MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 706 Business field [two in one]

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  Chapter 706 Business field [two in one]


  The screams resounded through the desolate valley, and lasted for a long time, before trembling moans sounded after a long while.

   "I miss Chu Liang a little..."

   "If we don't play tricks with him, even if we can't beat the Cotton Tree Peak now, we can still become rich with dividends. Why bother to suffer here."


  Hu Yanbin was bloodied from half of his body, and was tied to a thorny pole beside him in a miserable state, chattering endlessly.

  Although Hu Yandong in front of him has been sealed for a long time, his clothes are still clean. Perhaps Mang Shantu also knew that he was a great expert in the seventh realm, even if his combat power was not so outstanding, his Dao heart was absolutely firm, and they could not be shaken by their means, so they didn't attack him at all.

  Just concentrate on torturing Hu Yanbin.

   It can be said that this son is already going to look like a grandson.

  Hu Yandong's seniority has been greatly improved without pain.

"The disputes in the world are like this. The winners and losers, the weak and the strong prey on the strong. How can it be so easy to get out of the game." Hu Yandong's eyes dimmed, his face was cold, "We can't fight Hongmian Peak, and there are still many minions behind us. They want to tear us apart. The Mang Shantus are just one of the more savage groups, falling into their hands is a doom for you and my father and son."

   "It's my doom for sure, I see you are eating well and sleeping well..." Hu Yanbin's face became even more mournful.

   "Because you are weak, the weaker you are, the more you will be manipulated." Hu Yandong is still seizing the opportunity to educate.

"Come on, it's obviously because you're holding onto what they want, so they can't directly attack you." Hu Yanbin muttered twice, "If they want to know something, just tell them and forget it, as long as they let us go Now that we're gone, we also have a few years' share of the Cotton Tree Peak, which is enough for us to spend the rest of our lives comfortably."

   "Absurd." Hu Yandong retorted, "How can the foundation of our ancestors who have worked so hard for thousands of years be abandoned because of our incompetence. Even if you and I die here, it is impossible for me to hand over the clan treasures."

"You..." Hu Yanbin's lips twitched twice, and finally he couldn't help but say loudly: "You are all left to the little one! If we both die here, and the blood is broken, how can there be any inheritance? Necessary, you just see that there is still a young son outside, who is unscrupulous! If you think I am useless, you will die!"


  Hu Yandong nodded when he heard the words, with an expression on his face that you knew.

   "..." Hu Yanbin was silenced for a long time by his calmness.

  Knowing that sincerity is the biggest trump card.

  The mountain wind blew by, and the wind carried the barbaric and demonic smell of the Mangshantu tribe. At first the team that left Mangshan was more human than monster, but now this team is more monster than human.

  Not long after the Mangshantu rebellion, Taotie City sent aid to them at the behest of Penglai. Because the sphere of influence of the Penglai Shangzong was resisted by the Yu Dynasty and the Kyushu Immortal Gate, and it was still unable to expand to the land of Kyushu.

  So Penglai Shangzong has spared no effort to infiltrate in the past few years. In addition to attracting fairy sect forces such as Thunder Fort and Taotie City, he also secretly funded rebel forces such as Mangshantu.

   It's just that the aid they gave to the Mangshan disciples was only to ensure that they would not starve to death. At the time of the funding, they also specifically stated that once there is a situation of turning into a demon, they must be resolutely cut off and cannot be tolerated. To put it bluntly, I just wanted to make the Yu Dynasty a little more chaotic so that it would be easier to fish in troubled waters. I never thought that it would have the power it has today.

   To a certain extent, the fate of Gluttonous City can be regarded as its own fault.

   After a while, Lu Jiangtong walked over with a few people.

  Seeing this evil star, Hu Yanbin's body trembled three times for no reason.

  This person is different from those immortal arrogances he has come into contact with in his daily life. Although he is also a talented person, those are all civilized figures who grew up in the immortal sect after all. But Lu Jiangtong is different, he is a demon-born Cao Mang who was killed out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

  In a sense, he is more ferocious than a demon practitioner.

  However, to the surprise of the father and son, Lu Jiangtong was not the one who walked in the front.

  He led several high-ranking Mangshan disciples, surrounded by a rather short figure in the center, who looked like a thin child, walking all the way in front of the two of them.

  Hu Yandong raised his eyes, stared at them, and realized that the real challenge seemed to be coming.

   Walking closer, someone lifted the hood, revealing a childish face. He really is a handsome young man, who looks no older than twelve or thirteen years old.

   Is this person the real master behind the Mang Shantu?

  Not to mention Hu Yanbin, even the well-informed Hu Yandong was a little surprised. He naturally realized that the black hand behind Mang Shantu was someone else, but he didn't expect it to be such a small hand.

   "Wait..." Hu Yanbin frowned suddenly, "I think I've seen you before, are you that kid who used to walk around Hongmian Peak..."

  He had a close relationship with Hongmian Peak before, and he often went to work, so he naturally met Chu Yi who was actually in charge of power in the name of running errands.

   "Brother Huyan has a good memory, my name is Chu Yi, and I have greeted you several times." Chu Yi responded loudly, showing a harmless smile on his face.

   When Hu Yanbin saw this smile, he felt a little kind, because it was exactly Chu Liang's signature smile.

   "Why did you come here?" Hu Yanbin asked, "Did Chu Liang ask you to save us?"

   "Don't be ashamed." Hu Yandong scolded.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this child is the man who is talking about Mang Shantu. He is still holding unrealistic fantasies, and the father really can't stand it anymore.

  This child seems to be much smarter and calmer than his own son, but it is really a sad story.

   "Unfortunately, brother Huyan." Chu Yi replied: "On the contrary, I asked Lu Jiangtong to invite you father and son here. Now I have completely broken with Hongmian Peak."

  Hu Yanbin's face was ashamed when he heard the words.

  Hu Yandong secretly said that it was true, but then he said again: "You broke with Hongmian Peak? Then you are willing to attack my Taotie City for Shushan Zhuan. Is it just because of deep affection?"

"I don't need to bother the city lord, I have my own reasons." Chu Yi glanced at Hu Yanbin, and said again: "I just didn't expect them to be so rude, I just asked him to ask questions casually, why? I will torture you into this state." Chu Yi frowned and looked at Lu Jiangtong.

  The evil leader of the Mangshan disciples immediately took a step back and half-kneeled on the ground, "This subordinate is willing to be punished."

Chu Yi didn't say much, just let him continue to kneel, then turned back and said, "However, the ancestral property of Taotie City is actually not my purpose, it's just mentioned in passing. I think you two can also see that I gave Mang The treasures of Shantu should be more than the treasures left in Taotie City. What I want to ask is another matter."

  Hu Yandong looked at this well-established child, wondering what he would say.

"I know that Taotie City once worshiped the mountain gate of Venerable Wanfa, and then switched to Penglai." Chu Yi said slowly: "If I want to ask City Lord Huyan to help me meet Venerable Wanfa, then I will Let your father and son go, I wonder if it's okay?"

   Taotie City is located in the Northern Territory, and there is no eighth-level powerhouse to sit in the city, so it is natural to seek help from others. In the past hundreds of years, the Venerable Wanfa of the Holy Mountain in the Northern Territory has always been the object of their worship, and a large amount of resources are sent to the holy mountain every year.

  In the Northern Territory, as long as you pay homage to Venerable Wanfa's pier, you can keep the calm. When one's might is strong to a certain extent, the so-called nine heavens and ten earths should be a little in awe.

   It was only later that Taotie City wanted to compete with Hongmian Peak, and the sphere of influence confined to the northern region was no longer enough, so it fell to Penglai Shangzong. With the protection of the strong in Penglai, he can do more, and gradually alienates the relationship with the holy mountain.

   It's just that the two parties have had hundreds of years of contact after all, even if Taotie City was later separated, it would not be completely severed. This time the Mangshan disciples blitzed Taotie City, if it wasn't too fast, the Holy Mountain of the Northern Territory might not have come to help.

   "You also want the protection of Venerable Wanfa?" Hu Yandong said in a deep voice, "A group of demon-born rebels..."

"I just want to talk about it. Without the protection of the eighth-level powerhouse, it will be untenable in this world." Chu Yi said: "City Lord Huyan doesn't have to worry about what I will do, just say whether the deal will be successful or not." That's it."

  Hu Yandong replied without hesitation: "Deal."


  On Mirage Mountain, the Cangsheng Cave House.

  The head teacher of Shangzong of Penglai has his own palace, but the cave he originally lived in will not be revoked. Daoist Cangsheng usually practice in his own cave, rather than going to the big hall of the head teacher.

  His cave is also the best location on Mirage Mountain. It is on a high cliff close to the sea, surrounded by sacred trees, and the wind outside the mansion is mighty.

  At this moment, Yang Shenlong was standing facing the wind, letting his clothes flutter and his hair flutter, silent for a long time.


  The gate of the cave opened, Taoist Xuanlu came out of it, and said lightly: "You can go in."

  Yang Shenlong glanced at Xuanlu, didn't say much, and walked into the cave.

   Qi Lin'er's death was at least mostly caused by Xuanlu. He thought that no matter how much he was valued by Taoists, he would inevitably be punished. But Taoist Cangsheng seemed to only let him go to the extreme west, so he didn't punish him too much.

   I don’t know if it’s because those who don’t know are innocent.

  Sacred resurrection is a matter of extreme secrecy, and it is impossible to publicize it. If it failed for some reason, it might be explained as God's will.

  But Yang Shenlong didn't want to obey God's will.

   This is also the reason why he came to Taoist Cangsheng today.

  This cave is very spacious. After entering the vestibule, you have to walk along the long corridor for a while, passing by the waterside pavilions on both sides, before you come to the place where Cangsheng Taoist usually retreats.

  The furnishings here are rather simple, with only a statue of a god, a few futons, and green smoke curling up in the quiet room.


   Seeing the figure sitting in peace on the futon, Yang Shenlong nodded and saluted.

   "You rarely come to me." Taoist Cangsheng slowly opened his eyes, with a gentle voice, "There must be something important."

   It is often rumored that Taoist Cangsheng suppressed the Yang family in Penglai. But only the people on Mirage Mountain know that with the position of authority in charge, if they really want to suppress an ethnic group, no matter how deep-rooted it is, it will be eradicated long ago, and it is impossible for Yang Shenlong to grow into a world-famous peerless arrogance.

  The fact is that Yang Shenlong had very little contact with the head teacher when he was growing up, but all the resources he needed were top-tier.

   "Qi Lin'er is dead." Yang Shenlong thought about it and said, "Can the head teacher respond?"

"I asked Xuanlu to go to the Far West and learned some news." Taoist Cangsheng replied, "There seems to be some secrets about Chu Liang, and everyone killed by Zhoulun in the East China Sea It's useless... Besides, he seems to have something that the Yaozu wants."

   "Chu Liang?" Yang Shenlong didn't seem to expect him to mention this.

   Qi Liner is dead, so does it matter how he died?

   "That's right." Daoist Cangsheng seemed to really take it seriously, "The two monsters desperately wanted to save Chu Liang, saying that he was carrying the holy artifact of the monster clan... what could it be?"

Hearing this, Yang Shenlong's thoughts changed, and he suddenly said: "I once heard Yuhu say that when he first saw Chu Liang, he was shocked by him, and he destroyed a solid magic weapon in a short time. ..."

  He seemed to think of something suddenly.

   "Is it possible that the sacred object that makes the demon clan spare no effort to obtain it is also related to the resurrection of the demon god..."

   "The body of the demon god?" Cangsheng Taoist naturally thought of it instantly, "Heaven-eating insects!"

  Yang Shenlong's eyes were calm, obviously he thought so too.

  When Xuanlu and Taoist Cangsheng reported just now, the two of them also guessed what it was, but they didn't have a clue for a while. Hearing the important information provided by Yang Shenlong at this moment, he could immediately guess it.

  If Caiyi revealed it directly, they might still wonder if she had another purpose. In this way, I guessed it myself, but I didn't doubt it.

   "No wonder he hasn't left Shushan since he returned from the Yaozu. It seems that he is not only guarding against our revenge." Taoist Cangsheng looked in the direction of Shushan, "He is clearly guarding against the Yaozu."

   "But even if he held the Sky Devouring Insect before, he should be killed after this time?" Yang Shenlong wondered.

   "Not necessarily." Taoist Cangsheng's eyes were dark, "Maybe Shushan has some kind of scheme hidden."

  Yang Shenlong shook his head lightly.

  Based on his understanding of Chu Liang, he may be good at scheming, but he is not a person with a dark mind, and he will not use the safety of the world as a bargaining chip.

   Cangsheng Taoist said so, it is because...with the heart of teaching, he saved the belly of Chu Liang.

   "However, although he hasn't left Shushan recently, he is still very busy. This kind of young man is the focus of the world no matter where he is." Taoist Cangsheng continued: "You can test him."

  Yang Shenlong didn't intend to defend Chu Liang either, he didn't come here today for this.

  I heard him say: "Headmaster, since Qi Lin'er is dead, the matter of the ancestor Yang Sheng..."

   "Naturally put it on hold for now..." Daoist Cangsheng said suddenly: "You don't have to mention it to anyone, until you find a suitable body."

   "Actually, I..." Yang Shenlong said, "I can."

   "What can you do?!" Taoist Cangsheng's voice suddenly became severe.

   "I can also transfer to the Dao of Physical Training, and I have a blood connection with my ancestors, which will be more compatible when the blood is fused, better than others..." Yang Shenlong said softly.

   "Don't bring this matter up again." Taoist Cangsheng flicked his sleeves heavily.

   "Teacher..." Yang Shenlong seemed to be determined to die.

   "I am willing to sacrifice for this, because the more I cultivate to the peak, the more I know where the upper limit of my aptitude is." Cangsheng Taoist said sharply: "And your cultivation path has just begun, how can you be so eager for quick success?"

   "..." Yang Shenlong remained silent.

   "At the beginning, I swore to your fathers that I would absolutely protect you and wait for you. This is absolutely impossible." Daoist Cangsheng said heavily: "You go back and confine yourself for a year, and reflect on yourself."

  Yang Shenlong seemed to want to say something, but in the end he hesitated to speak, and just bowed his head and said: "Yes."


   Chu Liang, who was mentioned by countless people, was a little embarrassed at the moment.

  In Hongyuefang, a luxurious and grand banquet table is being lined up. Various rare dishes are placed on the table, and the red oil hot pot is bubbling.

  But the people sitting in front of him didn't give him any face, they just ate and drank in silence, and no one raised their heads to pay attention to Chu Liang.

   "You..." Lin Bei frowned displeased, as if he wanted to say something.

  Chu Liang pressed his hands on Kong Kong, signaling him to be calm, and then said with a smile, "Young Master Hong, since the meal is almost done, can we talk about business?"

   "What is there to talk about? Heh, let's still say that..." The fat young man opposite raised his head and wiped his mouth. "No money, no talk."

good evening.

   I always feel sleepy when I come back from an injection. Today I fell asleep after resting on the sofa for a while. It’s too late to finish it.



  (end of this chapter)

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