MTL - Plane Development Plan-Chapter 4 Technology can't reach

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This knife Xiaojiang inserted directly into the soil of the flower bed outside the laboratory door. Now he doesn't want to break up with Howard. These days, he assists in calculating new energy bodies every day, and the most important thing is to use it on the Ark reactor.

In the blink of an eye, a year and a half has passed, World War II has ended, and even Captain America Steve has disappeared without a trace. Howard's frying pan, he took it and painted it with red and blue to become his shield weapon, but he didn't know that there was another person in this world who knew the complete formula of sound-absorbing steel.

"Xiao, Vanke has already left, and he also took a drawing of the Ark reactor with him. His dream is to put the reactor on a warship or a future spaceship. I'm just against the application of this technology to weapons of war. He thinks I reject dissidents, is it wrong that I don't want to attach such a powerful thing to a weapon?"

Early in the morning, Howard went to the laboratory to complain. He said that Vanke is a Russian expert and a technical expert specializing in reactors. Together with Howard, he has made great contributions to the Ark reactor, at least more than Xiao Jiang is many times more.

The technical complexity of this kind of reactor is not high, and the core point is to use the energy balance fission reaction of the reactor itself. However, due to materials and existing technology, the design of the reactor can only be realized on the drawings.

Xiao Jiang knew that this thing would appear sooner or later, so he was very familiar with the Ark drawings that were not classified now. Hearing Howard's complaints, he smiled and said:

"Stark, Vanke is a radical scientist. He understands that any advanced things must first be used in weapons, just like the atomic bomb. It was originally designed for long-term and stable energy, but half a year ago, it became a nuclear bomb that bombed the little devil. It is not easy to judge the quality of things, but it depends on who is in the hands.

As far as you know, not using the Ark reactor as a weapon is the right choice at this stage, why should you care about what Mr. Vanke thinks of you. "

Howard shook his head. He walked over to a pile of atomic structure combination molds and said:

"I have used various methods to test and found that vibrating metal itself is a powerful energy source without radiation and pollution. These days, I let you participate in building new models. How do you think the energy structure and physical structure of vibrating gold can be changed? , and ultimately become a clean and efficient energy source?”

Talking about new energy, Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"The high-frequency energy beam impact with a special frequency, with the increased high temperature and energy, can change the atomic structure of the vibrating gold, and at the same time transfer the neutrons in it, thereby releasing stable, efficient and clean energy. The calculation formula is... ..."

Howard interrupted and talked with Xiao Jiang from time to time, while revising a group of data. The two had a little dry food for lunch at noon, but they were still discussing research.

At dusk, Howard quickly drew an atomic structure diagram on the blackboard, and calculated various frequency energies and temperatures on it. He clapped his hands and laughed:

"This is high-efficiency energy, a hundred times more powerful than nuclear energy..."

Xiao Jiang watched it for a while, and after detailed calculations, as long as all the conditions are met, it is absolutely no problem to create a new energy body. He smiled bitterly and said:

"It's a pity that the current technology can't reach it, but it's better than nothing, isn't it?"

Howard copied down the data and drawings and erased the records on the blackboard. He stared blankly out the window at dusk and said in a low voice:

"Yeah, the current technology of the Ark reactor can't reach it, and the new energy technology still can't reach it, these things can only be stored, Xiao, you haven't been out in the laboratory for a year and a half, what are you going to do next? ?"

"Back to China."

Xiao Jiang answered, Howard nodded and wrote a check for $500,000 and handed it to Xiao Jiang, saying:

"This is your salary. If you need it in the future, you can go to Stark Industries for help. Then you have to leave and say hello to the guards. I have to rush to the UK for a while tomorrow, so maybe I won't be able to send you. ."

Half a million dollars in this era is equivalent to more than 10 million dollars in the future. Although Howard is already a billionaire, such a shot can be considered extremely generous.

Xiao Jiang is also welcome. To survive, he must have money. Putting away the check, Howard seems a little sad to leave. Early the next morning, Xiao Jiang carried a package of clothes out of the Stark Industrial Zone. As for his sword, he moved outside in advance half a year ago.

Taking the long knife from Manhattan Park, Xiao Jiang had just walked to the viewing platform where he had come when he suddenly felt his head swell one after another. He hurriedly backed away a dozen meters. The feeling suddenly disappeared again, he looked at the place that made his head swell and said:

"Uh... This feels exactly the same as when I came here. Could it be that I can go back to the real world standing still?"

Surprised, he planned to try it again, but he remembered that he still had a check in his hand. He hurried to the Citibank counter, deposited the US$150,000 in the bank as an irregular deposit, and signed a deposit contract that must be presented. In order to withdraw the terms of this deposit, the remaining $350,000 bought a pile of gold bars and carried it with him.

At this time, the price of gold was extremely low. An ounce was only 35 US dollars. You must know that an ounce of gold is more than 31 grams. Jiang Xiao directly bought 310,000 US dollars for 350,000 US dollars. One thousand and thirty-five grams of gold, more than 300 kilograms of gold were packed in an iron box, and they had to be sent by car to Manhattan Island.

He found a trolley and pushed it onto the iron box. Xiao Jiang, who was wrapped on his back, pushed the wealth unknown to outsiders back to the observation deck. He was still ten meters away. His head had already started to swell. Xiao Jiang took a step with joy. Pushing the scooter forward, when he reached the position where he had appeared, his head roared like an explosion, and then his entire body and scooter disappeared into this world as particles.


In the sound of thunder after another, the notebook in the dark living room was glowing, and the movie Captain America I had just started playing inside. On the sofa behind the computer, Xiao Jiang sat on it, and beside him was a trolley and a car. Iron chest full of gold.

"Going home, actually able to go home, hahaha..."

Under the light of lightning, Xiao Jiang's face showed an ecstatic laugh. He opened the package and checked it. In addition to the clothes and the long knife, there were three pieces of unsmelted vibrating gold ore inside. This is the treasure he took away from the laboratory. He had planned to have the opportunity to go to Wakanda to find raw ore, in addition to making energy bodies, he was making sound-absorbing steel.

But being able to go home is more important than anything else. He clenched his fists tightly, and Xiao Jiang felt even more ecstatic when he felt a strong body without wear and tear.

With strong physical fitness and super brain and knowledge, he has decided to continue to study in reality, but he also began to think about whether he can continue to travel through other worlds.

Why did he traverse, why did he traverse back? This is a technology that he doesn't know what type of technology it is, but he guesses that it must be related to the physics of the universe.

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