MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 712 Come out, Azu [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 712 Come out, Azu【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  The accident here happened suddenly, neither Chu Liang nor Xu Ziyang expected it.

  At that time, Chu Liang was working hard to mine Thunder Cloud Seeds with the Demon Slaying Sword, and the harvest was quite fruitful. He had already collected a fist-sized stone seed in a few strokes. Because I don't know how much this piece of stone will be after refining, and I don't know how much it will take to make the talisman plate, so I didn't stop.

  Although the current one is just an incarnation outside the body, he still goes out with the Demon Slaying Sword.

  Because Chu Liang's body is hidden on the Shu Mountain, and in the mountain gate he can drive the Ziqing double sword. In any case, the purple and blue swords are still more than one rank higher.

  So the Demon Slaying Sword is only useful outside the mountain gate.

  If you don't take it out because you are afraid of losing it, it is equivalent to the useless demon-slaying sword bought with a lot of money.

   While he was working hard to collect Thunder Cloud Seeds, Lin Bei was suddenly attacked, and even Mrs. Hongyu shouted loudly, attracting the attention of Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang.

  Dangkong has two mysterious black-robed human beings who are powerful. Although their identities are unknown, it can be seen that they are all sea monsters, because there is a vast and powerful monster in their hands.

  Mrs. Hongyu was even more skilled. With continuous moves with both hands, countless blood-colored corals grew from below, and the derived branches covered the sky in an instant, turning into a large formation like a bird's nest, trapping the two men in black.

  One of the men in black robes struck fiercely, and a black cloud wiped out and shattered countless corals when he flipped his hand, while the other was a ghostly figure, turning into an afterimage and instantly bullying Mrs. Hongyu behind him.


   Hand knife like wind!

  These two were obviously trying to hide their identities. They didn't use any weapons or innate magical powers. They just used pure physical strength to attack.

  Ms. Hongyu's eyes were fixed, and her body instantly turned into a crystal jade color. She blocked the hand knife and let out a clatter of gold and iron.

  But the black cloud also enveloped her, and the two of them were about to surround her, no matter how high her cultivation base was, she would still be at a disadvantage.

  At this time, a sword is coming!

   It was Chu Liang who came to help. Although he didn't know the situation, Mrs. Hongyu was one of her own who helped them after all, and one of the men in black even beat Lin Bei into a crypt.

  After splitting the camps in an instant, Chu Liang's attack was his strongest sword! To go down and rescue Lin Bei, the situation above must be resolved first.


  The strength of this sword is definitely beyond the imagination of the people in black robes. Not only them, but even Mrs. Hongyu was startled.

  I thought that Chu Liang had reached the seventh level at this age, no matter how strong his combat power would be, he would be limited, not to mention that anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was a clone.

  She didn't regard Chu Liang as a powerful supporter.

   But as the sword fell, she began to apologize for the previous contempt. I even started to reflect on whether I was too rude to these young people from Shushan.

   This sword is too strong!

  In addition to Chu Liang's powerful Sword Intent to Slay the Void, what is more important is the performance of the Demon Slaying Sword. Facing these two sea-monster killers, the Monster-Slaying Sword performed exceptionally, raising the lethality of this sword to an extreme in an instant!


  The sword energy exploded, and the black-robed man who attacked Mrs. Hongyu from behind was swept away by a sword, and his half body was pierced instantly, with strangely colored blood splashing out.

   "Ah—" he screamed, and shouted: "Down the hole!"

   It seems that not only Chu Liang and the others did not expect to encounter such an accident today, but for the two men in black robes, their arrival was also an accident.

  The man in black in the black cloud in front of him heard the words, and immediately waved his hands, the black air immediately spread, engulfing his companions, and the two wanted to rush towards the center of the crypt.

  At this moment, Mrs. Hongyu, who was transformed into coral, was also fully cultivated. A broad beam of red light descended from the sky, covering the entire black cloud, and then solidified in a breath, turning the red light into a thick coral pillar.

  The black cloud and the two men in black robes were imprisoned in the coral pillar like amber.

  The black clouds in it swelled violently, obviously it couldn't be trapped. But Chu Liang outside had already raised his sword again, and the cooperation between the strong did not require words. At the same time that Mrs. Hongyu imprisoned the enemy, he was ready to output.


  Zhan Xu strikes again.

   This time, the sword energy became stronger and stronger, and the monster-slaying sword was full of aggression!


  The moment the black cloud broke through the ruby ​​coral pillar, Zhan Xu's sword fell again, blood splashed high, and a limb was faintly thrown away.

   This means that the two sea monsters are physically strong. If they were replaced by the weaker seventh realm, they would have died long ago. Even so, the two siren killers also suffered heavy losses, and Chu Liang used two swords to disintegrate two powerful combat forces.

   This time, they no longer wanted to enter the crypt, but shouted in unison: "Back!"

   It's so easy to go anywhere, Madam Hongyu raised her hand, and the huge blood coral condensed into a giant palm, holding it towards the black cloud that turned its head and fled.


  There was a loud explosion in the center of the black cloud, and the successive explosions shattered the coral corridors, and the two men in black robes also took the opportunity to escape.

  If Chu Liang pursued with all his heart, maybe he could really keep one of them. But at this moment, he didn't care so much, but threw his body into the cave.

   "Come back!" Mrs. Hongyu said loudly: "The time for Tianlei is coming!"

  It turned out that after the short collection and fierce battle just now, a moment has passed, and the continuous thunder is about to fall again.

   No matter how strong the enemy just now is, it is a man-made disaster that can be resisted, but what is about to fall is an irresistible natural disaster!

  But Chu Liang's eyes were firm and resolute, and he never looked back.

  He knew that time was running out, so he didn't care about chasing the enemy and went into the cave. This body of his own is just a clone, but Lin Bei who fell down is the real body.

  Lin Bei came here to help him this time. If he suffered an unreasonable disaster because of this, how can Chu Liang feel at ease?

  At the critical moment, Chu Liang turned into a long wind, roaring into the cave without hesitation!

   Xu Ziyang, who didn't show up in the battle just now, had escaped into the crypt long before Chu Liang, because he believed that Chu Liang could deal with the enemies above, so he went down to rescue Lin Bei first.

  Madam Hongyu looked at the empty entrance of the crypt, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Aren't these immortal disciples afraid of death?

  How did she know that Shushan disciples never abandon or give up!

  Seeing the thunderclouds billowing in the sky, about to fall, even if you are in the crypt, you still cannot escape the bombardment of the divine thunder. Seeing that the three of them could not escape, they were about to end in pieces.

  She could only grit her teeth, turn around and leave resolutely. Any further delay would put her life in danger.


  The crypt was quite deep, and Chu Liang's body transformed into the wind and fell quickly. When he just fell to the ground, he was the first to catch up with Xu Ziyang.

   "Brother Xu." Chu Liang whispered: "Be careful this place is dangerous."

   "I know." Xu Ziyang nodded.

  The two moved forward side by side, one left and one right, moving forward in perfect harmony.

   Not far forward, Chu Liang felt a very dense breath of life. How could there be so many living creatures in the depths of this foggy island full of gods and thunder?

   Astonished, he looked not far in front of him, a little star lighted up, and then another... Within a few breaths, countless densely packed star lights lit up, like eyeballs in the darkness!

   "This is..." Chu Liang raised the demon-slaying sword in his right hand, ready to strike at any time. In the face of this unknown monster, it is reasonable to act first.

   At this moment, a voice was heard from the depths of the cave: "Don't do it! Your own people!"


  Hearing this familiar voice, Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang temporarily stopped their plans to attack.

   Sure enough, I saw Lin Bei waving his hands and leaping out from the starlight. And with his movements, the original appearance of the surrounding stars are also revealed.

   It turned out to be small bugs like fireflies, and when they were frozen in the air, their light was like human eyes. In this cave, there are countless small insects, and I don't know how they survived.

   "It's great that you are all fine." Lin Bei ran over and said with relief.

   "What's going on?" Chu Liang asked.

   "I don't know, you can tell him yourself." Lin Bei smiled, "Speak up if you have something to say, buddies."

  Among the surprised expressions of Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang, Lin Bei waved towards the depths of the cave, "Come out, Azu."

good evening.

   Recommend a book.



  (end of this chapter)

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