strongest creature in essence, challenge more strong ones, and become stronger.

And when the system is injured, the defense power will be increased, and the ability to recover from injuries by eating food makes it very simple for Luo Xing to become stronger.

Just keep challenging the strong ones.

Moreover, because Luo Xing also developed electromagnetic propulsion, the stronger the body's defense, the stronger the cell's ability to withstand, and the stronger the kinetic energy that can be used for electromagnetic propulsion.

Luo Xing's current limit driving kinetic energy is 200,000 horsepower. With the improvement of defense power, it is not impossible to reach 500,000 horsepower, or even a million horsepower in the future.

The only remaining problem, then, was that of adequate food.

Luo Xing needs to consume too much food every time he receives death damage.

Even if the elephant master, as well as countless wild beasts and sea kings were hunted down, a few fierce battles would soon consume almost all of them.


Every time he goes to sea, he carries so much food. Even though Luo has the ability to compress the food, it still takes up a lot of space and seems troublesome.

However, there seems to be a solution to this problem for now.

Luo Xing looked at Katakuri with a hint of salivation.

This kind of gaze made Ka Er, who is known for his calmness, feel his heart skip a beat, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

He knew that Luo Xing was a decisive man, he would kill if he wanted to, and fight if he wanted to fight, why did he use such eyes?

When Katakuri didn't know what Luo Xing was going to do, Luo Xing suddenly smiled and said:

"Katakuri, are you interested in coming to my side?"

Different from the murderous intent towards Crocodile, Luo Xing had a surprisingly good attitude towards Katakuri, the queen's deputy of the aunt group, and even took the initiative to recruit him.

This is partly because when Luo Xing was in a coma, he sensed that Katakuri hadn't taken advantage of others, which was an affirmation of the real man Kaji.

On the other hand, Katakuri is a person with the ability of glutinous fruit, and he has awakened, which means that he can turn everything he touches into glutinous rice, and isn't glutinous rice just food?

With an awakened food-type ability user by his side, Luo Xing no longer has to worry about lack of food.

Simply perfect!

The salivation in the eyes is more obvious.

Katakuri's expression couldn't help but become extremely weird.

With his brain, combined with Luo Xing's relevant information, he probably guessed the reason why the man in front of him showed his coveted eyes and wanted to recruit him.


Don't you think it's too simple, he is his mother's son, how could he betray his mother and seek refuge with hostile forces!

Katakuri shook his head and refused without hesitation:

"I'm not interested, I won't betray my mother, and as Kaido's son-in-law, you are the one my mother wants to hunt down by name!"


Luo Xing was a little surprised that Katakuri knew that he was Kaido's son-in-law.

The eyeballs rolled a few times, needless to say, it must have been leaked by Kaiduo, a good friend, on the phone.

And the aunt would want to hunt him down, which is probably related to this.

Luo Xing shrugged, not paying much attention.

Anyway, there are too many lice and it doesn't itch. My aunt has offended her a long time ago, so I'm not afraid to offend her even more severely.

Luo Xing smiled indifferently: "Katakuri, don't refuse so quickly, you don't know my conditions yet."

Katakuri is a man with a firm will, no matter what conditions Luo Xing asks, or threatens his life, he will never compromise.

This is his dignity as a man!

"My condition is—" Luo Xing stared into Katakuri's eyes, "help you defeat Big Mom!"


Katakuri's eyes widened suddenly.

His eyes became extremely astonished.

It's just ridiculous to recruit him as a mother's son with the condition of defeating his mother.

But...but why did my heart shake a bit?

Luo Xing keenly caught the wavering of Katakuri.

The reason why he would say such a condition, which seems ridiculous to others, is because he knew very well that Katakuri was a sister-in-law.

He will cover his mouth with a scarf, and his back never touches the ground except when eating donuts, in order to protect his sister Bree, in order to shape himself to be invulnerable and powerful, so that no one dares to hurt him again family.


No matter how powerful he becomes, there is one person who will unscrupulously and unscrupulously hurt his family and deprive his younger brothers and sisters of life, that is his biological mother!

Katakuri couldn't resist Big Mom, so he could only satisfy all Big Mom's desires as much as possible, so that Big Mom would be less angry, less sick, and less likely to kill some of his brothers and sisters.

This has to be said to be a kind of sadness, especially for the nations that are linked by blood.

As Katakuri, who values ​​family affection and family and has a domineering look, he is naturally dissatisfied with this, and of course angry.


In the original book, after teaching Straw Hat Luffy how to foresee the future, Katakuri asked Luffy "will he come to defeat Big Mom", and he fell down when he got an affirmative answer, which shows his deepest desire.

Luo Xing's words hit Katakuri's unknown thoughts deep in his heart.

His pupils vibrated, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

But neither agreed nor refused.

As a mature and rational man who shoulders the safety of his brothers and sisters, how could he entrust his wishes to others casually.

Luo Xing didn't expect Katakuri to agree on the spot, but as long as he was shaken, it would be easy. When he really defeated Big Mom, everything would happen naturally.


A burst of thunder exploded, and Luo Xing came to Katakuri in an instant.

Katakuri's pupils shrank so fast, even if he could see the future, it would be difficult for his body to react in time.

The man in front of him has almost no shortcomings in speed, defense, and unreasonable resilience. He is really powerful in all aspects, and he might really be able to defeat his mother.

"Next, your destination is the underwater kingdom of Murloc Island."

"Just right, I'm going there too, so I'll take your boat and drop by."

Although Luo Xing said it with a smile, his tone was full of no doubts.

The strength is not as good as others, coupled with the wavering in his heart, Katakuri can only accept it.


Luo Xing asked Luo, Guimaru, Lao Cai and others to move away Tezolo's gold treasure house, and took over Crocodile's usury business by the way, while he leisurely took the big mom group's pirate ship to Fishman Island.

Chapter 236 The world shakes, and the bounty is 3 billion!

"Hey, bastard, let go of me, you are treating me, the most beautiful man in the world, like this!"

"The most beautiful man in the world? I think you're just a fancy-dressed sissy!"

On the ship of the Heart Pirates.

Lao Cai sneered at the white horse Cavendish who was tied to the post.

Cavendish blushed and roared angrily, "You ugly bastard, you are obviously jealous of my handsomeness!"

"What, I'm jealous of you, **** sissy!"