MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 710 Lower body [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 710 Lower body【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  In the attic of the Guixu God Sect, the sea master with a gloomy face is sitting here, listening to the report of the sea monster in front of him.

  After the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were all killed in their own homes, the defense force in the naval attic was significantly strengthened, and the surrounding area was full of well-armored siren warriors. Of course, these were just embellishments when his own demon hadn't left.

   Standing in front of him was an old kraken with a stooped body, and a large tortoise shell with heavy thorns and flowing dull luster on its back. It was an old turtle monster.

"The last battle to the sea brought closer ties between the Sea Clan and the practitioners in the world..." Lao Yuan spoke slowly, "Now the Sea Monster Clan headed by the Merman Clan communicates with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Having received a large number of human race classics, it seems that we are going to open up our sea clan territory."

  "The Mermaid Queen..." Master Hai's eyes were unfathomable, "With the backing of Wuchao, she has fought against me several times. If I didn't want to revive the Godmother and insist on using them as a body, I would have slaughtered her entire family long ago."

   "Now that Bibozhan has been lost, it is already..." Lao Yuan hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's as difficult as climbing the sky."

"It is not easy to resurrect the Holy Mother, but our choice is not limited to the Goddess." Haishi Yin said, "Isn't we resurrecting the Goddess to let her lead us to occupy this world? If there are other monster race saints who can do it, it's not impossible..."

   "Master Haishi wants to cooperate with..." Lao Yuan stared, "Cooperate with those monster races in the Far West? Last time..."

"They may not have done what happened last time. They are much closer to resurrecting the demon gods than we are. If they can get shelter in the future, it's all right to help them." Hai Shi said deeply, "It's just that we are not fools. This time If you want to get help from our Guixu God Sect, you must first let us receive the benefits."

   "You want to borrow their power first?" Lao Yuan asked, "But Master Wuchao has let go, we..."

   "This is what I want to solve." Master Hai said decisively: "Wuchao is too old, and has long lost the courage to suppress the South China Sea. Under his will, the sea monster can only shrink here forever."

  The monster races in the South China Sea seem huge and heterogeneous, but in fact the will at the top is unified. Whether it is the Merman Queen who unites the sea tribes, or the most radical Guixu Sect, in fact, they must obey the orders of the ancient sea monster Wuchao.

  Because it was once the most powerful demon king in the entire South China Sea, and suppressed everything thousands of years ago.

  Even the sea master, who is now in full swing, is just a relatively outstanding junior in front of Wu Chao. For a powerful eighth-level sea monster like him, Wu Chao has suppressed eight if not ten in his life.

  No one knows how strong that old guy is, they only know that as long as he is around, Nanhai will not be able to shake the sky.

  The last time the naval division tried to bypass Wuchao and directly incited the sea tribes to start a war, they were immediately called by Wuchao to punish them. If he insisted on going his own way, he might end up being suppressed and killed immediately.

  "Master Wuchao..." Lao Yuan showed a frightened expression on his face, and seemed to be full of fear of the sea master's decision.

  Does he actually want to challenge the most terrifying majesty in the depths of the ruins?

"Don't worry, there are monster races from the Far West to help... and I don't plan to do it myself, even if I fail, I won't hurt the Guixu God Sect." Master Hai lowered his voice and said word by word: "I have sent People are going to find the most powerful enemy in Wuchao's life."

   "Ah? You mean..." Lao Yuan exclaimed, as if afraid of disturbing others, "Blood Mist Villa?"


   Boom, boom, boom!

  A series of dark golden thunderbolts descended from the sky, splitting in the thick fog in the distance, and at the same time splitting the fog, half of the mountain shone brightly, as if cast by divine light.

   Chu Liang and the others looked at it from a distance, and they were also amazed at the power of heaven and earth.

  This kind of divine thunder of divine punishment level falls randomly, even if a strong person in the seventh realm is struck, his life is in danger. Whether he can survive is purely a matter of luck.

  Why there is a piece of land in this sea that is bombarded by thunder day and night, no one knows. All I know is that Kirishima has been condensed with a heavy fog all year round, and only the place where the thunder falls will reveal its true face for a short time.

  There is a villa on the foggy island of Guixu, called Blood Mist Villa. The owner of the villa is Mrs. Hongyu, she is the owner of Kirishima, and only with her consent is it possible to go to the island to collect Thundercloud Seeds.

  On weekdays, those who come to Kirishima not only have to face the power of heaven and earth, but also be intercepted and killed by Mrs. Hongyu. As a veteran sea monster, she is powerful and fierce, and she is by no means easy to deal with.

   Fortunately, Princess Lian Ge is leading the way this time.

   "Aunt Hongyu." Princess Yuren called out sweetly.

  The mountain villa in the gray mist in the distance, under the reflection of the sky thunder in the distance, lit up for a moment, revealing the gray and simple outline of Mongolia. It seems that the main body of the villa is quite huge, almost hollowed out of a mountain wall, and there are countless chains entangled vaguely, like some kind of seal.

   In front of the villa stood two figures, one big and one small.

  The big figure is a tall sea monster with the head of a fish and a human body. Its upper body is dusty and wearing armor. It has a shark head and fangs like swords. It is more than three feet tall and looks fierce.

  The small figure is a charming woman with a normal body shape, with slightly curly maroon hair, fair complexion that is almost transparent, and a glamorous gleam in her eyes.

  She stood in front of the giant shark, and when she saw Princess Liange, she smiled slightly: "I just received a letter from your mother, and it came very quickly."

   "Isn't it urgent?" Princess Lian Ge approached her intimately, and it was obvious that she was in awe of this woman.

  In fact, the name of Mrs. Hongyu is quite famous in Guixu in the South China Sea. Anyone who dares to approach Kirishima, no matter if it is a human race or a sea monster, will be killed without exception.

   He has a terrible reputation!

  If it wasn't for the Mermaid Queen's face, how could she approach so smoothly?

  Xu Ziyang, Chu Liang and Lin Bei followed Princess Liange and saluted Mrs. Hongyu respectfully.

  Madam Hongyu glanced at them a few times, her expression became much colder, and she said: "If you want to collect Thundercloud Seeds, there are two ways."

   "Madam please enlighten me." Chu Liang said.

"The first one is to prepare more people, three is definitely not enough, at least dozens of people with similar cultivation level as you." Mrs. Hongyu said: "Then we rushed to Shangdao together, cut the thundercloud seeds from the mountain, Then risk your life and escape back. If you are lucky, one of them may be able to come back with the Thundercloud Seed."

  Chu Liang glanced at the center of the island where the thunder was falling, and grinned. How can this be avoided by probability?

  The density of this divine thunder is quite terrifying, even a fly can hardly circle back and forth with its whole beard and tail.

  The sky thunder is isolated from all dharma, and any supernatural power inside may fail. Don't talk about puppetry, even his incarnation outside the body may be scattered if he gets close.

  So it is impossible to rely on a group of puppets to pile up lives.

  Lin Bei also shrank his neck when he saw it, and then asked, "What about the second one?"

   "The second is to wait until night..." Mrs. Hongyu continued: "For a quarter of an hour every night, the fog on the island will turn into blood. At that time, the thunder will stop falling, and you will be able to enter and exit."

   "It's so good." Lin Bei stroked his palm and said, "A quarter of an hour is more than enough for us."

"That's right." Mrs. Hongyu nodded, and said lightly: "It's just that there may be a terrifying existence at that time, and I guess the three of you will die and two and a half will be able to bring out the thundercloud species. "

   "Eh..." Lin Bei's smile stiffened instantly when he heard this, and he said awkwardly, "Ma'am, you are joking, how can anyone judge half of it?"

   "It depends on whether you want to keep the upper body or the lower body." Madam Hongyu said calmly.

  Lin Bei's eyes flickered quickly, and he should have experienced short but firm thinking for a moment, and the answer almost blurted out:

   "Lower body!"

Good afternoon.

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  (end of this chapter)

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