MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 757 Styx Spring Eye [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 757 Styx Spring Eyes 【Ask for a monthly pass! 】

   "Is the outside world already a world of humans?" The big man in Jiuli asked aloud, looking at a young man in front of him.

  The young man is tall and straight, and he is Xu Ziyang of the Shushan school.

  The power that the iron-eating beast erupted just now was too strong, and all three of them were knocked into the air. After Xu Ziyang fell to the ground, he adjusted his breath a little, and when he recovered, the mutation had already occurred. He saw this piece of bronze and the strange man sitting on the piece of scorched earth.

   Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Xu Ziyang replied, "That's right."

   "Sure enough." Jiuli Dahan sighed: "Shangshen once said that this world belonged to the human race in the past, and it will belong to the human race after him."

   "I'll give you a treasure in the world, can you do me a little favor?" After a pause, the Jiuli man asked again.

  Xu Ziyang looked at each other curiously, "What's the matter?"

"There is a small island in the East China Sea. It didn't have a name at the beginning, and now it probably doesn't even have an island." The big man in Jiuli looked towards the sky and said leisurely: "I was a blacksmith of the Jiuli tribe back then, and I was ordered to be the master. God forged the Bronze City, and together with my wife, I searched for materials all over the world. On the small island in the East China Sea, I finally found a rare material that can be used as the eye of the city, but my wife died on that island in order to mine the material. .”

   "She was buried by the crumbling rocks, I can't rescue her, I can only leave her there forever."

"At that time, I said that I must go and bury her in the same place after death, but when the formation was built, there was a lack of artifacts. God sacrificed three hundred of our craftsmen into the formation. I was lucky to become the remaining consciousness The master spirit of the city... that is, the tool spirit of the Bronze City."

  Xu Ziyang's eyes changed. The other party is actually the spirit of this ancient bronze city?

  First of all, it is amazing that a city has its own artifact spirit. Such a huge city was originally forged according to the specifications of the magic weapon?

   Wouldn't it be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the artifact?

  But since this city has been annihilated in history, how can the spirit in front of it survive?

As if knowing his doubts, the Jiuli Dahan continued: "I have been suppressed in the formation. I can only maintain the operation of the city here, and I can't leave half a step. Later, Shangshen took the whole Jiuli tribe in the city to participate in the ascension In the battle, they were all killed in the end. In the entire Jiuli City, only this scrap of copper is left."

"I should have died too, but probably because of this scrap of copper, it is equivalent to my body not dying. A magical force woke me up the day before yesterday, and everything entrusted in this scrap of copper evolved again. Jiuli City It actually reappeared."

   "What you saw before was nothing but the projection of the wreckage of Jiuli City."

I see.

  Xu Ziyang understood this, no wonder the previous scene was so real, it turned out that it was all that the Bronze City Artifact Spirit once carried.

   "What is the power that is so powerful that it can bring the bronze city weapon back to life?" He couldn't help asking.

   "I guess..." Qi Ling said slowly: "Probably it was the backhand left by God."

"Before the Battle of Ascension, he had a premonition of the possibility of failure, and exhausted Jiuli's resources to refine a spring in his own bronze mountain, which can continue to refine the breath of the underworld between heaven and earth, and converge into a Styx .”

  The River of Styx formed by the breath of the underworld?

  Of course Xu Ziyang knew what the Breath of the Underworld was, so his complexion changed slightly accordingly.

  A little breath of the underworld had caused such a fight before, but now such a large amount of the breath of the underworld, once it leaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

   "Even if God falls one day, as long as the Styx river is introduced into the place where his corpse is, he can be resurrected for a short time. He will be able to reunite on the Dao after a short resurrection and fully realize the return of God."

  In an instant, Xu Ziyang understood Elder Tan's true purpose.

  The Tan family has been guarding this secret realm for endless years, just waiting for the breath of the underworld to gather into the Styx, and then pour it into the place where the corpse of the Jiuli God is, and the Jiuli God can naturally be revived.

Even if the power of the breath of the underworld can only bring him back to life for a short time, that's okay, because the ninth realm is sacred and the Dao is integrated, as long as he can reunite the Dao for himself in this short period of time, then he can truly resurrect from the dead .

  It's possible... The reason why Lu Cang from Shenxu Temple came to destroy this secret place and seal the Bronze Mountain is because the springs have already refined the breath of the underworld enough to converge into the Styx, and the plan is ready to be realized.

   But Elder Tan still escaped.

   If Shushan hadn't been involved, he would definitely come back here to complete the plan!

  As for Jiuli Shangshen's corpse, although no one has seen it, everyone knows where it is.

  Town at the foot of Nanyu Mountain!

  The true location of this secret realm, if you guessed correctly, should be at the bottom of Zhennanyu Mountain!

  The so-called "tomb guards" are not false, they are really guarding the tomb of Jiuli God!

  Xu Ziyang felt anxious. He looked in the direction of the Bronze Mountain and said, "I have to stop him."

   "Go, just make sure to come back alive." The big man in Jiuli smiled, and threw out half a bronze talisman, which probably had the pattern of two beasts circling, but it was cut in the middle.

   "What I'm asking you to do is to go to the East China Sea. My wife's body also has such a beast talisman. Once the two beast talismans get close, there will be an induction. I hope you can find it and combine them into one."

   "We have been separated for too many years. If we fall into a long sleep again, I want to be with her."

  As the breath of the underworld became less and less in the air, they all converged in the direction of the Bronze Mountain, and the figure of the big man in Jiuli became more and more blurred, almost nothingness.

"Young man, although this piece of broken copper is just a piece of wreckage from the Bronze City, it survived the battle of ascension." Even his voice became ethereal, "This sacred copper that has survived the catastrophe is the best in the world. I will give you the materials as a reward. Go and find the best blacksmith in your world, and you will be able to forge an artifact..."

  A gust of wind blew by, and Qi Ling's figure disappeared without a trace.

   Only Xu Ziyang's back was left, facing this huge piece of God of Transcending Tribulation Bronze.



The turbid rivers converged into a deeper and deeper river in the empty mountain cave, and the Styx River, which had already been drawn up, only needed to converge here. As long as the dry river channel was filled, the formation would rush forward. The river leads to the place where the body of Jiuli God is.

  Every drop of this river water is the incomparably precious breath of the underworld, which is enough to drive countless people crazy.

  In the middle of the river, there is an island-like stone platform. The patterns on the stone platform are complicated, all of which are scarlet like blood.

  Only the Ninth Realm has the ability to refine the breath of the underworld, and only the God of Jiuli can be so terrifying. He forged this artifact for refining the breath of the underworld just for his own resurrection.

  At this moment, above the pattern, stands the frail figure of Elder Tan. He has not healed from serious injuries and has received new injuries. At this moment, his whole body is drenched in blood again. But his eyes were full of excitement, and the important task of protecting his family for generations would be fulfilled by himself in the end.

  God's return will be realized by himself!

  Thinking of this, he would tremble with excitement!

  As the Styx River became more and more turbulent, he knew that the time had come, and no one could stop him, so his hands continued to change the seal formulas he had memorized when he was a child, urging the pattern to rotate faster.


  There was a gleam of light in front of the river, and it opened up in a blink of an eye, turning into a crack that broke the universe, and I don't know where it leads! A large amount of breath of the underworld flowed in that direction!

  Seeing that the river water in the front row was about to enter, suddenly, the river water in the front row rolled up a wave, and suddenly turned back in the air! Hovered in the cave for a while, then volleyed upside down to another place.

   This huge river of Styx turned into a ring of water, rolling to the side.

   "It's you again!" Elder Tan looked up and saw those two familiar faces.

   Unexpectedly, the two were not only fine after being hit by the iron-eating beast, but also came back so quickly to make trouble.

  Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai had just rushed back, seeing this scene, they immediately shot to stop it.

  Jiang Yuebai wielded his sword to make a move, this time he didn't hold back his hand, and the majestic Heavenly Sword Art struck at Old Tan through the air.

  Chu Liang sacrificed the magic weapon Bibozhan, which is in the top 100 of Wanbaolu. The strongest power of this Bibozhan is to control water! He sacrificed the blue wave lamp, and actually wanted to collect the river water gathered by the breath of the underworld into this magic weapon!

It took tens of thousands of years to refine the Stygian Spring Eye cast by the God of Jiuli, and the Tan family has been isolated from the world for countless generations because of this. He actually wanted to just take it away, and Elder Tan immediately His eyes were about to split, and he suddenly shouted: "Ba Tiansha! Kill them!"


  Following his order, the familiar terrifying figure sprang out from the side, landed on the inner side of a mountain wall with a bang, and with another leap, he flew towards Chu Liang who was casting the blue wave lamp!

  The sound of the wind, the fierce flames!

   Facing the culled iron-eating beast, Chu Liang held the Bibo lamp with one hand, and continued to absorb the breath of the underworld, not wanting to stop. In desperation, he suddenly revealed something with the other hand.

   The iron-eating beast was about to pounce on Chu Liang, but when it was lit by him, it immediately froze in mid-air, its body suspended in the air, restraining the fiery and violent killing intent.

  The figure of Chu Liang was reflected in the eyes of this behemoth.

   Looking carefully at Chu Liang's hand, there is a golden spiritual plant in the palm!

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion