MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 728 Another Xue Lingxue? [single update]

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  Chapter 728 Another Xue Lingxue? [single update]

   "Senior Moth, over here."

   "Be careful not to step on this soul-burning magma, no matter how high your cultivation is, you will still feel a little uncomfortable."

  On the dark and rugged island, there is a palpitating red-black torrent flowing. Just by looking at it, one can feel a throbbing of the soul.

  Xihai, Soul Flame Island.

   This place was originally the soul refining place of Xihai Demon Sect, and it has been under the control of Yuan Luxian, and outsiders are not allowed to approach.

   But it doesn't matter now.

  Jianguo Mansion suppressed Yuan Luxian, claiming to be beheaded to the outside world, and united with various immortal sects to carry out a campaign against Xihai. Without its supreme combat power, the Xihai Demon Sect was vulnerable, and immediately the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.

  Old Xihai’s orthodox Demon Sect disciples have since lost their territory that they had occupied for thousands of years.

  The Hunyan Island became quieter.

The skin of the woman in the sky-blue flowing gauze skirt is crystal clear, and her steps seem to be walking. Only when she gets closer can she find that she has been floating a few inches above the ground. She floats like a natural elf. Walking on this strange island, the contrast is very different. distinct.

   "Ao—" The man she called was a short man with a tired face. He looked about forty or fifty years old, with deep eye lines, dry skin, and a thick white robe.

  Hearing what the woman said, he first yawned long.

   "I was dragged over by you just after waking up, and I was still a little sleepy. It would be nice if I stepped on my foot to wake up." Having said that, the man still floated up slightly, avoiding the flowing magma.

   "Thanks for your hard work, senior." The woman said very politely.

"I didn't catch up with the big battle earlier, so I don't dare to say it's hard work to do something at this time." The man rubbed his eyes and asked again: "But I'm still curious, why did the Qingqiu Demon King insist on asking me to come out with you?" work?"

   "Because none of them are willing to go with me." The woman said lightly.

   This woman is none other than Caiyi, the Demon King of Qingqiu in the Far West.

  The man with a tired face is the green forest demon king, Moth, who has never shown his face before.

Daze, Qingqiu, Ice Field, Wasteland, Thunder Mountain, Nuyuan, Green Forest... Back then, the monster clan rushed to the extreme west, and the only remaining seven great monster kings divided the few survivable territories under the auspices of the priests. .

   You can tell at a glance that the best environment among them is naturally the green forest and the green hills. At least there are plants, which is better than countless other places.

   To occupy such a territory, the strength must be strong enough.

   But the last time Venerable Wen Yuan led the crowd to the door of the house, and all the demon kings fought one after another, but the green forest demon king did not show up.

  Because he was sleeping.

  Different from the Nightmare Demon King who can only fight in his sleep, the Green Forest Demon King's sleep is pure sleep, and it is almost impossible to be woken up as long as his life is not endangered. For three thousand years, he may have been sleeping for two thousand five hundred years, but no one dared to provoke him.

  Because he gets stronger every time he wakes up.

  But his sleep is not a kind of practice, but a kind of...digestion.

   Even if the last sleep has been hundreds of years.

  He is still sleepy.

   "Why?" The Green Forest Demon King asked with a smile, "Qingqiu Demon King is young and intelligent, why is he so unpopular?"

   "It's nothing." Caiyi shook her head and said, "It's just that it was Changfeng who worked with me before."

   "Huh?" The Demon King of the Green Forest stared suddenly, and seemed to wake up a bit immediately.

   In the last three thousand years of the extreme west demon clan, that is the only one who died in battle.

   Is this fox a nuisance?

  Caiyi saw that the demon king of the green forest was a little more awake, she immediately smiled, stopped talking, turned around and flew to the depths of the island.

  They explored all the way into the crater deep in the island, and came to the deep underground where the soul flames flowed. They saw that the darkness ahead was so thick that they could no longer see clearly.

  Caiyi suddenly called out: "Nightmare Demon King!"

  After a long while, the large area of ​​soul flames in front suddenly began to boil like a boil, gurgling violently. It wasn't until a pair of scarlet eyes lit up from the darkness with the sound of splashing water that everything subsided.

"The Daze Demon King died in battle, and the Immortal Yuanlu has also been killed by the righteous way." Caiyi said to those eyes: "The great priest ordered me to come here with the Green Forest Demon King to welcome the Nightmare Demon King back to the Far West. .Senior, the Yaozu needs your ability."

   "Oh..." Those eyes turned around, and a dull voice sounded: "I don't know who it is, so it's the son of moth."

   "Nightmare Demon King." The Green Forest Demon King smiled wryly and said, "I have told you many times before that you can call me by my name, but can you not add a different accent?"


   Bang bang bang bang!

  A series of colored mist exploded high above the sky, and a bright sword light pierced the sky, crossing the long road paved by the clouds in the sky in a gorgeous way that almost surpassed the line of sight.

  A barrier appeared from time to time in the white clouds, and depending on the color of the barrier, the swordsman on the sword light emitted a radiant talisman to dissolve the barrier naturally.

  The sea of ​​clouds floated up and down in a blink of an eye, and the sword light passed the cloud road around the peak and returned to the top of Hongmian Peak.


   Enthusiastic cheers erupted at the top of the peak, and the voices of a large number of practitioners shook the wind.

  And the tall and jade standing man with the sword glow is the actual peak owner of Hongmian Peak, Chu Liang.

  His sword control skills have not been weakened, but with the improvement of his cultivation, it has become even faster. In fact, just now he had intentionally restrained himself, otherwise he would make most of the practitioners present unable to see his figure clearly.

  If that's the case, it won't be able to play the role of demonstration.

   In just a few days, Cotton Tree Peak has completed the arrangement of the event. Choose a random day to start the shopping festival, and the Cotton Tree Peak will start to be lively again.

   Practitioners who have always practiced with a clean mind and few desires in the past, have never seen these tricks, and they were immediately attracted by the overwhelmingly publicized Cotton Tree Peak activities.

  At the moment when Chu Liang was hanging his sword in the sky, on the high platform below, followers A and Lin Bei had already appeared, and you and I started to promote today's activities.

"As long as you pass this cloud road perfectly like Chu Shaoxia, you can get the treasure provided by Hongmian Peak, a pair of white dragon jade scale armor!" Lin Bei said loudly: "Of course, even if you don't pass it completely, as long as you reach the cloud road You can get the corresponding treasure rewards at the specific location. If you don’t want it, you can discount it at the market price!”

"Our event is completely free, just bring your own talisman. As long as you spend 500 Lingshi coins at any shop in Hongmian Peak at any time in the next month, you can get a chance to participate. This is completely a reward for the support of your family !"

"Not to be missed!"

   "Men and nuns rush forward!"

   "Play music!"

  With a shout, the zither and the orchestra played in unison, cheering for the practitioners participating in the activity. The sound of the piano is particularly impassioned, and the sound resounds in the sky.

  When the piano sounded, the cheers on the mountain became stronger.

  Because the one sitting on that stage and playing the piano was Miss Xue from Nanyinfang who hadn't shown up for several years.

   A generation of newcomers replaced the old ones. Six years later, Nanyinfang also has new young disciples emerging, gaining countless fans in Kyushu. As for the group back then, except for the chief disciple, Shen Qingyan, who is now working as the head of Nanyinfang, the rest did not show up too much.

  Most of them may leave Nanyinfang to develop elsewhere, while a small number, such as Xue Lingxue and Yu Xianger, will devote themselves to researching the Dao of Rhythm and prepare for future breakthroughs.

  If it weren't for Chu Liang's face, it would be absolutely impossible for Xue Lingxue to accept this kind of commercial performance.

  The song is over, and another luthier is on top. After all, with Xue Lingxue's status, it is impossible to sit there and do hard work for you for a day, and it is not her special performance.

  But this is enough.

  As the scene heated up, there were spirit beasts pulling a gorgeous float parade and setting off. Several beautiful men and women were dancing on the car. They were also retired disciples of Nanyinfang that Xue Lingxue helped to contact.

  Come to Hongmian Peak to work, you can earn much more than other dancers, these disciples are naturally happy to come.

  Originally, there were koi sisters on the floats, and the popular Liu Xiaoyu did this. But they also want to practice after all, Chu Liang intends to step down Yinjianfeng's own family step by step in this way.

  Including the Golden Retriever pulling the cart, the Baize cubs as escorts, and the koi sisters who are the mascots...

  But the master who wants to pay can continue to do it.

   She really loves it.

   "Thank you, Miss Xue." Chu Liang greeted him.

  Xue Lingxue stood with Yun Chaoxian, Tie Hammer and others, and smiled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

   In the past six years, her appearance has not changed much. Her icy muscles and bones are still as transparent as ever. She is wearing a long blue dress with a soft and slender body. Under the gaze of countless eyes, every change in her expression is impeccable.

   As expected, he is a disciple of Nanyinfang who has the chief strength of the past dynasties, and his face control is already a muscle memory.

   "Be careful." Chu Liang handed over a storage jade slip.

  With his current net worth, there is no reason to let his friends help for nothing, he will only give more than others.

   "What is this for?" Xue Lingxue pushed back and refused, "I came because of our friendship, why should it be so?"

   "It doesn't matter." Chu Liang said with a smile: "You were helping me make money just now, and my friends will naturally share the money if they make money."

   "Yes, Chu Liang is rich now." Yun Chaoxian also said beside him: "Miss Xue, don't be polite to him."

   "Hey, hey!" The iron hammer beside him laughed loudly, and said, "Ling Xue doesn't need this, but if Chu Shaoxia is interested, he can help her with something else."

   "Tie Hammer..." Xue Lingxue glanced at her: "Chu Liang is so busy, don't bother him."

  Tie Hammer said: "Chu Shaoxia has a high level of cultivation, mainly because he is full of wit and tricks, isn't it the right time to find him?"

   "What's the matter?" Chu Liang also asked: "Don't be polite with me, even if I'm busy, I have a clone to go down the mountain."

   "It's strange to say..." Tie Hammer spoke loudly, and said directly for her: "Lingxue has been studying rhythm in Nanyinfang for the past few years and never went out, but another Xue Lingxue appeared in the world."

   "The fake Xue Lingxue?" Chu Liang asked.

   "It's so strange..." Tie Hammer frowned and said, "That Xue Lingxue seems to be real!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion