MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1035 : 6 傀儡 ——Frisa

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In a way, the ability of Quicksilver is simply a bug.

With the ability of Quicksilver, Wu Yan quickly caught up with Frieza. Unsurprisingly, Wu Yan expected that after a punch was blown, Frieza could feel Wu Yan, or the power gem. Nearly endless power, so at this time he was lowering his body and preparing to transform.

"Huh, I'm not Sun Wukong, waiting for you to transform into trouble ..."

Watching Frieza's movement, Wu Yan snorted in his heart, at the same time, the infinite gloves were raised again, and a punch was punched in the direction of Frieza.

No bullshit, Wu Yan did his best to mobilize the power contained in the power gem.

There was a loud bang, and the sky and the earth shook. The whole Nemek seemed to tremble violently. This power seemed to tear even the atmosphere of Namek.

The terrible power swept Frieza's whole body, making him scream, his body was completely engulfed by this terrible power.

It stands to reason that after such a terrible force completely engulfed Frieza, should he be killed?

However, Wu Yan did not mean to relax in the slightest. Whether it was in a film or television series or some anime, some evil big bosses always survived when others thought he had successfully killed him, and then fight the last Complete the anti-killing tone.

Such an opportunity, Wu Yan naturally will not give Frieza.

The powerful mental power spread, Wu Yan's spiritual power quickly radiated out, searching for the whereabouts of Frieza, but for a moment, he finally successfully captured the trail of Frieza.

Still in its original form, Frieza covered her own arm and was secretly escaping into the distance.

Sure enough, the attack just failed to kill him, but his appearance also successfully interrupted one of his arms.

"Want to run !?" After spiritual force scanned Frieza's trail, Wu Yan's hand was raised, and the space gem lighted up on the gloves.

Under the control of Wu Yan, the distance between himself and Frieza was folded, and the distance of several kilometers was compressed within a few meters.

"Wait, Wu Yan, if you beat me like this, you won't win. You have the ability to fight with me at my heyday!"

Feeling that the space had been folded, he returned to Wu Yan in front of him, and Frieza looked a little frightened, and shouted.

"Is your brain broken !?"

After hearing Frieza's words, Wu Yan smiled and said, "My goal is to kill you, but not to enjoy the battle with you. Your three stages of transformation, do you think I will let you finish !? "

During the talk, Wu Yan's palm was raised, and Frieza was not given any chance at all, and the power gem once again bloomed a bright light!

Bang Bang!

Without the slightest nonsense, borrowing a power gem, Wu Yan punched one punch after another, and smashed Frieza unceremoniously, making his injuries more and more serious.

Hundreds of punches were smashed back and forth, the terrain within thousands of miles was completely changed, and even the ecosystem seemed to be destroyed.

Finally, Frieza was lying on the ground, and she seemed to be out of breath.

In the end, Wu Yan grabbed Frieza and flew him high. Then, he drew a circle with both hands and instantly constructed the space portal.

As Frieza's body fell from mid-air, the space portal flashed through and was cut off instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the body divided into two halves fell again, and the space portal flashed again.


However, in a moment, the space portal appeared ten times in an instant. I saw Frieza's body flashing along with the space portal ten times, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into dozens of pieces of meat and scattered on the ground.

Even if the vitality of Frieza is so powerful, after the body is cut into dozens of pieces, it is obviously too dead to die.

After finally cutting Frieza's body to pieces, Wu Yan determined that he was dead, so he relaxed a little.

Immediately, raising his hands, under the control of the power of infinite gems, these pieces of meat were combined, and soon they were reconnected into a whole body.

Since Wu Yan was to make Frieza into six magpies, naturally, these flesh and blood must be stitched together again.

On the other side, the battle between Frieza Corps and Vegeta continued. Although the space fighters of the Frieza Corps were very powerful, both Vegeta and Sun Wukong showed great strength. the power of.

In particular, the increase in the king of boxing has further increased the power of Sun Wukong by a geometric multiple.

The nearby Qiqi acts as a therapist in the back. No matter who is injured, the ability to treat fairy magic is thrown up. Although the effect is not as good as that of fairy beans, the effect of treatment is also amazing. Already.

For a time, Sun Wukong and others and the soldiers of the Frieza Legion were in full swing.

However, no matter what the situation of the fighting was, these Frieza fighters were a little absent-minded and looked away.

They are very clear that the final victory or loss depends on the victory and defeat between Wu Yan and Frieza.

No matter who wins or loses, Wu Yan or Frieza, when they return, they will make the battle here clear, so the battle here seems to be of little importance.

About half an hour or so, these Frieza fighters were seriously injured and wounded. Looking at Sun Wukong and their side, although many people were injured, Kiki's treatment of immortalism, but it was hard to heal everyone's injuries. Now, this made the soldiers of Frieza Legion a little panic.

However, it is not yet known what the results of the battle over King Frieza would be ~ ~ these space fighters dare not be deserters.

Otherwise, it would be harder for King Frieza to die.

Step on!

It didn't make everyone wait too long. After fighting for more than half an hour, finally, a sound of footsteps rang, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw Wu Yan stepping towards this side step by step, the momentum was steady, a breeze blew through, setting off a ray of hair, you can see Wu Yan's eyes, turned into a lavender reincarnation eye shape.

Behind Wu Yan, the small figure Frisa followed closely. Similarly, Flisa's eyes are also a pair of lilac reincarnation eyes.

After taking some time, Wu Yan finally succeeded in making Frieza's body into his own six magpies.

"This, what's going on !?"

Others didn't know what was going on with Liu Daojiao and Reincarnation Eyes. Seeing Wu Yan and Frieza come together, they were all aggressive.

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes