MTL - Plane Development Plan-~ Episode 7: People in the Same Way

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Xiao Jiang's words caused everyone to look at each other, and it was just like that. Zhang Yue wanted to ask, but thinking of Xiao Jiang's words, he could only laugh dryly. Shui Sheng smiled and nodded:

"I've been to Wuqu Village before, it's really boring, the people inside are like logs, buying, selling, eating and drinking are very simple, even the inn looks like you can't live in it, don't even think about any good service gone."

"That's not's helplessness, let's go, everyone."

In Xiao Jiang's voice, everyone flashed into a small mountain village hundreds of miles away, with a population of over a thousand. At this moment, everyone stared blankly at the direction of the explosion just now, as if the explosion was a brilliant firework that had disappeared.

A group of twelve people arrived in the village. Although many people saw them, they looked at them blankly and then walked away. Xiao Jiang looked around and walked to the tavern. No, only the message board on the counter reads "The boss is not here, eat and drink as you please, put the money at the counter."

runny nose

Xiao Jiang walked into the tavern with a whisper, glanced at him, grabbed a jar of old wine and chicken, put a few cold dishes, bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses on a long table, he put down the spirit stone, sat down, poured the wine and took a sip, pouted and said:

"Not bad, not bad, good wine, good wine, although the alcohol content is not high, but the aftertaste is long and fresh and refreshing, it is made from seventeen kinds of fresh fruits, and it is brewed in a large tank of Jingxin Gold with the addition of calming water.

With these side dishes, the boss is a person who can enjoy, not boring at all, but very interesting. "

A group of people sat down and started drinking. Wu Wushuang took a sip of wine and said:

"The wine is a bit bland, I don't know why Elder Xiao gave it such a high evaluation?"

Xiao Jiang twirled the crystal wine glass, looked at the amber-like wine in it and said with a smile:

"Palace Master, don't forget that this is Wuqu Village, and the people who live in this Wuqu Mountain Range are all people who look down on the people who are fighting against each other, cheating, killing and fighting outside.

They feel bored, not because they feel bored with their own life, but because they feel bored with the outside world.

There is no fighting or calculation here. Apart from cultivation, everyone lives a quiet life. In fact, they are all very fast in cultivation. The only shortcoming is that with the lack of communication with everyone, their lives become more closed.

This wine represents the mentality of the brewer. The Palace Master is at the pinnacle of his life, brilliant and passionate, so he naturally likes bold spirits. Noisy and dislikes fighting. "

Shui Sheng laughed and said:

"Oh, drinking this wine can also tell the mentality of the brewer. Could it be that Elder Xiao used to be a professional fortune teller?"

Although Xiao Jiang's status and status are not on the same level as the others, Shui Sheng, the palace master, does not underestimate him at all, especially when he finds that Wu Wushuang doesn't seem to regard Xiao Jiang as a subordinate, and even more often There is a look of asking for advice.

Shui Sheng is a chatterbox, and he is also a powerhouse at the peak of Dao, with hundreds of billions of years of experience and vision, he believes that this Xiao Jiang not only has uniqueness, but also has a special way to convince people.

"Fortune-telling? Well, I don't seem to have done it much, because fortune-telling is to spy on the secrets and fate, and it is at the cost of one's own life and spirit to be able to see through it, so under normal circumstances, even the strong in the Dao realm are unwilling to tell fortunes for themselves, let alone Talk about others, and I am the same. Anyone who understands this method of calculation understands it, but who dares to look at the future of others with their own future?

I rely on analysis rather than spying on anything and everything. Just like Master Shuisheng, you were still having fun with a woman three hours ago, and even performed some special moves. If I don’t tell you, no one else will. I will pay attention, when I say it now, almost everyone present can find something wrong with you. "

Shuisheng laughed awkwardly, and sure enough, all the people around him, men and women, looked at him, and those with good vision had already noticed something wrong with him, a gentle woman beside Shuisheng blushed and quickly lowered her head, Xiao Jiang said with a smile :

"I think everyone already knows how I see it. This is the result of constant observation. Of course, I have nothing to do and I don't like to observe others. It's just that you are always in front of me, so I will take a look.


Many things, as long as you pay attention and make various judgments and analyzes in your heart, it is very easy to know the result. "

Shui Sheng rolled his eyes and said:

"With that time, I can do more things. I always analyze, analyze and research, so what else can I do."

Xiao Jiang bared his teeth and laughed, this Shuisheng is really free and easy despite being a palace master, what he said is correct, always analyzing, researching and thinking, there is nothing else to do in this life.

Xiao Jiang deeply agrees with this idea, he will not just analyze blindly, even if there is Xiaobai to help in the analysis, as long as he pays attention to a certain matter, if adding Xiaobai, it is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of himself synchronizing Analysis, much faster and more accurate than others.

While eating and drinking, Xiao Jiang looked around from time to time, everyone was discussing what Wan Jin would do in the future, and occasionally Wu Wushuang and the others would chat about what happened back then.

Xiao Jiang also gradually became acquainted with other people. People who can be brought by Zhang Yue Shuisheng and Zi Yiling must not only have a high level of cultivation, but also have a good relationship with them and be trustworthy.

Zhang Yue took two men with him, both of them were the guardian elders of Dongping Mountain, and they were also Zhang Yue's juniors.

Zi Yiling brought two women, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is also the guardian elder of Ziyi Valley, his cultivation base is only slightly weaker than Ziyi Ling.

As for Shui Sheng, he brought a man and a woman with him. The man is the guardian elder, and the woman is Xue Jing. Her cultivation base is in the late stage of Dao, and she is not the top master of Chaofeng Palace. Bringing her is because Shui Sheng attaches great importance to her, and she is not a temple master. The master's wife, but Shui Sheng's female disciple.

After Xiao Jiang said that, everyone understood who Xiao Jiang was referring to when he said he and the woman, and the black line he forgot to remove because he was busy exposed everything.

As a strong man, he has nothing to embarrass, and Xiao Jiang's old skin feels that the other party is a fellow.

However, Xiao Jiang is most concerned about Ziyiling and Wu Wushuang. According to Wu Wushuang, Ziningyu is his daughter with Ziyiling, and even Ziningyu and Ziyiling are 80% similar. Shi Shi was surprised to find that Zi Yiling was not pregnant, and even said that the Yin in her body was still there.

Of course, the strong have ways to repair the Yin and the body, so that others don't seem to have changed much, but what Xiao Jiang sees is not the outside but the source. From the source, she is really not Zi Ningyu's mother, and even with Wu. Wu Wushuang has never behaved in any way, so Xiao Jiang must take a look at Zi Yiling's attitude towards Wu Wushuang.

Read The Duke's Passion