MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 738 Niangqin [thanks to the leader of "Dianniang Hello" for the reward

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  Chapter 738 Niangqin [Thanks to the leader of "Dianniang Hello" for the reward]

  After Chu Liang left, Xue Lingxue, Tie Hammer and the others were in the courtyard and did not wait blindly.

  After all, they are also first-class immortal disciples with outstanding cultivation bases. If they are not compared with monsters like Yang Shenlong, Chu Liang, and Xu Ziyang who have entered the seventh realm early, they can be regarded as masters on their own. This matter was originally Xue Lingxue's own business, Chu Liang came to help, and she didn't want to lie down completely.

  According to Tiger Saburo's information, the fake Xue Lingxue lived in the place where Huazhilou prepared.

  They are going to investigate.

  The fake Xue Lingxue showed up twice before, but they disappeared after the show without leaving any clues. This time, there is at least a place to live, even if he can't catch anyone, maybe he will find some clues.

  Lin Bei was a little hesitant about this: "Chu Liang has already gone to the palace to investigate, and I believe he will be able to find out. If we act rashly here, what will we do if we bump into that mirrorless tooth again?"

  Relying on his absolute confidence in Chu Liang and his rich experience in working with Chu Liang, he knows that as long as he lies here and does not move, Chu Liang will finish everything well.

  If you act rashly, it may be a disservice.

  The consciousness of hugging the thigh went deep into the bone marrow.

   "He may be in danger at any time in the palace. If we can find out the identity of the fake person, we can directly invite reinforcements to suppress Jing Wuya." Xue Lingxue thought: "This can also allow him to escape earlier."

   "That's right." Iron Hammer is not a person who can sit still, and agreed, "Let's go directly to the door, and it's best to catch that shameless person pretending to be you!"

   Tiger Saburo said: "I will guide you."

  He was extremely grateful for Chu Liang's help, and wanted to contribute. He was the one who got the information and was the most familiar with the situation in Canglang City.

   "If Miss Xue goes, then I will go too." Seeing this, Han Lingshou said quickly.

   "Where are you going? It's hard for you to go to the street to urinate." Lin Bei rolled his eyes at him, and said, "You should just wait at home."

  The whole city of Yubo Mansion is now under martial law, and they can walk freely in Canglang City, but the monarch Han Ling keeps this face, without Chu Liang's cultivation, he can't go far without going out, and he has to be arrested.

   "The Linbei young man is waiting here with the monarch, we will go back as soon as we go." Xue Lingxue got up and said.

   Iron Hammer Da Lala stood up and walked with her, Tiger Saburo saluted Han Lingshou and then went to lead the way.

   "Miss Xue, you must pay attention to safety!" Han Lingshou said loudly: "If you encounter danger, please report my name. In this Canglang City, I still..."

  Before he finished speaking, Xue Lingxue's back who ignored him had disappeared in front of the door.

   "Ah!" He sighed, and murmured, "I put my love into the water, love is sadder than not loving..."

   "Your Majesty has a deep affection for Miss Xue." Lin Bei said beside him.

   "Yes." Han Lingshou replied, "There are more than 700 concubines in my palace, and the sum of them is not half as good as Miss Xue..."


   This is not true love, what is true love?

  When Lin Bei heard the words, he immediately showed sympathetic eyes, "If you are such an infatuated person, then we will have something to talk about."


  The fake Xue Lingxue stayed in a mountain garden arranged by Huazhilou, which was more luxurious than the residence of Chu Liang and the others. It is quiet inside, surrounded by gardens.

  The three of Hammer stood at the corner opposite the street, peeping.

   "I don't know if that person is inside, but I have to try my luck." Xue Lingxue said.

   "This garden is so big, it shouldn't be difficult to sneak in, let me see where it's better..." The hammer began to sweep around with his spiritual sense.

   "It doesn't have to be so hard." Xue Lingxue shook her head, then tore off the white veil on her face, and walked out swaggeringly.

   Iron Hammer hurriedly followed, and Tiger Saburo tightened the hood that covered his face, and followed closely behind.

   There were two muscular guards standing in front of the gate of the courtyard. When they saw Xue Lingxue approaching, they showed a slightly surprised expression: "Miss Xue?"

  It seems that the counterfeit has not left yet, Xue Lingxue thought secretly, and at the same time nodded in response: "Well, it's hard work."

   After finishing speaking, the footsteps have already moved into the courtyard.

  The two guards looked at each other, each confused, "When did she go out?"

   "Maybe go out to meet friends, haven't the two people around her never been here?"


  After Xue Lingxue entered, his spiritual consciousness spread to cover the entire garden, and he did not go the wrong way. The three of them went all the way without hindrance, and came to the room where the fake Xue Lingxue lived.

   Pushing open the door, one could smell a faint fragrance.

  There is no one in the house, only a clean and tidy house, and this faint breath.

   "It's Ban Xianxiang." Xue Lingxue said.

   "That's right, this is our unique prescription in Nanyinfang." Iron Hammer also said.

  It seems that this fake person is indeed the ghost of Nanyinfang, at least someone who has a certain relationship with Nanyinfang.

  Banxianxiang is a special incense candle made by Nanyinfang, which can help people communicate with the Dao of music, just like the unique Enlightenment incense for musicians. People outside of Nanyinfang are unlikely to know about this thing.

   Apart from this, there is no other gain.

  Just like the previous two times, Xue Lingxue will mysteriously disappear after the performance. If it came later, it would be impossible to capture even this scent.

  Just as the three of them sighed and were about to leave, they heard someone running over from the outside door yelling: "Miss Xue! There is an order from the palace, Your Majesty invites you to enter the palace to speak!"


  Xue Lingxue and the three looked at each other and thought for a while.

  Calculating the time, Chu Liang should have also sneaked into the Fuyao Palace. Could it be that the call of this time came from Chu Liang? Was he trying to trick that fake Xue Lingxue into the palace?

   But since she had already left, the call was of course futile.

  But if Chu Liang has not succeeded, the call was sent by the fake monarch, could it be that there is something between him and the fake Xue Lingxue? If they were all pretending to be a mirror without teeth, then they should have some understanding of each other.

  If this is the case, then this trip can be a walk.

  Xue Lingxue thought about it, and responded, "Here we are."

  Out of the garden, there is already a car ready outside, waiting to take her into the palace. When they came, these palace people were still worried that the disciples of Nanyinfang were unkind, so they were unwilling to go to the appointment, but now it seems that they are not so cold.

  The three of them arrived at the Fuyao Palace in a short time in a chariot and horse.

  Passing through the numerous guard formations and arriving around the bedroom, it suddenly became empty. Because the previous fake monarch had issued a decree that the guards were not allowed to get too close to the palace courtyard.

  Tiger Saburo and Tie Hammer were left waiting outside the door, while Xue Lingxue entered the bedroom alone. In front of all the guards, Iron Hammer said loudly: "Lingxue, if you need something, just say hello, and I will immediately kill the generals and go in to save you!"

  The surrounding guards were all terrified.

  Because according to what their servants know about the monarch... maybe.

  Xue Lingxue knocked on the door of the bedroom, and saw a man wearing Han Lingshou's face sitting on the desk. The two looked at each other, with some suspicion.

   "Sit." The fake monarch first pointed to the chair in front of him.

  Xue Lingxue sat down, looked into the eyes of this person, guessed whether the other person was Chu Liang, paused, and was about to make a sound to test it out.

  She knows that the other party is fake, but she is not sure which fake the other party is. If the other party is Chu Liang, then she can prove that she is the real Xue Lingxue; if the other party is a fake monarch, then she must convince the other party that she is the fake Xue Lingxue.

  After a quick logical push, she was the first to ask, "What did His Majesty ask me to do?"

   "I just want to meet Miss Xue." "Han Lingshou" on the opposite side also answered without revealing any flaws.

   Xue Lingxue felt that she should disclose some information that only she and Chu Liang knew, so that she could determine the identity of the other party in one fell swoop.

  So she asked again: "Your Majesty is also a person who loves the piano. I wonder if you have ever heard my best "Hui Chun Pu Shan Song"?"

   "Huichun Pushan Song" is used for healing, and the disciples of Nanyinfang usually do not know how to play it. When she met Chu Liang in Nanguan City, she played this song for him, and saved Chu Liang once.

  If he heard it, he must know it well.

   "Hehe, of course I have heard of it." The opposite Han Lingshou really showed a knowing smile, "Mother."

   I tipped a few days ago, and I suddenly remembered that I haven’t thanked you yet, and I’m also an old friend from the last book.



  (end of this chapter)

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