MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 1105 :cry

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Wu Yan, quietly waiting, had no meaning to change history.

Wu Yan knows very well that although he came to rescue Xiaomeng, if he takes a shot now, he can certainly save Xiaomeng.

However, Wu Yan understands that if he starts now, he will change history and he will inevitably fall into the paradox of time and space.

By that time, the supreme treasure that disappeared from the westward journey should be its own ending.

Therefore, although Wu Yan understood what was going on, and despite knowing that he could do it, he could save Xiao Meng, but Wu Yan didn't do it.

Just hiding in the dark, as if he were an outsider, watching the whole thing with cold eyes.

Then, get ready, wait silently for the development of things, and wait for the opportunity.

The next thing happened, as he remembered, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Soon, after the festival day was set by myself, I prepared for a few days. The whole Changshi seemed to be overcrowded for a time, and everyone was carnival, celebrating the end of the last days.

On this day, everyone released themselves and indulged themselves, even when they were at that time.

Pei Yufeng said it was not bad. They really did not doubt their meaning. Otherwise, they would not dare to easily attack themselves.

With the passage of time every minute and a second, Wu Yan was able to see that he was getting drunk more and more.

It was just like a frog boiled in warm water. Wu Yan himself was caught in the carnival and didn't pay attention.

In this way, when the carnival reached midnight, Wu Yan finally passed out.

After seeing Wu Yan unconscious, soon, Pei Yufeng went directly to find Xiao Meng to speak, which attracted her attention.

Although his personality is relatively indifferent, Xiao Meng is naturally not alert to Pei Yufeng, who has known him for the longest time.

Pei Yufeng deliberately attracted Xiao Meng's attention. Naturally, Xiao Meng's mind was attracted to her in the past.

While taking advantage of this time, Zhao Lei and others immediately lifted themselves, disappeared quickly, and soon disappeared.

After chatting for about a few minutes, Pei Yufeng made an excuse and left.

However, when Xiaomeng turned around again and wanted to find Wuyan, he found that Wuyan could not be seen at all.

"Excuse me, did you see my brother? He was drunk here just now!" After walking to the place where Wu Yan was drunk, Xiao Meng pointed to the place where Wu Yan had just passed out, and opened his mouth to the side beside him. People asked.

"No, I didn't pay much attention!"

"I don't see it!"

"I don't know where Mr. Wu Yan has gone!"


For Xiao Meng's inquiries, everyone around him shook his head and said he was unclear.

But in this case, Xiao Meng's expression became more and more urgent, and then she went crazy looking for Wu Yan's trace.

However, Wu Yan was deliberately hidden. How could she find it?

Wu Yan wore a black robe, hidden in the dark, watching Xiao Meng's every move, watching her frantically looking for herself, only feeling a distress.

Xiao Meng looks like a country child who followed her parents into the city, but accidentally lost her parents.

That eager look made a mad look, so Wu Yan didn't look down.

After biting his own lip, Wu Yan turned around heartily and stopped looking at her.

Wu Yansheng was afraid he would jump out if he looked down.

After leaving, Wu Yan's heart moved slightly, and then a strong mental force spread out and placed them on Pei Yufeng's body.

Then, I saw them hiding themselves in a coma, and the hidden place was in an unknown place in Changshi!

On the other side, Xiao Meng madly searched for the whereabouts of Wu Yan outside. After searching all night, she found nothing, and finally, she could only return home alone.

Pushing open Wuyan's home in Changshi, sure enough, there was no one in the deserted home. The situation in the room was deserted and the noisy scene outside had a great contrast.

"Woohoo ..."

Like a lost child, with eagerness and panic in her heart, Xiao Meng sat alone on the ground, her head was buried between her knees, and her mouth sobbed and weeped.

However, for a moment, the two awakeners suddenly passed by Wu Yan's house and talked while walking.

Although the sound was low, Xiao Meng's ears slightly shook and raised her head.

From the mouths of the two men, Xiao Meng heard the news about Wu Yan, which naturally attracted Xiao Meng's attention.

"Hey, where are you taking me?" One of the awakening men, a strong man, asked.

"Let's go! Mr. Wu Yan has been arrested by Miss Pei Yufeng. They have stunned him with medicine. Let's hurry up. As long as Wu Yan is killed, the whole world will be Miss Pei Yufeng in the future! It's over, and we will follow Her Majesty Pei Yufeng's Majesty in the future. It's a vassal of one party! "The other thin man said in a low voice.

The two awakenings, in the shape of a flutter, passed by the door.

Such a simple strategy is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to think calmly.

However, I found no trace of Wu Yan all night, worried about Xiao Meng for one night. After hearing the news from Wu Yan, can I calm down?

"You two, say it!"

As soon as the figure moved, Xiao Xue's palm flew into a snowstorm. After grabbing the two awakeners, she looked fiercely and said, "Where is my brother! Come on! Tell me!

"He ~ ~ He's in Hero City, Hero City ..." Hearing Xiao Meng's pressing question, the two awakeners shivered and answered.

"Hum!" After learning about Wu Yan's whereabouts, Xiao Meng snorted coldly and flew the two awakened people directly.

"Miss Wu Meng, how can you hurt the people in Changshi? Please come back with us!"

With Wu Meng's hands, soon, a few awakeners jumped out and shouted at Xiao Meng.

In the voice, these awakeners rushed towards Xiao Meng.

However, at this time, Xiao Meng's mind had Wu Yan's safety issues, would she waste time with them?

After glancing at the two awakeners, Xiao Meng's figure turned into a snowstorm and quickly flew in the direction of the Hero City.

"Don't let her run away! Chase!"

Watching Xiao Meng's appearance as Fengxue escaped, the faces of the two awakenings behind him changed, said loudly, and then quickly caught up.