MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 759 Copper Smelting【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 759 Copper Smelting [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

   "It seems that the original choice was correct. You are indeed better than me as the head teacher of Shushan."

  After Chu Liang and the others left with the fainted little iron beast, only Venerable Wen Yuan and Lu Cang were left in the cave. After a long while of confrontation, it was Lu Cang who spoke first.

  His tone finally had some emotion, with a hint of emotion.

   "I want to know what you have experienced in the past hundred years?" Wen Yuan asked.

  In my impression, Lu Cang is unrestrained and unrestrained, full of determination, full of the arrogance of the arrogance of the immortal sect, and determined to let the Shushan faction revitalize in his own hands.

  But now Lu Cang is like a cold river rock, without any fluctuations.

  What kind of encounters did a person encounter, did he even change his nature?

   "Don't say it." Lu Cang shook his head decisively.

   "Then why did Master ask you to leave?" Venerable Wen Yuan asked again.

Lu Cang seemed to think it over before slowly answering: "Every few hundred years, Shenxu Temple will ask some celestial sects for the disciples of Tianjiao to become guardians of the temple. Every guardian can ask The exchange of the Shenxu Temple for one thing is equivalent to a transaction."

   "What did you exchange for the Shushan faction?" Wen Yuan asked, "Do I have the right to know?"

"Yes." Lu Cang replied, paused, and then said: "The view of Shenxu cannot directly affect everything in the world, so it will only tell you a way to achieve this matter, and it does not guarantee success. It only gives you a hope. .”

   "What my father asked for from Shenxu Temple was the Demon Town Tower."

   "Huh?" This answer made Venerable Wen Yuan's eyes move, which seemed unexpected.

   "The answer given by Shenxu Temple is..." Lu Cang's next words surprised him again: "Wait."

   "Wait?" Wen Yuan repeated.

"It is said in the view that Zhenyao Pagoda will definitely return to the Shushan School, but the time is undecided. It may be a few days later, or tens of thousands of years." Lu Cang said, "Father is worried that the disciples of future generations will lose their enthusiasm after learning this news. Heart, just waiting for the return of the Town Demon Tower. So he concealed this from you, hoping that you will support Shushan with your own strength. Facts have proved that you have done a good job."

  Wen Yuan was silent for a moment.

   It is true that there have been many difficult times in the past few years. If I knew the news that the Town Demon Tower might return, I should have given up many risky choices. But in that case, Shushan must gradually lose everything it had in the blind pursuit of stability.

  Master told me that "the heart lives and the heart lives", is it also telling me not to give up hope no matter how difficult it is, because the hope of Shushan will return sooner or later?

  He was very glad that he only found out about this news now, because at this moment, the Shushan people would no longer wait for the Zhenyao Pagoda. Although it has not yet returned, Shushan has ushered in a new dawn, glowing with a different kind of new life.

   "Shu Mountain..." Lu Cang looked at the direction in which several disciples left, and said, "It seems that a new road has been found."

   "That's right." Wen Yuan smiled, "The hope of Mount Shu is not the Town Demon Tower, but Chu Liang."

   "You value him so much?" This time it was Lu Cang's turn to be surprised.

  Although he knew that Chu Liang was a genius, he didn't expect Wen Yuan to raise him to the same level as the Zhenyao Tower.

   "If you come to be the head teacher, then you will know why I value him." Wen Yuan said with a smile, "I have one last question."

   Lu Cang turned his eyes to look at him.

   Then Wen Yuan asked, "If something happens to Shushan in the future, can I mention you?"

  As a senior practitioner of cultivating immortals with connections, Wen Yuan has been able to flourish in recent years, mainly because of a good relationship. Although there are no artifacts in Shushan, I can invite friends who have artifacts to help out; although there are few eighth realms in Shushan, I can invite friends from the eighth realm elsewhere to help out.

  Although the Shenxu Temple is isolated from the world, shaking people's Dafa will definitely not work, but sometimes mentioning people's Dafa can also work. If something happens and you tell me that I have connections in Shenxu Temple, even the top fairy sect will have to weigh it.

   To this, Lu Cang responded with a blank stare.



   On the way back from Jiuli Secret Realm, Chu Liang pondered for a long time on the deck of Lianglong. What did Lu Cang mean?

  Beware of Penglai...

  Everyone knows that the relationship between Shushan and Penglai is not good, especially when Qi Lin'er was beheaded in the East China Sea last time, Taoist Cangsheng had already directly attacked Chu Liang. Since then, Chu Liang himself has not dared to go down Shushan Mountain. Although it is mainly to prevent the monsters, it may not be part of the reason why he is worried about Penglai.

   But in this case, there is no need for Lu Cang to remind himself. He was in the Shenxu Temple isolated from the world, but he seemed to know the affairs of the world. He should know that Chu Liang was already very careful.

   That's just not being careful enough...

  Chu Liang looked at Jiang Yuebai beside him, and suddenly said, "I have an idea."

   "Huh?" Jiang Yuebai who was kneading the iron-eating beast raised his head and asked, "What?"

  Although the trip to Jiuli Secret Realm prevented a catastrophe this time, the harvest was really not much. There were only Lu Cang's words, and this fluffy, chubby little guy.

  Before Chu Liang opened his mouth, he heard a knock on the door from the cabin, duk duk duk.

   "Brother Xu, you don't have to do this when you get out of the cabin..." Chu Liang laughed.


  I heard that you have to knock on the door when you enter, but this is the first time I heard that you still knock on the door when you go out. Before that, Xu Ziyang stayed in the cabin all the time, very playfully not disturbing the two-person world of the young couple.

  Seeing Xu Ziyang push open the cabin door, come out calmly, and said in his mouth, "I'm afraid of disturbing you."

  Chu Liang wanted to say, what can we do on the deck?

  But thinking about the kindness of others, he could only smile and shake his head and say, "It's really intentional."

  Xu Ziyang continued: "I want to tell you that I have gained a little in the Jiuli Secret Realm."

   "Oh?" Chu Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "What is it?"

   "It's a piece of copper." Xu Ziyang waved his hand, and sacrificed the piece of copper from the God of Transcending Tribulation.

  The size of the whole piece of Transcending Tribulation God Bronze is almost the same as that of Liang Long. Xu Ziyang lifted it up, and it looked light and weightless.

  But you can feel it with a little touch. This piece of God of Transcending Tribulation Bronze is quite heavy. The reason why it is not pressed down is because the spirituality in it is surging, and it can be suspended in the air with a little stimulation of true energy.

  Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai are also well-informed, but the two of them can't see the fineness of this piece of divine copper.

   This Liang Long was also cast with the best materials on the market at that time, but compared with the God of Transcending Tribulation, it was like a pile of scrap iron.

  After listening to Xu Ziyang's story about the origin of this material, Chu Liang was no longer shocked by the fineness of this material.

   The only piece of copper left in the legendary "Heavenly Tribulation" of the Bronze City cannot be called a remnant, but an essence! The value is simply limitless.

   Maybe it can really be used as a material for an artifact.

   "But the problem is..." Jiang Yuebai was not so excited, but asked first: "If even the catastrophe cannot destroy this material, how can it be refined into a magic weapon?"

  Chu Liang sacrificed his own dragon fire, and the surging divine fire lingered for a long time, but the piece of God of Transcending Tribulation Bronze remained unchanged, and did not even heat up at all.

   "I can't." Chu Liang stopped his hands and said, "But there is one person who should be able to try."

  The Lianglong landed on the Silver Sword Peak, and the three of Chu and Liang came directly to the attic of Emperor Nvfeng.

The imperial daughter Fengzheng was reading a picture book with a jug in her hand—now that she has made a fortune, she is even more addicted to wine and sex. When she saw a few young ones rushing in, she hiccupped and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry? What's the matter?" ?”

  Chu Liang said loudly: "Master, please make copper."

  (end of this chapter)