MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 4 Yuanwaifu

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  Chapter 4 Yuanwai Mansion

  For human cultivators, the realm can be divided into three levels and nine realms.

  Among them, human beings cultivate their own body, which is for forging body, condensing energy, and mind; earth, which is concerned with external objects, is for golden elixir, five elements, and Dharma body; Tianguan, which is for cultivating avenues, is for asking questions, celestial essence, and understanding the mystery.

  Three Religions, Warriors, Demons, Apostles...Although there are many systems, they are all similar.

  Shushan faction must exchange labor for resources. Although it seems a little cold, it is also for the sake of training disciples. In fact, it still cares for the disciples. Just like the disciples of the first and second realms, they are not allowed to go down the mountain. They can only do some chores in the mountain gate, such as spiritual plant maintenance, spiritual poultry breeding, hall deacons... and so on.

  As for Shen Yijing, he can already be called a master when walking in the rivers and lakes, but in Shushan School, it is only the threshold for going down the mountain to eliminate demons.

   They all go down the mountain to eliminate demons, but there is a big difference. The most popular one is the conspiracy of a rich family.

  First of all, the city is no more than the mountains, basically there will be no big monsters, and the degree of danger is low. Secondly, it is bustling and lively, and you can also have fun while eliminating demons. In the end, the big family spends a lot of money. In addition to the fee for the entrustment to the mountain gate, the thank you after the work is often generous, and these are all for the demon extermination himself, which is enough to make a small profit.

  Mr. Shen helped Chu Liang choose such a job.

   "Hi, Shaoxia Chu!"

   "Good outsiders."

   "Chu Shaoxia has worked hard!"

   "Serve the people."


  Chu Liang Yujian came to the outside of Xingzhou City, and then went to Mingyuan's mansion outside the city to identify himself, and was immediately received warmly.

  Ming Yuanwai is a thin middle-aged man with a refined temperament and a short beard under his chin, which gives a good impression. It's just that the eye sockets are black, and the expression is haggard, and it looks like it has been tortured.

   "With you, a young hero from the Shushan School, our family will be at peace." Ming Yuanwai pulled Chu Liang all the way, sat down in front of the hall, ordered his servants to pour tea and water, and then said with emotion.

   "Please tell me the specific situation first." Chu Liang smiled.

   "Oh..." Ming Yuanwai sighed, and said: "My ancestors of the Ming family are all families of good deeds, and I don't know why such strange things happened..."

"Just three days ago, a strange meowing sound began to be heard outside the mansion. It was sad, mournful, and extremely frightening. Two days ago, the meowing sound appeared in the front yard of my house. A family member of the mansion saw the monster with his own eyes, and his whole body was full of blood! Until yesterday, the meowing sound had come to my backyard! My wife was disturbed..."

   "Young man..." He looked at Chu Liang earnestly, "If you don't stop it, I'm afraid it will enter my house tonight and kill you!"

  Ming Yuanwai's actions were considered fast, and he ran to the Taoist temple outside the city to seek help on the second day.

  Usually, these Taoist temples with prosperous incense, either have practitioners stationed there, or are connected with a certain fairy gate, otherwise they cannot grow bigger. This Taoist temple outside the city of Xingzhou is closely related to the Shushan faction, so the request for this mission also went to Shushan to change the sword pavilion as soon as possible.

   "Hmm..." Chu Liang thought for a moment after hearing this.

  This kind only appears at night...step forward to test...not like a demon, but like a spirit, which is the so-called "ghost".

  After all, if a monster has a successful cultivation base, its spiritual wisdom is no different from that of a human being, and its actions will not be so elusive. Only ghosts with low cultivation bases may be driven by resentment in life to do some strange behaviors because they died once and lost their spiritual intelligence.

  Like this cat demon...

  It could be a dead cat spirit.

  Thinking of this, Chu Liang asked, "Did you ever kill a cat a few days ago?"

   "Never..." Ming Yuanwai shook his head and said: "My wife is very caring and has always treated animals well. The stray cats and dogs around have always been carefully fed by family members."


  When Chu Liang arrived, it was already afternoon. After asking about the specific situation and looking around, it was almost dark.

  The mansion hurriedly hosted a banquet.

   After all, if it is a little later, the cat demon will be online.

   Needless to say, the delicacies and feasts at the banquet, Ming Yuanwai and Chu Liang sat there, each with a maid serving behind them, all of which were treatment that would never be enjoyed on Silver Sword Peak.

  I just waited for quite a while, but before everyone was ready, another maid came to report: "Master, Madam said that she was feeling unwell and getting worse, and she really couldn't come to the banquet. Please don't blame Young Master Chu and Master."

   "Ah..." Ming Yuanwai immediately looked anxious, stood up, looked at Chu Liang, and said, "Don't blame Shaoxia Chu, I'll go and see my wife first, and come as soon as I go."

   After finishing speaking, he left Chu Liang here and trotted all the way back to the backyard.

  Chu Liang didn't feel annoyed, but just smiled and said: "Ming Yuanwai and Madam have a really good relationship."

"Yes." The maid next to me said enviously: "My master and his wife have been married for ten years, and they are still inseparable. A few years ago, my wife was unable to have children due to illness, and she persuaded the master to take a concubine and have a child, but the master has refused to accept a concubine. .”

  Another maid also said with emotion: "Only a woman as beautiful and kind as Madam can be worthy of such affection and righteousness as Master."

  A moment later, Ming Yuanwai hurried back again.

   "Is Ma'am okay?" Chu Liang asked.

   "It's okay, it's just that the madam has been disturbed by the evil for the past few days, and she feels unwell. As long as I can get rid of this monster, it will be fine." Ming said.

   "I will do my best." Chu Liang said.

   Before the banquet was over, I heard a gust of wind outside.

  The dark wind, accompanied by the evil spirit, rumbled and swept open the hall door with a bang, rolling the banquet dishes and chopsticks into crackling noises.

   "It's that cat demon, it's coming again!" Ming Yuanwai exclaimed.

  Chu Liang immediately swept his body, came to the door, and felt the breath carefully.

   Yin is very heavy, there are ghosts. But it is also mixed with a strong evil wind, could it be...

   "It's a bit weird, you guys hide first..." Chu Liang turned around, trying to persuade the non-combatants of the Ming family to hide first.

  But when I turned around, I found that the entire banquet hall was empty, and there was no one else except myself. The voice left by Ming Yuanwai came from the distant wind, "Chu Shaoxia, it's up to you..."


   You run really fast.

  Before he was worried about the safety of the Ming family, but now he feels that his worries are completely unnecessary. Based on this escape speed, it is estimated that the entire Xingzhou City has been captured by monsters, and they will be fine.


   Before he had time to think about it, a piercing and shrill cry sounded, which was truly terrifying.

   "Hey!" Chu Liang yelled, raised the flying sword bracelet, turned into a long sword in his hand, and walked out of the hall.

   One glance, and you can see the monstrous blood outside!

  On the courtyard wall of the mansion, there is a cat-faced monster crouching on its body, with a pair of different pupils, glowing with deathly white. His face was covered in black hair and stained with blood, and he looked very young. The strangest thing is that although this monster has the head of a cat, its body looks like a human baby, covered in dirty blood, but it has no hair.


  Chu Liang could not help but feel his heart tighten when he saw it.

  This thing….

   It's a vengeful spirit, that is, a ghost transformed by resentment! Another infant spirit, that is, the death of an unborn baby, whose resentment is ten times stronger than that of ordinary ghosts! It's still a demon spirit, that is, a monster turns into a ghost after death!

   No wonder it is so weird. Resentful spirits, infant spirits, demon spirits... Each of them can be regarded as a special existence among ghosts.

   And the one in front of me is simply...

   The stack is full!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion