MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1072 : Guanyin is coming

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In fact, this question is very simple, this time and space has no moonlight treasure box, then, any method is useless, no matter how brilliant wisdom, it is impossible to do nothing out of nothing?

Therefore, if you want to find the moonlight treasure box in this time and space, there is only one way: wait!

Yes, waiting for the Moonlight Treasure Box to appear automatically is like the Supreme Treasure in the original. When walking alone on the road, I encountered a Tang monk who came through several times in time and space. For a while, it was shaped like an Egyptian pharaoh, and for a while it was shaped like an ancient Roman. For a while it was Indian style.

In other words, it is only when other people use the moonlight treasure box that it is exactly the time and space that has come to the present.

However, if you wait here, there is another paradox, that is, if you wait for it, it means that the moonlight treasure box of this time and space was not taken away by yourself, but stayed in this time and space.

In other words, if you wait until the Moonlight Treasure Box appears, this proves that you can't take it away!

In addition, there is the most important point. The moonlight treasure box has formed an endless loop because of its own intervention.

Five hundred years later, I will send the moonlight treasure box, and then I will return the moonlight treasure box 500 years later, and then send it in again and again and again and again.

Moreover, this cycle cannot be interrupted. Otherwise, if the cycle is interrupted, then the paradox of time and space will appear, and perhaps you will disappear.

Therefore, after thinking about Chu Xuan's thinking mode for a moment, Wu Yan couldn't think of a way to break the cycle, and even couldn't let others break the cycle.

Naturally, this time and space moonlight treasure box can not be taken away, let it go on an endless cycle.

"But fortunately, although the moonlight treasure box in this time and space cannot be taken, but in other time and space, it is OK!" After thinking for a moment, Wu Yan's heart was finally fortunate.

Fortunately, when he was in the world of Marvel Movies, he got the equipment of the parallel universe made by Tony Stark.

That is to say, the world of parallel universes must travel to the west, and there must be a moonlight treasure box, but what about yourself? As long as the moonlight treasure box is taken away at a critical time.

Thinking of this, Wu Yan can feel that if he wants to get the moonlight treasure box, it seems that there is only this last possibility. Then, how can he go to other parallel universes to get the moonlight treasure box?

After all, with their own intervention, the original storyline will change somewhat.

So, how can we get it successfully without letting things develop into a cycle like this universe?

Although only about 40-50% of Chu Xuan's thinking mode can be simulated, but forty-five percent is very useful to Wuyan.

After thinking for a while secretly in my heart, a roughly clear plan gradually emerged in Wu Yan's mind.

Then, Wu Yan's mind had a better understanding of his plan.

However, on this day, Wu Yan was practicing alone, and Isaiah's blood was cultivated. His qi grew very fast, and his strength increased, which made Wu Yan more motivated to cultivate.

On the other side, Chunsanniang is also practicing, more precisely, the practice of growing up in her own body.

With the help of Wuyan's development skills, Chun Sanniang has increased the number of crystal points by a few thousand points, which makes her cultivation soaring a lot in one breath.

And these cultivations all require good practice of Chunsanniang, and at the same time, it also needs her to adapt to these growing cultivations.

On the other side, Zunbao and Zixia Fairy left the cave happily and walked towards the market.

In the past few days, both of them have been busy setting up the things they need to get married. Naturally, they ca n’t do anything. Today, I thought that there are still some things that need to be bought. Therefore, Supreme and Zixia Ready to go to the market to buy something.

Tomorrow is the day of getting married. Tonight, things to be prepared must be ready.

However, when the two people, Zunbao and Zixia, came to the edge of the market and were ready to purchase, suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the sky. Immediately, the Guanyin Bodhisattva sitting on the lotus platform appeared quietly. Suspended in the air, his eyes fell on Zixia and Supreme.

"Avalokitesvara !? See Avalokitesvara!"

With the advent of Guanyin, the people on the market naturally noticed the lotus platform floating in the air, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva above the lotus platform. This made countless people shout out loud, and immediately hurrah, The masses of people knelt down and worshiped at the top of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"It's bad! It's Guanyin Bodhisattva!" However, compared to other people, Zixia was dismayed after seeing the figure of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and then pulled Supreme to pull back and prepare to escape.

The strength of the Guanyin Bodhisattva also belongs to the best among the Buddhist monks. Seeing her eyes directly locks herself, it is clear that she came for herself.

"Is she the Guanyin Bodhisattva !?" Supreme Bao was also startled when she heard the words of Fairy Zixia.

Who knows the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva? Unexpectedly, it turned out that Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared in person?

There is no nonsense. Although the supreme treasure, with the help of Wu Yan, cultivated for ascension and stole all of Sun Wukong's cultivation, in the face of the existence of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it has not yet expanded to the point that it can fight with Guanyin To the point.

"Amitabha, Zixia, when you saw this seat, you actually took the initiative to escape! It seems that you have moved all hearts!"

Watching Zixia pull the Supreme Treasure, the two turned away and ran away, the Guanyin Boss's brow slightly wrinkled and said.

Zixia was caught by Wu Yan, the evil demon. Guanyin already knew it, but she took the initiative to run away when she saw herself, and even took a man beside her. Then, naturally, she moved all hearts and wanted to stay .

Brow frowned slightly ~ ~ Immediately, the hand of Guanyin Bodhisattva lifted slightly.

A ray of Buddha power, under the control of the Guanyin Bodhisattva, turned into a chain and tied it towards Zixia.

Regardless of where the evil spirit is, for the first time, bringing Zixia back is the most important thing, and then consider the matter of dealing with the evil spirit.

Although Zixia's power is good, how can she be the opponent of Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Can't escape, and was **** directly by the rope of this Buddha power.

"Zixia!" Zizunbao exclaimed when she saw this.

"Extreme treasure, you go!"

"No, I won't go!" Supreme Bao shook his head, then raised a palm knife, and severely chopped the rope of this Buddha power.

With a bang, the rope transformed by the Buddha's power of Guanyin was cut off directly by Supreme Palm's palm knife.

"Oh !?" Seeing this, Guanyin's brows slightly raised.

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