MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1065 : Meet Zixia Again

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For half a month, Wuyan sat across his knees. Although the strength in his body was as thick as the ocean, it was as quiet as a creek.

With Wu Yan's cultivation, these forces slowly circulate in his own body to nourish his body, recovering his injuries bit by bit.

Although the jade cure copied from Jade Emperor is powerful, it can only be used for emergency healing. If it is used too much, the effect will be weakened.

Therefore, these days, Wu Yan just waited quietly, slowly recovering from his injuries.

Half a month later, Wu Yan's injury finally recovered.

On this day, Wu Yan stood up after walking for a day of practice, and beside him, Chunsanniang followed suit.

Half a month has passed. For the past half a month, Chun Sanniang has been following Wu Yan's body. The two sides have become more and more familiar.

"Why are you following me? I have helped you to improve it to the highest level a few days ago, and it will not be higher than it is now!"

Looking at Chunsanniang who has been by his side for half a month, Wu Yan asked a little strangely.

Chunyanniang always followed herself, which made Wu Yan feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because Chun Sanniang in the original book was cruel and ruthless, so Wu Yan didn't like her.

Or because Xiao Meng was always with her, Wu Yan has become accustomed to Xiao Meng's existence, so at this moment someone seems to have replaced Xiao Meng with her, which makes Wu Yan feel very uncomfortable. Get used to it.

"Hey, Wu Yan, I said what happened to you !?"

After listening to Wu Yan's words, it seemed that he was anxious to drive himself away, which made Chunsanniang's face a bit ugly.

At the same time, his mouth said angrily: "No matter what, my spring thirty lady is also beautiful, right? I would like to follow you around, shouldn't you feel honored? What do you mean by this gesture? ? "

"Why? A good-looking woman, should all the men in the world stick it up !?" This remark by Chun Sanniang made Wu Yan shook her head slightly.

"It doesn't mean that, but I'm a woman willing to follow you. Are you dissatisfied !?" Chunsanniang? Looking at Wu Yan unhappyly, I always feel that my beauty is here in Wu Yan and seems to lose It worked like that.

"There is nothing to be dissatisfied with, except that you will be in danger if you follow me!"

After thinking about it, only women and villains are difficult to raise, Wu Yan is unwilling to say more, but just said that there would be danger to follow her, hoping to scare away Chun Niangniang.

"Dangerous !? How to say !?" Wu Yan's words surprised Chun Sanniang and looked at Wu Yan with some suspicion.

The reason why I follow Wu Yan is not only to simply follow such a strong man, but also to avoid danger.

If he is with him, no matter what kind of strong man comes from within the clan to chase and kill himself, in the opinion of Chun San Niang, his safety is no problem.

Moreover, following his stay for half a month, Chunsanniang did feel that her cultivation had been greatly improved.

Really got the benefits, and can ensure their own safety, of course, Chunsanniang was unwilling to leave.

"Did you ever think about it?"

Wu Yan looked at the fool, looked at Chunsanniang, and scared her: "How strong I am, you also know something about these days, so what did you do when you first met me? What does it look like? "

"You were injured at the time, very serious !?" Hearing Wu Yan's reminder, Chun Sanniang followed the reaction, her face could not help but change.

Yeah, Wu Yan was right. With his strength, he was injured when he first met. So, how strong his opponent is, can be imagined.

"Hey, Wu Yan, who is your enemy !? You can hurt you to this point !?" After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Chun Sanniang looked at Wu Yan in surprise and asked.

"My enemy !?" Unexpectedly, everything was said about this, it was not enough to scare her away, which made Wu Yan somewhat surprised.

After hearing him asking who his enemies were, Wu Yan's heart groaned for a moment, thinking about the situation where he had been chased and killed by Buddha 981 and Buddha, saying, "My enemy is Rulai Buddha!"

"That is to say? Your injury was caused to you by Lord Buddha !?"

Hearing the name of the Buddha, Chunsanniang took a breath and looked at Wu Yan in shock.

Who is Rugao Buddha? No one in the Three Realms does not know his existence, Wu Yan can actually start with Rugao Buddha? Even escaped under Buddha's hands! ?

This actually surprised Chun Sanniang's heart.

Wu Yan lost in the hands of Rugao Buddha. To Chunniang ’s view, this is not a shame. On the contrary, it is enough to brag with Rugao Buddha and even escape in his hands, which seems to be worthy of bragging. Something happened.

After all, there are several people in the world who can escape from the hands of Rugao Buddha! ?

"It wasn't for fighting against Rulai alone, but he summoned the 981 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Da Leiyin Temple, and dealt with me by sneak attack, and for a moment, he almost lost his life!" Wu Yan shook his head .

Speaking of his injuries, he was secretly angry.

Indeed, although the battle between Buddhas and Buddhas is fierce, in Wu Yan's view, if they have prepared in advance, they will not be defeated so ugly.

989 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! ? Although their strength is strong, they are only tens of thousands of crystal points.

In the house of evolution, Dr. Kenos has produced a number of monsters with ten thousand points.

If you really want to summon the evolutionary house ~ ~ With the power and number of those monsters in the evolutionary house, even if it destroys the entire Daleiyin Temple, it is not impossible for Wuyan to see it. thing.

"What are you talking about ?? To deal with one of you, Rugao Buddha summoned 981 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas !?" Chun Sanniang looked at Wu Yan with a dull look.

Intuitively, Chunsanniang did not believe this at all.

After all, the Buddha's strength is already so strong that it is difficult to fight against him. In order to deal with him, the Buddha also has to convene 981 Buddhas and Buddhas! ?

Doesn't it mean that he's amazing when he comes to Buddha! ?

"Whether you believe it or not, this is a try, well, it would be dangerous to follow me, you ..."

Wu Yan shook his head, unwilling to explain too much, but at this time, suddenly heard a sound of Jiao drink.

The familiar voice moved Wu Yan's heart.

It's Zixia Fairy! ?

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